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262 · Jan 2019
Fake Plastic World
Diary of Jane Jan 2019
Sometimes I look around me
and everything feels so fake -
I doubt
if I am real or not.
260 · Jan 2018
Diary of Jane Jan 2018
I used to think
you were a miracle.
Now I know.
even a curse
can disguise itself.
"people come into your life either as a blessing or a lesson."
260 · Dec 2018
Diary of Jane Dec 2018
You and I
A miracle


In the stars
254 · Feb 2018
Grief & Phoenix
Diary of Jane Feb 2018
Let it out-
all the pain you keep hiding,
all the tears you keep holding inside.
It's okay
if the grief claws out of you.
Just remember-
even if it feels forever,
even if it feels infinite,
even if it feels too much-
it will pass.
You had hit lower than this before
and risen like a phoenix.
You can do it once more.
I promise.
Please don't give up, don't let the monsters in your head win. I know some of us struggle daily with depression, grief, and life and sometimes, it makes zero sense of why we still exist but I strongly believe we exist because we are worth it, even with all of our scars, brokenness, messiness, flaws and what not, we are worth it.
242 · Feb 2018
Diary of Jane Feb 2018
She stopped missing him a long time back,
but she couldn't get over mourning the girl she was.
Some people will come into your life and alter you completely.
236 · Feb 2018
Spring is in the Air
Diary of Jane Feb 2018
Spring is
You and I
are together.
Today is the first day of spring where I live.
215 · Feb 2018
Away From You
Diary of Jane Feb 2018
I cannot think of a future
where you are there-
all roads lead
away from you.
214 · Jul 2018
Diary of Jane Jul 2018
She was so used to the pain
she won't let happiness touch her
with a ten foot pole.
206 · Feb 2018
Diary of Jane Feb 2018
They say, if someone you loved
didn't love you back,
you should take that love,
and spread it
in the world around you.
I have tried and tried
to do just that
but still, it won't fill the gap
that you left behind,
and all I feel is empty.
199 · Feb 2018
Unloving You
Diary of Jane Feb 2018
All my pretense falls away
when I see you.
I forget the promise I made to myself
that I won't let you tug at my heart anymore.

All my resolution crumbles
when I see you
You still consume me
even without trying the slightest.

Perhaps, unloving you is a test
I am bound to fail
over and over again.
198 · Oct 2018
of hope and life
Diary of Jane Oct 2018
they say,
as long as there is life
there is hope
can you spend your whole life
simply hoping?
maybe some things are just not meant to be
it is better to let those hopes turn to dust
before you do.
Diary of Jane Feb 2018
Only a fool says, "Follow your heart.."
The wise knows the price of it.
196 · Feb 2019
Diary of Jane Feb 2019
I have this
to know you
not to love you
or be with you
but just to know you
to unravel you.
195 · Dec 2018
Falling in love
Diary of Jane Dec 2018
I fall in love
but when I do
I fall in love
so fast
it spins my head.

One day
I will find you intolerable
and another
I will discover a piece of you
that resonates with me
lights a spark in me
and I will fall for you
in the blink of an eye
with all of you
and build an entire world
for the two of us.

But the world, most often,
turns out to be made of glass
just waiting to break apart
and I will fall down so hard
and hit the ground
just as fast as I fell in love.
194 · Sep 2018
Diary of Jane Sep 2018
Could there be
anything sadder
you and I
in the same universe
but never
in this life again?
191 · Sep 2018
Diary of Jane Sep 2018
Why is it this way
and not that way?
Why can't life be just a li'l bit kinder?
Why do we have to make the best
of every worst situation?
Why do we have to find the strength to let go
when we want to hold on with all our lives?
Why can't everything be simpler?
189 · Feb 2018
The Dance of Words
Diary of Jane Feb 2018
So many words
swirl in my mind,
one jumping ahead of the other,
before I can grasp them
and make any sense.
They are always in a hurry it seems,
brewing up a storm,
and trying to find reason or rhyme in them
is a futile endeavor.
Let them dance,
cause a cacophony-
they only want your attention,
don't pay any heed to them-
they will only distract
and befuddle you.
You are supposed to be here
not in the chaos of words in your head.
This is dedicated to all the overthinkers in the world.
188 · Apr 2018
For a glimpse
Diary of Jane Apr 2018
These eyes still thirst for a glimpse of you
among the millions of strangers,
they come across every day,
hoping by some miracle, fate, or chance -
today would be the day
when the thirst would be quenched.
186 · Mar 2019
Curse or Gift?
Diary of Jane Mar 2019
Everyone hurts
Everyone feels
Everyone loves
But some does all of these
more than the others.

And I can never decide
if it's a curse or a gift
To feel everything
on the spectrum
so very intensely.

Especially on days like these
when every pinprick feels
like the twisting of a knife
when the slightest sound
makes you jump
when all you want
is a little respite
from the insanity
that reigns inside your head.
185 · Dec 2018
Without Any Regrets
Diary of Jane Dec 2018
I live a life
without any regrets
I proudly wear
my mistakes,
my stupidity,
my scars of yesterdays-
as badges of honor.

Those are the things I have survived
Those are the experiences that taught me
of my incredible strength
of rising from the ashes
over and over again
like a phoenix.
185 · Sep 2018
Crossing the line
Diary of Jane Sep 2018
If there is a fine line
between love and madness
I know I crossed it
when I loved you.
Diary of Jane Nov 2023
Someone once told me
That I indulge in my sadness,
That I treasure it
Like it's some luxury,
I feed it
Like it's my life source,
And I can't help but wonder
If what he said is true?
After a certain time,
Can you get addicted to sadness?
184 · Jun 2018
Holding on and letting go
Diary of Jane Jun 2018
You will lose people
as you grow older
like coins falling
out of your pocket,
You will lose them
whether you like it or not,
even the ones who promised to stay
and the ones to whom you promised to keep.

Life is a paradox
of holding on and letting go.
171 · Nov 2023
Diary of Jane Nov 2023
I feel drawn
Towards you
Without wanting to.

In a world
Full of chaos,
You are the only "sukoon"
My heart has ever known.

Ps. Sukoon is an urdu word meaning peace
168 · Aug 2018
Diary of Jane Aug 2018
Somedays I wake up
and it feels like
it happened just yesterday
and not ages ago-
the memory is that crystal clear.
Maybe some ghosts
haunt us forever.
168 · Feb 2018
Diary of Jane Feb 2018
I am
better (off)
without you.
165 · Jul 2018
Diary of Jane Jul 2018
Is breaking your own heart
to protect someone else's.
165 · Apr 2019
Breaking Free
Diary of Jane Apr 2019
I won't let you
creep into my words anymore
No, I refuse to give you that power.

I will erase every trace of you in my veins,
banish every thought of you from my mind.

I will exorcise the ghost of you from my memory
I will be free of you-
This is I promise
even if it's the last thing I ever do,
I will die trying.
164 · Jan 16
You Are Too Good
Diary of Jane Jan 16
You are too good
To be someone's second choice
An option,
A backup plan,
An indecision,
A 3 am call.

Choose people
Who choose you,
Who celebrate you,
Who prioritize you
Every day.
Diary of Jane Feb 2018
"Have I lost you?" he asked her that day.

"No," she replied smilingly,

"You never had me, but yes, you have surely lost the chance to ever have me. I don't do second chances."
122 · May 3
Like A Thief
Like a thief,
It sneaks upon you
Even on your good days.
Happy days,
Full of laughter & sunshine,
When nothing feels wrong
And everything feels right.
And you think you have moved on,
You're over it.
And just like that
It pulls you back,
Pulls you under,
Like nothing else matters,
And you'll always be stuck
In this black hole called grief.
114 · Feb 2
Selfish Love
It was the most selfish kind of love
She ever felt-
The kind that made her forget
The line between right and wrong.
The kind where she wouldn't hesitate
To burn the whole world
If it meant she gets to be with him.
The kind where she didn't care
For anything or anyone else.
And it took her ages to learn
That what she felt for him was
Toxic, madness, obsession, unhealthy-
That it was anything -
But love.
Diary of Jane Feb 27
I still remember
Yesterday was your birthday.
Like every other year
I wished you in my mind,
And stopped myself
From making a fool out of myself
For the nth time
And reach out to you
For real.
I would rather cut off my fingers
Than dial your number
Only to be greeted
By a graveyard of silence
On the other side.

I still remember the times
You called me
Before it was 12 am
cause you wanted to be the first
To wish me on my birthday
And for a fraction of time,
I believed you were mine.
99 · Apr 9
You were ordinary,
Flawed, & imperfect.
I loved you,
Made a god out of you,
That was my sin,
And this grief
Is my penance.
88 · Jul 2023
Villain In The Story
Diary of Jane Jul 2023
If you painted me
As the villain in your story
So you could be the hero in hers
Then I hope
At least to her
You remained the hero
Till the last chapter.
87 · Dec 2023
Like A Phoenix
Diary of Jane Dec 2023
You see her laughter,
The sparkle in her eyes,
Full of mirth and life,
You haven't
Seen her tears,
Clutching at darkness,
At her lowest,
In the silence of the night
And swallowing
A thousand more screams inside.
You see her gentleness
In a world full of indifference,
You haven't seen her grieving,
Clawing at her bruised heart,
Demons battling in her head
And monsters reigning in her heart
As all hopes turned to dust.
You see her whole,
But you don't see
The scars in her soul
Where light enters
And makes her shine
Like a Phoenix
Reborn from the ashes.
84 · Dec 2023
If It's Not You...
Diary of Jane Dec 2023
If I can live without you
I can live without anyone else
This much this heart has learnt
This much this heart knows
If it's not you
What does it matter
If it's no one else?
82 · Dec 2023
Of Hopes and Fantasies
Diary of Jane Dec 2023
When a hope dies, maybe somewhere out there a universe dies too, cause the world you imagined will never get to be, and of course, it's going to hurt a lot. But that's okay. Because some things are better in fantasies than reality.
78 · Dec 2023
All The Love In The World
Diary of Jane Dec 2023
It is not that
I am not loved.
I know it in my heart.
I feel it in my veins.
Love overflows in abundance
in many forms in my life
Yet my heart is eternally
starved of it.
It started with him-
This affliction of never-ending yearning
That has no cure or respite
And somehow all the love in the world
Is not enough to fill this black hole
That he left behind.
77 · Nov 2023
Diary of Jane Nov 2023
What is not written in the stars
No matter how much tears you shed
How many prayers you utter
How much love you give
How much grief you hold inside
How many efforts you put
How can it ever be yours,
If it's not meant to be?
76 · Jul 2023
Diary of Jane Jul 2023
Used to be

The entire world is a
Mighty stranger

And I don't care about
Fitting in anymore.
71 · Oct 2023
Diary of Jane Oct 2023
Do you ever wonder?
How the universe aligns
To make two individuals meet
In a lifetime
Among the billions of strangers
That wander through your life-
Faceless and nameless,
And how that one person,
Who was a stranger someday
Carves a whole universe inside you
And no other person
Will ever hold so much of you.
70 · Oct 2023
All the people
Diary of Jane Oct 2023
Of all the people
I have loved and lost
You are the one
I remember the most.
70 · Nov 2023
Eternal Longing
Diary of Jane Nov 2023
Maybe she was born
With a heart
Forever meant to pine
After things
Never meant to be...
Diary of Jane Aug 2023
Not trying to want you
is like trying to forget
a song you have loved
your whole life
or leave a place
that has always
felt like home.

Not trying to love you
is like asking my heart
to stop beating
or erase the best parts
of my life.
63 · Nov 2023
Still Trying
Diary of Jane Nov 2023
The mess you left behind
Years ago
I am still trying
To sort it out.
The pieces you left behind
I am still trying
To put them back together.

You will never know
What I became
Because of you.
The aftermath of your destruction
Never seems to
Leave me alone.
63 · Aug 2023
Diary of Jane Aug 2023
There are some wounds you never show
Some stories you never tell
Not to your best friend, partner, lover,
or any other soul -
They remain locked and buried
Within the deepest parts of you.
You don't even whisper about them to the wind
Except maybe to the darkest of nights.  

I hope someday
You won't have to carry them to your grave
I hope you will be healed and free of them.
62 · Dec 2023
Diary of Jane Dec 2023
My heart survived you,
Now, it can survive
All the storms
All the apocalypses in this world,
It knows this much.
But it is still not invincible.
61 · Oct 2023
Self-Destructive Urges
Diary of Jane Oct 2023
I still get the self-destructive urges
To reconnect with people
Who have walked away from me
In some unknown, inexplicable, wild hope
That they will be able to give back to me
The pieces of me they have taken with them,
Not realizing that not all things lost - are a loss.
Diary of Jane Dec 2023
It is scary
how fast some people change these days-
faster than the blink of an eye
or the speed of lightning.
One moment
they seem completely enchanted by you
and the next they ghost you
when it is no longer convenient for them.
And yet people in my life wonder
why do I keep my guard up so high
and prefer to keep my solitude
instead of wolves in sheep's disguise.
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