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Q Mar 2015
We could declare there's a meaning
That'll bear fruit any day now
But that'd be a lie; the sky is pink and
The world don't turn nohow.

We could beg for an answer
Unplug our ears, open our mouths
But that'd require a moral compass
In a world that don't turn nohow.

We could fly, see the galaxies
Live life better than we were allowed
But that'd be existing, that'd be living
In a world that don't turn nohow.
hmm. feels undone but I've been sitting on this for over a year so...
You say I O.K.ed
O.K.ed it when?
My goodness, Central
That was then!

I'm mad and disgusted
With that ***** now.
I don't pay no REVERSED
CHARGES nohow.

You say, I will pay it--
Else you'll take out my phone?
You better let
My phone alone.

I didn't ask him
To telephone me.
Roscoe knows **** well
Ain't free.

If I ever catch him,
Lawd, have pity!
Calling me up
From Kansas City.

Just to say he loves me!
I knowed that was so.
Why didn't he tell me some'n
I don't know?

For instance, what can
Them other girls do
That Alberta K. Johnson
Can't do--and more, too?

What's that, Central?
You say you don't care
Nothing about my
Private affair?

Well, even less about your
PHONE BILL, does I care!

Un-humm-m! . . . Yes!
You say I gave my O.K.?
Well, that O.K. you may keep--

But I sure ain't gonna pay!
betterdays Jun 2014
when the world,
was much younger
and i was a stupid-crazy
girl-ly-chick, enamoured
with her youth.

i drove, a sunshine,
lemon, yellow bottomed, white pith on top combi van. coyly, cloyingly named Mello Martha.

it was...surfboards and swimsuits,
egg and bacon sangers,
early morning breezes,
after a blitz at the breadbox.

before... changing into
the structured, tortured baby, bank teller blues,
in the back,doors left open.

it was... rockin, knockin,
***, on credit,
to a promised future,
alluded to, but postponed,
for the moment.

it was... bruised back and
grazed knees,
harder, deeper oh god!
oh god! please... faster, fucken frenzies,
on a saturday night.

it was....running away to nowhere,
to find myself,
then finding me,
running away from,
the self i didn't want to know.
noway, nowhere, nohow.

it was... a barrel of monkeys, a barrel of laughs,
a keg of beer,
a box of wine,
under the crowded stars.

it was.... a roadtrip,
up the coast,
midnight bonfire,
midnight munchies,
playing hunches,
exploring reefs and reefers and such.

it was...far from family
and church rules,
a friendly rebellion,
of loud, proud youth.
totally and brazenly,
it was... wham! and m.j.
cindy and boy george's culture club ,paperlace,
billy idol and the beach boys.
sung with abandon,
at spinal tap level eleven.

it was... peaceful, quiet, sleeping grace.
insanely in love with...
i forgot his name.

it was.... the birth of bodaciously me.
all brass hair and bosoms,
wild and carefree.

it was long ago,

it was... yesterday night,

when i saw... Mello Martha's identical twin,
stopped at a traffic light.
it was... sunshine and lemon, bitter and sweet,
as she sailed off, down the street.
i sat and watched,
wist, full of recollect,
far and away, from my presently minded place...
sitting in, the driver's seat,
of my mom-blue subaru.
Prettyboyfloyd Dec 2024
Out in the cold
Nohow to be bold
Fate be to walk
Havin nowhere to go.

Out in the cold
But count the hours
From sunset to dawn
Days till winters gone.

Out in the cold
Nohow to be bold
Nothing else to know
But how many below.

Out in the cold
Wondering coats
On the frozen road
Some home they call.

Out in the cold
Nohow to be bold
Til mornin of morrow
Til the kingdom comes
John McDonnell Jun 2017
I had no No in my vocabulary,
No veto power,
No nix, no nullity, no negation.
I was the King of Affirmation,
Yes to this, yes to that.
I thought No would cut me off from love,
Friendship, belonging.
I couldn’t say that word to anyone,
Not nobody not nohow.
I was the Wizard of Yes.
The Emperor of Agreement.
The Yes Man to the universe.

What was I?
A character in someone else’s play,
Puppeting my way through life,
Following a program I did not write.

I had to have a word that was my own,
A firm, strong, stubborn word,
To crash the program, buck the tide.

Now I’m ready to know No.
For No has that stopping power.
No is the Final Word.
No tells you in no uncertain terms,
What you really want.
This is me, it says.
These are my boundaries.
This is my true and real self.
I’m in love with No.
No, No, No, No, No, No.
I like the way I say it, and I know
That only by shouting my No
Can I say Yes to Me.
jeffrey robin May 2014

Moon in the sky

The stars are dyin

All I hear is you

And you just cryin


Sad sad night
The lights are fadin

Your life

Never had a chance nohow


Singin a song

We gettin it wrong but it don't matter none

We ain't afraid

It ain't up to us
It ain't


Moon in the sky

Faces in the dark

The light is but a memory

Like a picture a you still in my heart
Judgson blessing Mar 2015
Then ye appeared !you , only that my eyes contemplated .my eyes were settled upon thee,you were deep and fresh.i seen thee and i knew that my life changed a great deal.i believed in thee dearly.i have accepted the best and the worst ,and im ready for whatever ! my soul ,my spirit , the virtue within me i dedicated it to thee.i found confidence in thee . and my heart started smiling . i fear not of anything again . cause i believed that for anything that could happen me by thy side , i feel security.though anytime when the ending was approaching , i grew wild with melancholy and felt that gaps of lapse separation as an eternal torment . i could not without thee.i had the nightmares of gloomy dismal nights , indebted out from the lost of dear sweetheart that i regretted . i just wished we were melted , into one same entity  . simply i loved you . but more than a real love , baby ! and that love burning within me i would make anything possible that you know it , to its very extend . in the pew by thee it was complete grand happiness . i could only be contented and felt good . the happiest girl in the World! yes indeed by thee im ! i felt thy warmth . thy soul that was rolling in my breathing and thy eyes that turned on me . as projectors light they allured me from within  . intense happiness and eternal glory . you are the 'man' ! the supremest , well look out and needed , unique , sage , genuine and ideal . and more what gloom  me , thick and deep . yet there was not one or another that attired me to thee . but it was something rather strong than me that i did fail to perceive . that caught hold of me and dragged me , inward thee . that weakness was dominant my soul when i faced thee . as petrified and abashed , nevertheless , im electrocuted when thy hand . that hand touched me , touched the least particle of my body ; i became as found at mortuary . my common appeal is revery . but i could only smile whenever thou art awkward . cause it was in thy eyes . perhaps it was one of thy aspect : a boy so deeply engaged in the quest of lore . mostly when i tried to find out the reason of thy submission , why this life of thine toward me ? as an apocalypse , i received the hammered blow against my head . as your ambition is deep ocean plain of action and suspense , what a sacerdotal for only a boy . now it was clear that thou art the coldest monster of my nightmares , the dreadful one . but i wanted to be told . but thou , dost only speak of present . and i understood then you only accepted me for experimental purpose . somehow lurking desire to use my cast of mind and our conversations as stereotype , to be rushed down right into your mind . and jammed down among other kind mental analyst granted by thy shadowy writers . so much to add a grain of mustard seed to your sage titan anyway ! what i could not understand was the use of my parley in your alembic tube for study that was extended as generalization . when i felt love for you ! you abused me  ! dreadful mean ******* !  so i seen that your mind had no limit . so i drew myself hard nearer instead ! truly for instance i seen you just tried to make me happy . not that you felt for me properly . tried to feel the same thing with me . how you kidded me . gush, Heaven ! im the more betrayed and deceived emotionally . your heart , your life were not destined to me im horrified . you really knew that i noticed it but kept the mum . i wanted to talk about it . but always you blanketed the topic . sinisterly feigned not to understand the message out my reaction . and when i copped with the reality that you loved me by pity and intent to narrow my conscience and sap away my mind . that is why you shared partially my mirth and some of my aspirations . what a slaughtering about my heart ad my hole existence ! honey my heart how i loved you its harp and lute praise . now i said a word did you understand that word? but i reckoned that 'love' is story among diverse other tales for you and all those notions were so shallow for you . how i was deceived ! how much i yelled and stomped down and ****** myself into the thin air of agony . im simply forlorn degraded down into company of horror . how much time i dangled down the abyss of desolation . you assassinated my heart . the happiness i felt grasp within my fingers just only eclipsed . vanished for absurdity , a tottering blank , reeled down ****** dream of grand . as the days passed on , i asked myself why? what dealt thee out from having ordinary life ? none was to tell  , so i blamed cursed the one that drove thee to this destiny . i wanted to know and explain him . always you were beaming with knowledge and running only for fame and legend . you had forgot thyself ! you are living only for the world and that gloomy empire of sages and learned . foul of fantasy and frivolity . ethereal beauty ! and thee suddenly became a sinister ocean of hulks . you know the nohow . ah! a river of hot tear ripped and drowned my heart grilled ! now let say the truth : you exchanged thy soul against sage and fame . and the gods of lore had subdued thee . yet , nothing but its chain hanging down thy neck . and anytime more when i saw thee , thy face was deepening to the extreme so i now felt that  you would be back no more for me . i could understand nothing again : you were lost in mist of terror . so any while i met with thee i drew closer my head at the beating pace of thy heart so to feel how much its speed jammed on more again . when i felt the deference , i reckoned you were nearer to hell . though i packed up and left up my luggage and heeled it away far . i rushed as more speedy as a train . and on the route i took out thy photo and contemplated thy beauty and envied thy freshness and thy innocent humbled face . though beaming from inward with hell . then my heart stopped bleeding . i rummaged your visage through ! thy charm ,thy frankness and thy humor told me that it was another Jack i was  fleeing . and thou art an angel and God called thee back . and the other was a demon coming out of hell . so i wiped my tear and raced afar from thee . as i reached the other side i gave thy picture so that they painted it the way i described it , cause it had become the other of thee . that got around out of hell . and within thy face i filled it with pins . and anytime i caressed it as i used before , the stinking of the pins made me believed that thy hatred had become an incurable decease . poor Jack thy life had become obscure , what done that to thee ? poor innocent soul . couldnt thee see ? no i guessed thou art ****** cursed .thy head into books and thy soul settled on fame . tell me why ? although i was more than woman by thy side . my joy , my happiness grand ! but thee , thee wanted not . why tell me . from the deep i could not forget thee . thou art there ! living , _ obscure deep , _sun beaming , _ and also far away . _ _ _ God ; i would never be woman again ! love ,  i understood no more the meaning and i knew not how to love anymore ... . and you _ i cursed you vehemently to thy books so to assume its consequence ...
jeffrey robin Aug 2013
"They used to lynch Negroes from this Tree"

The Church burns down



A beautiful Summer afternoon

Looking for lovers

Dressed in ******


Wild birds in the sky!

Crack ****** in the streets


Went to college ain't no jobs nohow


We know where this is going
I'm sure we do

We be going back again

We be gathering guns and rope

Packing the courts with hangin judges

Takin orders from the New Kings
lukaszkaminzki Nov 2013
I drink water
tilting *****
briefly to ****
and so my life
passes nohow
jeffrey robin May 2014
^ ^
(  <•><•> )


We ain't gettin off so easy

We done be ****** up
Real bad


Look around YE now

Can't tell
Truth from Lie nohow



talkin like we do it !

( Before or after the **** (?) )


Softly now

We fallin way too fast


We gotta last for awhile

Till we get it straight

Knows when that'll be

We ****** up real bad

Can't tell truth from lie no more
jeffrey robin Oct 2014
       /       •)     \


(        )


Star     ­           ( the dying )
Wisdom is gone

The Porridge tastes good


We didn't need no Birthright nohow


In the vast subway station

The homeless ladies

The lover's songs ring hollow

The weeping and moaning over our human toys

Broken in gutters


Painting pictures of mangled dreams

With our own blood !

|||||            ||||

I respect so few people anymore


Writing love poems to their own image in the mirror !!


Broken glass memories trying to escape

To find some fresh air


Oh yeah

We all have had some hurt in love

BIG ******* DEAL !!


Child in the rain

Poetic images are lost

In the madness of the pain


Words flow from the master poet

Like we ourselves

Being born in the mind of god


I wonder if you know

I wonder if you know why you are here
Maria Jan 8
I broke myself of looking ahead.
Why is it now?
There’s no one there, who’s waiting for me.
I can’t come nohow.

I’m walking random, I don’t know where.
It doesn’t matter.
I struggled a lot, but everything turned
Into a waste paper.

I’m crying: “Stop! It’s enough! I shouldn’t
Remember all that!”
But night is merciless and time after time
It brings me back.

It brings me back to that place, where
The light was on.
It brings me back to that calm quite,
Where I’m gone.

And my mucky memory keep your window
In its mind:
Your curtains of almond color and bed lamp…
Now there’s night.
jeffrey robin May 2014
/   \

Well we know we always knew

That we was only on the prowl

We never had a chance nohow

We never told the truth


We never held eachother once for real

We spoke our words like we could feel

Somethin other than our own pain

We never thought that we could change


We really done eachother good

If only accidentally

Somehow it came out as it should

We were simply -- human beings


It's all alright


I always feel graced

Every time I think of you

Every time I hear your name


In the pure world of subtlety

What really matters? Who can say

We touched the heart's humanity

We loved eachother finally
Maria Jan 9
All these days are impossibly long.
And their sameness drives out of mind.
I’m here again, in front of you.
I did it myself. And I’m by your side.

I know it all, exactly, to point.
Your steady gaze’s callously cold.
Your voice’s like those strings, picked by fingers,
So lazily and heartlessly in whole.

My body remembers the touch of your hands.
So strong, so manly, up to you don’t.
And your distressing extended silence
Is able to **** with no shadow of doubt.

I’m here again! In front of you! Look!
I know, it’s where my doom is now.
But I grab hold of love again
And I can reverse just nothing and nohow.
Love can be failed and fatal... Ill twist of fate...
Bob B Aug 2021
After years of limited access
To the voting booth,
We are now--once again--
Facing an ugly truth:

While laws making it easy to vote
Should be watertight,
Many Americans do not feel
That voting is a right.

There were the 13th, 14th, and 15th
Amendments. That is true.
But lawmakers STILL found ways to make
Voting hard to do.

Fifty-six years ago
We Americans saw
The Voting Rights Act being
Signed into law.

One would think that that would be
The end of the battle, but no:
Now lawmakers all around
The country are saying, "Whoa!

"We can't make it easy to vote.
NO WAY nohow!
People might vote for the other person,
And that we can't allow."

We must pass the necessary
Laws for voter protections.
If not, we'll have to say good-bye
To free and fair elections.

-by Bob B (8-7-21)
Maria Jan 23
I’ve stepped again into my old life.
I know it’s nohow and nowhere.
I lived there, yeah, I was there long.
But I don’t pick out it, however.

I keep in mind my love to you.
I lost myself, chucked wildly and fouly.
My life was ruined and I was nowhere.
I swapped myself for you blindly.

I was cheerful for you and gloomy,
Freaky and as a gold itself.
If you wanted, I could be a dummy.
But I’ve never been just myself.

I always was near, but you didn’t sight of.
I left one day, but you returned.
And I’m here again. Again it’s all here!
And what is needless is simply crossed.

I’m like a kitten, blind and lost,
I’m crawling out at sounds or light.
I’ll hide in this life for now perharps
As if I’m not here for quite.

— The End —