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Jaanam Jaswani Jan 2015
I blame myself for distasteful stupidity;
This inability to conceptualise my sentiment.
I'm magnetic to your waffled fingers, and you're blind
To palpability.

Your purity pours into me like a purgation I've never known;
A thousand sins, each recognised, loved.
How many words have we swapped?

I pine, boy, and ponder upon the postulates you follow
To place a seed into my soul.
Must I really bury my affections for you?

*Saya ingin berdiri sebelah kamu, sebagai putri raja kamu.
tuan putri
paduka rajanya pergi
tuan putri
buku dongengnya berenti
waktunya tidur
pergi bermimpi
Nabs Dec 2015
By Nabs

    When I was little, I dreamed of being a princess.
Just like so many others do.

Imagining all the fun we will have.
Of Tea times and dressing in the finest dresses, wearing tiaras, and jewels,
      all day of the week.
              Princesses only seems to dress prettily in the stories.
We all dreamt of the same thing,
        Happy endings that always come at the end, cherished and pampered.

        Most of all loved by everyone.

  Princesses were always loved because she was inherently kind. Inherently docile.
Inherently pure and innocent.
              Inherently beautiful.

( Remember, Your purity is your worth)
                            None of them was because
                                  people respected them.

All of them was because
Of their beauty.

      ( A princess have to pamper their self to utmost perfection, your beauty define your worth)

Princess is a symbol of perfection.
                                      Symbol of Divinity.

A guideline for Goodness and womanhood.
                Standards that shaped and pushed them self to little girls to be molded into a perfect piece of art that they them self would rarely get to enjoy.

( Art pieces, after all cannot admire them self)
                We have to strive for divinity and no less, because less means
        we will be condemned to be the wicked ones.

( No one bother to tell us that it is unreachable.)

        No one wanted to be the wicked ones because history burned who ever were branded as wicked.

      ( we stood on a world
piled with their ashes
          and everyone will claim it as a victory)

        One of the lesson, that these tale seems to croons that there is no in between for us.
        That there is only two archetypes for girls to grow up to.
The Princess or the Evil Witch.

Choose, the tale seems to shout.
            ( be obedient, be submissive).
                    (Good girls)
                ( Princess lives happily ever after).

(Fight, rebel, speak)
        (Bad girls)
  ( Evil witch will always be burned)
  ( This are the endings we have set for you, girls)

          Back then, after going home from school, I would read tales about princesses from all over the world.  
From Africa
                to Europe
                              to Asia.
      I devoured them like they were gospels, Laughing delightedly when the princes save the day then marries the princess, and frowning when the villain managed to defeat the heroes.
Happy endings,
      Happy endings.
( Death, is the only happy ending we will really get)

    I learned that to have a happy ending, a prince need to save me,
                from my self.

( Every princesses need a prince,
for a proper princess cannot save herself.
            You need to be saved to be complete)

      My parents called me their little darling princess, Their crown jewel,
              Their most cherished treasure.
They would hug me, clothed me, spun me into a figurine that they like.
Telling me that I am theirs.
Flesh and blood,
              Glittering orbs of red.
Another princess tales, which plot echoes through out time. Beggars can't be choosers.
                              The same way a princess can't  choose anything for them self.

The tale said,
    A good daughter is an obedient daughter.

Shouting and screaming is prohibited.

( Lower your voice,
        princesses don't raise their voice.

They speak softly as soft as the flutter of butterfly wings

            or preferably they don't speak at all.)

      To be a princess, foremost is to sacrifice your whole being,
      To subdued your self
          To stop being human,
                and start being a treasure, a jewel.
Being fought over for the rights of possession.

( Isn't that the most highest pedestal you can put someone to?)

        As I grew up, these tales keep following me.

( Dont run, princesses never run.
                                    They submit.)
Of Snow white,
      Who was treated as if she was only an object of desire after the prince saw her dead in the glass coffins.
( You're mine, you got that?)

Of the sleeping beauty silence,
            that was taken as a consent to ravished her until she woke up because she gave birth to twins.
( Babe, you like this don't you? You have to, you're made for this)

Of the little mermaid plight,
      Discarding herself completely to be accepted on the lands, trading her voice and being in excruciating pain for her prince.
                        The one who will not love her.
( You look horrible in that, change into something prettier and for god sake, put some make up on)

Of Atalanta, who could not escape marriage
              and forced to marry a man she lost a race  unfairly to, because her father decrees so in the first place.
( My princess, you can't be with that person.  
                    They're not suited for you,
                              We want the best for you.
You don't know what's best for you. )
Of Bawang Putih and Bawang Merah,
                Echoing the morals, how your beauty define you, how you will be evil if you are less than beautiful.
( She's ugly, that's why she's jealous of her)

Of Putri Hijau ending,
            That to be free from being under the power of men, you have to jump into the ocean.
(You are mine, forever)

Of the archetypes for Good and Evil,
            ****, *****,
                      *****, Saint,
                              Witch, Princess.
( A good girl says yes, A bad girl say no)

How The Tales, often than not,
                          parallel each others, as if trying to drill them self into our subconsciousness with these toxic message.

( Princesses belongs to the people.
                      She never belongs to herself. )

These unspoken rules followed me into adulthood.

            Subconscious message of how to be  loved you need to be less.
You need to submit,
to be obedient,
        most of all, you need to be beautiful.

      That beauty is how you're going to get your prince. Never it is because your wit, your courage, your wisdom,
what use do you have for them if you don't have a pretty face.

                No husband will find ever find you.

( Remember, wicked ones doesn't have a prince to set them straight.

                You don't want to be a wicked one,
                                                  Now do you?

So spread your legs, and lay down.
Take it. Atta girl!  )

These unreachable standards, bound us the same way they bound people feet to be dainty.
                They are rules for us to be less human, to be a thing.
      A princess, in this world is another term for a possession.

            (There is no such things as an independent princess, object need owners)

The stories always put them in gilded cages.

Once I asked why?
          Why do they need to be caged?
Why can't they be free?
The tales said that beautiful things needed somewhere to be kept.

The tales said many thing,
        seemingly innocent but  screaming about our worth, girls worth in the society.

(You need to be pretty for anyone to love you.)

(You're good if you are obedient.)

(You have no need for your voice,
                Silence is the only voice you need.)

(You're made to just lay down and take it.)

(You need a man to complete you
                                      and set you straight.)

(Never be yourself.)

I grew up wanting to be a princess,
Just like many others do.
        What we realized, to be a princess
                                  We have to be a slave.
                                      We have to be dead.
This was inspired by lots of books and articles I read.
Sorry for the cliche title, and thank you for reading the long poem.
Bella Ayu Apr 2019
Nama saya perempuan, begitu kata dokter, ulama, pendeta, ayah juga ibu.
Nama saya perempuan, maka dari itu sejak kecil saya diajari memasak, mencuci piring, menyapu dan bertingkah lembut gemulai. Sebab katanya perempuan yang tak apik hanya menjadi barang tidak berguna atau orang-orang biasa menyebutnya dengan rongsokan!
Mereka ogah, saya pun tersingkir.
Nama saya perempuan, sebab saya di dandani bak putri raja, rambut saya dipelihara agar indah menggoda seperti putri-putri raja dalam buku dongeng.
Nama saya perempuan, karena itu ia membutuhkan sanggahan lelaki yang akan membuatnya tegak berdiri.
Tanpa lelaki ia rapuh, ia akan oleng bagai tertiup angin puyuh. Lagi-lagi “katanya”.
Aridea P Feb 2015
Ya Tuhan
Berikanlah aku jodoh seperti Ayahku
Yang mencintaiku meskipun tahu putrinya banyak kekurangan
Yang selalu mendoakan yang terbaik dan tak mengijinkan hati putrinya terluka

Ya Tuhan
Ijinkan aku memilih pasangan seumur hidupku, yaitu seperti Ayahku
Yang tak pernah melukai hatiku dan memanjakanku bagai Putri

Ya Tuhan
Pertemukanlah aku dengan jodohku yang seperti Ayahku
Yang akan melindungiku dari bahaya apapun
Yang takkan melukaiku dengan ucapan kasar

Ya Tuhan
Aku membutuhkannya sekarang
KA Poetry Oct 2017
Lagu - lagu kuno itu aku mainkan
Seakan aku hidup di zaman victoria
Berperan rapih, layaknya seorang bangsawan.

Menyambut dirimu yang kupanggil “Lady”
Nona berparas cantik
Pula berdarah biru

Seorang putri di umum
Seorang ratu di hati
Berdansa ditengah Ballroom
Membuat malam ini milik kita berdua

Mimpi yang indah !
12/10/2017 | 13.02 | Indonesia
KA Poetry Oct 2017
Wanita berlapis kerudung
Apakah lancang diriku untuk berbincang ?
Perasaan yang terus menarik diriku untuk mendekat
Pikiran yang terus menahan akan menghormati

Apakah yang ada didalam hatimu?
Seisi coklat dengan beraneka rasa?
Seikat bunga dengan sama warna?

Rasa ingin tahu yang sangat besar
Membuat diriku ingin memasuki dunia mu
Dunia yang mengguncang
Namun, tidak banyak yang merasakan

Buku - buku yang disusun rapih
Namun tidak satupun isinya mengenaimu
Bayangan yang selalu hadir di mata
Namun tidak ada pelaku bayangan itu

Bolehkah diriku mendapatkan kehormatan
Untuk masuk dan mempelajari hatimu?
Maafkan diriku yang lancang ini
Aku hanya ingin tahu tentang seorang putri berkerudung.
16/10/2017 | 19.08 | Indonesia
ga Sep 2017
Kau duduk dalam diam
Segaris senyum kau tebar
Aku yang lemah menyerah kalah
Membakar omong kosong
Menciptakan bara apiku

Aku terpaku, pertama kalinya bagiku
Suara renyah bergairah
Menggelitik daun telinga
Mendarat indah di relung hati
Tak perduli yang kau katakan
Aku hanya ingin mendengarkan

Ingin rasanya kugenggam tanganmu
Menculikmu dengan gagah berani
Layaknya ksatria dan kau sang putri
Menyibak rambut ombakmu
Kusematkan bunga
Yang kita petik bersama


Aku bukanlah ksatria
Dan kau sendirilah pemilik kastil itu
Tak ada bunga mekar yang bisa kupetik hari itu
Namun di lain hari kuharap kita bertemu lagi
Di gloria il viso e la gioconda voce,
Garzon bennato, apprendi,
E quanto al femminile ozio sovrasti
La sudata virtude. Attendi attendi,
Magnanimo campion (s'alla veloce
Piena degli anni il tuo valor contrasti
La spoglia di tuo nome), attendi e il core
Movi ad alto desio. Te l'echeggiante
Arena e il circo, e te fremendo appella
Ai fatti illustri il popolar favore;
Te rigoglioso dell'età novella
Oggi la patria cara
Gli antichi esempi a rinnovar prepara.
Del barbarico sangue in Maratona
Non colorò la destra
Quei che gli atleti ignudi e il campo eleo,
Che stupido mirò l'ardua palestra,
Né la palma beata e la corona
D'emula brama il punse. E nell'Alfeo
Forse le chiome polverose e i fianchi
Delle cavalle vincitrici asterse
Tal che le greche insegne e il greco acciaro
Guidò dè Medi fuggitivi e stanchi
Nelle pallide torme; onde sonaro
Di sconsolato grido
L'alto sen dell'Eufrate e il servo lido.
Vano dirai quel che disserra e scote
Della virtù nativa
Le riposte faville? E che del fioco
Spirto vital negli egri petti avviva
Il caduco fervor? Le meste rote
Da poi che Febo instiga, altro che gioco
Son l'opre dè mortali? Ed è men vano
Della menzogna il vero? A noi di lieti
Inganni e di felici ombre soccorse
Natura stessa: e là dove l'insano
Costume ai forti errori esca non porse,
Negli ozi oscuri e nudi
Mutò la gente i gloriosi studi.
Tempo forse verrà ch'alle ruine
Delle italiche moli
Insultino gli armenti, e che l'aratro
Sentano i sette colli; e pochi Soli
Forse fien volti, e le città latine
Abiterà la cauta volpe, e l'atro
Bosco mormorerà fra le alte mura;
Se la funesta delle patrie cose
Obblivion dalle perverse menti
Non isgombrano i fati, e la matura
Clade non torce dalle abbiette genti
Il ciel fatto cortese
Dal rimembrar delle passate imprese.
Alla patria infelice, o buon garzone,
Sopravviver ti doglia.
Chiaro per lei stato saresti allora
Che del serto fulgea, di ch'ella è spoglia,
Nostra colpa e fatal. Passò stagione;
Che nullo di tal madre oggi s'onora:
Ma per te stesso al polo ergi la mente.
Nostra vita a che val? Solo a spregiarla:
Beata allor che nè perigli avvolta,
Se stessa obblia, né delle putri e lente
Ore il danno misura e il flutto ascolta;
Beata allor che il piede
Spinto al varco leteo, più grata riede.
A Jun 2019
Malam itu,
Ia memperlakukanku bak seorang putri
Kami berjalan-jalan berkeliling kota
dengan sepeda motor
Yang pernah ia ceritakan,
motor itu dibelikan ayahnya ketika ia berusia delapan belas
Tidak hanya berkeliling kota,
kami juga makan sepuluh tusuk sate padang di gerobak pinggir jalan
Bertukar cerita, bertukar senda gurau, atau bahkan bertukar lelucon yang sebenarnya tidak lucu satu sama lain
Aku suka dengan cara ia menggenggam tanganku,
mengusap lembut pucuk kepalaku,
dan memberikanku senyum terbaiknya

Tentu, tak hanya malam itu
Hari hariku selalu diwarnai olehnya
Sampai akhirnya malam ini,
ia meperlakukan perempuan lain; sama sepertiku dulu
Bedanya, itu bukan aku
Jemariku menari di atas aksara.

Kemari sayang,
nanti malam aku akan ceritakan pertarungan antara Putri Cina dengan Amir Hamzah,
dan Pangeran Bulan yang tak pernah datang.

Tragedi Sampek yang menjelma kupu-kupu disusul kekasihnya.
memilih abadi dalam dunia baka,
ketimbang hidup 100 tahun bersama lara.
aku akan tutup dongeng malam dengan kisah kita yang abadi dalam dimensi khayal.

"Selamat malam."
Di gloria il viso e la gioconda voce,
Garzon bennato, apprendi,
E quanto al femminile ozio sovrasti
La sudata virtude. Attendi attendi,
Magnanimo campion (s'alla veloce
Piena degli anni il tuo valor contrasti
La spoglia di tuo nome), attendi e il core
Movi ad alto desio. Te l'echeggiante
Arena e il circo, e te fremendo appella
Ai fatti illustri il popolar favore;
Te rigoglioso dell'età novella
Oggi la patria cara
Gli antichi esempi a rinnovar prepara.
Del barbarico sangue in Maratona
Non colorò la destra
Quei che gli atleti ignudi e il campo eleo,
Che stupido mirò l'ardua palestra,
Né la palma beata e la corona
D'emula brama il punse. E nell'Alfeo
Forse le chiome polverose e i fianchi
Delle cavalle vincitrici asterse
Tal che le greche insegne e il greco acciaro
Guidò dè Medi fuggitivi e stanchi
Nelle pallide torme; onde sonaro
Di sconsolato grido
L'alto sen dell'Eufrate e il servo lido.
Vano dirai quel che disserra e scote
Della virtù nativa
Le riposte faville? E che del fioco
Spirto vital negli egri petti avviva
Il caduco fervor? Le meste rote
Da poi che Febo instiga, altro che gioco
Son l'opre dè mortali? Ed è men vano
Della menzogna il vero? A noi di lieti
Inganni e di felici ombre soccorse
Natura stessa: e là dove l'insano
Costume ai forti errori esca non porse,
Negli ozi oscuri e nudi
Mutò la gente i gloriosi studi.
Tempo forse verrà ch'alle ruine
Delle italiche moli
Insultino gli armenti, e che l'aratro
Sentano i sette colli; e pochi Soli
Forse fien volti, e le città latine
Abiterà la cauta volpe, e l'atro
Bosco mormorerà fra le alte mura;
Se la funesta delle patrie cose
Obblivion dalle perverse menti
Non isgombrano i fati, e la matura
Clade non torce dalle abbiette genti
Il ciel fatto cortese
Dal rimembrar delle passate imprese.
Alla patria infelice, o buon garzone,
Sopravviver ti doglia.
Chiaro per lei stato saresti allora
Che del serto fulgea, di ch'ella è spoglia,
Nostra colpa e fatal. Passò stagione;
Che nullo di tal madre oggi s'onora:
Ma per te stesso al polo ergi la mente.
Nostra vita a che val? Solo a spregiarla:
Beata allor che nè perigli avvolta,
Se stessa obblia, né delle putri e lente
Ore il danno misura e il flutto ascolta;
Beata allor che il piede
Spinto al varco leteo, più grata riede.
Mateuš Conrad May 2022
chasing rabbits -

chasing rabbits:
   reimagining standing
still on a treadmill.     (502)

she had to come round for about two hours today, my neighbour, she must have sniffed out that i was making pizza... i love making pizza slightly tipsy... i did the house chores and started writing this, abandoned it, now that i returned to it... well, what could have possibly changed? pristine ******* dough... ooh... what a lovely cushion of flour and water and sugar and a pinch of salt and: yrast... i love the smell... hmm mmm hmm... these hands make magic... the pizza sauce? compliments on that, of course... what did i add? oh... just a read pepper... some paprika: i wish i used some Kashmiri chilly powder... perhaps i had... garlic... onion... blitzed... sieved... twice... plum tomatoes... itch of the juice: clenched teeth saliva boiling: juicy... thinking: my tongue is a knife... now i'm going into the garden and drink a beer, or two... try finding the moo... ah ha ha: moo! moon! ah-woo! no... quiet right... one needs a forest to find the howl! but at least i can bark... when some fox penetrates the gardens and the dogs start barking... i'll bark too! free! free! free! so my neighbour likes my cooking... great! am i about to think: capitalistically?! start a pizzeria?! i like do: what tool is expected to do... because... i have "other" concerns"... the whole veneer of interacting with people is: what it is: a veneer... i have to entertain both the Jezebel and the Sophia... Sophia is difficult: since she's as abstract as Athena... it's not a lost libido: it's not impotence... it's... why would i want to ******* if you're going to spend my Saturday afternoon shopping for ******* curtains... or... whatever?! oi! Libra! come 'ere! this weigh-in weigh-out doesn't make sense... can you apply your corrective scrutiny to the "problem"? - i do make some fine pizza... no one's taking... fair enough... fair ******* doubly enough... more for me... more for oblivion... to which i answer: ah-men.

тo йeст щыт:
to jest szczyt...
diese ist der gipfel!

it only happened once...
discouraging: "discouraging" a circle
or omicron from being a circle
and becoming an ellipse: a 0... a zero...

"god" is not a moralist...
he's an existentialist...
          "he" he not not "he"...
only in English is the phenomenon
of a pronoun "problem" prevalent...
               schrapnellzunge -
it's so unusual for anyone speaking
in the Slavic tongue(s) to overuse
the pronoun: iota as much as the English do...

it's like Knausgaard mentioned
about the Swedes... a people that haven't
been invaded by another people for a while...
no memory of subjugation...
the cultural Cyclops(es) of the world...

the English are pretty much the same...
they're being invaded: politely:
by their standards...
mosque after mosque reiterations...
the implosions of the greatest empire
the world has ever seen...

what?! i'm like Voltaire... i'm not native:
i write what i see...
this is not an invasion: this is not a polite invasion:
this is not an implosion of the lost
pride and empire?

once ol' Lizzie dies... it's not like...
however many popes and prime ministers she
died will have died...
tyrannical matriarchy...
well... if... "if"... john wallis "invented" the lemniscate:
a concept and a compact symbol:
all the same... back in 1655... ∞
who "invented" the number 8 or the letter B?

i know who invented the letter B...
******* with modern feminism and all that
came prior with the Sibyls and Carmenta:
*******: modern woman!
i get my ******* elsewhere...
among women that still want to have some
joy in life... who else?! prostitutes!
no ******! because: we're symbiotic:
hygienic minded people!
   ******* with your
flaking away... flaking away...
wash... your... *******... hands!

once upon a time women held very
important positions in society...
now? microwave ovens shoved that dream
right up our ***** with 12" ****** sticking
         of course i'm *******!
why wouldn't i be?

     bitter? no... i just enjoy the plethora of emotions
that come with rage and doubt as much
as those that some with the soothing:
mollusk tenderness: melting... ice-cream
of ooh-oops of love...
something's itching me: i just heard
a quake of thunder in the sky through the loud
music playing in my earphones...
i'm on the right track...
           if there's lightning but no thunder...
esp. in the night: i'm suspicious...
but if there's thunder and no lightning:
comfort music... i must be hungry...
i think i'll sacrifice a chicken tow-toe-into-the-night...

(towing, a)

       let's just say: "hypothetically":
"god" created the pristine man... the advocate...
the priest... the "somewhat" and some "other"...
as curator for the basis of ontology..

the rest?! mutations: self-generated prejudices...
the original plan was X...
but the plan morphed and became Z...
there's no point blaming a deity for a lack
of intervention: who would want to entertain
the idea of free will while at the same time
succumbing to a c.c.t.v. "state" (of existence)?

life without effort is not worth living:
but then again: carrying the burden that ought
to be shared equally: for others...
Somalis... the English and their *******
anti-racism mantra: fair enough!
you abolished the slave trade...
fair enough! but now the English are
getting culturally ***** by their lenience!
a people that haven't been subjected
to conquest for a long, long... long time...

they have become: complacent!
   too agreeable! trust-worthy pilots flying to:
**** knows where... not even the seagulls know...
perhaps only in London...
elsewhere perhaps they're as thick-as-custard...
but in my vicinity...
a bit like my facebook page...
the "people you may know"... what? stalkers?
why is this coming up?
this website used to be dead for me for a while...
now i'm getting this "issue" with:
"people you may know":
i never used a dating application, but it's starting
to feel like i'm using one...
i'm swiping right sieving through:

uriel darl, souad dharhi, aura huckerthman,
   andressa wangel, yus ningsih, el drema,
gülan meriç(ch), ramina amores, kristina jodzkiene,
angie biada, consuelo siouxe, sulistiawatisetya setya,
Xриcтинa Линчкo (christina linchko),
             unayah naya, goharik javahiryan,
Гaлинa Лaщeнкo (galina lashchenko),
    nilufar shermatova, cecile valeron mmaacv,
Kaтя Пaлий, nelu medina, maryati pujiman,
cida oliv, thaizth mendezt, katell seignoux,
lorena ramirez, taylla kamylla, keyza adelia putri,
kelly martins, emma ryan, carnevale chiara,
douce tusorapas, sonia de flaviis,
              carmen antonela, rosalia delgado,
delpine lafontaine -, cegail rapley,
            ariel alear, aghori aaleem,
                   florine fremont, mary HM,
dorota zarzycka, tayana zakh, megan barfield,
helena maria soares, jan lose, perrine kali-yoga,
annie zhou, angel mawar, sabrina muhlberger
(that's with an umlaut hovering above the "yew"),
sylvie lescan... ****'s sake the list is endless!

i'm bored of listing all the "friend" suggestions...
all of them: women!

don't blame me! blame the algorithm!
i've never seen these women!

     nope... life's not interesting enough to be
fully sober...
not even close... life's make more sense drinking
and typing typos: finding TY-POS...
i don't imply: drinking in your face...
on the street with other winos...
i mean: drinking alone, at night...
   listening to foxes... spotting a rat scuttling...
admiring the moon...
thinking: how does one not write
a Chinese haiku... how does one?

    i'd love to find a woman that could cook
better than me...
i truly: would love to...
keeping the chicken at best the highet
of 165 degrees Fahrenheit...
medium rare beef... hmm... debatable...
145 degrees Fahrenheit is probably my maximum...
****... i think we're questioning 125...

i'm yet to find a woman who's...
pedantic about:
not butchering a piece of beef steak twice...
i can't... butcher a piece of meat twice:
corrupt it with the Arabic tendency
to obscure the fresheness of blood...
and that: stale... yuck... sawdust...
beef overcooked... in the format of steak...
i can't butcher a beef twice:
we know... it's obvious...
the males are segregated for the meat
while the females are kept for the milk...
no irony...
          it was preordained:
no point cowering away from the cruelty
by replacing authentic meat with
vegetable substitutes...
or... synthentic cat-food pseudo-proteins...
or bean-burgers...
i sometimes roam the fields in Essex
and see the horses...
well... aren't you the lucky ones?
shouldn't you be... extinct?!

                   shouldn't they? why would you
need a horse... when you have a bicycle...
when you have a car?!
so... why keep them?
i'd love to pet a horse...
i loved riding horses...
not ******* Lamborghini no
rich boy ******* Ferrari will ever compare
to riding a horse through a forest
at full gallop!

               not even if i were getting a blow-job
in a car... speeding... in those sort of cars...
no... nein nein nein nein!

i'm immune to envy of that sort...
i'm against society as such...
  what?!    Q = ?!
                 isn't the western tradition invested
in individualism?!

why would i need a car when living
in London...
when... i can cycle around London and back
in about 5 hours...
take the train to Liverpool St. in about 30 minutes...
i don't have to:
a) think about paying for parking
b) ditto about paying for road tax
c) m.o.t.
d) e) f) g) and any imaginary points
you might conjure...

               now... you give me a horse?
the game changes... i'd love something larger
than the already Maine **** cat that could come
across as a poodle (no, not a puddle)
    i love the coyness of horses...
            they really do require you to become
patient with you...
unlike those ****** of dogs that can immediately
run up to strangers and blah blah tail wiggle
and: whatever...
cats... semi-, on the spectrum...
horses though... brooding *******...
they take oh so long to gain their trust...

i was roaming the fields, the forest at night...
blasted: beyond comparison...
i forgot my apple,
i forgot my cube of sugar...
came across a herd of them...
gave one of them my hand to...
nibble... it nibbled...
then retracted: are you mad!
you're implying i'm readily willing to
eat man-flesh?!
it buckled... glancing my forehead
with its hind hoofs...
"buckled"... no...
the ****** almost knocked me out...
because it started nibbling on my fingers
"thinking" i might have a treat
of an apple in my hand...
massive teeth... buck-tooth...
even more massive hoofs...
         i sort of wished he knocked me out...
the last "thing" i would have seen
was the moon...
and the sheen of lubrication
of quicksilver pouring over almost everything...
like a: liquidified mirror...
        just like that: like a liquidified mirror...

how long will this tyranny last?
    i want to be as old as Plato and be as exhausted
as Plato...
and still retaining my heterosexual flaovuring...
of that rancid old man...
until that time comes...
        at my peak: i want to play with my
                all the women that are interested are
either single mums or married women...
young girls are uninteresting:
i'm not a predator... i'm a herder...
         young girls are boring...
"boring": i.e. unrelatable...
    the sexes have diverged beyond
                          funny that:
i'd rather spend an evening with a bottle
of whiskey than with a woman...
with a bottle of whiskey and my own thoughts
than with a woman...
                     even i am struggling to comprehend
this anomaly...
why talk? when you can be left alone
foraging for new music?!
akin to keluar's - vitreum?
                        i get the romance part...
but... the plan part i don't get...
   the plan being: i work... i work... i have no socks...
i pretend to have underwear...
i work... i work... i do overtime...
i come back home and... and...
     who does the cooking?! i hate her cooking!
she always overcooks the pasta!
she under-seasons the sauce!
                she can't do **** with yeast!
i make my own pizza... i cook my own food...
i get the romance aspect being sold:
but... what's the plan?!

           she already has children by some
other ****-wit...
i get the romance bit... but... what's the plan?!
i can cough up: pretty much all of my earnings for
her and her *******... i can make concessions...
by then: there's the plan...
but there's no longer the romance...

by now:
do i really want more? than simply a bed to sleep in?
can life afford me
any emotional adventure?
do i want it?
              i like my own company
too much to let anyone share it with me...
not out of a feeling of superiority...
just out of necessity... almost god-like...

         habitually: i'm just not used to having
people increment the details of my personal life...
i like them: behind a membrane...
a niqab...
                 i don't care where you put them:
i just dont want them near me!
except for the children and the animals...
i could spend an eternity with these two

                 one night with Sharon Stone...
when Sharon Stone was Sharon Stone
and when te 1980s where the 1980s...
she just reminds me of: Samantha....
kissing Milena..
                               i really miss these girls..
i hope they forget me
with a burning: sensation ...

history will not be kind to us...
we'll be a laughing-stock of the ages...
let us pass.... let us pass:
into the lava lamp of Hades.
Di gloria il viso e la gioconda voce,
Garzon bennato, apprendi,
E quanto al femminile ozio sovrasti
La sudata virtude. Attendi attendi,
Magnanimo campion (s'alla veloce
Piena degli anni il tuo valor contrasti
La spoglia di tuo nome), attendi e il core
Movi ad alto desio. Te l'echeggiante
Arena e il circo, e te fremendo appella
Ai fatti illustri il popolar favore;
Te rigoglioso dell'età novella
Oggi la patria cara
Gli antichi esempi a rinnovar prepara.
Del barbarico sangue in Maratona
Non colorò la destra
Quei che gli atleti ignudi e il campo eleo,
Che stupido mirò l'ardua palestra,
Né la palma beata e la corona
D'emula brama il punse. E nell'Alfeo
Forse le chiome polverose e i fianchi
Delle cavalle vincitrici asterse
Tal che le greche insegne e il greco acciaro
Guidò dè Medi fuggitivi e stanchi
Nelle pallide torme; onde sonaro
Di sconsolato grido
L'alto sen dell'Eufrate e il servo lido.
Vano dirai quel che disserra e scote
Della virtù nativa
Le riposte faville? E che del fioco
Spirto vital negli egri petti avviva
Il caduco fervor? Le meste rote
Da poi che Febo instiga, altro che gioco
Son l'opre dè mortali? Ed è men vano
Della menzogna il vero? A noi di lieti
Inganni e di felici ombre soccorse
Natura stessa: e là dove l'insano
Costume ai forti errori esca non porse,
Negli ozi oscuri e nudi
Mutò la gente i gloriosi studi.
Tempo forse verrà ch'alle ruine
Delle italiche moli
Insultino gli armenti, e che l'aratro
Sentano i sette colli; e pochi Soli
Forse fien volti, e le città latine
Abiterà la cauta volpe, e l'atro
Bosco mormorerà fra le alte mura;
Se la funesta delle patrie cose
Obblivion dalle perverse menti
Non isgombrano i fati, e la matura
Clade non torce dalle abbiette genti
Il ciel fatto cortese
Dal rimembrar delle passate imprese.
Alla patria infelice, o buon garzone,
Sopravviver ti doglia.
Chiaro per lei stato saresti allora
Che del serto fulgea, di ch'ella è spoglia,
Nostra colpa e fatal. Passò stagione;
Che nullo di tal madre oggi s'onora:
Ma per te stesso al polo ergi la mente.
Nostra vita a che val? Solo a spregiarla:
Beata allor che nè perigli avvolta,
Se stessa obblia, né delle putri e lente
Ore il danno misura e il flutto ascolta;
Beata allor che il piede
Spinto al varco leteo, più grata riede.

— The End —