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kaylan joseph Nov 2014
somehow her hair halts me at every sentance
a dark brown finsh over a cute slinder face
her personalty speaks rhthmic poetry
like a connection over mortal things
and the only thing she said was hi
normaly i would forget a greeting
but it seems so inviting  if the whole world went left it seemed like the right thing
so like lightning i respond hi
tripped over my words
and got lost in her eyes
a pale blue that could unviel any disguise
she said my name is hannah
and so nearly 2 hearts almost coldide
CMT Aug 2014
I am damp spots,

I am difficulty breathing,

I am drinking alone in the middle of the day,

I am bent book spines,

wonky teeth,

just a little bit chubby with no *****.

I am mice nibbling at my toes,

fast food over home cooked meals,

envy over normaly,

and solace in art.

I am crying for nothing

and everything at all.

I am music none of my friends like

and I am fluccuating between comfort eating

and not eating at all.

I have grown up

I have changed.

I am ambition

and grown up relationships

and jobs.

I am nostalgic

and sad


I am drunk.
I am drunk. I was drunk when I write this and drunk when I posted it. It's not poetry. I don't think. Or is it?

Either way, it's about how, when I'm drunk and home alone and about to leave my hometown for my weird almost-grown-up life, I get strangely sad about leaving all the things I hated.
Cat Fiske May 2015
A world in black,
and white
That's how we see,
our history
A world if good,
and evil
That's how we see,
A world of land,
and sea
That's how we see,
the earth
And a world of dark,
and light
That's the beauty,
in life
And the world we live in is not,
Our world is,
a mess
But things stay,
the same
I see the colors white,
to black
And black,
to white
I see the good in people,
to there evil
And the evil in people,
to there good
I walk on,
the land
And swim in,
the sea
And live when it's light,
to dark
Or dark,
to light
What ever it,
may be
And my world has,
never been
So horrifyingly,
To bad I'm at the pointwere I'm just a, walking skeleton
I rip the flesh off my lips as I,
bite them
For my nails are,
to short
and hurt to much when I try to bite,
at them
And life,
Goes on
And that's all that you can do,
Live *"Normaly"
hazem al jaber Jul 2018
Power's love ...

do you remember ...
when i told you ...
with all power ...
of my heart ...
that i love you ...
and never to live normaly ...
without you ...

do you still remember ...
how much i said ...
how much love i wrote ...
as a whispers ...
and as a poems ...
about the love ...
which i feel to you ...

O lady ...
just think more ..
about my words ...
and how much i said ...
i love you ....

rethink more ...
sweetheart ...
feel my words ...
and please ...
don't forget ...
my words ...

yes my angel ...
whom i always dream about ...
i still and will keep ...
this power ...
of love ...
only for you ...
and never ever ...
to lost a hope ...
of meeting you soon ...
just to tell you ...
i love you ...
while my eyes ...
into yours ...

hazem al ..
Hayy Oct 2014
When I think of you in the worst way, I try to replay all of the good things you have done. The good things normaly over weigh the bad, but not today. You have gone away, but you said you would stay.

— The End —