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Traveler Jun 2018
This world taught me very well
How to survive in a prison cell
Retreating in a fleeting moment
From the heavy hand of life’s opponent
Throwing pennies in a well
Even wishes are for sale
And the universe holds a reward
For those who live beyond the sword
Yet beyond the sword remains a fist
To take a swing, who can resist
Whether right or wrong it’s never forgotten
It’s one big race of Johnny Rotten's
The eyes in the mirror would have their say
But I turned my head and walked away
The rage in our heart won’t be silenced
Even if we abstain from a life of violence...
Traveler Tim
I mean no offence to people named Johnny!
Unless there rotten...
mona it Jan 2015
It's 2:04 am and all i can think about is you.
it's 2:04 am and all i am is numb.
They say cigarettes rotten your lungs
little do they know love rottens your soul
breaks you into pieces
releases the words, "I'm fine." out of your mouth while all you want to do is scream out the pain love has caused you.
I keep thinking about the day you listed the things you love about me
over a screen.
My friends told me to be careful about things people tell you over a screen
they told me, "People throw on different faces over a screen but their eyes can tell the truth."
And I ignored and continued to believe the words you sent over that screen.
And when it all fell down to pieces, all I thought about were the 2:04 am conversations.
Nis Jun 2018
Y ante la bondad del mal,
nos encontraremos.
Y ante la maldad del bien,
Y de la piel de nuestros caballos muertos
saldrán mudas hormigas,
que centellearán al anochecer
entre los destellos de mi cuerpo que se pudre.
Y ante la bondad del mal,
Unidos para siempre en un abrazo finito
como finas son las hojas sobre las que escribo.

Y ante la bondad del mal
nos encontraremos.
Preparados para morir,
si no ya muertos.
Y sólo entonces nos comprenderemos.
Y sólo entonces centellearán nuestras bocas
como las hormigas que salen
de la piel de nuestros caballos muertos

And before the goodness of evil,
we'll find each other.
And before the evilness of good,
We'll ride.
And from the skin of our dead horses
mute ants will come out,
which will glisten at sunset
among the flashes of my body that rottens.
And before the goodness of evil,
we'll die.
Forever joined in a finite hug,
like fine are the sheets on which I write.

And before the goodness of evil
we'll find each other,
ready to die,
if not dead already.
And only then we'll understand each other.
And only then will our mouths glisten,
like the ants that come out
from the skin of our dead horses.
(So I'm from Spain, I write mostly in Spanish although I do occasionally do it in English. I like this poem of mine a lot and I tend to use it as presentation for my poetry. I send the original version first and my best shot at a translation after that.)
Jasmine Marie Oct 2017
The light is no longer on
Your memories are no longer welcomed
The stairs we used to sit and speak about the future
Will stain and rotten as time goes by and it will be a grim reminder of the lies that unfolded
My windchimes will blow gentle cries into the air
A reminder of when you first kissed me in that cold January night
When my heart skipped a beat
Clueless to the pain it would entail
But as the porch rottens so will my memories
Till one day they will cease to exist and like the porch it will crumble.
Kakihapa Sep 2017
Maybe he was my forbidden fruit ,the bite that rottens the Soul,
The Soul that reeked of his blended poison of love and Agony,
Agony,disarray ,desolation everything despairing and yet him i still Yearn
I Yearn for the roots of his intimacy that yielded these fast  pounds of my Heart
A Heart that  can no longer be instructed on how or when to cease from loving HIM.
Loving Him has grown into these weeds that I try each day to uproot from this garden of Forsaken
Yes,Forsaken,deserted,deeply absorbed in the soils of his Mess

My Mess,his ,whom to blame?Existing in his hazardous habitat is all I know
All I know now is waking up to the echoes of the silence of his heart when mine calls out his  
All I know now is living through the plague of his touch ,when my body desires for his
All I know now is  sleeping in his bed of absence with hope that one day ill be HIS
All I know is that  I am hopeful of a fertile fate and the harvest of redemption awaits
Kassey Sep 2022
I loathe you
'til your body rottens
I will curse you
Tina Salvatore Mar 2018
I only obtained two harsh-grating flowers
If only I could find some that weren't so sour

One that if I lose
it would not hurt
One that if I keep
they would not leave

The flower I want will want me back
It will always stay pure and will not crack
I won't be left crying whenever they vanish
Cause this flower will never punish

I won't be fooled into thinking a ripped flower is pure
because that happened once and now I'm sure
when I find it it will be nice
one that doesn't come with a price

The thing that I always forget
is that a flower can only be pure for so long
It eventually rottens and breaks
and it is something I can't embrace

A flower eventually dies
and nothing will change that
This is my first poem so don't judge
Zizaloom Oct 2022
Buried under thousand grounds
Flagellated on earth wounds
Holds deep inside it’s one moon
Baby bounds

Waves and tides, waves and tides
Sit on a the sands of a beach

Cycles of terror
Marginalizes the hour
Paper cards and stones
Blue, green, white like bones

One circle to round the mind
Look around and find
A scar

At the end the wind
Carries the soul
To the shade of the trees
And goes beneath to find
It’s root it’s eternity
Lusting creeping inside
A flavored dynamite child
The sun rises and time catches
The spinning of 365
Like eyes
In their orbits
We die
This planet peels the void
Our madness rottens it’s core
But we come from soil
And at the end
In wrath we boil
Mother swallow us
With a blowing breeze
Darius Jan 2021
Whenever I lie in the dark,
having emotions rottens my heart.

Whenever I get lucky the show will begin,
Expecting good days to turn bad because thats how its allways been.

Whenever I feel something,
I wish that Id get numb again.

But whenever im Numb Im reaching out for help
In ways of warmth in trust and cure
They are but dust in desert wind as common and as hard to catch.

I make myself belive while I betray myself.

My mind is fading quite numb near sensing all there is to life.

Emptiness is what I fetch

I wish myself emptyness.

— The End —