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  Aug 7 Azelea V
Adam Jones
Ornaments of olive eyes
Wading sleepy through starry skies
A silver window of heavens light
Sing me to sleep this winter night
Azalea, lay your flowers in the snow
As I lay, the wind shivers aching bones
Waiting calm for lower tides
I etched a poem in the stone
Rusty sheets, broken boards
Broken folds we call our homes
Azalea, the prettiest face
As I wait, for the dead to come back home
  Aug 7 Azelea V
Beautiful pink azaleas are growing here and there,
A touch of surreal pink fills the forest air,
Tall, tall trees beautifully grow;
Oh I love this forest so!
Patches of light-green grass,
Grow here and there on the forest path,
Sunlight illuminates the air;
Birds are chirping without a care.
God created each azalea with love,
Just as He made the beautiful dove,
Evening sunlight dances in the west;
Shining in the Azalea Forest.

Azelea V Aug 6
I searched for God
and I saw babies and children
smiling and sleeping their way through time.

I searched for God
and I saw dogs on the streets
wagging their tails to strangers.

I searched for God
and I came across humans
helping other humans who could not return the favor

I searched for God
and I saw the stars
twinkling their way through the cosmos
every night, dying and rebirthing

Finally I searched for God
and I felt my own heartbeat
refusing to ever give up no matter what
beating consistently to the tune of life
i dont have a religion
Azelea V Aug 6
White sheets , me and you
My cheesy jokes and your passion for politics
Cigarettes and The Dinosaur's Skin
In my head we were already married

Babe you got me writing like Lang,
Making moves even in the astral realm
Holding me up in every dimension,
Catching me at every breathe and fall

We met 45 full moons ago near a lake
Made love until the war
I guess we were both in fear of the unknown
But we discovered ourselves during it

The corridors of your house
Will forever be haunted by us

Will I get to see you again? Maybe.
Azelea V Aug 6
Tarot cards tell me you're mine
The mind and heart are always in a war
We both pretend we're fine
But I know we'd rather make out in the bar

Over cherry lime and whiskey
You won't have to be alone again
these mind games are so silly
Can we just touch and not refrain ?

I plead for moments with you to the stars
We are akashic soulmates
Unbound by time, space and the deep blue
Tied to each other with the red string of fate

Our heartbeats would synchronize with the way the stars dance in the sky
Every word unsaid would still paint the sky pink with its depth
And each kiss would make the oceans dry up
Our sense of belonging to each other would put the compass to
Azelea V Aug 6
Time and us grew up together
I've always known about your existence
But our timelines danced the dance of fate, or destiny, you call it
When you came into my timeline
I saw stars and galaxies
Which are only seen in the dark night

I wonder too, that when I appeared in yours,
did you see bright sunsets and clouds?
timeline dancers
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