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 Jul 2020 Zack Ripley
 Jul 2020 Zack Ripley
Don't try to find love
Love will find you
At right place at right time
Just keep patience.
 Jul 2020 Zack Ripley
 Jul 2020 Zack Ripley
Respect the time
Then only time will respect you.
 Jul 2020 Zack Ripley
All I need
Is a tight hug from you
To join all the broken parts of me.
 Jul 2020 Zack Ripley
Kafka Joint
There is no good time,
Unless you have it,
There is no good place,
Unless it's yours.
 Jul 2020 Zack Ripley
Goddess Rue
You’re much like the rain,
You can be soft or heavy,
Or kind to my drought.
your presence
is all
i need.
 Jul 2020 Zack Ripley
Your words, are as beautiful as a golden sunrise.
Your words, inspire many and encourage them too.
Your words,  brings great healing upon many people.
Because God uses your Huge heart desires here too.
Your words,  are filled with great love and great desires.
Your words, are filled with an heart that loves others purely.
Your words, will help many to over-come many obstacles.
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