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Spike Harper Jan 2016
It's strange to ponder about just what brought this revelation about.
They key now swings silently around my neck.
Lulling the air about into a mirage of sorts.
Yet as I frantically rub my eyes for clarity.
The image stayed vibrant and resilent.
Although it seemed to have aged in the time since I first looked upon it.
Claw like marks gouged the frame.
It seems to have been reforged.
With blood and steel.
Giving it a cold and bitter demeanor.
Yet as I place my hand on the weathered scars.
Am I filled with a roaring zeal.
I bellow a battle cry that reverberates through time itself.
This typhoon of emotion surrounds my senses.
Dizzy from the constant swirling and repetitive motions.
I pray for a salvation that still seems so far off.
But giving up now would bare no fruit.
So I greet it with a smile and a reinvigorated rage.
And await the moment that the calm calls for such renown.
There was beauty in the morning with the light trickling through the windows.
Despite the faded paint and amidst the splintered wood,
the weary soul of an old forgotten home.
Lonely on the lee side; in the mountains shadow.
As my eyes touched its grains,
There was a lonely splendor to it.
Though it loved what it had been,
It could find contentment
in slowly
to the earth
As a child
Lived Hale and hearty
      Went to school
Came into discipline
April fools of childhood
        Completed study
Received degree & became happy
But did not get a job
April fools of degree
          Got a job
Became happy and confident
Got responsibilities & became vigilent
April fools of job
            Got married
Had a partner & became satisfy
Had children felt as if touched the sky
Children got education and married
They went away to get their dreams fulfilled
April fools of the life
      Now it feels as if
We are this World's big fools who make blunders
       Only first April is true and
Remaining 364 days for us like plunders
Life began with expectation
Tending to the barren bed
Painful hope and disappointment
Driving each repeat attempt

Joyful prayer and jubilation
Welcomed in a budding shoot
Joined by leafy, sibling heads the
Crowning young boldly unfurled

Instinct nurtured their progression
Soft hands stroked each silken leaf
Revelling in propagation
Wonder forged Taurean strength

Soon each seedling sprouted high and
Outgrew its familial crib
Tendrils stretching boldly out
Testing, straining boundaries

Cupped in trepidatious fingers
Nervously each found its place
Being swaddled and surrounded
Ceded saplings confidence

Basking in the sunlit bedding
Independence spread its roots
Yet still needing reassurance
Cautious in fresh liberty

Branching out, each budding flower
Cultivated character
Crimson fire, cocky cobalt,
Mellow blonde with golden hue

Satisfaction smiles over
Burgeoning maturity
Vigilent, maternal counsel
Stakes up blooming confidence

Predators surround each blossom:
Pestilence apocalypse
Constant, careful conservation
Safeguards childish ignorance

Basking in the garden’s beauty
Watching bees promote rebirth
Contemplating life’s real purpose
She smiles at nature’s knowing plan
This is a poem inspired by and a tribute to my mother.
What works, what doesn't? Does it make sense?
Graff1980 Oct 2017
This world can be a dark, crue,l and hateful place. That is why we must be ever vigilent against the tide of racism and hatred that overshadows the land. Where there is cruelty we must bring compasion, where there is darkness we must become the light, and where there is hate we must be love. I hope all of us can live as shining example of the goodness within the hearts of human beings.
With this poem you should see another secret bout me if you're highly observant and a vigilent sleuth, this poem holds another clue that's the truth.

— The End —