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Styles Oct 2014
What’s up with this fool this a battle my dude
Your in my domain so you play by my rule
You battling a beast that’s more evil than you
Anything you do, I can do better than you
I’m bred from a breed that would eat you for their food
We watch and read about your type on the daily news
They only found your wind pipe no other parts of you
Thats what happened when you come across a beast,
That feeds off the hearts of its lower counter parts
Rap underworld boss, much bigger than you for starts
I make you and your crew look like they ****** Doo
Me controlling the elements that's hell for you
nothing you can do, my metaphors got meaning
You are a hoax just teething,
Imma full blown demon
you barely steaming
you've bean bitten its good ridden
my odds against you for so many reasons
I been hot, who you think changed the seasons
My HANS solo helped the pharaohs off spring
Made Alienware out of theses underground kings
Beating my chest in the middle of the ring
Raising vikings train'em to win
With my pen alone I could **** you with writtin
Imagine what a battle axe would do to your chin
I'll hulk smash, push your shin bone through your chin
Fresh off of my second wind, fresh off of a wind
I been doing this, before you exist,
And will run this when you stop breathing
You are in the path of a psychopath
You do the math then face my wrath
I **** guys blood ties then take a bath and laugh
You should just stop
We are not even
I revive your life
**** you twice
Just so the plot thicken
You was easy pick, from slim Pickens
I swallow whole chickens and baby pigeons
Livin under bridges trying to change my image
Fightin trolls and warriors my daily scrimmage
killing you, then train your brethren and break bread with
Your best friend, I'll be home by seven to have some words with the reverent
My crazy flow I’ll spit you a Rembrandt
My skill running rampant
About to get a little uncanned
I got a ***** in the Hampton
And she thinks I’m top ten
Plus I’m tall dark and I’m handsome
I’ll take you for ransom
But your not worth a grand-son
You couldn’t out rap me
If you were Santa grandson
Your evil family
Will Die ironically
every villain dies gory
In every story featuring me
Thought are not suppose to be bottled.So I pour my *** down the sink when I think, it runs down,and I **** away the world afflictions, cause its bigger than my shrink.Hard to blink cause my addiction is I stare into space tryna find my place.To be libra, even with the ying yang cause its constant battle in my cerebral.
Dealin with neglectful people,resultin with me to project hate towards the one I call fam.
I should crucify my hands cause its writtin so much sin from heart.Its truely hard to be positive cause im always dwellin in the dark.
I feel thats what my only option is.
Haunted by the future, dreamin bout the past,tryin to recover, and exhume feelings to rid of that never last.Cause I dont want  stained names writtin on my heart cast growin pains maken me nuts, groin pains.
I want no part of that!
Sometimes I wanna die of a broken heart attack.Beating too seperate pulses on the screen, watch  it get flatlined and silent like my hopes and dreams.
pshhh **** this self esteem!
I been bullied at young,laugh at cause I was fat and dumb,always askin for theyre pizza crust nd crumbs.Always picked last and never won not once.
But I aint done,lost my father, young and I wasnt a good son.Im his off spring that sprung with mean gene son.Him a Drug addict, im the pain addict,I inject the hate habbits an cry in my own attic.
Hopin for a dragon tails, or some
Harry potter magic.
At night I see father & son commercials on the tv screen, I cringe, cause I remember thinking one day thatll be me.To have some  sorta memory of the dAy that we meet.But it never came to pass or be. No sir-ree!  he was notorious, but all he gave me was a  missed calls and birthday wishes never granted, and dead dreams.And a ache, that came with me when I left the nursery the day I was born.
Breathless, a severe asthmatic. Abnia child,who eventually  grew wild,while with no father to tell him to sit down! Im AdHd I cant keep calm! Ima a pessimisst with thoughts in my
Mind that storms from night till dawn.
All about christ,with nails as the  pen in my palms.Reading the psalms,to keep strong but im still weak ,a lefty doin right is wrong.
Still keep my heart on my arm I still flex  nd rep love till packed solid like abs and pecs. But just give a nine or tech, to shoot bullet notes.The ology of knowing me, is a study of a SOB.. Shortness of breath...

Lost in direction I need a pointer,
And eyes cause im walkin wrong,
No seein
Not believing

-Deep Thought
Stu Harley Jul 2014
ya know somethin'
writtin' poetry
kinda makes
your mouth
water and
i just
a few
sips of
bootleg fire-water
whiskey over here
you know
down yonda
hell yeah
you know what
what i'm
the mighty spirits
help me
the equilibrium
thus in the creative
proccess of poetry writtin'
Lord help me please
cause i know
i got da right stuff
now aint dat da truth
yeah you so crazy
Anya Oct 2018
The poems
That mean the most
To me
Are my most personal

But the ones
That are the most popular
Happen to be the
Most general ones
Writtin in a whim
To empathize with
It makes sense if you think about it
KG Nov 2020
Easy will I give blood to thee
My love of anger simmering.

Tough mutts and breezy gates shut up while I'm walking up the paved path to heaven.
My shadows carve depictions of their home across it's border, until the time that obliteration comes preceding daylight.
Presently, the senses tell stories of alleyways, bending, screaming, dark, and hollow niches where cells holding cretins feeding on easy cons, closely eyeing the greasy pawns that wobble across rotting paper, voodoo art a secret guarded closely hidden in the hole a beating heart long ago vacated. Robbing rich snobbish ****** their childrens life of ignorance concerning newfound addictions.
You know the type.
You know that I know you too, and how you prefer to shape the ghastly forms these predators take, turn them into your thralls discarded soon after rehearsing the parts of your play, writtin precisely to incite your own addiction to probability gamble gaming intuition. trashing skits naturally reactive to exhibited patterns laughing mad at the victms thrashing quiver, stashing films of the accidents in your pack to gift the sadistic mastiffs  attack and ravage and tear and
The fictitious movies play out onto the skyscape of this mind we share, and attempt to accept the last thing you truly fear.
dennis drain Aug 2016
Man... I'm so sick of this ****, taking like a politician, tryin ta act like a different person.
Even when im wrightin an gettin twisted.
Stayin up 3 days without sleepin even a second.
I feel like I abandoned my mission, of relatin to the worlds neglected children.
Started spitin **** that  made me sound like a *****.
but the truth is im still white, high, wearin black hoodies and  refusin to accept what I don't like.
Didint notice I was writtin any different I was just hella trippin on the white ****,
sittin up all night on hello poetry half dead, can't remember half of what I said. Just remember i wasn't making sense,
finly went to bed and im back again...

Finley Wearin all black again, bandana ironed in my back left again, but even on my brightest days i was born to sin.
So im still north side 14 only white boy allowed in. Pipe loaded with whatever for forever  someone better burry me with a peice in my pocket to chief on when they lower down my casket and lock it. Then pour little bit of 40 on top for the homie who never stopped kilin it.
Jacob McCurrin Oct 2011
Who is it for that these words are writtin for
That I might change you're life as you walk through that door
Is it for me or my self goading mind
I find it is for you and your self loathing kind
Why cant it all just be for the good
That these actions we take are always misunderstood
I try to make peace and calm these reactions
But it all hits the floor as your mood strikes the matches
Burns to the ground lost are the memories
Some like it hot but not like the movies
We set out our course for the wide open sea
Hoping and praying that these waves calm the flames
As we hold our hands tight and look for what remains
Is it my wish for a true love happy ending
Or a reminder to us that it all takes understanding
For love does but come and sometimes may go
But theres still room for you and this love to grow
M Sep 2015
when I give to you everything in my sky and on my ground
I give to you my rain, my thunder, my sun, my clouds
you take all fog away from the drought in my eyes
my bare soul is left and there's no need to deny
who I am anymore, you've shown me I'm worth it
you've shown me my skin and my heart, they deserve it
you've writtin in stone the peace that you gave
because in the end, Lord, you rose from the grave
to show me you love me. And not just my sin
but my soul and my essence, what's left in the end
that I forgot how to recognize when we fell from your plan
Now you've given me back. So, thank you. Love wins.
Dez Apr 2020
I am out of words to say
For I have spoken all day
But not just for that fact
But because people did not react
So it is a wast to speak
If people reject my words throughout the week
What shall I do?
Wast my words on a fool?
Well if they at least pretend to listen
I guess I’ll continue my writtin

— The End —