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 Dec 2015 y i k e s
her ribcage is filled with
but they are
dead, dead, dead.
 Dec 2015 y i k e s
My chest caving in
But in a good way

My stomach turns
But in a good way

Zoning out
Spacing out
The thought of her
Lingers at   the back of my head
Her eyes piercing me
With her dashing smile

Her smile
Her smile

I forgot I'm sitting on top
Of a cloud
The world that's all around us
Is so vast
But the outside world is so much bigger
A jungle of darkness
We are a spec of dust
Why must we make
Everything complicated

Sleeping in my bed
No way I know how I got here....
The problem itself
is seldom the extent of the problem,
t'is One's reaction to the problem
that tends to be the true problem.
 Dec 2015 y i k e s
Samantha Wild
“He's the only fire I've ever regretted getting close to, not because I was burned but because burns leave the most stubborn scars”
They are just beginning to fade, after all this time.
 Dec 2015 y i k e s
george glass
my childhood was removed from me
inside of a blue mustang
and what remained after that
I tried to barter off the highest bidder
but I grew,
not up,
but forward
further away
slowly releasing
hands of defiance
fists chock full of hopeless words
like anger, the flavor that aches the bone,
the cold kind,
more barren than the green of Christmas lights
glimmering off the icy veneer of a white picket fence
overeager, in the apathy of theatrics,
to strip off the remainder
because the empty feeling that followed
might one day
make a decent poem
Be with me
Always and forever,
And when my flesh
Disappears under
A ground full of roses
You will still remember
My smell.
I keep looking for someone
who sees the world how I do.
Swirling metaphors
and striking colors,
Sunsets and beauty
and tragedy....

But perhaps I need
a facts and figures
Logical kind of person,
To pull my head out of the clouds.
It's Thursday
If it were Wednesday
It would be the same
again, you are not here
     I think to call someone else
and have regrettable ***
and forget you for a night
but I don't
I'm tired of it
I'll be alone
I think I'll sit by myself
    and talk to the gods
they don't exist
but they are nearer than you
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