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 Sep 2016 Andje
 Sep 2016 Andje
You left a black hole in my heart
it is ******* my self
each bowel inside me
every part of my mind
 Sep 2016 Andje
I want to abuse you
your white thighs
your cold hands
your purple lips
I want to abuse your soul
you are so weak
this makes me excited
 Sep 2016 Andje
Chloe Chapman
I saw myself,
Balanced on a razor thin wall of glass,
barefoot and bleeding,
The white chasm stretching down either side of me,
And in my hands,
Were a pair of scales,
With my life in the balance.
One false step and I would fall into the abyss,
One un-calculated move and the balance would tip,
The precarious nature of my hair-trigger scales,
Holding My Mind, My Health, My Heart,
Requiring the most delicate of proportioning,
Only made it more vulnerable.
And in my wake,
A trail of my blood,
Staining the pure glass.
 Sep 2016 Andje
Chloe Chapman
You are more than I will ever deserve

I wish you could see yourself through my eyes,
Or maybe it would scare you,
because every time I look at you,
No, every time I think of you,
My heart jumps, and my mind clouds,
Blood rushes to my face,
I can't breath and the world spins,
Like my brain has short circuited,
and I feel like my hair should stand on end,
and sparks should fly from my eyes.
Surely you have noticed the way I look at you,
How I can't draw my eyes away from you.
How suddenly the centre of my universe is you,
I am just a planet to your sun.

And when you look at me,
When you catch my eye, and smile,
I feel like I have been pumped full of helium,
I feel like I could blow away with the lightest breath of air,
Like I would shatter into a million pieces with just a touch.
Oh, and how I crave your touch!
Your hand on my arm, my head on your heart.
Your gravity is irresistible,
All I want is to be near you.

Is it wrong?
The way I feel?
What would you do if I told you?
I do not know, and I cannot take the risk,
For if I were to loose you,
I would become nothing.
Everything I am too afraid to tell you
 Sep 2016 Andje
falling, falling, plummeting down this vast emptiness i've felt many times before
spiraling into tears, violent sadness & passive aggressive anger
further down the rabbit hole
i reach numbness, emptiness & an imaginary aloneness between every moment of every day
dreaming of another life once again,
craving of something beyond this world into another realm.
i never for a moment question my love for you.
but as this poison they call depression begins to spread through my veins once more,
i question your love for me.
& every moment of affection, love & kindness you give to me fades in hours from my memory
as if my mind can no longer cling to happiness as it once did
& every moment of even the most minuscule spec of negligence,
(or at least what this entity attempts to convince me is negligence)
becomes a heartbreak in itself & crushes my esteem & my spirit further down
it's getting what it wants, a mutiny of my mind & the very depths of my soul, the core of my being

but then.

in the very last moments, the very last minutes you have as you are here by my side
you see it in me, this darkness
this sadness & anger.
& i never mean to take it out on you yet somehow this thing, it convinces me to
in a way so subtle i don't even realize that it's happening until after it's happened
& you see it, but you also see me
you see the smiles & laughter, the passion, the fierceness, the fire, love & light in my soul
that once was & had never left but has been stuck behind bars
& you hold me & kiss me, tell me everything will be okay & that you promise you'll help me through this
& i smile
& my heart races
& my soul regains a moment of strength for now
& i adore you so much
because somehow you always catch me at the last moment of "all hope is lost"
& you know how much I love cliffhangers
 Sep 2016 Andje
i don't want to give up,
i don't want to let go,
i don't want to stop loving you.
but i have to.
because you still won't let me in
& you still can't love me right..
 Sep 2016 Andje
 Sep 2016 Andje
We are all the same buildings
But with different foundations
Variety of colorful and bleak paints
And the mismatched furnitures inside us
That make us look -complete otherwise
Humans are just complex creatures.
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