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I believe that
Lies begins with
" I'm always good"...
No one is truly good
We all possess a fair of good and evil

I believe that
Trust is a lie
No body ever knows any one
I believe
there's no small lie, big lie, white lie or black as human rationalize it..
The fact remains that you lied... either
For a good reason or otherwise

I believe
You don't ve to hold a gun to ****
Or stab in a knife to ******
a blunt Lie
Can as well ******
Faster than a bullet from a ******...

I believe in what I believe in...
what about you...
You can't hurry God.
His timing is perfect.
Ours biased.

Soul Survivor
I have been off site praying.
I have been asked to
resumea very special
and important ministry.
It would mean that I could no
longer be on site here.
It must be in God's will and timing.
Please. If you are a believer in prayer
join me in petition that I make
the right, and timely, decision.

 Mar 2014 BaileyBuckels
There is something in your face that
I am unable to capture in pictures
something in the way your eyes change from green to black

something in the bones of your fingers
and the way that I kiss them
the way I can’t think when I’m with you besides


so excuse the way I trip over air

because I’ve just been thinking of you
and the way your eyes close when I touch your face
and the way your laugh comes out fast and soft

and there’s something in the way you walk
something nameless in the way you kiss me

something about you makes me hungry for you to the core

sometimes you say you’re bad and mean
(and I’d have to disagree)

but even if you were a disease
I’d still invite you into my bloodstream
I was your cure
but you were my disease
I was saving you
but you were killing me
HEY YOU!! Yes you c:
I think your beautiful and i love you
No... i know your beautiful and i love you c:
No seriously ....I love you :) nomatter how you look like
I love you nomatter how fat or skinny you are
I Care about you :) you can talk to me about anything
Because i love you :)
Shhhh hush... stop crying ,.im here if you need to talk i. Will listen and cheer you up.
Please…stop crying … i love you :)
If you cry… ill cry… you dont want that do you?
your better than this you beautiful human being c:

Im here for you ♥ talk to me♥
My dear darling
Put on a pony tail with a pink shirt and some blue jean shorts and is happy as a flower in the sun

My dear darling
Went to school everyday
Shes getting picked on
She wounders why they judge her

My dear darling
Gets called names and judged
She has no friends
She changed her clothes from pink to black

My Dear Darling
Foundout how to deal with this pain she has
She started cutting
In hopes to bleed to death

My dear darling
Looks in the mirrior and wants to change
She is starving herself to death
She thinks that by starving herself she will be beautiful

My dear darling
Listens to different type of music than the others
She has fainted now on to the hospital quickly
They saw her cuts how tragic this is

My dear darling
Has returned home from the hospital
She still gets judged and bullied by the others

My dear darling
She has cut too deep
Shes bleeding to death
Foolish girl

My dear darling
Has died she couldnt take the bullying anymore poor girl .. All she wanted was to be accepted and make friends ...
My dear darling
 Mar 2014 BaileyBuckels
1- Alex S
You were a rough hit to the stomach
a cold and ***** baptizing
I ****** you twice and never again
because of you I stopped eating
I haven’t seen you since I was 14
and that’s okay with both of us

2- Alex F
Your name still gives me chills
you remind me of a fox in winter
I really did love you like the waves love the ocean shore
I really would have drowned myself for you
im sorry I took your virginity

3- JJ S
It was a drunken hookup on a ***** couch
in a smoke filled basement that I had to sneak out of later
and you were 27 and should have known better
and it was really just too awful to talk about

4- Garrett F
In a Chinese restaurant parking lot at 9 pm
we used your backseat like it had
rose petals and candles
and you were my best friend
and it’s still one of my biggest regrets
and we stopped speaking after that

5- Michael H
Really I just wanted the free ****
and a place to spend the night
so, did you enjoy the taste of my tall black soul
that tends to smell of tar
and the dredges of a coffee ***?

6- Julian R
I don’t know the first thing about you
besides the fact you are from New York
and 25
and play basketball for a college
and you pushed me down on the bed
and swallowed me whole

7- Sean E
It was Halloween
and we were drunk
and we undressed in the back of someone’s jeep
and laid under the stars at 4 am on a blanket in a backyard
the first time you were ever inside me

8- Johnny B
24 and never someone I’d normally ****
but I stayed at your house for 2 weeks
and we became connected on every piece of furniture
and I still never got enough of you
and god I miss you

9- Aaron E
You are the end of it all
and with you I am butter melting
I am grinding my teeth down in lust
I’ve never seen anyone look so perfect naked
and I’m wishing you were the only one in this list
 Mar 2014 BaileyBuckels
He shyly looks at her.

Everything seemed to quieten to this lovely silence;
a stillness which is pierced by
steady and sure heartbeat.

By the way her nose twitches slightly and her red lips flutters a little,
she is just about to sneeze.

Ha. Adorable lady.

Bless you?

Bless those eyes that inexplicably managed to see through the
gossamer veils of good and the bad and
above all,

Bless those crimson -No, it is actually a meld of strawberry and raspberry stains. But I won't tell her that just yet.- cheeks.

Bless that lovely soul that you have, the kind that lights up your eyes and peek-a-boos in your smile.

Sweet-heart, you could never be scary anyway.

& And &
bless that smile which can flicker one on my lips.

She sneezes, blissfully oblivious to all these little words that flit around her.

"Bless you, sweets."
He whispers, like
Hi there lovely reader!
Hope you enjoy this little piece.
 Mar 2014 BaileyBuckels
I fell in love with you all over again in a hospital waiting room

I fell in love with the deep purple under your eyes
like delicate bruising

I fell in love with the paleness of your lips
from lack of nutrients

I fell in love with the way you moved slowly
and achingly wrapped in a white blanket the color of your skin

I fell in love with the deep crimson of your blood
as it ran through your IV

I fell in love with you again as I laid with you in the hospital bed at 3 am

we’d been there for 10 hours
and you had a little too much morphine in your system
and a lack of sleep
when you pulled me close and said

“I could really see myself marrying you some day”

and that was right before you kissed me with your dye stained lips
so they could see your insides better on the x-ray

I fell in love with you again when you looked at me with your
big hazel eyes that turn black around the edges

You said god had sent me from heaven
An angel to watch over you

I'm not too sure about that but what I do know is:

I Do
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