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Donna Oct 2017
Peeking over cloud
The sun put its flash on
And now I can't see
The sun is gleaming today :)
Donna Jul 2017
I caught a zebra
Looking through Venetian blind
Morning had arrived
I love zebras , fun one :)
Donna Mar 2018
I cooked some cous cous
and the name made me giggle
It gave me a lisp
:) fun silly ome
Donna Jul 2017
I cooked veggie soup
and gave some to Mother Earth
with a gaping mouth
Donna Mar 2018
The icy wind is
raging taking its anger
out on the poor trees

Snowflakes on windows
make a nice pattern like a
pretty net curtain

I can hear the wind
howling mad unable to
take a short breather

A little wagtail
hurried along path trying
to warm up it's feet

I love my Chalet
walls a soft grey against a
picture of home time

A Mother's Day pink
balloon shape like a heart dressed
in gold elegant print

My children so kind
All there hearts put together
Making me smile wide

Still floating from last
Sunday because love never
dies it floats always

The heaters give a
small warmth , me and dean had a
lovely big fry up

Mushrooms and omelette
Fried tomatoes and baked beans
Warm toast and coffee

Yes it a cold day
But our little square home gives
us enough happy

The grass has gone white
Maybe daylight as frozen
time upon earths ground

Seagulls fly in sky
Ignoring the nutty winds
I'm glad I'm indoors

where the kettle can
boil and the old cooker
can still cook up food

Even the ocean
is waving crazily , so
I waved back and smiled :)
Tis freezing today x
Donna Feb 2018
Off to hospital
My dear son has hurt his back
I don't like winter

My son his only 19 he lifted something heavy in work yesterday and now he is in lots of pain with his back :((
Donna Sep 2017
I don't plan to far
ahead anymore , I live
each day as it comes
I find just getting up and getting on with my days a lot better than planing to far ahead something that as only come to me as I getting older x
Donna Feb 2018
I dream of being
a vegetarian , yet
I still serve up cow
Even though I think about becoming a vegaatarian I still eat meat and never feel bad that I do yet I adore animals!
Donna Sep 2017
Winter days looming
With summer days now gone
I feel like autumn
Suffer from a touch of S.A.D once summer ends still mustn't grumble onwards and upwards as always x
Donna Dec 2017
If the sea was the
sky and the sky was the sea
"It'd rain everyday
Tis true u know :)
Fun silly one x
Donna Aug 2017
If tension rises
Have a most delightful nag
Then you'll feel better
It sure helps :)
Donna Jan 2018
if you don't smile your
cheeks will drop into your chin
giving you square face

then your end up with
a permanent serious
green hulk frown

your shoulders will fall
into your hips and your legs
into your feet

you will end up all
squashy and walk funny
like a snow penguin

so my advice is
smile everyday be happy
or be all squashy small
keep smiling or be all squashy  :))))
Donna Feb 2020
Life is full of new just
got to try them out

life is for living the best way you can xxxxx
Donna Jun 2017
In field with sweet
daisies , dancing in the sun
I got drunk on wine

hic hic :)
I went to my first big concert at O2 last Friday to see take that I not really a huge fan but they were amazing and it truly was a most spectular night , a happy memory made :)
Donna Jan 2018
I had soup today
Tomato flavour to be exact
I asked the sky
Do you want some
The sky replied
No sweetheart
The sun as enough soup
To feed the whole of the day
Something different for a change :)
Donna Aug 2017
I hear scratching in
the walls...whoopee little mouse
a free manicure
Pesky mice :)
Donna Aug 2018
Life is not perfect
just like me , but everday
I live and I smile
Life is never perfect you got to take the ups and downs as they come live through them just got to stay postive and open minded and try not to be to ******* yourself **
Donna Jun 2017
Going with the flow
Enjoying each day as it comes
I live in today's
Love life love living :D
Donna Oct 2017
Today I'm a ghost
I am wearing a white bed sheet
With two cut out eyes
I looked in mirror
And went woooo
And the mirror
Woooo back at me!
It took me by surprise
And I felt a little confused
So I wooooo again
again and again
And the mirror woooo back at me!
So instead I giggled
I laugh so much I blew
the bed sheet off me
And then I saw me
And I went hi
And the mirror said hi back
I rolled my eyes
And I got a pen
And drawed a big balloon
Filled with tiny stars
Then I put the bed sheet on
And went wooooo again
And the balloon popped
And all the stars
Sprinkled down like glitter
And I smiled
And smiled
And smiled
:) just writing whatever flows out of me x
Donna Mar 2018
I looked out window
I saw a balloon in the sky
And it made me smile
Saw a balloon shape of a star this morn made me smile knowing someone had a party :)))
Love parties so fun x
Donna May 2018
I love my blanket
and I love my pyjamas
Goodnight lovely earth
Goodnight zzzzzzz
Have a lovely week ahead :)
Chow for nows x
God bless u all x
Donna Sep 2017
I love my glasses
Least now I can see the words
But I still can't spell

Tis true I'm the worst speller hardly ever use spell check and can't see a thing without my reading glasses but hey it's still fun to write :-)
Donna Jun 2018
The sun gives me warmth
happiness and lots of smiles
She's such a good friend
I love the summer and her beautiful sun x
Take care x
Donna Oct 2017
I'm a cheeseburger
And my best friend is a chip
We make a great meal
Fun one :-)))
Donna Oct 2017
O golly gosh
I'm totally cream crackers today
My hair looks like spaghetti
My nose as gone all pointed
My belly ain't smiling
My two ******* now three
My teeth like a vampires
My nails green as grass
My eyes the colour of sunset
My mind is like pasta shells
My hips have got hands
My feet have got elbows
And my head is now my knee
I eat only insects
I have a lizard tongue
My arms are tiny
My *** as disappeared
My eyebrows are smiling
My mole as got ears
But hey! I'm happy :)  

I'm all jumbled up today :))
Donna Mar 2018
Tonight I met a
little spider , it was in
my bathroom running

Aww it was so small
I was sweeping up the dust
And then I had a

moment , I thought I
shall sweep it up in dust
pan and brush right now

Then I thought o no
I cannot sweep it up to
end up in a bin

crawling about in
the dark on yesterday's food
all stinky with pong

Instead I let it
run free under a plastic
chess of werid drawers

Aww it was so small
And it was celebrating
springs yellow sunshine

But where is the sun
O it's coming soon , its just
planting its insects

Ain't spring so lovely
I'm so excited to see
a butterfly fly

They smile you know, you
just need to look closely
But you must smile back

Because if you don't
You will miss out on natures
kind gentle cuddles
Don't forget to smile when u see a butterfly :)
Donna Dec 2017
Today I feel sad
There's no emotional reasons
I just miss spring time
Donna Jul 2017
I miss you dear friend
I wish you would get in touch
I hope you are well
Missing u
Donna Mar 2018
Friends come and go in
life but some leave a lasting
effect..I miss you
Missing an old friend doubt we ever speak again , just how it goes sometimes x
Donna Sep 2017
As I lie in bed
I think of how far I've come
And I'm proud of me
Never let life get u down keep marching forward tis worth it x
Donna Aug 2018
So long farewell my
words are too happy to share
I'm at peace inside
:) Tis how I feel today x
Donna Sep 2017
In a lonely place
Where the snow forever falls
A Musk ox survives
This is another one of my inspired haiku from watching an Alaska documentary , I felt sorry for the Muskoxs they seemed very lonely but have a strong fighting spirit to keep going x
Donna Jan 2018
In a quiet mood
I can hear the cars outside
And my dogs snoring
Donna Oct 2017
Laughing is so good
It's a lovely medicine
And it taste so nice
laughing is a lovely joyful medicine one I embrace everyday :)
Donna May 2017
In midst of storm
A wagtail walks by leaving
a trail of sunshine
Donna Jan 2018
in my Lovely house
its loud and crazy mad
everyone shouts

all eight of us talk
at once , wanting to get heard
our stress levels rise

the walls begin to
shake , neighbours wear earmuffs
and turn up tv's

then all of a
sudden we are all laughing
like mad hyenas

we cuddle we kiss
then we get on with our day
with a happy heart

we are all adults
living under the same roof
but our love is real

even the moon sits on
window being nosey
what a ****** cheek!

and our big house is
shrinking , kids are growing like jolly green giants

but I love my mad
family , I sure wouldn't
want it any other way
Donna Jul 2017
Inqusitive fly
Enjoying glorious light
Of life beyond life
Inspired from little fly on patio in garden looking at green leaves x
Donna Dec 2017
We live inside a
circle but outside stars float
and giraffes walk in peace
:) love stars and giraffes x
Donna Dec 2017
Inside a paint ***
A new beginning awaits
Walls become pretty
Love painting :)
Donna Jun 2017
The tap is dripping
The fridge is singing one note
Lightblubs look like moon
So annoying
Donna Oct 2017
My mind is awake
but my eyes are tired , I
look like a panda :(
Catch up soon beautiful people x
Donna Aug 2018
A whale sings in the
deep than splish splash it rises
and captures the sun
I love whales I've watched documentaries on them so this is where this one was born :)
Donna Dec 2017
I opened a tin
of peas and poured into pan
There a lovely green
Yay it posted xxxx
Inspired by can of peas :)
Donna Apr 2018
I ordered a dress
colour of snowflakes with a
pretty flower hem

Being a big size
I wondered how i would look
wearing a white dress

Its got short sleeves too
Also like two white flowers
blossoming on earth

I asked my Dean for
his advice he said it looked
lovely and I smiled

Now I need new shoes
colour of magnolia
with a wedge heel

But more like a small
kitten heel otherwise I
shall fall upon ground

Dean and our boys need
to go suit shopping for
our big wedding day

But o dear they seem
to be always busy , so we
girls of the house raised

our voices until
they got heard like a disco
of rapping music :)

I need to buy a
nice tan belt to wrap around
pretty white soft dress

To liven up the
colour to jazz it up with
an extra big smile

Tis a nice white dress
I feel like a spring flower
ready for summer
for my hen do to Benidorm I have to wear a white dress it's took me sometime to finally find one I liked but happy I finally found one :)
Donna Oct 2017
Painting a stair rail
Was a little stressful
I had to make sure
I didn't get any paint runs
Otherwise it would look messy
O I wish my Dean had been here
He would have done this painting
Within a jiffy
But he was working on another job!
But mustn't grumble
Work is work
And I must truly say
I do love painting
It's rather peaceful
Just like fluffy clouds
On a summers day!
Well I've done the top rails
Now I must work my way down
Right to the first step
Oh dear up down up down
That's life for you
My day today :)
Donna Jan 2018
I posted poem
But it won't show on my page
I think there's a ghost
I posted a poem from drafts but it didn't post on my page :( just seeing if this one shows x
Donna Oct 2017
As I iron some
clothes , I made them look so young
but inside there real
Inspired today from ironing creased up clothes :)
Not sure it makes sense though x
Donna Aug 2017
I saw a camel
I said 'hello how are you'
But it had the ****!!
Lol okay this is defo last one :-)
Donna Aug 2017
I saw a crocodile
I said your make lovely shoes
Then it snapped at me!!
Another silly one :)
Donna Dec 2017
I saw a leaf fly
through the air , I thought of spring
and it's lovely flare
Little while back when driving on motorway it was windy and saw a leaf fly by and the Vision of it remained in my mind until now so I thought I share it :)
Bye for nows x
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