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 May 2019 Bogdan Dragos
This is me
Standing on a tower cold
Pushing up the clouded skies
With fingers stretched wide
Trying to hold back the rainy clouds
Until this imitation month
Which proclaims to be a daughter of May
Proceeds to pass us by

May isn't for rain
Stealing her sisters MO
 May 2019 Bogdan Dragos
These circles we're going in will never get us out of the maze.
I love you.
Three words
which change everything
For better or for worse
May give you wings or break your heart
Can make you smile or cry
Could be a way to the new life or quicker death
Connect or break people apart
Can be a reason for peace, more likely war
Said in a serious manner
                 but more often without seriousness
Be careful before you say them aloud
Mammy had a cauldron of stories,
And Mammy never lied;
Strange tales about the living,
Still touched by those who've died.

She spoke of a friend who read the leafs:
When babies died, she heard banshees;
She foresaw the cornice collapse,
Saved me when I was three.
She whispered these tales
Through pressed lips,
Would pause to sip her tea.

Seers told her of her one-legged mother
Standing guard at the foot of her bed,
Long after she was dead.

One prophet spoke of an open door,
A one-way trip to a foreign shore,
And agonies she'd bend to endure.

For me, these stories rang so true,
For mothers wouldn't lie to you;
Yet Father said she was a sinner,
Spinning yarns against God's will.
That's not the story in Bethany,
Or the fairy homes beneath the hills.

Are there ghosts under our beds,
In the closets in our heads;
Hovering over marked graveyards,
Abandoned houses and Tarot Cards?

When the unknown night tore at me,
I'd been told I could pray
To the Father, Son and Holy Ghost:
Now they're the ones I fear the most,
They're the stories she often chose.
And some would say, for this I'll roast.
Any good ghost stories out there?
Mammy: An Irish mother.
Father: the man in the collar.
You are a child of love
You are a flower of the world
You don’t even know what it’s like to be alone

Sun is kissing you
Skies are blessing you
Earth is holding you
My love is warming you

No time for tears and silly fears
No time for doubts and broken hearts

You are so beautiful my love  
Your smile so bright like stars above

Oh love
I know who I wake up for  
Oh love
How even world existed before?
 May 2019 Bogdan Dragos
I sit around on the floor, naked and alone
Waiting for the phone to ring to take me home

How am I supposed to reach out when it's not manly to cry

Or want to die

Or want to give up when everyone tells you to smile

Your arms can't embrace my soul
Only the carcass that holds bile
No one wants to deal with your *******
Not even for the slightest while

You're better off dead
Or offline
Or on meds
On your off time
On your soft bed
With one leg

Swinging off the edge

Hoping there's no bottom when you land upon your head

You've landed on your feet and broken both ankles
Pulled a muscle
Tore a meniscus
Bruised your hips
Split your lip trying to stand
Just to be told
Don't beat yourself up

What the ****

Am I both the bully and the victim?

Can this vicious cycle called life create such a ****** up system?

I'm no martyr.

I'm just a sorry ******* who hates himself knowing others have it harder
And still feels so desperate

Love is such a desolate area in my chest that it
Seems remote and unwelcoming
But with a well rested estimate
Of all the energy that it takes the human body to frown

And make sure that there is still enough fuel to run that trip, but not turn around

I swear I'll drive us in to a river.

Say one more thing to **** me off
I've been searching for the excuse to deliver.

I don't just want to die
I want to erase any part of my existence so no one will hurt or cry
Or wonder why

It would make it all so much easier

Life's not a *****,

She's simply a tease with no way of ever truly pleasing her.
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