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An Isle rose up from the ocean swell
On the seventeenth of June,
It was totally unexpected by
The M.V. Cameroon,
She’d sailed with seven passengers
And some cargo in the hold,
They all kept well to their cabins for
The deck was more than cold.

The Captain up on the bridge had checked
His maps before they sailed,
Had marked his course dead reckoning
Though the gyro compass failed,
They’d been at sea for eleven days
So he took a fix on the stars,
Then left the wheel to the Bosun while
He searched for the coffee jar.

The ship ground up on a coral reef
At two in the morning, sharp,
The night was black as a midden since
The clouds had hidden the stars,
The hull bit deep in the coral as
It drove ahead with its way,
Grinding slowly to come to halt
Just in from a new-formed bay.

‘There isn’t supposed to be land out here,’
The Bosun cried to Lars,
The Captain said, ‘I fixed a point,
Dead reckoning by the stars!
There shouldn’t be land in a hundred miles,’
But the ship was high and dry,
‘It must have come up from the ocean floor,’
The Bosun said, ‘but why?’

The passengers spilled out onto the deck
With cries and shouts in the gloom,
‘What have you done, the ship’s a wreck,’
Said the Banker, Gordon Bloom.
The sisters, Jan and Margaret Young
Burst out in sobs and tears,
‘How are you going to float it off?
We might be here for years!’

At daylight they could see the extent
Of the distant lava flow,
‘Lucky we’re not on the other side
Or we’d all be dead, you know.’
The tide came in and the tide went out
But the ship was high and dry,
As clouds of steam from the lava flow
Poured out, and into the sky.

‘We’re not gonna starve,’ said Andy Hill
As he peered down onto the reef,
As thousands of ***** and lobsters crawled
‘There’s plenty of them to eat.’
They lowered him down on a rope, along
With the engineer, Bob Teck,
Where they gathered the lobsters up by hand
And tossed them, up on the deck.

The evening meal was a feast that night,
They ate and they drank their fill,
‘Too much,’ said Oliver Aston-Barr
‘I think I’m going to be ill.’
But Jennifer Deane, Costumier
Had an appetite for four,
She ate the scraps that the others left
And was calling out for more.

The following morning all was still
Til Jennifer Deane came out,
She roused them all with a frightened scream,
And then continued to shout:
‘I’ve got some horrible bug inside
And I’ve lost my sense of taste,
It must have come from the lobsters, for
It’s eaten half of my face!’

The lobsters must have been undercooked
For the symptoms would appal,
A necrotizing flesh eater
Had started on them all,
The flesh was eaten from Andy’s hand
And the leg of Gordon Bloom,
While the sisters Jan and Margaret Young
Lay screaming in their room.

The sickness took them rapidly,
For Jennifer Deane had died,
They had no place to bury her
So threw her over the side,
The ***** then swarmed and attacked her there,
Ate all of her flesh away,
There was little left of Jennifer Deane
Before the end of the day.

Each time that one of them died, the rest
Would fling them over the side,
The bodies had piled up higher out there
Than those alive, inside,
Til finally, Oliver Aston-Barr
Was last to die, on the bridge,
Of the Motor Vessel Cameroon,
Upthrust on a lava ridge.

A winter storm was to float it off,
It drifted out with the tide,
A rusted hulk with ‘The Cameroon’
Paint peeling, off from the side.
An ancient freighter, crossing its path
Drove past it, steel on steel,
And that’s when the helmsman held his breath,
‘There’s a skeleton at the wheel!’

David Lewis Paget
Cunning Linguist Oct 2014
Gimme just the slightest touch
Surely bout to bust a nut
Sock in hand,
my **** erupts
Reidums D rock em
with that 3-Hole punch!

Elephant in the room,
Drunk and bumbling through and through
Lord knows I'll bulldoze her Womb-2-Tomb
On the threshold
& Ready to rumble,
I hustle the bustling
cos she like it rough nomsaying

Prepare for trouble
Enough's enough,
I'm the cunning linguist call my bluff
Doubleplusmuch I munch the ****
I like my busdowns over-stuffed
The t-t-truthfulness,
It's just unscrupulous,
When I lace up the gloves
& upthrust the ******~

I've lost all sensibility
That's a possibility,
but just a moment
Here's a bonus, take my component
Check it's divisibility between your legs,
and if you can find the quotient
This train got no brakes
Slam-dunk on they punk *** parading my game
Simply planting the seed to fertilize your eggs
**** that bunk ****
~Yes, I'm surfing on that funk wave~

Madly ****-spelunking;
tap-tap flowertrap blossoms, unfurling
Clobber em something awesome
Girls roll over and play opossum

My command in speaking ****
Makes other fools illiterate
***** I ******* wrote that ****
The preposterous architect
of epic proportions

The catalyst, becoming a deviant
The mischievous gent'
Debriefing through false pretenses
Though my ******* is magnus
My ***** are brass & my ding-a-ling's massive
them hoes be coming too
Professional minuteman with a plan
Confessing I'd really only need
a fraction to fashion that action

Line up shots, food for thot
I'd even ménage à trois with a
couple nuns inside a confessional box
Doesn't have to be consensual,
it's a holey trinity

Bona fide thief,
An affinity for robbing virginities
in my nearest vicinity
Still your hostility;
I'm battin' down the hatches
Call me the ***** snatcher,
the ****** catcher
****** Ketchum, I smash

Double-whammy in the ham basket

Go for broke
until you choke,
stroking and blowing me
like a trombone,
my ***** is about to explode -
no thrombosis

I am the chosen one
The smoking gun
Rail me to the dome
Or inhale my vapors through a rose
Experience total sensory: overload

Overboard with no remorse;
Dub me FUPA-King,
The bulbous ***** overlord
If I want lip I'll waive my **** at you

A little fizzle cos I make that ***** pop and drizzle
A lesbian ******* crack-fiend
only cares about rock, paper, and *******
Fizza Abbas May 2015
Let me upthrust you
in an ocean of
crumbled ruins,
where sabotages of
my wailing heart
lies so that you
can get the
pleasure from a
joyous agony
that I still crave
for you!
Marshal Gebbie Aug 2012
My love, my love these shaky Isles
Abandoned in the vast blue seas,
Born in Mesozoic times
When sedimentary oozes ease.
From far Antarctic mountainsides
To windblown dust from Austral plain
They lay in layers thick and deep
Beneath the Tasman Sea's domain.

A thousand million years of ******
Of plate tectonic shear and drift,
Mid oceanic larva seep
Determines continental shift.
Deep magmatic plumes arise
From down within the planet's core
To burst asunder from the crust
As mountain God's volcanic lore.

Ash and larva from the vent
In pyroclastic feirce display,
Obliterate the cold blue sky
Explosively in massive way.
Rooster tails of feiry ash
And bread crust bombs cascade about
Vulcan roars his rage to all
In violent, vast, volcanic route.

Ignimbrite flows from the vent
In sheets a hundred meters deep
The incandescence, from on high,
Would, watching Angels, cause to weep.
Like quicksilver, it cloaks the land
To cover all in burning flow,
To last a million years as sheets
Of sharded rock where 'ere you go.

So the land was born of fire
And bent and twisted by the force
Of upthrust from the great, beneath
And earthquakes felt throughout, of course.
Earthquakes of unearthly fear
Wrack foundation's very base,
Sudden as the artic gale
Unpredictable to face.

So the shaky Isles were born
Here to lie in ocean's vast,
Clad in forest lush and green
Snowclad mountains, rivers fast.
Well kept cities, well kept towns
Population proud and clean,
Beauty all around is felt
Perched atop creation's dream.

So the Shaky Isles exist
Perfect in their place in time,
Perched atop subducting plates
Perched in ignorance sublime.
What's around the corner now?
Who's concerned, who really cares
For Kiwis make the best of now...
The rest remains as chance declares.

Celebrating a love affair with my beautiful New Zealand.
31 August 2012
Jeff Stier Aug 2016
Like Breugel's Icarus
my brother Michael
dropped into the depths of the sea

Born at the bottom
of a crater of the moon
the sweetest foundling
since creation

His swaddling clothes
were denim and the blues
his pillow
a bottle of rye

This sweet soul
lived half a life
in halfway houses
and cheap motels
reeking of cigarettes
reeling from the *****

When he punched his ticket
on the midnight train to eternity
no one was surprised

I arranged the cremation
a fire that burned
more than one life

I gathered his ashes
and set out
for the crest of the Sierra Nevada

with my memories,
his ashes
and the cold stone
of those adamant heights

and then east
through the wastes of Nevada
the endless expanse
of the basin and range

A pilgrimage, of sorts
dedicated to nothing
and no one

Just the upthrust range
the solemn and self-absorbed peaks
the dessicated pine
and a wind
that scoured the soul.
K G Aug 2015
We don't need to rush
Tell the people we have such
We will play the games without disgust
We will win and begin our lust
With the woman we sometimes distrust

Yes there is not in life than us
We will fight through the dust
Off and off we go
Our soldiers are enough
Into the desert island at dusk
After a while we were lost
In ourselves
It was a new holocaust
Before we die we will leave our hands washed

We don't need to rush
Tell the people we have such
We will play the games without disgust
We will win and begin our lust
With the woman we sometimes distrust
Ashmita Agrahari Nov 2012
People reunite recombine and restore
They try and succeed in closing doors
But there comes the feeling of thirst
Which is greater than upthrust
It pulls us away and pushes us down
And sometimes win and take us under the ground
Where no one survives but just breathe
The world of greedy people
Where jealousy is preached
The humanity is lost
And faker walks
Smile widens but heart shrinks
And people say
Our heart beat for shrines
And all they say are big lies...
Abvz Temz Jul 2015
My emotions got lost in admiration
Insight of a deceptive mind
Searching for love, found lust
But lust has always been a virtue for pleasure
Pleasure an upthrust of desire
Desire, oh no my heart gone missing for another admirer
Give  me love to quench my thirst for lust
mike dm Sep 2015
my religion:

i believe there may be
a unifying force
-call it god or super intelligent aliens-


it is not our task or duty to believe in it
like we do our own gutbrains

it is not our task to deem it as holy or true
like we do a lover's throb hip upthrust eyefuck

it is not our task to bind it
in books or habit or bulletproof glass mobiles

like a scene that cannot be captured
a beauty best left unsaid
it must always remain in the corner of the mindeyeohm

FB and Instagram be ******



i mean
who knows..
this all could jus be a new app
coded by a super advanced AI bot in the future
that got bored one day
and wanted to see where it came from
Bryce Jun 2018
I suppose
if I could metamorphose
Into a new skin
with wings
and a bigger brain

I would.

I contemplate
that this fate
may not be
the best for me.

And yet

I wait

I will grow
and cocooned in the modern american sheen
Dream of wings
miles away
from an airport or two
across the bay
they wave
from boys in areoplanes

I know
there is great green valleys for me
with deciduous trees
and anemones
and bears that ski
on their big fluffy bellies
in the shadow of some upthrust rockface

I beat
the drum of ****** life
and think the heavy drought of thought
and drink
the steaming heat of dreams

I knew
when I was a zygotic mass
imbibed with life
and stolen with soul

That I would be
The best ****** butterfly
You'll ever see.
Travis Green Sep 2021
I want the poetry
Of your hard
Hypnotic body
To touch my flesh
Show me how you love
Feed me your succulent treats
Let my temperature upthrust
Give me thrilling heat
Compose lyrical ballads
All over my skin
Make me your
Greatest of all time hit

— The End —