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AMcQ Aug 2016
I have no medium to capture you, perfect scene.
No lens or film can render your essence.
There are no words to speak of your beauty.
There is no sense to taste your presence.
AMcQ Jul 2016
A slow and steady crescendo
Of blended melody and rhythm
Grips the edge of reason and
Pulls it softly, toward contentment.
It feels and folds its way through
Storming emotions and insecurities.
Ushering their voices to calm and follow.
Harmonizing against the pizzicato
Of over stimulated heart strings,
It flows outward from her core.
Its cadence steady and sincere.
As it rushes to alter her face,
The sensory orchestra of
Memory, thought, fear and hope
Culminates in the most subtle of smiles.  

She exhales.

This is LOVE.
AMcQ May 2016
Now and then,
the dark wave comes.
She loosens my grip on
what dwells above the surface.
Finger by finger and all at once.
Her beautiful irony.
Her tragic existence.
She wants only to embrace me
but her touch is toxic.
Enveloped by her, I am paralyzed;
momentarily in hindsight,
yet eternally in that moment.
Then, as quickly as her curving crest appeared,
she is gone.
Dissolved into thick blue ocean,
She crawls back into the beauty of the deep.

Until next time...
AMcQ Apr 2016
I face the mountain;
Sharp and defined.
A tiny, uneven facade
skirting a perpetually
changing sky.
I grow envious
of its consistent demeanor;
Its' immutable character
in rain, hail or shine.
Now, closer to the summit,
I stumble on rockfall
and scree slopes.
I face the mountain,
Resolute and bold
in a final struggle
to assume its
soothing temperment.
AMcQ Mar 2016
It is an irony
to finally find yourself
only to realise
you are utterly
in normality.
AMcQ Feb 2016
I want to know
the blend of cosmic
forces that caused
me to see the world
the way that I do.
AMcQ Feb 2016
Every once in a while,
when time stands still
just long enough,
the hazy curtain
of life is teased apart.
Just enough to see
the world for what it is.
And when that happens,
I inhale and grip tight my breath;
Hoping that maybe, just maybe,
some of the infinite beauty
will be trapped in my heart.
Residual volume (RV) is a lung volume representing the amount of air left in the lungs after a forced exhalation; this volume cannot be measured, only calculated.
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