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Millie May 2023
My own person is healthy and courageous. My own person is self-aware and emotionally intelligent. He is growth-oriented, resourceful and positive.

My own person is supportive, thoughtful, kind and empathetic. My own person is ready to take accountability, communicate and work through things even when the going gets rough.

My own person desires to make me happy, chooses me and shows up for me. He is sure about me and healthily obsessed with me. My own person encourages and lifts me up when I’m at a low point.

My own person does not disappear when I need him. My own person protects me. He knows how to introspect, reflect and has a desire to be better.

My own person does not make me feel small or irrelevant. My own person is a secure place where I can feel at home. My own person is expressive. He is a source of light when I am in a dark place.

My own person is as sure about me as the sun rises and sets without our asking, with certainty; regardless of the weather, timezone or location.
I was thinking about the traits I'd love to have in a partner and put this together.
Persephone Dec 2021
While other girls were dreaming about Prince Charming saving the day
I was praying for the Villain to take me away
PS Jan 2021
Your bro can't be your best friend
izi Jul 2020
I am a hero beyond imagine,
Soft velvet red cloak, the medallion resting in my throat,
My heartbeat stomps through my ribcage,
I am here to rescue the princess.

I trudge through the forest and I remember,
I remember who I was before when I came here,
Cape swishing at my ankles, feet in gilded armor,
I grip the glittering blade between my hands.

White marble penetrates the darkness,
I march up to the mossy stone wall, the crooked, tarnished sign,
“No trespassing,” it says, and suddenly
I am standing at a fence, copper, russet, faded gold.
Barbed wire tangles like Christmas lights, family dinners,
I remember and my heart aches.

I see the shrine, the elegant masterpiece
of quartz and precious stones,
I remember the way she used to stand at the bottom,
Defiant and angry, she threw rocks and never shattered,
It’s only a pile of pebbles, grass, dirt, in my eyes
But to her, it was the world and more.

I have to remember I am not her anymore,
What was her world is no longer mine.
I see a possibility, an opportunity, a path,
I take one last glance and I know it is the only way.

I am Prince Charming like no other,
I slice my way through the bushes,
I am arrogant, I am of diamonds and steel.

The green crisscrosses like a net,
I realize someone must have put up a new fence,
I see paint cans, old bottles, moldy shoes.

I see the life that once was my existence,
And I turn around and climb over that wall.
Softly touching down on the carpet of twigs and needles.

The trees wave in the dizzy sky,
The dragon’s snarling mouth is the last image I see,
Burned into my brain with a fiery blast,
Suddenly I am thrown backward.

I stand in front of the tree,
There is something tied in its branches.
I lift my sword and bring it down,
It is just a slender branch.

I place a boulder the size of my heart, my fist,
I flee because I am a coward
I may be a prince but I live only with jewels,
Not the stench of blood and panic amidst battle.

I am here to rescue the princess,
But I can’t even rescue myself
From the past that seduces me.
Am I a hero beyond imagine?
Nicole Mar 2020
ive always loved reading
especially when its about prince charming saving damsel in distress
especially when its about how a kiss can turn a frog into a prince

id look in every pair of eyes id meet
in hopes one of them would sweep me off my feet
im convinced that my love story would be a fairytale land
im convinced that happy ever after exist

when my prince finally came
i did not even recognize him at first glance
i wasn't convinced he's the one who'll make it all come true

but this prince
made me realize that ideals exists in books
this prince
didn't sweep me off my feet but made his way into my heart

there was never a happy ever after for us
because my prince now only exists in my memory
its a wonderful thing to be in love
and then again
im glad to have a fairyrale with you
Amanda Kay Burke Feb 2020
I am the dreamer still naive enough to believe in "happy-ever-after"

Known for many years that happy endings are unlikely and that even the best relationships/friendships  come to an end eventually
I am wise enough to realize the difficulty of finding Prince Charming in today's cruel society

Instead of  fairytale romance I grew up with we face a world strewn with sexting, online dating, and a myriad of other technology-polluted dating norms

**** pics are plentiful and chivalry scarce

Hungering for lustful acts of pleasure while I simply thirst for meaningful connection

Gaining not one while those around me ravage conquest after ****** conquest

Rather live a stoic empty life than one full of temporary careless moments forgotten before they are even completed

So I wait to meet my knight
In the barren fields of a loveless plane

Carrying antique values like heavy sandbags
A challenge to bear
But providing necessary balance
You may say I'm a dreamer but I'm not the only one
-John Lennon
Lexi Snow Jul 2019
I always wondered what love was
You know, there are examples all around us
Showing us what love is
I used to think it was all about finding my Prince Charming
But as the years went by
I realized that Prince Charming only exists in fairy tales
Then I followed how my family became the way it is
My mom married her best friend
My dad married his best friend
So I thought maybe I need to marry my best friend
That was my worst decision yet
I should of just waited for Prince Charming
At least he would of made me feel special
Falling in love with a best friend
Is the hardest thing to get into and get out of
I lost great memories,
Inside jokes,
Favorite songs
But the question still stands
What is love?
Love is the little things someone does for you
Reminding you to stay strong on your toughest days
Love is making sure that you don’t go to bed in tears
Trying to be your light on your darkest days
For all that to happen
You have to do the same for love to stay around
Long enough to even think about staying with you forever
But you never know,
Love might not be ready for marriage
Or love just doesn’t like the idea of marriage
Having love in your life
Is both a blessing and a curse
Since you will never know if love will leave you
But you’ll have great memories with love,
Little inside jokes that make you both laugh,
Songs that made you both dance together
That’s one thing everyone expects from love
To be romantic,
Not everyone can be romantic
But once they try
It’ll be worth all the times they weren’t romantic
Everything love does for us
It’s strange
But now love has no limits
Anyone can love anyone they want
No matter what gender you are,
What your sexuality is,
Your nationality,
Or any of that,
Till then I will continue asking
What is love?
My mind is a castle
Caught up within clouds
Dreaming of fairytales and knights
Or a prince with a crown
Thinking true love is the answer;
My first kiss will break the spell
Making wishes on all the pennies
I’ve thrown into wells

I am a princess in a tower
I’ve been waiting for the day
When the walls around me crumble
Will a hero come my way?
But my castle in the clouds
Isn’t real, it’s make-believe
This hero doesn’t exist
It is my heart’s own cold reprieve.

So I will climb down from my tower
With my own bare hands and feet
And I will wrestle every dragon
Until I set myself free
I will bleed and I’ll break a few of my bones
And in the leaves of the trees I’ll make a new home
With the birds and the sky, the grass and the earth
Because I don’t need a man to make me feel my own worth.
Lily Mar 2018
I am Rapunzel,
Up in her tower,
Alienated from the rest
Of the world,
Separated by an invisible line
That I can't cross.
Between the window and the ground,
There lies a barrier,
That even the most charming
Prince can't bridge.
The effort to join the rest
Of the world is too much,
My hair is too short to
Reach the ground, to reach reality.
But aren't I in a
Fantasy world to
Begin with?
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