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AMcQ Feb 2016
The conditions are perfect;
unexplained heavy thundery feeling.
Biting nails, picking fingers.
Repetitive movements.
Tossing and turning.
All the ingredients for inner turmoil.
And yet...

**I cant write
AMcQ Feb 2016
A crack on the ceiling.
A line; far from deep.
Its cross-section layered,
Its existence discrete.
Unassuming and simple
in a room bright and plush.
Its existence is futile,
for its fate is the brush.
A restoration of beauty;
appeasing the strain.
Layering and patching
again and again.
As long as the eye
knows not that its weakened,
The flaw will endure,
now perpetual and deepened.
Its a crack on the surface
a line; far from deep.
Take heed of its presence;
but mend whats beneath.
AMcQ Feb 2016
They say she has a
heart of gold.
Perhaps that is why,
when'er she dare show it...
They steal it away.
AMcQ Feb 2016
Whether full or a half
or perhaps a mere crescent.
My eyes open widest
When her light is present.
AMcQ Jan 2016
A monochrome film plays
Over and over.
To a singular audience.
It rewinds.
It sticks on one frame
Over and over.
In the scene
It's me, lost in a
It's walls lit with
projected clips
of a monochrome film.
Over and over.
AMcQ Nov 2015
It's a beautiful thing:
A heart grown round and heavy with love.
The delicate seams stress and strain;
An attempt to hold it all in.
The pulsing red adjusting
to a surreal feeling of calm.
Just like how pupils dilate
to capture an image in darkness;
you've pried opened my heart
And filled it with blinding light.
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