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 Aug 2014 Aditi
Do you
 Aug 2014 Aditi
do you still stay up all night
do you still wonder of all the things that we could have been
do you still wish there was room to fix what went wrong

do you stay up counting dandelions
do you still find it hard to fall asleep when the rain hits the roof
do you still think of all the things that went wrong

do you still think of all the things that could have gone right
do you still write

because everytime i do

*i think of you
 Aug 2014 Aditi
Sophie Herzing
I know about the necklace.
How you re-gifted a leftover reject present
from a buddy who mentioned it the day before,
and I know about Lyndsey and the book of YOUR
favorite poems you bought for ME. I know you call me baby,
but I also know that I’m not the only one.
You demanded a certain elegance
that I always thought I carried, but really
I was just a bag of apologies
for simply existing in the same space that you were.
You know the night that I got drunk on cranberry and *****,
called you twice, and cried into a box of homemade
chocolate chip cookies? That wasn't the first time
I sat at your chair in your sweatpants
waiting for you to return from wherever
you said you weren't. I know about what you've done.
But, of course, as you so eagerly expected,
you’ll come in with a sigh and sleek smile,
and I’ll unclothe myself as I talk about
every detail of my day even though I know
you never bother to listen. I’ll lay naked
in your bed as you cradle what you believe
is your biggest mistake, while I silently hope
that faked ignorance can mask the reality
of how beautiful I should be and how ugly
I never wanted to admit you were.
 Aug 2014 Aditi
She used to be happy, emitting joy,
She used to be friends with everybody,
She was the flame that the moths would fly to
She was the spark that changed it all.

But the flame has long died out,
The joy has vanished.
The words that were spoken cut her like a knife,
It took away her innocence, joy and almost her life.

She’s falling, falling oh so deep
Into darkness that you put in her world,
A world that she didn’t know existed
Until that day.

Oh darling, she’s gone now. Don’t you dare weep,
She’s here isn’t she…just in a deep deep sleep.
 Aug 2014 Aditi
lil' lolita
the way she hides behind her glass of wine,
that smile as bright as she makes the world seem.
she loves me,
i love her

but i was blinded by her play pretend,
getting lost with me under the sheets,
bumping knees, lips against freckled skin
getting lost in herself as she gets lost in me.
and i can't be the atlas to guide her.
With my own map, I cannot find her

tracing the skin between her knuckles,
the mole on her breast, her legs around me,
knocking over the glass of wine next to her unfinished sketches
I miss the way she made the world feel bigger than it is,
the world she wanted no part of
and like that, she was the ocean and I was the sand
and she drifted towards the moon

leaving on her own journey,
after hiding behind that glass of wine,
tears on her sketchbook,
replacing her sketches onto her veins.
As long as she's feeling nothing.

how great would it feel to feel nothing, too.
 Aug 2014 Aditi
Vivienne Luong
Every person that we meet
teaches something to us,
whether it's to be more happy,
or to be careful with who we trust.
They reinforce us with things we already
know, but don't think about all the time.
With them, we learn more about ourselves,
and we are who we are because of the
people we encounter.
 Aug 2014 Aditi
 Aug 2014 Aditi
The words are all in your head
The words you always read
The words you never said
But you are dead
So the words fled
Written: August 25. - 2014
 Aug 2014 Aditi
CE Thompson
i've tried to give myself every warning
i've planted signs and grown a lighthouse
but im standing too close to the rocks
(its not that i can't see them,
its just that i don't care)
and i'm going to slip and fall
and im going to break an arm
leg and all my ribs
just to go swimming in my heart
just to let go of my caution-tape mind
so im going to sew my thighs and calves
so i can dive far beyond the crashing waves
where i could find my courage to speak
to whoever this is who has murdered me
to whoever this is who is smiling at me
totally not a love poem
 Aug 2014 Aditi
Brian Carson
I live with an altered state of mind
sometimes I believe that I believe in something
but there is nothing that I can honestly define
and I am beginning to wonder why I even try
wind chimes ding in my head
blending like a flock of birds being fed
I am bleeding internally in my legs
and the burning sensation is becoming addicting
afflicting pain on yourself is a symptom
of constant wishful thinking
not seeing the difference between
what is real and what is reality
what is true and what is a fallacy
 Aug 2014 Aditi
 Aug 2014 Aditi
i am tired of building
my home in the arms
of strangers that vaguely
resemble your outline.
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