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Oct 2020 · 1.8k
a Oct 2020
Nourish thy soul
with the rhythms in your mind
bounce back bounce front
thy rhythm of time

Nourish thy body
feeling the pulses yelling your name
they shout they ache they're calling your name

Nourish thy body
with the love that you know
Nourish thy body
make sure it stays warm

Nourish thy body
by feeding the soul
1 scoop 2 scoops its never too full

Nourish thy pain
the one that's eating you away
reminding it does not exist without calling your name
Oct 2020 · 511
a Oct 2020
frozen to death
its all i can see
smoke in the ear calls to my feens
Im here and Im there
making it hard to breathe
back and forth
falling up but always jumping back down

why or what can make this be seen.
Apr 2020 · 462
Memories Collide
a Apr 2020
One step after the other following each one attached by barb wire. Keys in hand, heavy weight weighing down my *******. One cold metal touch right in the cusp of my hand. The keys
jingle jangle, jingle jangle, jingle jangle scraping the sheer layer of my skin. Hair viciously being pulled back by the wind... pulling and tugging never stopping when I say no. Truth be told he only stops until I fold.
Hold my hand.
To a frozen touch.
Day 4?
Feb 2020 · 429
a Feb 2020
Does the line of comfortability change due to culture? Can you handle less because maybe you did not handle more? Are you over sensitizing because I overheard? Telling me to watch the words I learned at a young age because Susies mom taught her kids those terms?

Do you only laugh at the people you enjoy? Respect the same of your own? Can you respect me even if you don't agree, I don't want to come at you, I don't think Im right but I don't think Im wrong. Agree to disagree simple to say it .

You tell me.... "I AM" part of the queer community as if I don't love a good ***** in the face.
You tell me WHO you are and assume who I am not.
I don't want to take away your voice, I don't disagree, I just wanna say mine too and how I feel....
Jul 2019 · 940
a Jul 2019
My lavender sweetheart
the way she looks giving you that pout
soft green eyes brighter than leaves w the summer dills
she leaves ya mind in feels like you’re off cbd pills
Body all lucid , seeing colors in acid melting with the music
come and catch this vibe like tree trunks sweet apple pie
leaving you in peace to sit with these lavender dreams
or leaving you in peace to sit with these lavender sweetdreams / sweethearts
Jun 2019 · 2.7k
First Meet
a Jun 2019
His eyes watching down his prey.
Stare so deep it reaches her insides.
Scoping through , searching to find the movies in her mind.
She blocks it , placing a wall , the light comes bouncing off the glass window and back to the wide eyes staring. Shook.
“Nice to meet you.”
He caresses her hand with a sunflower kiss.
Leaving her with his musk scent lingering behind with another movie.
Jun 2019 · 180
a first
a Jun 2019
“slowly... be careful w me” she whispered
with the soft luscious voice
hazel nut eyes glistening like diamonds just mined
gripping her tighter shes moving in , tracing the spine with his scruffy tongue
“you’re safe with me” he mumbled, hot breathe lingering along her neck
lighting this fire within her, moving one step at a time
inch by inch he reaches deeper, pulling her into a new light
out of body experience, her souls flying high
base maining calm
she sees him
it’s crystal clear
she knows now
its a love she could never have
Apr 2019 · 185
love for me
a Apr 2019
crying for love, its easy to see
the more i crave the less i receive
Treat YOUrself with roses and love
Dont you dare share em with nobody else

you save it all for you my dear
now is time to face the fears and climb the tree high till watching the birds fly over seas

you deserve the world my dear
its time for you to let go of the fear
hugs and touches calm you down
let the please cause the ease
ruthlessly gathered  always skilled  
use the fight of the mighty mice

i believe you can see
a future that is near
a future that is here
a future that can be

I know that you are there
I can hear you crystal clear
flipping through the pages of this novel
never forgetting a single vowel

you'll never fold
for something so little, and peeny, and small
you are grand, and big, and tall
don't listen to them all
they're tryna see you fall

take it in wipe it out
you will be the one whom shouts
you will be the one they talk about
you will be the one climbing freely
one for all

you and me
the love that was meant to be
Nov 2018 · 170
a Nov 2018
She’s an open book
But do you get her words?
Nov 2018 · 86
a Nov 2018
Tell me to beware
But no fear is near
Yes not my favorite
But I’m not likely to fail
Even if I do
It’s okay cause it’s you
The pain will fade away
And you’ll still be there another day

Tell me to beware
But no fear is near
We can love another way
All good , I’m still here
Not that I’m tripping
Things are just different
Not to say I don’t enjoy every bit of it

Tell me to beware
But no fear is near
You know Im really feelin you
Makes sense why I take the easy clues
But lemme be this stupid boo
I’m consciously falling all over you

No protection
No signs
Nobody best ask me why

I’ll never try to make you mine
Cause **** you barely got any time

A plus I’ll say
This crush ain’t the same
don’t consume my mind
I barely give you any of that toxic time
But when you got it you got it
N it’s all truths about it

Tell me to beware
But no fear is near
Consciously staring into this double sided mirror
Nov 2018 · 591
Do not I dare say
a Nov 2018
Don’t believe his words
Tryna cut your heart w a sword
Tho he says he’s genuine
You don’t know enough to know if it’s really him
He says he’s telling the truth
But I bet there’s a longer root
Don’t believe his words
Don’t you dare ever fold
Don’t lose a piece of you
Falling for this tool
Don’t believe his words
Don’t believe his words
a Nov 2018
tell me im crazy
im mildly insane
practically told you
i love you on same day
probably explain why I aint get no texts
betchu thinking we wouldnt have been a very good set
too emotionally unequipped
talk too much out my ***
shared too many thoughts i ever had
about you and even if they were true
now im stuck looking like booboo the fool
tell me im crazy
**** im insane
I accidentally brought you into my brain
you got scared and ran away
maybe not scared but ***** kind of weird
sorry I pulled you into that mirror
I wish I could change the reaction you had
change my actions
so that my impression could last
but I ****** it all up
cause im crazy and insane
I'm actually so bootyhurt, cause I really wanted to get to know him but I liked him too much right away and I showed/said it to him so he probably does not want to deal with that weird ****. over dramatic ***. I get it but I wish I could fit it
Oct 2018 · 1.5k
Pussy Sweet
a Oct 2018
I **** myself so good
Better than you wish you ever could
I feel my body shaking
As if I never shook
Gripped fists , tight teeth
Pelvis high I can hear her weep
Crying out without a doubt
More pressures in , pulsations sweet
Going to add more eventually
Oct 2018 · 1.2k
a Oct 2018
Yeah you took my flower
But you know I got the power
Oct 2018 · 141
Am I a bad person?
a Oct 2018
On train headed home
Going to be on my way to visit you
Even though I didn’t visit you much when you were healthier and living
Could this be guilt? How do you go watch someone die when you barely watched them alive?
I go because I feel bad, bad for my family that they’re going through this
That my dad has to watch his mother suffer and pass
I’m going for them.
Makes me wonder do they even need me?
Why should I go?
Am I a bad person?
I would rather go to class and do vogue
Instead of dealing with the cries because you may just die
Other people would be crying at the thought of losing you
Yet here I am ALMOST crying just because I feel bad and am frustrated.
How much does it really mean to watch one die whom you barely seen alive?
I’m uncomfortable with all of this.
Sep 2018 · 665
Dear Writing Professor
a Sep 2018
I feel cold, lost , and in a daze
whenever you speak
I wish it was just a faze
But the **** I just smoked
fades away into oblivion
Once at a good cloud 99
then you let out this storm
and my wings start to break
crashing down to cloud -9
but thats just the start of it
you continue these winds to knock me down
I've shot through, landed
on the hard white cement,
struck, motionless, razed.
This is what happens whenever you speak.
Dear Dirk,
Still got hope for ya though.
a Jul 2018
hard of breath
failing at chilling
May 2018 · 392
a May 2018
It isn't just her.
It's always been me.
They've always been prettier.
Had more of a pleasant appeal.
Each single one has been called "the it girl"
while I sit here wondering when it will be me.
It'll never be me.
My mentality is so sad, which is exactly why it shall never be me.
Always a bridesmaid never a bride, thats what they say.
Always jealous and depressed never going to be the one getting all the press.
I wish I could but for some reason I just can't seem to change me.
May 2018 · 462
a May 2018
Thats the color they always say describes me
I forgot of the fact that being green can also be very mean
Green represents the envy inside of me
I try not to but then you talk and talk so much about how you know you're going to be famous, know how you're going to be rich, know how you can just get any guy you want. Know you're that thang.
I try to let it be and not let the envy fuel inside of me
but I'm green of you. I wish I was so confident I was going to be famous, wish I could get any guy I want, wish I could speak/think so highly of myself everyday. Confidence is grace and I can’t pick up with your pace. But you explain your confidence so much it weakens me and makes me question if I'm the color green because of my energy or of my envy.
Or maybe my energy is envy, and deep inside I'm the only one that knows.
I know this isn't good, I use this as my online journal. Apologies if it makes you cringe
Mar 2018 · 576
a Mar 2018
My religion teacher doesn't care about the arts.
But what if I don't care about religion?
My parents forced me to go to a catholic school. But I am going to study arts in college. Why can't you accept that the arts is some peoples vocation in life. You explain in class how things we're good at or find an attracting too at a young age is our vocation. I fell in love with the arts at a young age.
Stop being a hypocrite Mr.Majewski and respect the arts.
I'm not religious.
a Mar 2018
A clear face that has this glow
Big brown eyes and bushy brows
Chubby cheeks but somehow still has cheekbones
A smile with dimples that she gave herself
Buck teeth that are super white and bright
4'9 with thighs of steel
Perky ******* that finally grew in
An *** that's bigger than her tiny body
Hairy legs showing others she doesn't care
Scars on her body representing the obstacles of her life
All with a personality that's bigger than her.
join and look in the mirror and find the things you love about yourself. I usually avoid mirrors but my mom put this random one down and it was facing me as I did my homework. First time in a while I looked in the mirror and had good things to say.
Feb 2018 · 4.0k
a Feb 2018
Loss of energy
don't seem to know what's happening
Was so bright
swear I had this kind of limelight

Now i feel blue with a deeper kind of hue
no motivation at all it's like
I'm stuck behind this **** wall
Lately I've been hearing this expression
they say it's called seasonal depression

But how can this winter's dew
all of a sudden make me feel this blue
Snow falling from the sky is exceptionally beautiful
how can they say that's what's making me feel so unusual

All these amazing things keep falling in my lap
yet for some reason all I want to do is take a nap

For days and days and days and so on
Sleeping is the only time which my energy isn't gone

Maybe it is this expression and in the summer my energy will come back
till then I guess I'll just have to lack.
I used to feel very green now all I feel around me is blue
Feb 2018 · 7.2k
The World
a Feb 2018
Listen here listen here
The world is so **** *******
Maybe all these terrible things are happening because it’s trying to be renewed
Our president is so whack
He keeps stabbing innocents in the back
Praising Arnold Schwarzenegger by acting as if he’s the terminator
Pero his wife’s an immigrant too
American dream who

We pretend to honor the OG’s who created this land
But now your trying to get them all banned
claiming them all to be rapists and murderers
Be humble sit down i'm tired of all these racial slurs

He says “We cannot aid Puerto rico forever”
But really we need to be working on this together
Puerto Rico is just a metaphor for how this president sees all Latinos and people of color
He does not see us as his equals, nor does he sees us as his fellows

Having the mindset being male and white
Is the only possibility of being right
Were all humans , we all fit in the same race.
We should not be considered by the color of our face
Yet somehow the white get all the praise
Why are we still stuck in this racist faze

Since 1963 when Martin Luther King said in his speech
“It came as a joyous daybreak to end the long night of their captivity. But 100 years later the ***** still is not free”
To this day even if they try not to say
The ***** is still treated so falsely.

Take a moment now to open up your eyes and stop all the self lies
Get rid that hate to open up the gate to a whole new perspective
A much more un discriminative kind
Then maybe just maybe the world wouldn’t be so **** *******

— The End —