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  Nov 2016 Emily Oquendo
Tony Oquendo
The world is crazy in a perfect balance of naive non sequitur and delusional grandeur and I the tail that left the dog for the hat that just got madder
... or lack thereof
  Jun 2016 Emily Oquendo
See what you have done
A broken wall of hopes
A small tear across my heart
I am left to think
I have nothing more
You turned and left
Not a hug, word or thought
Now often down and sad I roam
Watching, Waiting
For things to end
  Nov 2015 Emily Oquendo
Tony Oquendo
Sometimes I exhale hoping to see
my last breath as it escapes from me
smiling through the misery
laughing, crying, dancing, free...
  Aug 2015 Emily Oquendo
Tony Oquendo
I saw you hopping this morning, now you have me hopping too
I'm not quite sure, but I might be a kangaroo
I saw you sliding around, I even heard you hiss
Now I'm slithering with you, after all you did insist
Today I was a cow, a dog and a cat
We slithered swam and climbed all before your nap
I'll be all these animals and I'll be your best friend too
I'll be anything you need
Even a Kangaroo
  Aug 2015 Emily Oquendo
You touch my heart like springs new flowers
when you tickle my toes and we play for hours
You light my soul like summer's shine
as you touch your face and reach out for mine
You shake me up like autumn's leaves
with fits of laughter and sighs and heaves
Like a cool winters eve you hold me tight
snuggled into my heart, I kiss you goodnight
  Aug 2015 Emily Oquendo
Tony Oquendo
I first heard you giggle
and I couldn't hold my smile
Then I heard you laugh
and I sat down for a while
I watched as you spun and danced around the flowers
and treasured every minute and wished that they were hours

Your eyes speak only truth, your smile wide and free
You melt my heart again every time you look at me
your hugs are so sincere when you grab and hold me tight
and I remember what's important, and everything will be alright
For Ashley
Emily Oquendo Aug 2015
My little darling I hear your song,
your Mommy hears it too,
I place you in the loving arms
of the one I'm loving too.
Your song quiets down, almost to a whisper
Now I see whats wrong, it's only cause you missed her.
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