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Arya Night Oct 2020
Your wrong,
They say, using a few words to sharpen
The knife of cruelty.

You’re wrong,
They say, pressing the blade against
the thin string of life that holds me.  

You are wrong,
They say, using a few sentences in a book
The symbol of rebirth turning into

You are so wrong,
They say, pressing their lies and wrapping
The noose around thin scared necks.

You are not wrong
Your heart says, clinging to the ones that give you life.
The one that keeps life in your scared lungs.

You are right,
Your love says, holding you close in the dark night
The shield from the rest of the worlds damnation.  

You’re right,
Your soul says, clinging to love
The light that guides you away from the cliff.

Your right,
Those who love you say, holding warmth in their hearts.
The one that loves you the way you are.

Love is love
and nothing they say can take that away.
Arya Night Oct 2020
Her touch brought light into this world.
Her smile chased away the cloud around my heart.
Her lips breathed air into my lungs,
forcing a breath, I didn't know I had been holding.
Like a flower in the spring day sun,
I basted in her light.
pitying those who could only see in black and white.
my love
my brave love
I do not know then,
it was your rainbow blood
and allowed me to see the world.
that it was your color that seeped through the creaks
of their concert cities
and built me a
Away from all those who couldn't see the color of love.
Arya Night Oct 2020
They say there would always someone to offer a helping hand.
But what happens when the hands are curled into claws,
And your out of blood to bleed.
Arya Night Jul 2019
You are my love story and I write you into everything I do. Everything I see. Anything I touch. You are the words that fill all my pages. The one thought that has entered my mind and never left. My hands belong to you as I write every one of your smiles into our story.
Some may envy our tale because what we have others can only hope to hold. But I shall not waver in my trust in you, for they are just dragons for you, my knight to slay. With your hand in mine, we'll leave the beast in the shadow of our past and step into the light of our future together.
Then I shall hold my breath until the next page turns, because I am eager to see how our next Adventure spells out like a never ending fairytale. For you are my love story and without you. My life would just be empty pages. Without your laugh, I would have not reason to hear. Without your smile, I would have no reason to see. Without you next to me, I would have no reason for a heartbeat.
You are my knight, my sword, and my pen. I love you.
Arya Night Apr 2019
To the person who said my confidence disturbed them,
**** of!
Just because I can hold my head in pride,
While your soul has faded inside.
To the person who doesn’t even know my name yet believe their opinion can rule my life.
My life is mine
If I had want hate I would’ve asked what was on you mind.
To the person who say I need to be quiet
If you don’t start living,
You’ve already started dying.
To the person who said I have no shame.
You’re  right.
I have no shame, nor pride, or fear,
Because of that I will go far.
I will live life to it fullest,
While you’re left with your hate to rust.
your  words will fall on deaf ears,
As I happily live out the rest of my years.
Arya Night Apr 2019
My mother's tears bend my spine.
Her weigh bends the wood that has made me strong like a tree in a storm.
The water from her tear helps my feet sink roots into the ground, only to hope it keep us from washing away.
Her heave breath, pump air into mine with a pray that it will keep us both alive.
Her scared hand had clawed their way up from hell so that I will be one step closer to heaven when I take over the fight.
Because with my brother youthful eye watch our mothers sob, I know this fight can longer belong to her.
Therefore I pick up her broke shield and bent blade.
I straighten my wooden spine over the weight of those that watch.
Willing to become an unbreaking oak to keep my beloved safe.
Ready to fight as a warrior in the world war that is life.

— The End —