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I looked at the clock
ticking, resolute,
suspended pleasantly over the couch's window

Right on cue, the phone rings.m
I set down my magazine, crinkling back the corner of a page boasting "Dog Gone Good Mac n' Cheese"
and answer the phone
on the third ring.

My son, Harvey, it isn't like he's
a challenged boy
or a special gift
To be honest, sometimes he outwits even me
Things just always seem to....

Well, take what happened to Richard
My ex husband
Harvey would just shoot him
side ways glances
and point
point for hours
Some nights, Richard would just wake up
But Harvey was just a baby, not even two years old, I cannot fathom what was so frightening about a prefect little baby

One day I come home
and Richard has decided to see how much
bathtub Kool Aid he could make
with just a razor and some hot water
And Harvey!
Sweet little Harvey!
Must have accidentally locked himself in
with that mad man.
That poor, poor...

Well, anyway, after that, Richard left.
Now it is just
amrutha Apr 2014
Religions matter
Opinions hurt
Time drugs me
Disgust and dirt
Fake phenomenon
Music-free pop concerts
Logic outwits emotion
When I live outside me,
When my mind I desert.
Lindsay Marie Oct 2011
The demon controls me in every possible way.
Claws scorching and scratching my wrist as he tightens his grip on me.
When I fight, his voice sweet as nectar drowns out the muffled begging
Of my last innocent cell trying to break free.

But this demon is a clever one, he outwits me once again.
He leads me down deeper into his darkness, a tender hold on my hand,
Whispering comfort, and promises of ecstasy in the world below.
My blood boils in a fiery desire that not even a God could withstand.

My demon always gets what he wants. And I’ll forever listen.
As we dance in the invisible light I am comfortable in his arms.
The reality of the darkness engulfs me as he serenades me into unconsciousness.
My body once again claimed victim to my addiction’s evil charm.
Brigette Beck Jan 2017
To you, the partner of my heart and mind:
I know you're broken far beyond repair
You don't have faith in the life you've designed
And you've lost all hope, fallen in despair.
I understand you more than you admit
I've seen some of the deepest parts of you.
Your light is playing games, its glow outwits
And plays, and it’s the reason you withdrew.
It's always there, it was there from the start
I can see it now, shining bright as day.
If you could only see what's in your heart
Then you would know why I will always stay.
I love you, every flaw and every scar.
And I believe in you and all you are.
Megan Sherman Feb 2017
Stealthily the spring has arisen
Shuddering from Earth's cold prison
Budding bunches of Leaves astir
In wild song, the new bees purr
Vibrating as they please
At most peculiar frequencies
Circling the flower's girth
Doing sacred work of Earth
Sun kisses wan, pale cheek
Outwits the darkness, bleak
Begetting warmth to tender creatures
O, Sun, the glowing crown of Nature
This long time doodling Yankee 
(who calls Southeastern Montgomery, Pennsylvania LV
plus III four seasons visited 
upon swath of topography to see
and hear flora and fauna over run 
via industrialization he doth experience pity
sympathy, humanity deafening cacophony undermining 
once abundant bounty, which mutiny 
upon bounty outwits mother nature
in this REAL LIFE “GAME” of jeopardy 
where survival of the fattest dominates avast geography
thence a tempest in a global teapot doth brew
which phenomena Gaia foments,
inducing meteorologists due
tee fully issuing catastrophic fallout
asper category 5 carved foo
tang clan along Gulf Coast 
reserving special vengeance (alas domino effect) 
for oil derricks hue mans insatiably drill into 
ever more difficult to access reservoirs sans fossil fuels, but Jew
blintz echoes across watery expanse when excavator loo
king for liquid gold hit a mother lode
(or off shoot) exciting new
man hick pumps furiously fracking gnome hatter 
watching grim faced absent magic spells such as phew 
fi foe...aghast at the rapacious, pernicious, malicious....rue
th less ness heaped upon Planet Earth, 
where tipping point 
re: specifically **** Sapiens over population will true
lee interrogate meteorological altercations, conflagrations, and
exterminations of multitudinous
botanical and animal genus or species 
as wrath of monster storms akin to a oceanic brigand
wreaking loss of life and limb, additionally bringing destruction 
as megadeath metal lick ha - monstrous maelstrom 
mercilessly muscles itself when making land
fall, where record rainfall submerges
once smug Texans man
dated to evacuate far from the pan
demon harum-scarum as retribution
for incessant lambasting wan
ton ness exploiting terrestrial resources selfishly that will eventually ban
hush the dominant primate requisitioned to become extinct – anon

miss lee as voluntarism spontaneously spawned and spun off from Biblical deluge
strangers reaching out to rescue folks unbeknownst to them without a wince
forever prompting that age old question asper why do person only evince
good Sammaritism during disasters proof  
mortal camaraderie, defensiveness, from giving, generating 
kudzu offshoots providing salutary assistance doth convince.
humanity amidst adversity.
Marshal Gebbie Jul 2021
Patience in the pass of time
Resurrects the need of mine
To ponder why, the where, the when
Mankind's courage tends to bend.
Be it in the space of fear
When a threat, perhaps, is near,
Be it in when a smarter man
Outwits with a sharper plan?
What the odds when she who smiles
Condescends our lesser wiles?
Painful should we all rescind
To insecurity's foul wind.

Why the quickened, racing pulse
As faster challengers convulse?
When hesitation in the heart
Circumvents the courage part?
Where that moments damning pause
Kills legality's last clause?
A gathered sweat on worried brow
Nervous twitching reveals, now,
Courage fled on wings of steel
Crystalizing what is real...
Hollow symptoms, (plain to me),
Timidity's complicity!.

18 July 2021
I see more and people standing back, not wanting to get involved while
the heavies walk all over them. Timidity seems contagious in that most won't stick their neck out and back themselves. Whatever happened to the pride engendered by a performance involving courage and self respect?
Whatever happened to self esteem?
Morning Star Mar 2023
I am the tiny one of four I little imp I was before.
I lived in wolves caves long ago
Where winters frost bit hard
But beauty I glistened loved by snow
Spring days upon the grass I grew
nutured loved and safe with you
The broken child I tried to save
Became a sign I can't be chained
Although the fear of winds and storm
You kept me safe and still and warm.
The fairies whispered in the night
The garden lit by candle light
Another tale a trip to be a signal of enertity
But in the caves deep by the sea they never captured mermaids see
For in the misty deep deep path
Only light shone through the gaps
The day came and she was gone but fairies light my path
For even in the hollow dwell and in the sadness I'm still well
I journeyed far and all around
Got my feet on holy ground
Broken arrow steal hearts
Make it fun and keep it smart
Laughter fills with every turn
Make waves so big you yearn
dive so deep you cannot see but into wrecks you seek
Excitement captures every minute
You feel like your awake
Fly so hight sore above
From longmind to the lawly
From Middleton to Wales
Keep flying high I touch the sky even with the broken wings
The beauty of the little ones the beauty that he brings
My beautiful children so happy playing in the winds
The time of bug and campervans
Festivals and hot air balloons
Drunken nights at white ladies priory watching movies all night long
The anchor and its stories
The boats as they go by
The chief with looks that score me and funny he walks by
I am so happy driving my bug along the sea
Top down shades on and all around my friends they true will be
The nights we had under the star lit canopy
I remember being lonely but didn't last for long
As always with this story
A new friend comes along
So much love I've given and so much love recieved
The kindest man before me of which I've never seen
Pictures painted on my skin
Colours every where
And even when the shadows come
The light he shines outwits them
One upon another time when snow was on the ground he held my hands and told me his love would never end
I trust in him and hold his love for my soul be true and will always follow the light in him the warm the kind the true
Be afraid to lose another
Or whisper soft and hear
That in my sadness you appear and thousands of stars do fall
And in the morning light I'm safe for he is always near
And even when the story ends and a journey taken elsewhere I'll know he always had my heart
And never turned his back
So sunshine love and lasting light forever I'll be true
To what you once created and what I always knew
That no matter how bad life's story you can still be you **

— The End —