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Michael Cassio Jul 2015
O’Silky smooth ballsac
Stuck to my leg
Ever-presence defines manhood
As tree defines fruit
And as fruit defines tree.

Ne'er such a sense
Overwhelmed my hot-spot
As this dangling (oval, skin and nerves of)
Oily pouch

I cream.

A line as destructive
As the San Andreas
Fault- O divine chafe
You reduce me
You erode me

As if we rented *******
Inspires by some none too pleasant chafage that I experienced on rental bikes in Berlin and Amsterdam.
Poets from all over the world are invited to submit their original poems to Mombasa poetry anthology 2016.These anthology is organized by the Kenyan society of poets and literary scholars. It is out of literary and cultural recognition of the historical fact that Mombasa and its environs is home man, it is an indisputable home to all types of people in all their capacities and stations. It is historically evident that, at least a European, an African, Asian, Indian, American, Australian or Chinese have a home in Mombasa. This has been the case from as early as 7 AD. When the Oman Arabs landed at the east African coast in the moon-son wind driven dhows.
This anthology will be published Kenya, as a print version latest by December 2016, under the title, ANTHEM OF HOPE.   The anthology will have a collection of 2000 poems, written in English, or written in any other language but accompanied with a translation to English, each poet is allowed to submit three poems, a poem must not exceed 500 words, all poems must be submitted as one document of MS word attachment, the font types to be used are times Romans, the size is 12. The poem can be in any style without having creativity of the poet being decimated by traditional literary canonicity, but as long as the poem will be addressing and not limited to the following themes in relation to Mombasa;
1) Mombasa city, other towns Around Mombasa like Kisumayu, Lamu, Kibino,Hola, Mpeketon, Bamburi, Malindi, Watamu, Gede, Matsangoni, kilifi, Vipingo, Takaungu, Mtwapa, Shimo la tewa, Bamburi, Likoni,ukunda,wa,msambweni,lunga Lunga,Vanga , Shimoni, Tanga,msofala, Dar salam and Zanzibar, as well as Mariakani and Voi,taita,taveta and Arusha,
2) Mombasa people, The miji-kenda,arabs,European, bajuni, Indians, and any other in relation to Mombasa
3) Mombasa features like the Indian ocean, likon ferry, fort jesus,beaches,vasco da Gama pillar, nyali bridge,Makupa cause way and any other feature,
4) Mombasa populations; Christians, muslim,LGBTI,drug addicts, the deaf, blind, scrotal elephantiasis victims,dwarfs,jinis and any other in realtion to Mombasa,
5) Mombasa fauna and flora, kilifi trees, mango trees, palm wine tree, crow birds, cats, flies, vultures,snakes,pythons Mombasa
6) Mombasa cultures,womenfolk,weddings, music, donkey-games, stick-games and any other in relation to Mombasa,
7) Mombasa city dynamics, hustles,bustles,Al-shabab, job seeking, youths and behaviour and any other theme ,
8 ) Overall themes to be addressed under the Mombasa city context are; Indian ocean and poetry, family, human rights, climate change, security , poverty, pollution, globalization,migration,corruption,cosmopolitanism,culture,langua­ge,war,refuges,natural resources and any other them pertinent to Mombasa
******, racist, prejudicial or any hate perpetrating poems will not be published, For the poets that will have their poems published there will be a ceremony of spoken word and poetry reading from the published poems in early December  2016 ( exact date will be communicated) on the white sands beach at Sarova hotel.
The last day for submission of your poems is July 31st 2016, the notification about your poem being accepted and yet to be published is 31st august 2016.
Submit your poems along with a bio note of not more than 500 words to the email, along with a serial number and a scanned copy of the slip for payment of the handling fees of Kenya shillings 500 or 5 US dollars for the three poems. The account to pay in is Standard Chartered Bank (Kenya) account number; 0100310788200 the swift code is; SCBLKENX and bank code is 02
Five winning poets will be prized in the following order; the first poet will win 5000 US dollars, second poet will win 4000 US dollars, the third will win 3000 US dollars, 2000 US dollars, and lastly 1000 US dollars.
Each published poet will get two copies of the anthology free of charge. Further questions for clarification about the Mombasa Poetry anthology can be emailed
Olivia Kent Jul 2013
Thylacinus Cynocephalus.
Tasmanian Tiger, Tasmanian Wolf,
A crepuscular hunting nocturnal beast,
Carnivore by nature, feasted upon wallaby,wombats and roos,
Caught by female of the species,
Was he a feline or a lupine beast, hyena perhaps,
No, this strange creature now probably extinct was marsupial with pouch,
Female with pouch to grow her young, male had pouch of his own,
Protected his crown jewels within a scrotal pouch,
Appearance of a stripy dog,
Looked rather like a tiger,
Had amber eyes filled with fire,
This diamorphic beast, (Means the chap was larger)
Had four toes on hind feet and rigid tail of kangaroo,
It's gait was rather odd,
Could move like kangaroo, if it so desired,
Strange call, a guttural sound, alerted his family when he was abound,
Shy secretive little creature,
Kept himself locked out of sight,
For in the late 188os, early 1900s these creatures had a bounty on their heads,
The bounty hunters had such fun, left our world with nearly none,
Last beast in the wild as noted,shot by gun by Mr Batty,
1936 the last captive creature died in Hobart Zoo,
Reported name was Benjamin,
Book called The Djin-jum Man, said man, Batty man maybe, was cursed for killing the last of their kin,
Poor things,
Living legacy remains,
On Tasmania's coat of arms, two of these fine beasts support the islands emblem,
Probably gone but never overlooked,
Still being sought but never found!

By ladylivvi1

© 2013 ladylivvi1 (All rights reserved)
This was really difficult, hope its quite accurate!
Here hails a huge, long and dragonish snake,
With myriads of dangerous heads on its thorax,
Roaming up and down in a nefarious duty
All over the African streets and hamlets,
Villages and terrains, the abodes of poor folks,
Swallowing daughters and sons of this land,
Swallowing a handful of them on each bite,
They are in a forlorn despair like never before,
Defenselessly succumbing to the dragon once in the grip,
Young and old, prebubescent and all others are cancers’ fodder,
Africa is truly diminishing to the abysmal jaws of cancer,
Forget of initial vices of ***, Ebola and leprosy,
Forget of the contemporary terrorism and ethnic warlordism,
Cancer is ruthlessly swallowing poor folks of Africa
Into its inferno of early deaths, rendering many parentless,
A knot for the living to put aside pride and seek genuine help,
For the myriad heads of dragonish cancer violently **** the prey,
I have seen sons and daughters of poor Africa in cancerous agony,
Often with a blocked food pipe when in the grip of throat cancer,
Non-stop vaginal bleeding at mercilessness of cervical cancer,
In the torture of brute pulling weight in grip of scrotal cancer,
On the top of maximum pain in the grip of breast cancer
Humorously desperate before menacing eyes of death,
When misfortunately in the grip of heart cancer,
Deathly starvation condemns many poor folks to grave,
Always when in the unlucky tentacle of intestinal cancer,
In this desperate land of Africa where basic hospital
Stands a luxury, affordable by the rich in the political class,
As the poor without choice die and die and die,
O who will take me out of Africa, this nonchalant Africa?
Before the dragon of cancer condemns me down to its
Inferno of pains and miserably violent death!
I fear death due to punctured lungs without solace,
I fear death due to stunted blood cells without succor
I fear death due to poisoned blood without palliative
When the cancerous heads of ; lung cancer, blood cancer,
And Liver cancer will besiege this land of Africa to hold me a captive.
As the world stands now,
Full of not what we need
Than what we need most,

Full of terrorist Arabs,
Perpetrating punctured civilization,
Of senseless Islam,
In the arsenal  state of ISIS,
Foolishly in ghastly infringement
Of the voiceless poor folks
With their solid foolery
They call the Islamic state,

At a time we need scientists,
In Einstein’s mental stature,
To open the microbes
And hopefully decimate,
Their germ of Ebola,
And her ancestors;
Aids and scrotal Cancer,

Arabs are all over Africa,
Preaching their chauvinism,
Which they call Islam, mental mire in extreme,
They grabbed and annexed North Africa,
They gave it Arabic name; The Maghreb,
Now the fountain of terrorism
And tomfoolery of religion
Devoid in dual logic
Of reason and humanity,
Converting Somali in to beehive,
Of al shabab and Al gaeda drones,
Killing the poor people,
For no reason nor emotion,

We need more Jews than Arabs in the Maghreb,
To convert Mauritania into New York,
And Somali into Moscow,
Egypt into Germany,
Tunisia into France
And Libya into Chicago,
For Africa needs Technology
And property for its people,
But not the religious sludge
In the likes of Islam, Buddhism and Christo-mania,

The world needs more Jews than Arabs,
For the sake of science,
Geo-space adventure,
Viable ideologies,
Like Marxism, reverse capitalism,
Bill Gatism and all of these stuff,
But not funny pieties of the Turban,
From peasants like Al Amin Mohammed,
The **** of Mecca before Adrenalin for Hajira,

Arabs better walk backwards,
To the days before in the antiques,
And revive Al Jebra, the glory of their past,
Make dhows and sail the world,
With Rubiyats of Omar Al Khayyam,
In their hands, burying their beards,
In the rubiyat of the wine and the ******,

The world needs more Greeks than English men,
For sake of succor from vacuum of logic,
We wallow in today,
To relish Aristotle, Plato and Socrates,
Homer and Hesiod,
For more Iliad and Odyssey,
Apology and Crito, Phaeto,
Alexander and Archimedes,
But not colonialism mongering
****** English men,
With no culture to sell,
Other than colonialism,
Infallibility of the queen,
Shakespeare’s fear of ***,
And Churchill’s mental deficiency,

We need more Russians than white Americans,
To entertain and astound the world,
With uniqueness of confidence,
And charm of moon visiting science,
With literary spark in the size of Leo Tolstoy,
Maxim Gorgi and Nikolai Gogol,
With the sweetness of cloaked dead souls,
To stune the world with political shrewdness,
In the fathom of Vladimir Putin,
Pricking capitalism from diurnal somnambulism,
We need more Germans than Italians,
For the sake of sense of reason
Positive aggressiveness,
Stern thought pattern,
Feasible ideology,
And systematic prudence,

We need more black Africans than Indians,
To carry forward the battle of civil rights,
Sports culture and heavyweight boxing,
To sire tough sires,
That can survive climate change,
But not Indians,
Opening shops all over,
Falling in love with corrupt powers,
For filthy sake of merchandizing freedom,

Wee need more Jews than Arabs,
To counter the spiral forces,
Of Chinese capitalism,
Caterwauling the world,
Into crazy whirlpool,
Of yellow civilization,
Making it thus fit,
To stop at stark truth,
That a dead Arab terrorist,
Is better than thoughts of democracy.
Why do lovers chant - forever,
don't they realize passions fade,
that arteries so surely sever
when gifts of ****** hearts are made
and dullness claims the escapade
and eyes begin the soft peruse...
So much goes into getting laid.
Why let romantic fluff abuse...

For dogs, a sniff and stuff suffice.
Black widows, yeah, we're all aware.
And rabbits have it worked out nice;
while porcupines must pork with care...
Why make a song of an affair
with final notes struck to bemuse,
your genitalia set to snare...
Why let romantic fluff abuse...

Why let romantic fluff abuse...
I'm not attacking marriage, no!
So much is gained when two minds choose
to plant that seed, so much can grow,
so much to share and learn and know,
that strengthens our society,
like those basics of propriety
that vilify variety.

I'm not attacking marriage, no!
No better view than from this web;
so, let those dogs put on their show.
A bunny's stamina must ebb.
A rabbit's lusting thirst must ebb!
Oh god, I'd risk a scrotal quill
for a chance to climb different hill
and dance until I've had my fill.
Hello, thank you for reading. I'm new here.
Niel Nov 2020
..What was meant was never said and what is satiable isn’t fed upon. Long to be that faun in a misty meadow, lounging at dawn on the grass, gazing upon the peaks of eternity. What are we learning and what’s with the misuse? We tenderly abuse that which we dwell on. Claiming it a love letter, when a Better view reveals(in a peeling manner) that these are just clingings of a scrotal piercing fashion. Latching to these attachments as sacraments of dependability, nullifies valued spectacality. The pureness to the core of reality and the mess is a beautifully delicious birthday cake which never ends
Bryce Jul 2018
I feel as though I wade through the sickly gait
of butter
mind cast deep into the sea,
searching for a coast covered in fog
barely able to make out
the craggy blades of rock
of that world I forgot

It is imprisoning,
stuck aboard a cork of reality
suspended above a chasm of inconsequentiality
that dives unfathomable below
into sickly dark secrets of dreams and
excitable interactive equations
that lead me towards some inevitability

Maybe this is the special sauce,
that radioactivity
that racks my skull
pushes me beyond the world
and into the dreamland of poets

"Dream, dream until you sleep,"
but I have so much to see,
someone to meet,
you told me!
Why lie?
Why die!?

Maybe its all unreal
maybe its all a sheen
a fake shear curtain
so thin,
impossible to see

White and fuzzy and tickly
down my spine
my lower back
my spleen
my scrotal sack
its everywhere
and I don't know what you are
God, help me

I am getting angry
devil is taking the wheel
and wants to drive me off a cliff
or into some abyss
of mind
and I want to let it
I want to be normal again
only a week ago
maybe never
but my god when do we ever feel healthy?

I haven't seen a soul I love
in far too many days
sinful attitude pushing me deep into the drift
and current events that carry me
into pools of vengeful rage
Take me out deep
among those glittering distant seas
Guide me into salvation
to comfort beyond sleep
Gadus Oct 2016
Thoughts whizz and scramble that scrotal cpu
Intrusive; not even with a courtesy knock
Before barging in and overwhelming your existence
Iloveyouiloveyouiloveyouineedyou until you’re sick spinning
Like you did in that barstool when you were ten, @ 73 rpm
And your pump pumps harder and it feels as if that's all there is to you
An engorged beast needing all the air in the room
Til there is no more
And the walls are caving: collapsed tin can
Little ***** boy caught on the back burner
Serves you right
create today to live til tomorrow
chump Jun 2016
I get my power from the people
the people with dark skin
or the racist or the sexist
I'd guess you'd say my kin
sure i'm a ****
but they'd vote for me again

go on you gay boys
and pack your fudge
you make me sick
but I wont judge
your limp wristed vote
will give me a nudge

no comprendo
no problemo
our border is abierto

ladies our babies
you can ****
I know you wont use it
but you can have a free pill

you abandoned your men
to promote other races
what I got planned for you
we wont see your faces

your just a tool
until your country splits
then i'll stick your high heels
where just the heel fits
barefoot and pregnant
no silicone ****

my IQ is low
the conclusion is forgone
more further proof
that I am a *****
i'm changing this place
I got my muslim groove on

I **** on your laws
and you don't do a thing
i'm strutting around
like I was a king

catch me red handed
I couldn't care less
my back pocket's got
the main stream press

they repeat my lies
like a brainless parrot
while I lead you away
from buffet
with a carrot

in the office of oval
the loss is a total
that taste in your mouth
it's totally scrotal

to liars and ****-ups
promotions i'll give
our national security
will leak like a sieve

if I was a civilian
and still such a villian
my worthless *******
in prison would be chillin'

when America aint free
blame it all on me
you'll be china's *****
just wait and see
third world country
from sea to shining sea
on one of nato's thrones
is where I'll be

i'm the fascist, smashist
of the constitution
I can't over state
your future disillusion
I'm here to **** up
your state of union..
When great ******* dance, righteous white people cower before the death chant of Zulus  I'm hungry for lamb. Have you a lamb that I may immediately eat? I have pink, new-born lamb innards stewed in ewe juices from the Greek Isle of Crete, thin infant ribs on a tin baking sheet, blanched teeny kid feet & embryonical, scrotal sac nuts salted lightly as a post-dinner treat.
You'll cry till your tear glands shrivel, your tongue hardens & you're no longer in need of vein expanders. Nobody can offer physical love physically free. There's a cost {or price, the lawyer I'd hired 4 years ago claimed I couldn't distinguish betwixt the 2} built in to all we engage. Matrimony is an accounting/balance ledger education.
   Cockroach! Some chicks like **** in every thing 'cept the roach category. “Hi, I'm cardiologist Dr. L.F. Hickson,” is enough to get those rusty-hinged legs unlocked.
Down at the river under a bridge
I fell in love with governor Tommy Ridge
His anals were cold, off-putting & tragical
unlike his knobs that were Walter Disney magical
We fell in deep love and we couldn't look back
because his knees were out-swollen by his old scrotal sac
One day we'll conceive 19 children when nobody's looking
in the kitchen of hot loving where we enjoy ****** cooking
Future queers are here, tattooed from yin-yang to rear, lookin' to me
because I am the guy I am, I suppose: wearing thigh-high pantyhose
that interrupt not my nasal sinus from 2 lungs to the curve of a nose

Down at the river under a bridge
I fell in love with governor Tommy Ridge
His anals were cold, off-putting & tragical
unlike his knobs that were Walter Disney magical
We fell in deep love and we couldn't look back
because his knees were out-swollen by his old scrotal sac
One day we'll conceive 19 children when hoes ain't hooking
in the kitchen of hot loving where we enjoy ****** cooking
with Pinays from Cebu who are better-than-average looking
Down at the orangish river that waves 'neath the sulfur creek bridge
I fell in love with the mentally-deranged X-governor Tommy Ridge
His coal-mine-deep anals were frigidly off-putting & purely tragical
unlike his knobs that were, what dog Walter Disney called, magical
We fell in fakey love like folks on welfare & we couldn't look back
'cause his big knees were out-swollen by his century-old scrotal sac
1 day we shall conceive 19 Mongoloid kids when nobody's looking
in the attic of hot-lovin' love where we enjoy 100% ****** cooking
At the river of  witches I dug up the moldy corpse of Lloyd Bridges
He appeared unwell as his **** was grooved by hemorrhoid ridges,
& his gray brains were burned, shriveled, unusable, blue & parched
like Mario Soother Bing's crena ani after he'd preached & marched
Lloyd loved me mucho more than he loved Turks for Thanksgiving
before rottin' by the putrefying process after he'd stopped *** living

Like dogs tucking into fish-flavored Alpo, we wash each other sans
costly, veterinary intervention, because it's so very simple: hoist the
mangy dog's tail to lance his ripening, pus-filled, scrotal-sac pimple
Down at the river under a bridge
I fell in love with governor Tommy Ridge
His anals were cold, off-putting & tragical
unlike his knobs that were Walter Disney magical
We fell in deep love and we couldn't look back
because his knees were out-swollen by his old scrotal sac
One day we'll conceive 19 children when hoes ain't hooking
in the kitchen of hot loving where we enjoy ****** cooking
with tall Pinays from Cebu who are better-than-average looking
I slip a gob of dog **** into your mail box out of true, **** love
just like people have always done, inspired by Mister God above
whose kiss-of-death Bible swoops down on ******* like a fat dove
On flat Earth, everybody's alive & happy except sad & dead people
Do not stand close to my monkey, he bites Sherpas from Nepal
I am very lonely and in need of reckless, ambulatory company
since my Bing Crosby-shaped *** dropped to my *** knee
to break up this David Soul-crippling, Americano misery
Down at the river under a bridge
I fell in love with governor Tommy Ridge
His anals were cold, off-putting & tragical
unlike his knobs that were Walter Disney magical
We fell in deep love and we couldn't look back
because his knees were out-swollen by his old scrotal sac
One day we'll conceive 19 children when hoes ain't hooking
in the kitchen of hot loving where we enjoy ****** cooking
with tall Pinays from Cebu who are better-than-average looking
I slip a gob of dog **** into your mail box out of true, **** love
just like people have always done, inspired by Mister God above
whose kiss-of-death Bible swoops down on ******* like a fat dove
On flat Earth, everybody's alive & happy except sad & dead people
Do not stand close to my monkey, he bites Sherpas from Nepal
I am very lonely and in need of reckless, ambulatory company
since my Bing Crosby-shaped *** dropped to my *** knee
to break up this David Soul-crippling, Americano misery
We'll live like bony ***** hippies on hatred & food stamps, rolling
viral drunks worse than Evel Knievel crashed off Vegas auto ramps
due to Polish Poles & wind-stress or big Barbie dolls that win chess
for ***** & wedges, pitching John Ono Lennon's Walls and Bridges
but not the Yoko-praising songs with intermediate stalls and binges
that push hippie-******-food-stamp attacks under shawls & pigeons
to incite dangerous talk from lunatics, spread in malls with midgets
who traipse brazenly through 4 ghetto-alley halls pinched by hinges
because we are parted from our necessary scrotal ***** with wedges
that preclude jumping off high buildings with meager 2-by-4 ledges
to inhibit gay crowd & audience management that edges the fringes
I'm hungry for lamb. Have you a lamb that I may immediately eat? I have pink, new-born lamb innards stewed in ewe juices from the Greek Isle of Crete, thin infant ribs on a tin baking sheet, blanched teeny kid feet & embryonical, scrotal sac nuts salted lightly as a post-dinner treat.
Down at the river under a bridge
I fell in love with governor Tommy Ridge
His anals were cold, off-putting & tragical
unlike his knobs that were Walter Disney magical
We fell in deep love and we couldn't look back
because his knees were out-swollen by his old scrotal sac
One day we'll conceive 19 children when hoes ain't hooking
in the kitchen of hot loving where we enjoy ****** cooking
with tall Pinays from Cebu who are better-than-average looking
I slip a gob of dog **** into your mail box out of true, **** love
just like people have always done, inspired by Mister God above
whose kiss-of-death Bible swoops down on ******* like a fat dove
On flat Earth, everybody's alive & happy except sad & dead people
Look out, don't stand close to that old monkey because he bites
I am very lonely and in need of reckless, ambulatory company
since my Bing Crosby-shaped *** dropped to my *** knee
to break up this David Soul-crippling, Americano misery
You fill my fairy scrotal sack with tennis ***** from a pack that you
purchased with stolen Jesuit money that, from Jesus, you stole back
His coal-mine-deep anals were frigidly off-putting & purely tragical
unlike his knobs that were, what dog Walter Disney called, magical
We fell in fakey love like folks on welfare & we couldn't look back
'cause his big knees were out-swollen by his century-old scrotal sac
Kim saw her uncle board the 𝘛𝘪𝘵𝘢𝘯𝘪𝘤 and then went quickly back home to be with her other uncle. News came 2 days later that she was pregnant. It was 1912 "the year of the uncle" for her and nobody west of Pittsburgh gave a **** as it was decades before Saint Jude would begin torturing kids with radio rays. "I love my new Model T," she told the mayor who had a large scrotal tumor that made scratching his left ankle an adventure in agony. "Don't worry," a nearby quack doctor said softly because he was a total wack-job.
Down at the river under a bridge
I fell in love with governor Tommy Ridge
His anals were cold, off-putting & tragical
unlike his knobs that were Walter Disney magical
We fell in deep love and we couldn't look back
because his knees were out-swollen by his old scrotal sac
One day we'll conceive 19 children when hoes ain't hooking
in the kitchen of hot loving where we enjoy ****** cooking
with tall Pinays from Cebu who are better-than-average looking
I slip a gob of dog **** into your mail box out of true, **** love
just like people have always done, inspired by Mister God above
whose kiss-of-death Bible swoops down on ******* like a fat dove
On flat Earth, everybody's alive & happy except sad & dead people
Do not stand close to my monkey, he bites Sherpas from Nepal
I am very lonely and in need of reckless, ambulatory company
since my Bing Crosby-shaped *** dropped to my *** knee
to break up this David Soul-crippling, Americano misery

— The End —