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  Feb 2023 xavier thomas
Edmund black
For those of you
who has no clue
Love is not found on February 14
Love is found in John 3:16.
Itā€™s in every single breath
youā€™ve taken.
You should be grateful that
It is free!
xavier thomas Feb 2023
It hurts to know I was the last image you saw before you found your soulmate
xavier thomas Feb 2023
Iā€™m not afraid to lose you in the process of us becoming better people.
Iā€™m not afraid to tell you the truth even if it hurts a little.
Iā€™m not afraid to compromise time in exchange for peace.
Iā€™m not afraid being vulnerable, though, Iā€™m automatically viewed as weak.

All past doors were sealed.
So nothing will interfere.
Work to take proper care to be in the presence of a new journey.
So natural growth can bloom there.
Right before we got together.

Yet, I catch myself overthinking during crucial conversations because I donā€™t want to mess up.
Learning to give room for human error.
Despite it all; I am still in love with youā€¦

You, my love, You
xavier thomas Feb 2023
Me: "I'm going to acknowledge you, first."
Her: "I'm going to trust you, more."
xavier thomas Jan 2023
Stop throwing imaginary labels on to my character when you only encountered one moment of my existence
xavier thomas Jan 2023
You wasnā€™t appreciative enough.
So now, youā€™re back trying to create
a new spark under the same burnt stick
you blew out already.
We are not ignited anymore .
xavier thomas Dec 2022
Iā€™ll lead the way just follow my move
Iā€™ll provide you with care
You called me to rescue you
Hold on to that prayer

Just be all mineā€¦
Just be all mineā€¦

Follow me straight to the heavensā€¦

No more baggage, ok?
Donā€™t carry that weight
Youā€™re afraid itā€™s ok
No more drama nor running
Iā€™ll lead the way just follow my move
Provided with care

Iā€™ll show you how deep this love will beā€¦

Iā€™ll lead the way, follow me
Iā€™ll provide you care
You called to rescue you
Just hold that prayer

No baggage, ok?
Donā€™t carry that weight
Youā€™re afraid itā€™s ok
No more drama nor running, uh

No baggage, ok
Carry no weight
Afraid, itā€™s ok
No running away

Iā€™ll show you how deep love will beā€¦
Iā€™ll show you how deep love will beā€¦
Hold that prayer

No baggage, ok
Carry no weight
Youā€™re afraid itā€™s ok
No drama today
Donā€™t cry

No baggage, ok
Carrying the weight

No baggage today
No baggage today
No baggage today
No baggage today
No baggage today
~Inspired by one of my favorite 1992 singers~
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