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somewhere in between ******* and ***** me
*shrugging emoji*
emotions are running through my veins so much I'm convinced my blood has turned into a tide of tears love and heartbreak
gonna be a long year without you
Perhaps when she looks at you
and she smiles
and says "I'm okay"
she is saying
the most
being with him may have felt like an eternity but i promise you it was only a year and a half and in comparison to your 21 years on this earth, that's just a small drop in your ocean
2. you are every single sunrise and sunset anyone will ever need. you are enough.
3. stop trying to fit into a perfect circle image of what you think women should be, gender is fluid and at the end of the day nobody gives a **** about whether you have a nose piercing or not - stop trying to please him, he is out of your life.
4. don't deny yourself love when it comes running to you at 100 mph, don't sit in your chair and convince yourself you don't deserve to be happy because lonely is where you are comfortable
5. you deserve to be happy. you deserve to be happy. you deserve to be happy.
6. know that eiffel towers might not be enough to completely block out old memories but they'll be enough to make you forget about the pain you felt for months after he broke your heart and didn't give enough ***** to fix it again
7. honey, sugar isn't only in your coffee, it's in your blood - you are everything sweet in this world, please don't let a little rain melt it all away
8. nobody can promise you what tomorrow will bring but i can promise you that today will matter only on you, so go out there and go for that walk and eat that cake and ignore him and block them until you feel ready to face them again
9. don't let yourself soak up your depression, even flowers can drown from too much rain
10. remember you're only human, it's okay to make mistakes; but do not actively tell yourself mistakes are in your muscle memory - this is not true


you will be okay, it will be okay.
a reminder
There will be boys whose eyes remind you of the clearest blue sky you have seen all summer, boys who make you think that they will be able to save you from whatever hell you've been living in for however long since the last one left you.

There will be love when the boy decides to do something stupid like kiss you or hold your hand, perhaps just laugh at your terrible jokes enough to seem like he cares about making you feel good. He will piece back that shattered heart of yours slowly but surely with glue or tape or whatever else he can find like his smile or his grasp on you.

There will be pain, and it will genuinely hurt you when you notice either how in love with him you are or how in love with you he's not. It will hurt when he looks into your eyes and tells you you are not what he wants. It will hurt like never before, like no pain you have ever felt and your throat will get clogged and your chest will hurt and you will see snot coming out of you like a faucet and you won't want to leave your room.

There will be blame, to yourself and him. Him for breaking down your walls and making you believe he could be different and you for falling for the process all over again even after you told yourself you would not.

There will be acceptance and then the cycle will repeat. You just have to accept the fact at 1am that you no longer look at that boy with love in your eyes anymore but rather just a friendly fondness and you have finally moved on from him, and you come to a resolution with yourself that you cannot avoid the next boy that comes along with that smile and those sparkling eyes that seem like the life jacket you need to wear in the hurricane of your life, because the truth is you're always looking for that boy who will actually throw it. Each time their hands are behind their back and each time you look to see if the jacket is there.
Love is unavoidable my friends

Had this idea in the park walking a few days ago
pieces of you are sprinkled around my day and the small parts paint a mosaic that by the end of the night reminds me of you - i remember all the details

it's hard not to think of your body pressed against mine in this heat because it's the same sun that made us sweat together and it's the same moon that watched us love each other more than ever before and i don't know what's worse, not seeing you or not hearing you

all i want is for you to be near me because your hug burns deep within my skin and before i know it my skin smells of you and my hair locks in brown strings the aroma of your clean shirt and your cologne

maybe this is what love feels like - maybe love is when i'm at th beach for a week and everyday i keep thinking how much i miss you, maybe love is how well i know your smile to the point where i'm down and picture it i smile, maybe love is how my lips know yours better than anyone else's, maybe love is when i sit down and write poem after poem after poem about you because it's a love so deep only ink on paper can understand
i speak out to those who feel what i feel

i speak for the quiet ones,
those that feel alone and scared and want to fall into space

i speak for the hopeless lovers, left alone in hotel rooms
to cry on the cold tile floor

i speak out for the people that i know cannot
speak out anymore, their voice box broken amongst the shatters of their heart

i speak out for the failures, for the ones who feel a blow
from their mind when they disappoint someone else yet again

i speak out for the ones that cannot let go of
memories that intertwine every delicate vein in their chests

and i speak out for the lost lovers so buried under
burdens that they are left to scurry for their own form of substance in the empty room around them

i speak out for all of them and those in between--the silent ones, the ones whose
words have never been quieter and minds have never been louder
I've always been an optimist.

In my world the truth holds the highest degree of honor,
and wherever the truth shows up everything else bows

However, a tyrant is beginning to dominate the universal
law of what runs my universe, and the truth is becoming
worse and worse to face and to say.

It is no longer that he shows up to respect,
I now greet him as a foe and a mistake, cursing
the times that I have used him.

When he asks me why I disregard him all I can tell him
is that is is much easier to tell lies, and when you're so
weak and becoming weaker, it is much easier to hide
your cries.
I'm clinging for the meaning of the silence around me
as it dances around the corridor of my mind in a ballroom manner,
one step forward, two steps back.

I cannot hear the heels of her feet touch the ground.

When I begin to catch the pace of her waltz
she merely speeds up, skipping one, two, one two.

My mind says to let her dance, to let her take her time
in spreading her poison throughout each of my veins
so that she will encompass me soon
and I will feel

But my heart tells me to stop her, to push her down
and force her into a corner, strip her of her mask
and unravel her mystery
all around

So now I am stuck listening to her soundless music
as she carefully covers each panel of my life
growing like a cancer but dancing ever so
elegantly that one could be forced to say
my, what
b e a u t y
maybe you fell in love with my smile first even though I hate it, because when you told me I was beautiful it was the first time I smiled in a long time

and maybe you fell in love with my eyes next, because they're a new level of intensity - a new level of madness

and maybe you fell in love with my words last, because those late night whispers were just what you needed when your world was crashing down before you


maybe you started to hate my laugh first, because you realized most of the time it's fake and I'm not the happy person you need

maybe you began to let go of my hair next, because th knots tied too thickly around your fingers and that's not romantic, that's not ****

maybe you slowly started to despise my words later, because you began to let go of romantic gestures and left me alone to utter my poems in the dark

love changes

you're changing
sometimes things change and we can't control it
and sometimes it's easy to forget that we are only human beings,
incapable of preventing something inevitable.

but i do have to admit, it is a shame when you see someone
you really care about go through such pain
and such emotion and still pretend to be okay to you
because it is as if you are stuck in a box with no opening, and only
a little hole in the box will allow air to flow in.

at some point you don't even want to breath in the air
anymore. sometimes you would rather suffocate so you can forget
temporarily about everything. sometimes you would rather ignore
it all than notice it's there. maybe if you don't admit it to yourself
it isn't true.

but i have been through the "i'm fines" and i know
this isn't the case and no matter how many times you want to
say it, it will simply not come true. no matter how many times i claw at
my skin and the ground, no matter how many times i sigh and stoop my
head down, no matter how many times i cry, i cannot bring back
the month of november; i cannot redo my mistakes.

things have changed back then and circumstances change
and maybe you never did change because i created this perfect mold for you
and expected you would fit in it, but maybe it was my mold that was flawed,
not you. maybe i'm the one who changed, maybe i'm the one that
caused my own pain. that's what i think now, anyway.

i wish i could rewind the hands of time, and i wish that things were
the way they were on a nice autumn day. but they are not, and i have to learn
to accept change, and i have to learn to control my frustration with it
because maybe this was all for the better; i just don't know it yet.
I'm writing way too much tonight
"no strings attached" hurts, but when your only other alternative is goodbye even you can make compromises to ease the pain
- no matter how much you tell yourself he wants to see you, all you're doing is etching the pain away into a ball covered in lies - he will message you when he wants, he will see you when he wants, and when he's busy, he's not thinking about you
- being nice will only get you as far as you let it, because eventually it'll lead you to sit in a chair and listen to the sound of your tears hitting a floor you used to lay down on
- on days when you're particularly down, the sun is truly a friend, because at least the heat helps you realize that you're alive and still breathing
- the only source of happiness comes from within, and moments of "maybe I can live without him" come a lot more frequently when you open yourself up to the beauty of the world around you -  a world previously overshadowed by him
- do all that you do for you and no one else, wear dresses and shorts, **** cellulite and insecurities, love life and love breathing and love your split ends because in the end it's only one life and living it to the fullest is truly what it's all about
- letting go of your fears will make you more wholesome [bugs are still scary, but the peak of tall mountains are there for the view and not the pain]
- never tell yourself something is impossible, because climbing up 10,000 feet seemed terrible to you but you did it and realized there is so much more to this huge world that you've never realized
- reminding your parents everyday you love them isn't something to be ashamed of because in a month you'll be living alone and that means no more of dads sandwiches and moms comforting talks
- don't worry about your appearance - having pimples is okay, dying your hair is okay, having stretch marks is okay... just be yourself and the rest will fall into place
- drama will be drama no matter where you are, but only you can let it get to you
- in the worst of times, calling up your best friend and laughing it off even when it seems impossible is really what will get you through another day
I think a lot about how my life will turn out.

I think a lot about death and it's wonders.

I think a lot about lyrics to songs that express how I feel.

I think a lot about self image and self consciousness.

I think a lot about talking to you.

I think a lot about being with you.

I think, a lot.
falling in love is easy, it's painless and effortless and it's a huge swoop and before you know it you're on the ground but you're with them and you don't care about anything else in the world except being with them and seeing them

falling out of love is hard, it's painful and takes a load of effort and it's gradual and no matter how hard you try a bit of them always remains in the memory file of your brain, rusting with the lock on it until one day you smell his cologne and that file opens and memories rush back, years later

falling in love with someone who doesn't love you as much as you love them is even harder, it's a hiatus of love and when you're with them you think that it'll be okay and they love you too but when you're away from them you realize they don't need you as much as you need them and maybe they're distancing themselves for their own benefit but you can't afford to bring that up to debate right now because god knows you don't want to lose what you already have

maybe the worst thing of all is waiting for it to end, being in love but knowing that one day you'll have your heart broken once again because the tides of the relationship have changed the current and now it's against you, pushing you away
the purgatory my ambiguity chains me in is enough to bury me alive
you won’t have the courage to tell her your body is only made up of skin and blood and bones and boy and some days your body is just a clothes rack waiting to be hung and some days you chain smoke nicotine just to feel like you’re halfway committing to suicide and some days your bed will become the only person you contact while the whole world stops
a lil' cut-out from a spoken word i wrote
you can find me in the empty street of your local alley, hiding in the crevices of the broken pavement that has its **** together more than i do, and you can see me cowering in the corner of a party too loud for me to feel comforted, and you can see me fighting back tears after every single conversation and shout of you're stupid and you don't know what to do and how will you ever make it out alive

you can't see my hands tied behind my back and my mouth taped closed by the words that hit my throat and sting my ears and make my life seem worse than the world i thought it was, and you can't see my mind racing at hundreds of miles per hour hoping that there is a way out, that blood dissipates into water, that i'll be okay, and that i need to take every **** word out of my letters who reassure me that yes i am worth it and yes my mind and my freedom is all intact unharmed and not damaged

some days i feel broken, but not the mirror that shattered into seven years of bad luck. some days i feel broken like that little black duckling that never quite got it right or that baby bird with a broken wing who doesn't know where its mother is and who looks at everyone with eyes full of sympathy because every story is worth listening to unless its my own

and other days i just want it to stop, and i want to sleep, and i want to do nothing and enjoy the sheets of my bed and the comfort of my tv and the soft pillow that supports a head too tired to hold itself up because they do not judge me
        they do not tell me words that push through my armor and tear me *apart
i am the *** waiting for the last turn of the hob until it boils over

i am the glass waiting for the last drop of wine until it spills

i am the frightened child sitting in the dark waiting for someone to turn on the light

i am the frightened child sitting in the dark hoping nobody will turn on the light
it might've been the cobbled stones that you saw that reminded you of me, or the way that she stood next to you, a proud 5'2 like me, or the way the bag full of your clothes that you'd left at my place smelled like me thanks to the perfume i sprayed in the bag, my attempt at forget-me-nots, sense of smell fading slower than our history together

it might've been the way he looked at me first that made me forget about you, five months deep in the end of our relationship still agonising about whether you were okay, whether depression ****** you into her grasp once again, whether you'd managed to get out of it alive this time, might've been the way i started travelling to learn instead of travelling to see you that helped me realise even if you weren't at the end of every flight or every train it would be okay

it's amazing how we went in opposite circles and still ended up at the bottom of it together, amazing how despite all of our history we still play it off like it was nothing, amazing how you keep throwing a ball that i keep having to not catch because my muscle memory has forgotten how to play games with you

i'll slowly tiptoe into your mind, my voice will crawl back into your ear, slither down your throat, escape from your lips, get down to your stomach, release the whole ******* zoo, stampede into your veins, supercharge your heart with 100 horse power and cause you to keep running back to me the way i knew you would

and the best part? i finally have the power to watch you do what i did so long ago, finally have the power to have someone else tiptoe through my mind and build a home there, finally have the power to stop your voice from entering my mind because i've finally stopped saying it
it feels good
I don't fall in love fast and whole, I fall in love with details - I fall in love with the way he runs his hands through my hair because I can feel each of the nerves hitting the parts of me that fall off the quickest and I can't help but see the irony in him leaving temporary bits of himself everywhere

I fall in love with the way he laughs so loud his whole body shakes and I see the hollow chest stick out yelling for release and swaying in a body too muscular to let it weaken

I fall in love with the way we're together, the way he becomes gentler as time passes and more passionate as the imminent idea of distance comes onward like a train on a track you can't, no matter how hard you try, stop, because this is ******* life and breaks don't exist even when you need them to

Maybe it's because deep down we both know this might not ever work, we both know each kiss goodbye could well be our last because I've tasted acidic empty responses and I've been burned so often by them my heart has been trained to expect another dosage every second guy, and I know that kisses are temporary replacements for things left unsaid

You can't simplify something complicated - you can't undo the way you love their innate refusal to tie their shoes by custom, their silhouette in the early morning when you notice those two scars on the side of their right cheek, their constant attempt to make you smile and feel like a kid again; you can only ******* hope that that train won't come for a long, long time

God just know, no matter how distant the whistle sounds, it's just a mirage
you look me in the eyes and you tell me i don't know what i'm doing but i fire back with a tongue that can lash every single wound you thought was healed open that no, you don't know what you're doing

sure, i may look at you the way the sun stretches across this city and clings onto every ray of grass it can find, and your body imprint in my bed and my memory is perhaps always going to be there, but that does not mean i cannot fall out of love with you

to the boy who will break my heart undoubtedly, know that i will try to break yours first, even though i will ultimately probably fail

know that i will try to kiss every other stranger i can find in attempts to wash out the taste of your perfect lips from mine, know that i will drink to the bottom of every glass they hand me to try to erase the feeling of skin on skin, the feeling of sweat combining and combusting into a deep, fiery love

i won't lie when i tell you that every glass of wine we drank together was an attempt for me to separate myself but you go one step back and i step two steps forward; maybe i will always be the girl that was stuck inside of your head for the early days of december when my looks and my om attracted something in you that not even your relationship status could ignore, maybe something inside of me convinced you that i was different

but, dear boy, know that you - you are not a man, and you still have a long way to go to reach that illustrious status you so badly want to claim

know that when you grab parts of my body i never knew existed, know that when you let me build a home inside of your eyes and your hands, know that when you kiss me innocently or not, that you would never do this if you were a man, because men

well, they wouldn't let me watch them break my own heart
you might be too emotional or too complicated or too caring or too thoughtful,
but know
that you are never
too impossible to love
no matter who's asked
don't forget this
true love isn't verbal communication and even though years and years of watching romcoms has taught me that, i've realised that love is quite the opposite of those hefty i love you's thrown at the end of phone calls and during early morning routines

love is passion. love is fire, pain, angst, and everything in-between. love is the way he looks at you in the middle of his meal and doesn't know how to react when you ask what. love is the way he kisses you harder than you've ever been kissed before in the middle of the dining hall because of the naive belief that maybe that kiss could replace the pain you felt at the time, love is grabbing skin and pulling lips and tightening grips designed to replace words so that maybe you can avoid saying love for a bit longer

love is finding myself in empty streets because i think i saw his reflection, running around in circles in my brain reaching the same **** conclusion that there is no escape route because your mind no longer wants to find one, telling myself that i'm beautiful and throwing in a i wish he could see me and feel proud of an award

but love is also learning to let go. love is telling yourself that perhaps it's better to let them go because somebody told me holding on the rope causes more pain than good and i've finally realised that after all maybe blood in the name of a beating heart isn't okay if spilt for nothing in twisted knots. love is being able to look each other in the eye and tell yourselves that history is history and that you need to move on because it's going nowhere and everywhere and neither of you are prepared for that right now. love is having the spark forever but choosing when to burn it, looking at them months later and seeing it again, deciding years later it's good it ended. love is finding them again in all corners of the world; finding all of them.

but most of all, love is accepting that love will come again.
True love is not looking at someone and seeing no flaws, but in looking at someone, seeing their flaws, and *accepting them
my love is a tug of war, a game for children aged five through ten

he's the boy and i'm the girl, he pulls too hard and i fall down, i get back up but he's giving up again, i use all of my energy to pull the ******* rope back towards me, get that ******* knot back past my line, win this game, make sure it doesn't win me again

i can't be a loser so i fight harder and harder, dig my heels into the ground just so i don't move, try to be stagnant, end up being dynamic, his love makes me weaker, i'm losing my grip

months later the knot has lost meaning and i forget what i'm fighting for
missing you used to come and go but now it's that constant feeling behind everything i do and everywhere i go
2. kissing you at certain places in the city was a mistake because they seem to be engraved in my mind with that moment etched into their cobble stones forever
3. when my feet make a run from everything that's in my mind i realise that there's always a hope somewhere you'll be the thing that i run to
4. i want to take back everything i tell you because i never feel like it's adequate enough
5. whenever we talk my brain turns to mush and i'm stuck stumbling over words trying to connect some kind of saying from a string of sounds that come out like i either give too much of a **** or too little
6. whoever invented playing hard to get hasn't met me and my capabilities
7. i've forgotten how you kiss but i remember how i felt and that feeling is all that's stayed with me this long
8. i can't sleep anymore because i'm scared to fall asleep and scared to wake up and i wish you were here because for a while you were the main reason i was motivated to do either
9. metaphors aren't coming as easily as before but maybe that's because my hands have forgotten what it's like to write down anything but i miss you i miss you i miss you
10. seeing everybody in love around me ******* *****
11. bettering  yourself stops being beneficial when you realise no amount of bettering is going to help the situation
12. i don't know what i'm going to do when i see you next because twelve weeks has made me comfortable in your ambiguity and i don't know if i can leave this state of numb
not being able to fall asleep next to someone for 1/4 of a year really, really blows
when your heart beats faster than it has ever beaten and your palms start sweating and you smile and you blush and you laugh and you wish that you were next to him but you know it's okay because the phone is something that has made you closer than ever and he tells you that he likes this and he tells you he likes that and you tell yourself you will just leave it at like but love seems to be rearing its head nearer and nearer and you want to say that you think about him all the time but you just say think about his smile because then you don't sound so crazy and he tells you you calm him down and you start to feel yourself falling even harder and the rocks are morphing into a blanket and the ground looks so comforting and falling has never been this fun
i don't remember the first time i kissed you but i know for certain it was between when i last called him on the phone and when you took the bobby pins out of my hair and somehow in between that time frame i went from feeling my physical body shrink under the crushing weight of reality to feeling my heart start to rediscover its heartbeat before it completely stopped beating

i don't know when you first started to fall in love with her or when you last looked her in the eyes and decided that leaving would be near impossible to do but all i can say is that if you look at her the way i look at you then maybe i can understand you wanting to go back and i can understand that losing a friend might be worse than losing a lover, but just know that the sunrises we've greeted together will forever be etched in my mind
amidst telling me to be careful there are echoes of you're beautiful's and rooms full of laughter filled from tickles and silly eskimo kisses and even if we were doomed from the beginning and she has your heart entangled in a web strong enough to convince you to leave me know that the soundtrack of all those pink floyd albums we listened to together are always going to remind me of the endless nights we spent together when i was convinced no matter if everything around us burned down we would stay more alive than ever in the fire
i need to be honest with you - i've whispered to countless broken hearts that my eyes cannot reiterate anything others did and no matter how hard my body is squeezed i'll never be able to transform into her when they wake up in the morning, and sometimes i wish i could just because i know you would be happier than ever; maybe happier than i could ever make you; but that doesn't mean that i'll stop trying to make memories of the ashes from something long forgotten
i'll try to build a shelter in your heart to protect it from the storms, i'll try to make you strong enough to face the hail, i'll try to engrave my smile in your clothes so that you can remember we're all imperfect but sometimes even pros aren't faking it, i'll try to show you that hips were made for dancing together in the least likely places, and i'll try to get over my fear of being picked up, i'll try to learn to trust, i'll try to remember that not everyone lies and that maybe, maybe it'll be okay

maybe it wasn't a mistake when our lips clashed together like the way the tide crashes into the sand 46 days ago, maybe it wasn't a coincidence that your couch felt more like my home than my bedroom did, maybe it's not a mistake to give this a try

but, maybe

maybe it is
i'm so torn and confused and not even writing is helping solve this
I hate that feeling
at the pit of my stomach
when I know I've
done something terribly

I hate that feeling of
impending doom
when it is just
expected that something
like this will happen
and it is no
well, ****
***** your car because i keep seeing it everywhere and all the different shades just seem to remind me that everything is done and ***** your good taste in music that would convince me to add things to a playlist full of memories i can't make anymore
I have a feeling that this won't end well
but something inside me keeps pushing me forward
and I catch myself looking forward to your texts and your presence
to your smile and your complaining
i honestly dont know its somewhat early and a Saturday and i remember how i felt when i first started liking this guy
повтаряй го момиче, докато кръвта не изтече от вените ти, повтаряй го докато не повърнеш, повтаряй го докато вече е просто звук, докато вече няма смисъл, докато толково те заболи че ще си помислиш че не е верно, повтаряй и повтаряй и повтаряй: *на него не му пука за теб
не си мисли че е различен, защото колкото и да ти го казва тя, той не е...
There is an inexplicable sadness reserved for
the melancholy moments when we accept that the
one we love does not love us back.

There is an inexplicable feeling we get when
all we are forced to drown in are the pools of
sorry's that are thrown at our ears, mercilessly.

There is an irrevocable pain we feel in the pit
of our stomachs, things we never thought we could
feel, worse than any physical pain, worse than the laps
we have ran around endless fields of thought in
our mind, when we hear the words whispered quietly
and under held breath, uttering
"You deserve better than this."

I do not. I do not want better than this. I deserve you
and everything you have to offer and everything you have
to give.

But resignation to the inevitable is something we all
must learn to do, just as the flowers learn how to bloom
even after the harsh winter storms.

Maybe I will be okay, I just need some time to bloom
into something beautiful once again.
And as I get ready to leave for a flight far away from here, far away from the faces I know and the notions I've become accustomed to, all I can think about is

I hope when I go I will genuinely smile

because at the end of the day, we all just want to be happy.
his lips collided with mine at 120 awkward miles per hour, teeth hitting teeth, lips biting lips, nervous chuckles and ****** hands clashing together to make something beautiful

the way you want it to stop but don’t, the way you know you’ve found someone nice, the way you know it’ll end but part of you doesn’t care

maybe that’s being 21, running towards and away from commitment with every quick brush of the hand in anticipation something greater than like but less than dating

maybe that’s being 21, being okay with that, no expectations for the first time in a long time
You told me once that you're on this website but that you remain hidden underneath a username so mysterious even I wouldn't be able to figure it out and it's nights like these I wish I could because it's easier to talk trough a computer, through poetry, than it is to tell you it

Have you ever felt you've made a mistake long ago and has your throat ever clogged up at the thought of it? I miss sitting in your car listening to frank ocean and I miss missing you and sitting on you and knowing you inside and out, upside down and right side up

I miss seeing the sympathy in your eyes when I would talk to you and the way you would wear your hat just because I liked it and I miss winter hiking and photoing and I miss telling myself that you would never change and I miss that missed opportunity when I was in your sweatshirt and you weren't with her yet

As much as I hate the past sometimes, I ******* miss it, too.
i realize i look at you the way that they all do now,
that long list of girls that admire that smile

but i look with a tint of concern too when i know that you're hiding things
and you don't want to say them but they weigh on your shoulders more
than your backpack

i also realize i don't want to begin anything again
because anything now will be half-assed
and will just cause more pain than anything else

but when she hugged you today it bothered me in a way that only i can say
and when she talked to you today and when they all talk to you
and you respond with effortless smiles and pay them all
mind and joke around about how the timing is all off for them to talk
i secretly wish that they could all go away because they are a reminder
that this shouldn't happen again
i want to tear off my skin

i'm stuck in the pendulum of a world
that's purgatory for moments where i feel
numb and moments where i feel
like completely losing my **** and breaking
down into sobs

i don't know what to do with myself anymore

i don't think i've ever known what to do with myself
the mind is an awful place to be sometimes
Your touch still burns through my skin
and I can feel it every day and your words still attack the neurons in my brain and send the message of comfort whenever I feel terrible and your ghost still stays in my eyes whenever I turn around thinking I saw you and I notice you aren't there  

it's getting harder and harder to pretend that everything is okay because I don't feel okay and I know we aren't okay even though "we" never actually existed

it's scary to accept that you no longer care
I don't know what to name this and my emotions are bipolar and I don't know why one day I feel like I can conquer the world and the next day I feel like an ant can crawl on me and crush me by the weight of it's body
i remember the first day we really talked. it didn't take long for me to seep through the your interior and wish that you would soak all of me into that passionate heart of yours.

you made me laugh harder than i had in a while - a genuine laugh, a genuine smile. she joked around about whether we were becoming best friends or not. we both laughed it off, but my eyes gave it away anyway.

i remember strike one and i had no idea your heart was elsewhere and you had no idea hers was too. i was in denial. there was no way that this would happen again, the whole liking thing hasn't been going all too well for me and i wanted to keep my promise that i would not hurt myself again.

but the power of your sympathy and the radiance of your eyes kept me in place.

i stood motionless in your shadow for a while, until you slowly opened up to me and whatever quality you saw in me back then that you deemed worthy enough to lower some of your mask to. and i was so willing to take that mask and throw it on the floor, but you made sure that i could not do that without grabbing some of mine too.

i got to feel the delicacy of your presence; i understood what girls raved about. and i thought i would be different - the girl who broke the barrier to get to your heart and take it away. but i was wrong and there's nothing i can do about it.

my emotions hit me harder than the tiles in my bathroom floor that i hit knowing that you wanted to be completely and utterly with someone else. knowing that everything i interpreted was analyzed wrong and that nothing meant anything to anyone but me.

and i tried so **** hard to get back up again and i finally did but i can't last months and weeks were enough to send me crumbling down again, this time taking you with my fall. and i thought that there was something. i think that there is something. but something is defined differently by everyone and my luck hasn't been all too great for it to contain a positive connotation.

and now, emotional breakdown number three has yet to hit me but i can feel it coming down the tracks of my mind like a freight train containing in it all of my regrets and a gun to shoot down all of my confidence. and i swear every day she gets more beautiful and i look in the mirror and see myself become uglier and uglier and i see you radiate more and more and i wish that i could say something and grab you here with me so that we can look at the constellations together and not speak but just feel our presence and not think and not over complicate things but i cant.

and i never will be able to.
have a lovely day my friends
my heart's pounding in my chest because of the fear i have
the fear i've always had
and i don't know what it is and i don't know what to call it
but all i know is that it's a disease and it doesn't seem to stop
because when i look into their eyes with longing over and over again
they begin to do the same
but my eyes shield over with these walls and as easily as i fall for people i hardly know
i cannot get myself to fall for someone who knows me
who wants to know me...
and ive bitten beating hearts full of desire and ive stared into the eyes of lust and have glistened in the sunlight of dancing hands
but ive never felt love
ive never felt the need for someone as their need for me and i either always aim too high or too low and miss the target where we should have met in between
im confused and im disgusted and i dont know what to do anymore
they knock at the door of approval and i slam the door of fear
have you ever been so convinced you want something and the moment you have it you dont want it anymore?
The mind is such a beautiful thing to waste; such a terrible thing to keep.
you are the closest thing i think i have ever had to perfection

you are the cliche perfectly imperfect to me; you are the pathetic love story teenage infatuation boy who makes me smile more than i should when i think of you, the boy who makes me want to stay with him for the rest of the hours in the day, the boy who makes me wish i could stop time, the boy who makes everything feel right

you are what makes my day complete

your laugh, your eyes, the way you always smell like clean clothes, the fact that i have stuffed my head in your chest enough to know your scent, the way you're always warm, the way you do things just to make me smile, the fact that you always continue the conversation even when we have nothing else to say, the way you say my name when you're concerned, the way you hug me, the way you just touch my hair, the way it falls back from your touch as paralyzed as i am

you are more than just a boy

you are my 4am thoughts, you are my 2am thoughts, you are my thoughts all the time, you are the lead in my pencil, you are what forces me to write, you are why i look forward to the mornings, you are the reason i dont study and cant sleep, you are the reason i want to sleep, you are why i constantly stay on my computer during class, you are what fuels motivation, you are the only boy i cannot lie to, you are the only boy i have never wanted to lie to, you are the only boy i have ever thought was this worth fighting for...

there is an invisible barricade*

sometimes i stand in a pocket of space with you where it just feels right, where everything seems to melt away, where i go home and listen to songs and just think about you, and hear the words "we might be dead by tomorrow" constantly from my computer speakers, telling myself that one day i will send you that song so you can understand that today is for today because there may not be a tomorrow and yesterday has already gone, but i know that deep down i can never get you to understand this

your presence lingers far after you leave

when you walk away i don't want you to; i've never wanted you to. it sounds ridiculous but your presence makes me happy and i don't understand it but i just understand that i like the feeling and i don't want that feeling to end, and when you leave it does end, but you seem to stay in my memory for a long time after that

i am frustrated

i am frustrated with how much i happen to like you, with how much you impact me and how happy you make me, because this puts me out of my element, and i am frustrated that there seems to be so much potential between us, there seems to be so much happiness, i know things about you no one does, remember? and i will always be willing to learn more because i do not want to stop learning more; i learn more about you everyday...

i am scared, too

the prospect of whatever this is that we have, whatever you want to call it, scares me too, because that means that we have to sacrifice a friendship in the name of something better, knowing that it may end. but i am willing to drop everything and sacrifice it all for this, and i know that deep down you are too, and i know that right now if you ever see this you will say i do? and i will respond, gently, with a you do, because sometimes things mean something more than what we think they do, or they mean more than we are willing to admit them to

when will the barricade fall

let me perform a coup d'etat on your heart, let me break down the remnants of previous love and pain and let me build my own wall there, myself, one that you and i will stabilize throughout time, together. let me let your guard down, let me let you finally fall on a cushion, let me be the person there at 4am, let me be the one there in your worst moments and your best, during summer nights watching the sunset, during winter nights when the dark encompasses everything and everyone
Where do I go from here?
Where do I go from all the effort,
all the emotions, all the thoughts,
all the dreams, all the wishes,
all the poems, all the hints,
all the implications?

Where do I go from this moment in time,
from waking up every morning wishing
you were mine?

Where do I go from these heart beats,
these sweaty palms,
these nervous laughs,
this inability to be calm?

Where do I go? Do I tell you I'm lost?
I'm confused, I'm bewildered,
and I think I can see the cost.

Can you tell me where to go?
I don't want to find my own way.
I'm waiting for you to show,
just waiting for the day.
If you ask me how I am I'll say fine,
even though I feel like I'm losing my mind.

My life is like a meadow with a dipping sunset behind it,
with flowers and birds and trees, and as I run through it
trying to grasp the beauty all around I close my eyes to blink
for one second of tranquility and I fall to the ground.

A wall has replaced where care should be. The world keeps spinning
and I keep moving through its daily notions when all the while I feel like nothing
more than an ant caring too many crumbs, and although the ant cries for help
no one can hear him -- he is too small to mean something.

People put crumbs on the ant, assuming that it can take it. Everyone should feed
ants. It's charity work. Let's all be nice, let's all pretend it is all okay.

Feed the ant more and more, ignore how it is slowing down with every
footstep. What seems a mere crumb to you, another mere comment added to
the pool of them, is a mountain of weight manifesting its way through the mind. A crumb is another thought for the night. Don't worry about the ant; he will take it with a smile on his
face to hide his pain. But he will drop them all in the night, when he runs into the wall
of destiny that greets his accomplishments and crushes them. He will always
be a slave, he will never have a rest.

My life has become a wall, and I am the ant.
I want to dance with a stranger
I want to feel the melody of the music in the sway of my hips, his pace to match mine, faces close, body heat erupted into something larger; something intimate
I want someone to come up to me and make me feel like someone I never thought I could, beyond beautiful -- a Cinderella moment to take my slipper and lose it so he can come back and find me
I want a stolen dance, one that is never mentioned again, one that will be remembered for the rest of my life as a memory too sweet to be forgotten, too magical to be thrown away
I want him to have confidence, to come up to me and talk to me so that his mouth starts to form words of passion that follow the sheet music to my heart, words that make me question everything, words that draw me in so that I can melt into him
Maybe that's what love is, when I've been fighting battles with my mind for nineteen years until somebody finally listened to me cry out I'm a *pacifist
lil tid-bit from a spoken word I wrote
Your image is stuck in fragments in my mind like shattered glass, but this time it’s a vase that I wish didn’t have to break
I don’t know what I am yet;
I don’t know what I’m meant to be.
Do I change the world on step at a time,
or do I have evil in me?

I don’t know what I am yet,
I don’t know how to find,
That little piece within my soul,
I feel like I’ve left behind.

I don’t know what I am yet,
I don’t know how to change,
The thoughts that engulf my mind,
A continuing whirlpool I can’t rearrange.

I don’t know what I am yet,
But I do know one thing,
When I’m in my darkest moments,
I have something to cling.

I don’t know what I am yet,
But neither do you or you,
And I welcome your mind to the manifestation,
Which is only felt by few.
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