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Heartbreak Motel Mar 2016
I'm nostalgic of the time when i could see you, contemplate you, the details of your skin, your imperfections and the perfect lines of your face.

Thinking of you hurts, as a deaf noise, a hole.
I forgot your beauty spots and the shade of your eyes.
The sound of your voice is lost in my memory and your words are swindle.

The hardest is to remember you and forgetting you at the same time.
Worse, i don't know what's true and what i have dreamed anymore.
Heartbreak Motel Mar 2016
Look at me,
I want your eyes all over my body.

Touche me,
With your mind, not your hands honey.

Kiss me, eat me, bit me,
I crave it baby.

I bet i look good in that white shirt of yours.
I bet you look good on your knees,
Heartbreak Motel Mar 2016
Maybe it's how we know it,
Maybe forgetting someone isn't that hard.
Maybe being over someone is easy, after all.

Being busy all day, busy enough that our thoughts don't have time to disturb us.

Claim that everything is fine, that you did't think of him today, that you are cured of him.

Lie to yourself, until you start believing it.
Repeat that you deserve better, until you mean it.
Crawl back to him until the humiliation eats you from the inside and then cut any contact by fear of doing it again, again and again.
If that should have worked, that would have worked.

Maybe this is how we forget somebody.
Heartbreak Motel Feb 2016
The sky is grey, my thoughts are dark.
The wind blows but nothing moves.
I feel empty, I am certainly empty.

When the night falls on the city, it takes my happiness away.
I feel alone at midnight, i feel alone all the time actually.
Even surrounded i feel alone, and empty, and sad.

The seasons change, time goes by, i know that i'll feel better soon.
It's always like that, right?
I need it, i have to believe it, everything will soon get better.
I fill this permanent space with temporary.
Music, wine, thoughts, I become sleepless.

Is it like that that we know that we increased?
When everything becomes dark and heavy.
I'm loosing myself, i ****** me from the inside, i change too fast.
Is it necessary? Do i have to **** my old self to reborn?

I can't see tomorrow, or the next day, or the next month.
I only see yesterday and before.
I have to wake up from this, that can only be a bad dream.
Too calm to be a nightmare, but too violent to be a sweet dream.

Give me some wine,
Play some  music,
Says nothing,
I don't want to know.
Knowledge is power, except in my case.
I am lost and empty.
I am sad and no myself.

I need this revival, I don't want to have suffered for nothing.
Tell me that it wasn't for nothing.
Life must have something for me.
I don't ask much,
I just want to be myself again.
Heartbreak Motel Feb 2016
I'm lost,
Profoundly lost,
Desperately lost.

How do we know what road to take?
How do we guess what choice to make?

Every things, every words, every act,
Influences the future and depends on the past.

Do we make a choice by instinct, by experiment or by chance?

How do we know that we are on the right track?
How do we know if we must continue or turn back?

I am lost,
I am too young to be lost,
I should move forward but I move back.

I move back to see better,
A general vision on this situation,
My life, my future, my past.
The more I move back the less i see.

I don't know.
I know nothing.
I want everything.
I want nothing.
Heartbreak Motel Feb 2016
I understand what you don't want me.
Trust me, i totally get why.

I believe that people change.
I believe that i will change, for better.
I believe that you'll change too.

I want you to regret, at some point, your decision.
I want you to regret leaving, when i'll become someone better.
Heartbreak Motel Feb 2016
I hate quite everything in me.
My nose, my mouth, my hair.
But when i was near him, my insecurities were gone.

I don't really like myself.
My size, my weight and the way i am.
But by his side, i loved my reflection.

He had this positive effect on me, as a mirror which embellished.
I felt proud and beautiful when i walked with him.

Now that he is gone, i hate myself even more than before.
I want to change everything.
I want to become all that he like,
So maybe he'll come back to me.
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