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Claire Waters Aug 2013
how the **** can i be angry when
you help yourself to what's left
after all love is
always the closest thing
to death

bethlehem is restless
terrorist holograms of mary teary unblessed when
death is living every day of your life forever breathless
breathing is all that is left in your chest when the stress hits
regresses to compressing aggressive obsessiveness
******* in pages to confess unspoken messages
the lightening and quiet screams promise me
they'll light my step through this
green grass in it's morning dress
uncaressed by pestilence
you're possessed by this

and the ghosts flitting between the trees
direct me to the places i must have seen in dreams
before i lost the connection to the earth long since
to the directionlessness of adolescence
every vibration left a crack
enough tremor to slide a pin in
and erzebet would visit my skin every night with rumplestilstkin
and they'd spin another needle through the muscle soft as linen,
they promised it would turn to gold, so long
as i stayed hidden at the loom in this prison

shoulders tightening as they thread it away
i look at the money in my minnie wallet and pray
everything safe always seems to go away in a flash
so perhaps it was just that nothing was ever safe
maybe they will leave if i say that i don't
believe in any of these ******* fairies anymore
but maybe i am older than the world is different
and they were just never fairies at all

it seemed to be such a small small place back then
when you could always cheat at LIFE
and run away and play pretend
in your imagination
didn't have to listen to anyone
now cops and parents hate you
and everyone wants to know
what college you've been in cause
surviving is neither irony nor blessing today
just simple catastrophe and endless dissarray
Note to Self:

"Dear Self;
For ****'s sake, man.
Why is it taking so long
to get this out of your head?
What corrupted seed
is planted in your mind?

It isn't worth the Energy you sacrifice."

Re: Note to Self*

"To whom it may concern:

I know, but it isn't that easy.
I can't just pick up and move on, like you.
I can't just forget the good times and the bad, like you.
I can't just ignore the feelings that flood forth from my Amygdala,
coupled with the memories within the Thalamus and Hippocampus.

It doesn't work like that;

I have to work with it
to worth through it
and I cannot rush it;
You see, I must be patient with you,
and you with me,
Keelyn Mac Jul 2014
lying silently awake on the laced carpet of my floor
waiting for the notification to the appear and chill me to the core,
But love you wouldn't understand the way my hand trembles in your hand
when you look me in the eye and all the demons in me morn.
It is no questionable truth that i would fight through hell for you
to just love me once more.
Jimmy Desire Dec 2010
Bianca Lorenzo
Your pretty wings stretch farther than the arms I long to hold
to fly into the breathe that speaks of sultry whispers in my ears
is what I dream of.
Your eyes can't reach my beauty
my soft exterior won't allow it
I seek the remedy that allows my heart to beat when i can't see you
so I close my eyes to feel the strokes that part my indecisions
Love took time by storm when it left us alone in quiet rooms
you leave my tongue heavy with the words that I can't roll out
and my heart beats in intervals of two
once for me
and once for you...

James Desire**
Reach for the sky
so that these pretty wings may carry you too
because we both dream of a shared solitude
that would ignite our souls and express our passion
so why not make our dreams a reality...
Steel chains cage my heart
with a lock in the middle that requires  your touch
free me and reveal everything that the smile contains
hidden inhibitions that call out your name
Our bodies rage in responce to each others animalistic phase
a struggle to tame our hearts begin whenever we reach this stage
so i'll give you all my love
and feed the beast that resides within us both
so we can both find ecestacy in each other....
Sydney Marie Jan 2015
I want to tell you i miss you
But im more frightened by the thought of your responce
I remember all these things
Dancing in the living room,
Dancing by the campfire,
Dancing in the streets.

You still have my heart but i could never tell you that.
Kasaundra Watta Oct 2010
he put that ring on my finger,
and looking at it kills me.
but everytime he tells me he loves me,
i say it back.
even though i don't mean it.
i dont think he knows...
there;s someone else.
some i actually love.
someone i cant go a day
without thinking about.
someone who has no idea i'm falling
in love with him
i wish he knew.
i wish he would see how much he means to me
i wish i knew if he loved me back.
getting mixed signals all the time...
it hurts.
it tears at my heart.
and my soul.
i wish i could straight up tell him
baby im falling in love with you
but im scared of what his responce could be
i wish it was "me too.."
cause then i could be his.
which is all i want.
i just wish he knew.
everytime i see him my heart cries
everytime i text him
my heart jumps to my throat.
i wish he knew how he makes me feel
how he makes me smile..
i wish he truely felt my love..
but he doesnt.
and therefore,
my heart cries.
Inspired By A Certain Someone<3 {Ducki, i lovee you}
Sirenes Feb 2016
The truth of the matter is
That we only get angry
For three reasons,
All of which can be
Traced back to fear

1. Not understanding:
When one understands
The actions of another
It becomes easier
To respond calmly

2. Being ashamed:
Whether they meant it
That way or not
Shame is a choice
If we had known better,
We would've done better.

3. Being hurt:
Only the things
We cannot let go of
Will end up choking us
Whether it is love
Or pride and honor
Choose your responce
Not out of spite,
But to create understanding.

The number of times
I've said the words
"I'm not angry,
This is my face"
And the number of times
I've waited my time
To give them what for
Just to make them see
Things from the other side.

And the number of times
I've swallowed my pride
And whispered
you're right
The number of times
I've found happiness
In being taught a lesson

*Because when I know better, I can do better. However choose the way to teach a lesson carefully, it can make us greater or smaller. Choose your weapon carefully.
Constructive critisisme is an artform that must be build up!!!
Robert Marshall Feb 2019
I live in darkness within my mind
For my soul was taken long ago,
Happiness is something I'll never find
For my grief I can never let go.

but your poem tells me there is still hope
On this we both agree,
So through all the grief I will still cope
Until I am set free.

So thank you very much
Your poem means a lot to me,
For something deep within me was touched
And relived my misery.

march 2002 -2003
Written in response to a poem I read on an old poetry site ""
The poem was named "Night"
kyle Shirley Nov 2016
It kinda feels like nothing after awhile, rejection.
It's much like being a Detroit Lions fan, always starts with a radiant amount of hope, only to end with sure disappointment.
They say, "put your self out there and someone will come along and take all the pain away..."
To them, my responce is "We all have pain, how is anyone gonna make you feel better if they, themselves can't?
It all started with a girl, the feelings and rush of it all, now it's silly to think that there was ever going to be any ending involving one.
tom krutilla Mar 2013
a friend of mine told me, that they are at a crossroads in there life
what have i done, or accomplished, is my footprint still viable
i had no responce, for i ponder the same question, age will do that
but as i gather my thoughts, i wonder, do i need to change the world
do i need to be famous, i don't think so. if i can be me, and bring a smile
to you then i have done what HE has ask me to do.
Sirenes Jan 2016
The degree of our suffering depends mostly on our own responce to it - Guan Yin

why are you crying

If I hadn't suffered so much
Would I not have been happier now?
Would I not have been freer?
Would I now not be released of blaming you?

why did you suffer

Because they harmed me mother
They did me wrong
They took all that I gave
And turned in to soil

Is it your responsability?

It was my effort
My tireless effort
It was what I did out of love!
It was what I gave of myself!

And did you expect something in return?


why would they not love you? Do you have to serve others to win them over

I suppose that's really not
How it should be,
But mum how else will they
Ever love me for who I am?

are you not kind

I think I am

are you not sweet


then why would they not love you?

To this I don't know
The right answer
Why do we love
Generally speaking?

*because it's within us. You can only love that within another if you find it within yourself. Love selflessly and you will be loved selflessly. Not because you will never meet those who try to abuse you but because you will stop needing them all together. Love yourself unconditionally and you will be loved unconditionally
My fave Saint of all times <3
ron parrish Dec 2017
we met on a whim,
a comment or two,
reading each others soul

words of love
washed down into my heart,
more words would make it grow

as time moved on
i felt closer each day
i could feel the words
her heart would say

a year passed on
then i realized
my feelings
i could no longer hide

my soul
just seemed to feel
at home in her heart
like we knew each other
in another life,another time

i told her this many times
we grew closer and closer
as time moved on

finally i told her
that i was in love
how in the hell can you
fall in love on line
my heart would ask

finally she responded
she was flattered but apperhinsive
but she was interested
we talked on for a while

we laughed and talked
for hours on end,i told her all my dreams
she just seemed to follow them with me

she gave me her number,told me to call
i waited a couple days before i called
her voice sweet and soft as she said hello
my heart skipped as i said
it's me

she fell in love with my voice she said
our love grew in leaps and bounds
we talked for hours,i pulled her in to my life
she told me she loved me to,she didn't understand how it could be true

then one day it all fell apart
she had time to search her heart
a long distant romance could never fulfill her heart
she needed to feel the love that we shared

she told me to come
and we would share our love forever
but i just couldn't go
obligations just wouldn't let it be
so she said goodbye to me...

her responce

What captured me,was the familar of you
i heard it in the sound of your voice
soothing,creative cozy atmosphere like the warmth of being home again.

and then i gathered morsels of the gleeful crazy flavor of you
sprinkled within the lines of all your colorfully creative stories
like highlight spakles of the childlike passion filled heart of you

oh my god,the heart of you,it's smile was so,,
and i swear i felt you wink at me with those tickling lashes of knowing,
knowing you blush filled me to scrumptious liquid rapture,
and then you nourished a deep root in me,a tethering so umbillical,
i felt you twixt my thighs,you were so,
and then i swear i saw my name in it,,
the title of your love story,
and my cheeks swelled with importance,my heart full of stardom,
for i was blooming in the ripple of you, so deep and so familar ...
Ken Pepiton Oct 2023
A responce, to a TV Preacher, justifying war:
{I had misthought my initial mission, I keep my peace.}
But I thought,
What about you being no man's enemy,
and no man's debtor,
but any man's friend,
when the friend is asking to share my just enough.
I believe, I think,
Just enough, is always plenty to share, some times,
that stranger already missed a meal, and you've missed
not even a snack, in weeks, years, perhaps,

what worth to you your last piece of money,
at that moment, here's the test, tell yourself,

do the right thing, when you have the chance.
Become the base line good, for you, steady,

building piles of settled little ****** beasties
what done give all the life each had, to add a bit
of bubbly possibility, as to what it is to know,
made up your good mastermind, and put it on,
be like, you, when you
were worth dying for, let the bubble
bear the word of peace for the blink of an eye,
we can make Jesus wink at all you never knew.
--- now, ask why you feel so lost, listen
we came to do today, say, look ye hear, I done
my gig, I did, and some shall someday swear, I did.

Instant poverty, nearly anywhere,
from the womb, boom,
the weight is maddening.

Instant riches, not so tough,
on the defined worth in values
of the cost to fix the problem, messed up to start with,
Goddammed faulty knowledge acquisition application.

Snakes alive, we were to be so wise.

Run this by me again, said the judge. You
believe that life is given to be used… some duty,
to perform, which means living is free, but happy
costs money, in the form of time spent doing things,

and you personally leave being likely your duty
is to make peace by acting like a snake?

That's right, your honor, due to your perspication o'my
cautious wish to be harmless as the enemy doves,
as well as a little bit literate, for the future

writing or reading, yes, reading pays, testing retention,
what do you know about life and the universe,
if you know **** Feynman said life was worth 64, before
we were told the wrong question computed 42, with
everything included.

Something never computes, Will, Robin's son.
All day, some days, I think about little instants I find poetry, wordlessly
attesting to the worth of way where there is no way stories....
David Crow Jan 2019
"No one knew me" - said the boy,
the sounds of traffic almost
drowned out that responce,
"But did you know anyone?" - said
his mother,
"No, mom, I wanted to find out
how people would react...",
"Well, you could have picked
better ways to check, and
besides, your scar hasn't fully
healed yet, you shouldn't be
outside right now",
"But it was the right time...",
For a brief moment mother
and son both stood and looked
at eachother with demanding
looks on their faces when a
man in a checkered suit walked
down the sidewalk and stopped
right infront of them,
"May I give you an advice?"
- said the man, who looked
to be in his 50's,
The mother, looking rather
confused, responded - "Of what
do you speak of?",
"Well, ma'am, you do look very
stressed and I was thinking
of giving you this here stress ball
and your son... well, he
does look like a talented one,
I can spot these, so he can
have my harmonica",
Not knowing whether to lash
out or be intrigued, the
mother said with grinding teeth
- "And the advice?",
"Ah yes, of course, I digress.
Now, I don't want to sound
like an old fool, but... I
shall say to you these few
words: Water is eternal,
there's no life on Mars,
we are living in a simulated
world and our next
president will be an alien
from another dimension",
With that off his chest,
the man walked away,
leaving the mother and son
to feel the confusion...
You really did expect a
meaningful ending, didn't you?
Faith Nov 2017
Listening but not receiving. Waiting. Static Error. Sending. Responce non conclusive.

— The End —