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Mar 2020 · 438
dia das mães
Eu te amo com todo meu coração, 
você simplesmente é uma benção.

Obrigada por tudo que você me deu
e que sempre me entendeu.

Obrigada por tudo que você me ensinou,
por tudo que você me mostrou.

Obrigada por sempre estar ao meu lado, 
e por nunca me deixar abandonado(a).

Obrigada pelo carinho e pela companhia neste caminho.

Obrigada por secar minhas lágrimas e depois de cada chorinho, 
deixar tudo de novo certinho.

Obrigada pelo seu amor que enche o meu coração de cor.

Obrigada por segurar a minha mão
e também cuidar do meu irmão.

Obrigada por me abraçar, me beijar e me cuidar.
Você me mostrou o que significa “amar”.

Obrigada pelas brigas.
Elas me disseram que apesar de tudo somos amigas.

Em dias nublados você precisou lutar,
mas depois da tempestade o sol sempre voltou a brilhar.

Obrigada pela sua coragem e seu esforço durante esta viagem.
Já notou que isso é uma homenagem?

Obrigada por ser você, por ser linda, maravilhosa, inteligente e forte
Tenho uma mãe fantástica e já nasci com sorte!

Dizem que não há amor maior do que o amor de uma mãe, e é verdade.
mas esqueceram que uma filha pelo amor da mãe cresce em paz, gratidão e liberdade.

Não existe pessoa que merece mais estas minhas palavras do que você.

Hoje sou uma mulher jovem, bonita e inteligente.
mas o que disso tudo eu seria sem você presente?
Pois tudo que eu sou, eu devo a você.

Obrigada mamãe.  

- gio, 13.05.2018
Mar 2020 · 107
Somos melancias.
Algumas são grandes outras pequenas.
Tem aquelas que são mais amargas e outras mais doces.
Algumas já caíram no chão e estão machucadas. Outras sempre foram tratadas com delicadeza.
Tem aquelas que estão prontas, outras que ainda não estão maduras.
Somos melancias, de várias cores, tipos e sabores.
Cada uma um pouco diferente, pois cada uma bonita.
Estamos em um caminhão. Estamos viajando.
O caminhão anda e anda.
As vezes mais rápido, as vezes mais devagar. Ele passa por cima de morros, pontes e rios. Por tempos quentes e tempos frios.
Durante esta viagem cada melancia troca de lugar. Ela muda de forma, muda de cor, muda de sabor.
Pelo caminho tudo vai se ajeitando e ao chegar no destino, cada melancia achou o seu lugar.
Um pouco como na vida: Somos melancias e estamos aqui para navegar.  

- gio, 06.07.2019
Mar 2020 · 86
ele é tudo
a voz que me acalma
pra quem eu bato palmas
a mão que me segura
e o abraço que me cura

o beijo mais gostoso
o vagalume mais brilhoso
o carinho que me esquenta
e o passarinho que pra mim canta

o olhar mais honesto
pra quem os sentimentos manifesto
o toque mais suave
o melhor sonho e a melhor realidade

a estrela mais clara
me cuida e nunca para
a minha lua na noite escura
e meu deus esta doçura

ele é o meu sorriso
e quem eu preciso
ele é a minha felicidade
a minha outra metade

ele é a minha vida, meu mundo,
e a minha sorte
sou dele até a morte.

- gio, 25.05.2017
Mar 2020 · 61
mirror of the soul
they say the eyes are the mirror of the soul

so while you stare at me, what do you see?
is my soul free?

I wonder, what you’re looking at
is there peace? or shattered pieces?

what is my reflection?
I know it’s not perfection.

many flaws and an uneven patch.
it’s not that easy to win this match.

let me help you.
if you look closely you will see, that this is not about me.

it’s about you, it’s true.
to understand what lives behind your eyes is a process.
at first it will look like a mad mess.

but as you keep going you keep growing.
and then, slowly, your true colours will start showing.

- gio, 22.03.2019
yesterday I worked hard
when skies were grey.
some lessons learned, feeling okay.

what about today?
my path has turned,
got many things to say.
knowledge earned,
I keep building my way
we’re living for moments,
which are not gonna stay.

by the morning,
some dreams will have burned,
and about tomorrow I’m concerned.

time is a weird thing created by humanity,
years went by, we created profanity.

forever and always?
nah we are not gonna stay,
still I pray for another day.

- gio, 30.11.2019
Mar 2020 · 164
a poem about a poem
small words,
many meanings.
while mindset got worse,
I got more feelings.
need my mind to search for rhymes.
felt sad and happy, too many times.
I’m using a pencil to shine brighter
a little text to feel a bit nicer.
don’t know where I’m going,
just trying to keep growing.
this is a poem about a poem.
after a few words I feel lighter.
I’m not an artist, I’m just a writer.
- gio, 30.11.2019
Mar 2020 · 165
temperature of heart
his heart seemed to be made of steel
and to cracking it, was not the deal.

feelings were forbidden
so I kept mine hidden

he had a cute smile and a good taste in music
but his attitude was confusing

I wonder about the temperature of his heart
to get to feel it, must be art

I knew it couldn’t be this cold
„everyone has emotions“ I once was told

sometimes he was gentle
and it made me believe that I will find him sentimental

so I kept trying to find the key
tried to sneak into his heart and teach him how to be free

I even got to experience a glimpse of his warm heart
but then life took us apart

and the day he had lost me, he would have finally found something that set his heart on fire

- gio, 27.12.2019
Mar 2020 · 61
unworthy of (my) love
you were supposed to make me smile
thought we could enjoy this moment for a while.

now I’m feeling sad because of you,
keep questioning the things you do.

I wonder if you’re capable of nice words,
I know you’re not the worst.

but sometimes I wish you would be kind,
that the memory of my face would cross your mind.

but you don’t care about me,
I guess your life is all you see,
and our energy is not equally.

your time is precious and all that matters,
you don’t even realise when my heart shatters.

I feel like I don’t deserve your emotions.

I’m not even talking about love,
it could be just us two, having a good laugh.
some attention or act of kindness, so I know you care. this would be fair.

but yeah, I’m not worth enough,
and the landspace of your heart seems kinda rough.

it could have been nice with us two,
but people won’t change, I know that’s true.

it’s too much to ask, right?
I’ll better get going, gonna catch my flight.

because you know what boo?
I deserve someone new,
and the only one who is unworthy of my feelings is you.

- gio, 06.01.2020
Mar 2020 · 813
hello stranger
hello stranger
I saw you looking at me

eyes opened up wide, 
but what do you hide?

it was just a second.
cute smile. brown skin.
I like your style. you’re just my type.

wanna hang out?
let’s go for dinner, 
we would be cute together, no doubt.
or are you a sinner?

oops… too late..
probably never gonna see you again
what a shame, man.

******* it.
at least to my imagination there’s no limit…

- gio, 18.07.2019
Mar 2020 · 130
life is too short
we met in a strange moment
now I’m sitting here as a poet

wish I could get to know you better
just enjoy the moment,
as if tomorrow wouldn’t matter

wish you could be mine
but first I will be away for some time

your brown eyes are art
and I hope life won‘t take us apart

just here to tell you that I like you
actually hoping you feel this way, too

man, life is too short
now I‘m sitting at the airport

please don’t forget my touch on your skin
to have met you is a win

we can meet again
just keep me in mind until then

I’ll be back soon
and then, together we will bloom.

- gio, 06.02.2020
Mar 2020 · 61
love letters
those letters I wrote for you are still haunting me
precious words that were destined to be

we had great times, I agree
but now, empty words is all I see.

with our story, I am done.
still gonna keep the memories when you used to be my sun

the same day you burned those words, you burned my love

now my words are no longer yours.
I already cut those strings and closed the doors

and baby guess what?
for you, there are no longer butterflies in my gut

- gio, 01.02.2019
Mar 2020 · 55
sometimes you have to sit down and listen to yourself

please stop hiding in a shell

take one deep breath and smile like a clown
don’t fake it and listen to your heart itself

whether your hair is blonde, black or brown
listen to that magical sound

let all these scars heal, don’t worry
you can’t drown because you’re not made of steel

listen to your soul, body and mind
if something is wrong, leave it behind

did you sit down? did you listen?
now stand up and never forget to wear your crown.

- gio, 25.02.2019
he has always been there
and there are plenty things we share

he made me smart and strong
and held my head up when I felt wrong

he has been my hero so many times
when he’s not close, I miss him, sometimes

I keep him in my chest
to keep myself blessed

he is caring, ambitious and inspiring
a beautiful soul I’m always admiring

I’ve heard them say; blood is thicker than water
and I’ve seen it, in the eyes of our mother

I bet you’re wondering if he’s my lover
no, honey, the guy I’m talking about is another
the first boy I’ve loved is my brother.

- gio, 27.12.2019

— The End —