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Mar 2016 · 466
Ashes2Ashes Mar 2016
You laugh
When you are hurt
Because you don't want to cry
It comes so easily
You don't need to try
So you laugh and laugh
Till the pain numbs

Now no one takes you seriously
Even if they see the bruises and burns
They chuckle and say
You live and learn

This is fine
This is what you want
As long as you smile
No one asks questions
So you smile
And smile and smile....
Mar 2016 · 394
Only One
Ashes2Ashes Mar 2016
You insult me
To my face
On a daily basis
But that's okay
You diminish my problems
Because yours are always more pressing
And that's okay
You expect me to always comfort you
When I break inside
That's alright
Because your really all I have
Without you I
Don't think I could have survived
You were the one who talked to me first
You were the one who wanted me around
Even though
You still chose others over me
And I was always your last choice
Throughout these years
You've been the only friend
I ever really had
That's been around
For the good and the bad
So even though I know
Our friendship isn't ideal
I'm still so glad it's real
Mar 2016 · 508
These Hands
Ashes2Ashes Mar 2016
These hands of mine
Are perfectly fine
Whether I am clapping
or snapping
They are perfectly benign
Even if they can't draw a straight line
as they cut their lifelines
They serve me well
when sending them all to *hell
Even though these hands of mine
Are perfectly fine
They tend to tremble
with excitement
Whenever something seems to resemble
Mar 2016 · 360
Ashes2Ashes Mar 2016
A heart is fragile
One must be tactile
If handled without the utmost care
It could break and tear
If someone gives you something so precious
You can not be careless
If you do not reciprocate this
You will be remiss
As the now broken heart
Will forever depart
Love is precious
Take it seriously
Mar 2016 · 250
Ashes2Ashes Mar 2016
When I say
Everything is okay
I don't mean it
I want you to see
And say
You are not okay
And if I say I am fine
Please see through that line
I want you to know
And say
You are not fine
And if all of this is denied
Just know its all true on the inside
Not every cry for help is loud
Sometimes they are whispers
Or even an expression
And just because someone says the are OK
Does not mean they really are
Mar 2016 · 318
Just Great....
Ashes2Ashes Mar 2016
More strife.....
Great, just what I need in my life
Along with this anxiety
That mocks my place in society
Now only if we could add cruelty
Then I will be just fruity

I didn't choose my appearance
But that doesn't stop their abhorrence
I didn't choose my personality
To be such an abnormality

This pain inside
Burns me alive
No way out
I can't even shout
I can only drown
As I break down
I've been having a hard time lately
And it shows
Sorry I just don't think I can write happy things right now
Mar 2016 · 461
Ashes2Ashes Mar 2016
Waking up crying
Hoping to get comfort
Only to realize no one's there
As you cry yourself to sleep

Friends before family
Is that what they say?
Is that why you always went with them to play?
While doing your best to keep me away?
Not knowing nor caring you were the only friend and sibling I had?

Going through the motions
Is what I grew to do
It was the only way to cope
Loneliness became a familiar feeling
While smiles became rare

Who I become stems
From where I came from
What I learned, I know
Will still be able to show

Promises are made to be broken
A phrase I knew through and through
When you all proved it true
While the only thing I really wanted
Was someone to talk to
This, unfortunately stems from personal experience
And sorry if there are inconsistencies in the rhyming and etc.
I had a real rough day so this is more of a "vent" poem more than anything.....
Mar 2016 · 261
Ashes2Ashes Mar 2016
Quiet words
Still hurt
Can suffocate
Too close
Too much
Too close
Too much
All at once
Can't breathe
Can't think
Please let me be
Burning tears
Rolling down shame filled cheeks
Can't stop
Please stop
Can't stop
Please   stop
It hurts
Mar 2016 · 263
Small comforts
Ashes2Ashes Mar 2016
My tears fall down
Almost purposely,
As if to comfort me
In their own small way.
As if a feather was caressing my cheek
And telling me it's okay
And in that moment
I believe it
It's OK to cry
Boy,Girl,etc It is always ok to cry
Don't hold it in
Crying means your human
Mar 2016 · 291
Writer's Block
Ashes2Ashes Mar 2016
Writer's block
Can go **** c*
Really why can't I unlock
My words that seem to mock
All my futile attempts to knock
Down this accursed writer's block
I.Hate.Writer's block
End of story~
Mar 2016 · 656
Twinkle Twinkle....
Ashes2Ashes Mar 2016
Twinkle twinkle little star
No matter how far
We will see your light

Twinkle twinkle little star
No matter where you go
We'll see you again I know

Twinkle twinkle little star
Even when your gone
We'll still see your glow....
Even when your gone you will be remembered.....
Mar 2016 · 239
Fire's Light
Ashes2Ashes Mar 2016
Fire so bright
In these midnight hours
Chase away my demons
Like you chase away the shadows
Shelter me from harm
Protect me from hate
Guide my way as I slumber
Please don't go out
Please don't go away
Your warmth keeps me safe
*Your light keeps me sane
Sorry if this doesn't makes sense
I just went with the flow in my head ~
Mar 2016 · 500
Ashes2Ashes Mar 2016
Mind so simple
Deceived by a touch so sinful
Body so light
Barely put up a fight
Limbs so fragile
Pain wrought so tactile
Shrieks so agonized
Muffled to be disguised
Eyes so refined
Leaving ****** tears behind

A mind so broken
That can't be awoken
A body so torn
There's nothing but forlorn
Limbs so disfigured
Scarred an injured
Eyes blank from the backlash
Remain wide open in the aftermath
Mar 2016 · 846
Ashes2Ashes Mar 2016
Whisper whisper in my head
Please be silent when I tread

Whisper whisper in my room
Please go away soon

Whisper whisper in my dreams
Please, my mind is tearing at the seams

Whisper whisper everywhere
You know what,I don't even care

Whisper whisper of the dead
Please let me join you instead......
Mar 2016 · 333
Sadness and Sorrow
Ashes2Ashes Mar 2016
For every word
That went unspoken
For every promise broken
For every moment
Was a precious token

For every tear shed
When the news spread
For all the arguments
That could have been avoided instead
For all the laughter shared
That can never be compared

For every sleepless night
Filled with pain and fright
For every moment
I recall that it is not alright
For all the grief
Left here tonight

For those left behind
Without so much as a whine
All that is left in kind is....
*I'm Sorry
Mar 2016 · 504
Ashes2Ashes Mar 2016
Promises are made to be broken
                                                         ­  Limbs are made to be fractured
       *Words are meant to be spoken *                
                                                           Throats are meant to be captured
         *Minds are made to be awoken

                                                         ­     * Hearts are meant to be battered
      *People are meant to be outspoken
                                                                ­   **People are meant to be shattered
back and forth voices fight for dominance and yet none can exist without the other...
Mar 2016 · 258
Silent Night
Ashes2Ashes Mar 2016
Silence so loud
Though there is no crowd
I'm stuck in this shroud
* And will never get out
~( -_-)~
Mar 2016 · 291
Life is aMAZEing
Ashes2Ashes Mar 2016
Life is like a maze
With twists and turns
But while while one has treasure around the bend
The other stops at a dead end
Mar 2016 · 501
Queen of Broken Hearts
Ashes2Ashes Mar 2016
Whispering lies
Evil in disguise
A smile so vile
That bewitches and beguiles
Cold deceiver
Gullible receiver
Lifeless eyes
That never cry
Gleam only with hate
To those who dare to debate
Against her reign
Of endless pain
Living solely
For her and her only
This Queen of discipline
With a broken soul within
Secretly pleads
To be released
From her personal hell
From which she fell
Under his spell
Only to lose all sense of self
Desperate and alone
On her unwanted throne
She weeps alone
Mar 2016 · 430
Innocence Lost
Ashes2Ashes Mar 2016
Bleeding pain
Screaming rain
Red splashes
As lighting flashes

Sobbing cries
Stormy skies
Thunder bashes
And strawberry gashes

Shallow breathing
Heart slowly beating
Eyes close
As the rain slows

Deafening silence
As the world laments
The loss of innocence
Btw "strawberry gashes" is also the name of a song.....

The more you know....
Mar 2016 · 325
Mad Love
Ashes2Ashes Mar 2016
I love you
You hate me
But I know you're just a tease...

I need you
You leave me
But I know you will see....

I have you
You're scared of me
But I know we're meant to be.....

I love you
You love me
I need you
You need me
I have you
You have me..........

**Together for eternity we will be....
Inspired by the nightmare that was** Barney**
(try reading in the same way as that barney song,you know the one...)
Also the title was inspired by my girl T-Swift!
Mar 2016 · 292
Ashes2Ashes Mar 2016
Whispering voices in my head
Never leaving my stead
Broken promises
Broken minds
Nothing left to remind
Of what was bright
Is now dark
What was lost
Stays lost
constructive criticism welcomed (and encouraged)     ^-^
Mar 2016 · 246
Ashes2Ashes Mar 2016
Slowly churning
Those words burning
All thats left
Leaving me bereft
Only leaving an echo
A shell
A shadow
Wasting away
In these remains
Of yesterday
What could have been
Has burnt to ash
As is for those of sin
One who hurts
Is forgiven
One who is hurting
Is abandoned
As it is
And how it shall always be
According to society
0.o jeez I can be really dark even when I dont want to be.....
Mar 2016 · 221
Ashes2Ashes Mar 2016
Do you see me?
Are you sure?
Do you know how much I hate
And how little I love?
Can you see the scars on my wrist
And in my mind?
You don't see me
You see what I want you to see...
And believe what you want to believe....
Mar 2016 · 280
Ashes2Ashes Mar 2016
A song in the heart
Only wishes to be heard
And so it sings
And sings
But no one hears
No one can hear
Not anymore
While we as people are distracted by loud noises
Such as greed,
And pride
We can not hear it sing
For no matter how it tries
The Song can't reach our ears
As the years go by
And the loud noises diminish
We realize it is too quiet
Nothing seems to fill this silence
Because what we do not understand is
That our song has already ended
Well,this turned out far different than what I had in mind......oh well
Mar 2016 · 317
Blank Slate
Ashes2Ashes Mar 2016
Eyes wide,
With fear?
Or is it surprise?
I can't tell....
Have I ever been able to?
I don't know
But when you look at me,
With those eyes,
I know I should feel something
Whether that feeling may be
Anger or sadness,
Or anything else in between
I know I should feel something
But I don't know what...
Or even why....
Why do you look at me this way-
What were we...?
Why does looking at me now bring tears to your eyes?
Why don't I care?
Why should I care?
I don't know you,
I don't know me
I only feel like a....
" "
No idea where this came from,but enjoy  ^_^
Mar 2016 · 266
Ashes2Ashes Mar 2016
There was dust,
There was darkness,
There was cruelty,
But there was also a flame
And within this flame lived
So much love....
This love wanted to shine
wanted to be seen
wanted to be noticed
The flame forbade them
For fear of being broken
But love couldn't be contained
And love was hurt
Over and over,
Until love locked themselves away;
The flame grew dimmer
Kindness tried to help
But the flame lashed out in fear-
Kindness grew bitter;
The flame grew dimmer,
So dark,
So small,
So alone,
But there was also a spark,
And in this spark
Was Hope-
With hope the spark still lived,
And with it grew courage,
The flame grew brighter than ever before,
And love was free to shine even brighter
To be honest I don't know if this even counts as a poem anymore,but once I started I could not stop myself....

— The End —