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The Bemuda triangle
Is a l beautiful place locked within the only trinity.
Placed right between heaven and hell.
There is a barber shop built on the ashes of Babylon,
where men lose their ******* with shame that skip to the fourth kid,

There once was place where Samson's hairstyle was a treasure map.
A place where lost man travel
Where David found no stone
where Noah built an Ark but storm never came.

When we pass through that place even the stars we use for direction disappear.
you are a lab rat,
dancing in their labs,
through you they *** to conclusions.

You turn them from ***** to holy,
Every morning they turn saint.

It's sad how you have turned a naked god,
Cleaning possessed men.

Immoral lab experiments
Men are tresh.
For far too long
               we believed our skin had scars,
Walking naked
                 Only to hear the society's broken interpretation of deviants and devotion.

I want to be a Black verse
Living off the society’s expectations,
I want to be a Free verse
Redefine this hypocrisy called democracy.

When I grow up,
I will be an exposed poem, with stanzas like a book of secrete.
I want to remember you,
To recall your tiny fingers I left with no ring attached,
To recall your smile and your soft light skin.

I was to turn an Island
Lonely and only waiting for a hurricane of flashbacks.

I have inked your name in my heart,
Please tell me we will meet again,
Somewhere in the future, Masego.
A journey from Soweto to Jozi have turned a suicide note,
Written like a poem through every inch the Shosholoza cover.

We survive anyway,
With the apartheid legacy written on our bleeding skins,
The rainbow nations I have seen are the slashes painted on my father’s skin.

Every day we survive crime, ***, cancer and the brutality of our own negative thoughts.
Every time I enter the train I see depressed souls, I see the effects of apartheid although we try so much to act like it never happened.
Shosholoza is a name of a train in South Africa that is used by mostly Black people, a third class train.
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