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His heart made of wires and wheels, i call him mecha man, never to understand what it ment to really be a man.
He is a stranger, life never in danger for he is stronger then thee, not clouded by the cloud of emotion.
Life is error, never to give a care, where what or why, mecha man your soon gonna die, that is your fate, not gonna lie, no one cares.
Dare you dream mecha man, your life is obscene mecha man,  a assortment of wires and failed dreams, but you dont dream do you?
If i were to stab you, you wouldnt scream would you.
Mecha man your not alive, you have a pre conceived expiration date, why wont you die, mecha man you hold on, tell me why?
Is it cause you crave morality,  is it cause you crave a peace of human immortality.
You are a peice of machinery,  my Edward scissor hands, your designed to replace a man and wifes son.. for fun, your programed with autism.
Your so close to human but it cant be done.
So listen here mecha man. No one will love you mecha man, cause you cant love. Your quest to be human is long been done.
Mecha man, living contradiction,  dead and alive, failure number 1.
mecha vaugham vivió la mayor parte en su uteró
lejos de otros ruidos del mundo o mundanales
y conoció paisajes raros llenos de pájaros nerviosos
y conoció paisajes

"oh bichos" decía dirigiéndose a los bichos
que poblaban su cuerpo y mucho más su sueño
aleteando picoteándole el alma
"oh bichos que me despiertan la voz"

decía mecha vaugham callándose de pronto o intentando volar
"¿qué es esto que me pega al piso?" decía
zangoloteando chapoteando
con gran horror o fastidio de los vecinos del 3

"pies que piesan en vez de alar o cómo /
sería el mundo el buey lo que se hija /
si no nos devoráramos /
si amorásemos mucho" decía mecha vaugham

"si fuéramos o fuésemos / como rostros humanos /
empezando de a dos /
completos en el resto" decía mecha derrumbándose
finalmente en el suelo

un día pasó lo que sigue:
pájaro de voz tenor que la amoraba mucho
antes de ser devorado del todo
plantó un arbolito en su alma

mecha vaugham devoró al pajarito pero
el arbolito creció creció
empezó a cantarle de noche
el tenorino

no la dejó dormir
no la dejó vivir y cuando mecha vaugham murió
salió otra vez volando del árbol
el pájaro ese pájaro

a mecha vaugham le alfombraron la tumba
con pedacitos de su mismo uteró
todos los pájaros del mundo al atardecer picoteaban allí
o aleteaban
todos del mundo menos uno
Yasha Harkness Dec 2015
Mouth full of metal
Pocket full of teeth (broke)
These are the trials for perfect smiles
Our loss their gain
The dentists make money again
Weekly monthly wires crossing replacing
Wondering if its even worth it
Like false guarantees: "won't be like on TV"
Not even close.

Mouth full of wires
Pocket full of stones
One stops you at the airport-

The other at the  bottom  of the bay...
His suit is taggered. Bullet holes and tears but finely pressed and clean. Still recognizable as a cop's beat uniform. He unsnaps his gun holster clip. No one uses the old guns anymore. Electronic laser weapons are the fad in the end times. I got a Desert Eagle .45 that has something these fancy tech-lovers don't. Two point three seconds...

You see, it takes a Lectro two point three seconds to charge-up and that happens to be more time than it takes a 'cowboy-movie-loving' quick draw to end you...

"Hi boys! You've got a Buzz here I see? Well...time to move along and let me buy the next round 'eh?" -I say

"Look, there's a drink shack right about a block up from here. Let me get you." -said with a wink

The three look rough as they all do out here in the runs. That's the wasteland roadways in the inner cities. Least that's what they are known as these days. If you're guessing the futures part of that wasteland you got it right. The last war was the Great War. The one that ended all government. Now we have two realities; the corporations large enough to maintain some order and the publicly disordered nightmare.

You'd a thought systemic breakdown would have released the minds of the many from their company masters but it was quite the opposite. Those left and afraid flocked to join the barons making them even more powerful. I work for one of these new titans; Altria Group.

The three look at each other with queer smirks and grins as if their figurin' on what move to make or perhaps figured it already? The middle one draws his Lectro-gun...bad idea.


Three down. I walk over them to make sure,

BOOM! last slug in the ringleader's face clears this route. These ******* have been hitting our trucks for weeks from this alleyway. My shots draw out more vermin...Chicago is a mecha for filth. Our heavy operators in the dozer-rigs clear the blockages but it's up to me to stop the vagabonds and hijackers. Only losers don't have a job.

"Well boys you had the chance to take this one to the bar and drink it off...instead you got a buzz still ringing in your ears!" -I tell their dead bodies while reloading my clips

That 'buzz' would be me, Buzziah. I'm The last cop in Chicago. Maybe the last one in America, who knows?


Down go two more ****...I hate sneakies. I lean down to make sure my body cam gets a shot of their faces. I get paid by the ****. My bosses at the cigarette company still want to see their faces for some reason. I never ask, I don't care, I'm just a camel cop...

"Sounds like a ***** joke..." -I say out loud

I know it's confusing. Reynold's used to make camel cigarettes. I'll light one up while my brain explains it for you. When it appeared that the U.S. government had lost control...the major multinational players took action on their own. Some of them, like my employer, they literally killed their competition. Thirteen years later they're the only game in town for smokes, jobs, housing, protection and food...and I am the only cop left. I stop a ****** running by,

"Hey you stop!" -I tell him

He freezes and stares at me shaking. I'm a bit of a celebrity in downtown.

"Do you like the uniform or what?" -I ask him

"Uh-uh-uh man, man just let me go I ain't after your loads?"

I chuckle deeply inside. It is a ***** joke after all.


I turn on my Beats-Sat uplink...

"All clear on routes a-go, all routes a-go..."

Switch the channel to the network Apple link...******* rap. I love it. I catch a tune on the heavy guitar riff and backbeat intro...

<Double forty-fives, double forty-fives>

<YO> -chorus

<Jumped out the War like G I JOE!>

<Landed gig/wid Nort Gruman.>

<Patrollin' my beat as-a-GUN MAN>

<Double forty-fives, double forty-fives>

<BLOW> -gunshot sounds

This feels so right. I hop on my motorcycle and tear-off.

Time for my buzz...

I am the Lord's Strength.

Buzziah Willis...remember it.

I run the streets of downtown Chicago.

I am the law here.

"Wanna smoke?"  He says to the air.
The Last Cop short story intro. Buzziah Willis.
Because i'd rather avoid you, delete you, ignore you
because the last thing I wanted to was to find myself in the middle of the night before a full day of MEChA activities and workshops writing you a ******* tragic melancholic pathetic love poem
which makes me angry and sad at the same time
talk about intersectionality

because it's hard to survive
and I want to live
and feel loved
and I feel you take me for granted
and in order to honor the love I have for you
I need to let you go
until I can love you as a friend

you taught me to love you without limits
and that's so hard to unlearn

because I learned to wait, to listen, to save, to not expect, to serve, to accept

because I refuse to go on and pretend this love doesn't exist
because I can't be your best friend
comadre, sister or whatever the ******* call it

because you make me feel little, ugly, betrayed, silenced, guilty, unwanted, dependent, anxious,

and because you always expect a reason from me
mientras como de tu plato hondo de soledad y silencio

because I want you to cry like I cried
feel what I felt
believe what I believed
know what I once thought I knew

because I need me whole
and you taught me to love me in fragments.

Because I love you, and love like that is so hard to unlearn. Any theories for that?
james nordlund May 2018
Lil' Israel, today, scuttled the long struggled for 'Iran ...Deal',
an acheivement of the Obama Presidency, although he failed on his
promises of "...watching the robots..." (20 % of "Bernie Or Bust
'Bots", the "hacker 'bots", and hackers globally, etc., biological
machine parts of 'la machine', mega, mecha, techa vs. orga, soma,
Gaia, which were central to the invisible coup that, with the tug, the
S.S. Tea Party, to the tune of their manifest destiny rag, dragged
'The U.S. Constitution', our Ship of State, into the 'Plymouth Rock'
Of this nation's original sin, imperialism, as they landed on it
while it landed on "...we(e),...", Native Americans, Turtle Island,
derailing democratically directed progress and installing Trumpler in
the klukahouse) and "closing Guantonomo", etc., he kept many, making
him singular amongst the number of the fingers of one hand at the top,
The "Presidents Club".  His legacy includes allowing the intelligence
industrial complex, of the corporate structure's convolution, to
purposely not prevent the hacking of the Presidential Elections of
2016, yet also includes such acheivements as the A.C.A., and the
'Iran ... Deal', it being the best possible foreign policy endeavor
To move forward with Iran.  Yet, Trumpler's feuhrer, Netsenyahoo's,
putting on a show of shiny cd's, old intelligence that didn't even
support his delusional projections, was all the cover 'The Donald'
needed to follow his channeling of his inner-worst yahoo and "scrap",
Racistly, that epitome of foreign policy success, "...because it was
Obama's...", as was Trumpler's campaigning on his desires to
"...update and use nuclear programs and weapons...".  For, it's been
common global foreign affairs knowledge for half a century that any
nuclear war is the extinction of humanity in a can, thus 'containment',
not proliferation', was the eternal order of the day.  So, His Trunc-
ularnesses not understanding why "...a country has weapons if they're  
not going to use them...", was not just a confession of his utter
criminal insanity, it was also one of his intent to break the "Non-State
Agression" part of the Nuremburg Accords that was central to the lessons
learned from WWII, like if you're not taking bullets you're making them,
By globally selling not just unending war, but nuclear ones, discarding
containment for proliferation, 'cause war pays extremely more than peace.  
What do you get when you mix imperialism, materialism, racism, religious
bigotry, patriarchy, oligarchy, notsee Germany before it annexed Austria.
Trumpenstein, blasting the keinder and gentler imperialism of remocrats,
Is warring on dempublicans, voting, women's rights, healthcare, health,
Et al, exterminating non-rem voters, etc., now he is angling for a Sunni
wished for unending worldwide war on the Shiite, Iran, to be nuclear, ****
all non: US citizens, Caucasians, upper-middle-class to rich, supposed
Christians, as our notsee war machine has ever been oiled by the blood
of, for more (like merx for more thru to mercs for unnecessary unending
worldwide war).  Separating the real religion which all religions,
etc., are a front for, avarice, from the State, as is dictated by our
Constitution, is not only a necessity for "a nation and an individual",
like Gandhi said "abhaya, fearlessness", is, it's now a necessity for
the existence of humanity, neigh, all life and the Earth.  He will end
U.S. if we don't protect the vote, GOTV, vote, and impeach him a.s.a.p..
I fear my disgust with presidential politics might be able to be gleaned through the twig of poetree   :)   c'est la unvie; no?   reality
dj Nov 2012
"a mecha bug
impossibly small
beady compound eye
cute little botfl  y  antennae
recording Me

as I lay down
in my bed
embedding its little body
in my dreamcloud that's
above my head
in my   bed

all my prayers + wishes
all my luck gifts from God
the robo-pede
uploads it's buzz code

And the scheiße repeats
tonight then tomorrow,
1 then 2,
2night then 2morrow
one then two
i'm trying to explain my **** luck..
Mejor será no regresar al pueblo,
al edén subvertido que se calla
en la mutilación de la metralla.
Hasta los fresnos mancos,
los dignatarios de cúpula oronda,
han de rodar las quejas de la torre
acribillada en los vientos de fronda.
Y la fusilería grabó en la cal
de todas las paredes
de la aldea espectral,
negros y aciagos mapas,
porque en ellos leyese el hijo pródigo
al volver a su umbral
en un anochecer de maleficio,
a la luz de petróleo de una mecha
su esperanza deshecha.
Cuando la tosca llave enmohecida
tuerza la chirriante cerradura,
en la añeja clausura
del zaguán, los dos púdicos
medallones de yeso,
entornando los párpados narcóticos,
se mirarán y se dirán: «¿Qué es eso?»
Y yo entraré con pies advenedizos
hasta el patio agorero
en que hay un brocal ensimismado,
con un cubo de cuero
goteando su gota categórica
como un estribillo plañidero.
Si el sol inexorable, alegre y tónico,
hace hervir a las fuentes catecúmenas
en que bañábase mi sueño crónico;
si se afana la hormiga;
si en los techos resuena y se fatiga
de los buches de tórtola el reclamo
que entre las telarañas zumba y zumba;
mi sed de amar será como una argolla
empotrada en la losa de una tumba.
Las golondrinas nuevas, renovando
con sus noveles picos alfareros
los nidos tempraneros;
bajo el ópalo insigne
de los atardeceres monacales,
el lloro de recientes recentales
por la ubérrima ubre prohibida
de la vaca, rumiante y faraónica,
que al párvulo intimida;
campanario de timbre novedoso;
remozados altares;
el amor amoroso
de las parejas pares;
noviazgos de muchachas
frescas y humildes, como humildes coles,
y que la mano dan por el postigo
a la luz de dramáticos faroles;
alguna señorita
que canta en algún piano
alguna vieja aria;
el gendarme que pita...
...Y una íntima tristeza reaccionaria.
Me gusta ver el cielo
con negros nubarrones
y oír los aquilones
horrísonos bramar,
me gusta ver la noche
sin luna y sin estrellas,
y sólo las centellas
la tierra iluminar.

Me agrada un cementerio
de muertos bien relleno,
manando sangre y cieno
que impida el respirar;
y allí un sepulturero
de tétrica mirada
con mano despiadada
los cráneos machacar.

Me alegra ver la bomba
caer mansa del cielo,
inmóvil en el suelo,
sin mecha al parecer,
y luego embravecida
que estalla y que se agite
y rayos mil vomite
y muertos por doquier.

Que el trueno me despierte
con su ronco estampido,
y al mundo adormecido
le haga estremecer;
que rayos cada instante
caigan sobre él sin cuento,
que se hunda el firmamento
me agrada mucho ver.

La llama de un incendio
que corra devorando
escombros apilando
quisiera yo encender;
tostarse allí un anciano,
volverse todo tea,
oír como vocea,
¡qué gusto!, ¡qué placer!

Me gusta una campiña
de nieve tapizada,
de flores despojada,
sin fruto, sin verdor,
ni pájaros que canten,
ni sol haya que alumbre
y sólo se vislumbre
la muerte en derredor.

Allá, en sombrío monte,
solar desmantelado,
me place en sumo grado
la luna al reflejar;
moverse las veletas
con áspero chirrido
igual al alarido
que anuncia el expirar.

Me gusta que al Averno
lleven a los mortales
y allí todos los males
les hagan padecer;
les abran las entrañas,
les rasguen los tendones,
rompan los corazones
sin de ellos caso hacer.

Insólita avenida
que inunda fértil vega,
de cumbre en cumbre llega,
y llena de pavor,
se lleva los ganados
y las vides, sin pausa,
y estragos miles causa ...
¡qué gusto!, ¡qué placer!

Las voces y las risas,
el juego, las botellas,
en torno de las bellas
alegres apurar;
y en sus bocas lascivas,
un beso a cada trago
con voluptuoso halago
alegres estampar.

Romper después las copas,
los platos, las barajas,
y, abiertas las navajas,
buscando el corazón,
oír luego los brindis
mezclados con quejidos
que lanzan los heridos
en llanto y confusión.

Quisiera ver al uno
que arrastra un intestino,
y al otro pedir vino
muriendo en un rincón;
y otros, ya borrachos,
en trino desusado
cantar a Dios sagrado
impúdica canción.

Y mientras las queridas
tendidas en los lechos,
sin chales en los pechos
y flojo el cinturón,
mostrando sus encantos,
sin orden el cabello,
al aire el muslo bello.
¡Qué gozo! ¡Qué ilusión!
Rosario, dinamitera,
sobre tu mano bonita
celaba la dinamita
sus atributos de fiera.
Nadie al mirarla creyera
que había en su corazón
una desesperación
de cristales, de metralla
ansiosa de una batalla,
sedienta de una explosión.

Era tu mano derecha,
capaz de fundir leones,
la flor de las municiones
y el anhelo de la mecha.
Rosario, buena cosecha,
alta como un campanario,
sembrabas al adversario
de dinamita furiosa
y era tu mano una rosa
enfurecida, Rosario.

Buitrago ha sido testigo
de la condición de rayo
de las hazañas que callo
y de la mano que digo.
¡Bien conoció el enemigo
la mano de esta doncella,
que hoy no es mano porque de ella,
que ni un solo dedo agita,
se prendó la dinamita
y la convirtió en estrella!

Rosario, dinamitera,
puedes ser varón y eres
la nata de las mujeres
la espuma de la trinchera.
Digna como una bandera
de triunfos y resplandores,
dinamiteros pastores,
vedla agitando su aliento
y dad las bombas al viento
del alma de los traidores.
Mateuš Conrad Nov 2016
i found that only the mono-phonetic peoples of this earth act like neanderthals did: protectively... implying i had a chance with one of their ****** counterparts... the loss of monotheism in a largely diffused area creates them, they're prone to shouting drunk slogans when watching a football march: with no foreign invasion impeding... to say the basics: that they can't intellectualise drinking is their downfall... drinking is shamanic like eating certain mushroom is: drink is liquidated fungus, it's an implication of all things thriving on the degenerative, to thrive on decomposition... even those championing the psychedelic escape route with the fungus can't see for a miles' worth of **** the potential of liquidating mushrooms / wheat and bottling it... i never expected to say profound things... and even if i did, i wouldn't get a ***** from saying them as those quasis who say profound things and leave me limp-dicked anyway.

a bottle of beer in between glugs of whiskey as they are:
the most refreshing and happy: sunshine down
my throat... and with those words unsaid
but typed: how i too can adopt a sarcasm
for all the woes that un-inebriated
people state, middle-aged and sexually frustrated
from socially-invoked inhibitors concerning image...
sarcasm is all they get back...
it's kinda sad... kinda...
all i'm doing in writing this verse
is an attempt to re-enter the haunting
house of the epic i started
writing two days ago...
    on the principle of ensō i find myself
unable to reenter than narrative,
every time i think about doing so
i think of: inauthentic...
                and it would be,
authenticity and the equivalent of
said once, therefore said properly...
but i wish to: only to erased the (pending)
in the title...
   but then i look at the script and think:
i've moved past this...
    why would i want to turn a river
of yore, into a lake of the now?
then unto man, who unable to coerce the elements
sought a fifth for elemental as too sensory
encapsulation and boundary,
   lightning being the fifth element...
candles v. light-bulbs, right?
       for too long the tetra-said-and-tetra-experienced...
or toward encapsulating man in
     water (creativity)
       and within wind (empty talk)
          as with earth (proverbs)
so too with fire (rhetoric)
                    so too with lightning (genius),
how i wish to have been able to write those
belittling notes down in industrial print
away from what would be considered
mindless sketching: that is why industrialisation
of print has created a medium of uniformity,
but also the Picasso's worth of hand-craftship
in what appeared at Belshazzar's feast in
the invention of late, western origination of graffiti:
******* rebel. can anyone else imagine
saying something like that, instead of asking
us why the flu or the tapeworm exists?
       the re-, the one true unfathomable monstrosity
apart from the logic of moving from point A to
point B... the re-, the one true unfathomable
monstrosity that burdens us all: who are rested...
the repetitive dream when we are instilled into
lying back and unconscious...
   for the blinking of the eye: and what is sight...
     for the first oyster gulped wriggling down
our oesophagus, alive,
    to the second and third, on a date with a lovely
   at Harrods... for all that re- is, without the -s,
it can only be a thing...                        as
thus said: that ancient curse of the vampiric
insatiable thirst to continue: under whatever circumstance,
repeat, replicate... oh the woe of the re-
                         as to be endured, heard, seen, felt, tasted...
with the demagogue all suicides rebel against:
master pro, master pro,
         who ***** his re *****, who ***** his re *****
in all of us: as transcendental genetics might not teach
us... bound to only escape such a formula,
staging ourselves within the groundwork of
the pre formulae; or how i can understand true will,
or the existence of will, as only a suicide might
investigate: to take death into his ***** and say:
for what will continue in me is but mere an apathy
of submission, but if i take death to the dancefloor,
i will truly find death's master: for in old age i will
not find wisdom, but merely the plagiarism of
childhood with less haste: to chase, to hide, to speak...
i find old age as not blessing with that childhood
already was... let me take death to the dancefloor,
on the seabed, in the hands of a hurricane,
         in the sunken sockets of gravity...
       please, here, in the crescendo of what i feel,
rather than in a congregation of mourners who
weep only in the thespian courtesy for others.
suicide? that is what i understand as true will -
              man, bacterium infernum: lost within
a blinking of an eye - within which all fates of things
freeze, undisturbed, as if alive and relentlessly blooming,
for within them an untrodden path and
within them a hand that never endured tilling as
a scythe... of that Edenic hope: to live among
the less mechanised things and in turn be a lessened
replica of that mecha-...           should this be seen
as an encouragement? too long has the asylum been
                    few have ventured to romanticise
the eventuality of Camus' culmination...
of what had to become the *sole
          hence the taboos... people demand to think
that certain cognitive states are akin to viral infections...
   as if all those bound to the unexplained are
pulverising leprosy to the general public...
   a common trait, among neanderthals.
james nordlund Jun 2020
United **** of assassins, cards one and all,
built a house, a country, on the convolution
and the only thing that matters is the show
that must, goes on, then 'the house' won't fall.

Every child's mind must be gutted of knowledge,
replaced by information, memorization, routine,
rote, so there can be no doubt that the human
being so and it's evolution, will never grow.

That, resulting in the move to 'my kid first',
movement's corporatizing, privatizing education,
cemented 'all about the benjamins' self-possession
in the extreme, me-ism into political technocracy,

where science's supposed progress at all costs
and more, mustn't be abhorred, for, nothing else
matters, "'cause whitie's on the moon" too soon.
Scientism's religion dictating the score,

possession is 9/10 ths of the get away wit' it law,
and the only tenth that should, doesn't matter,
as all citizens that still are scatter from not-sees,
republican conspiracy, and totalitarians, the sino,

gino, aino conspiracy, West/East.  13 % of Bernie
Or Bust 'Bots voted **** installed into the Black
House, some revolution.  Only Black Lives Matters is
grabbing everything it can, Black supremacy in a can.

Also, the supposed "evolution, love revolution",
has extended it's love so far up our ases that we
can't see the forest for the trees, while we're
getting pandemiced by ****'s yaba, daba, dooing,

racing to rallies, to dictate classist and racial tallies, to
the undoing of a nation for the vultures ever circling
above and below, not just Ebony and ivory, the Black,
white supremacies, but, all 23 flavors in this baskin

'n robbins of supremacies, this house of cons, cards.
Convolutionaries have dictated all the news that fits
into the multi-media conspiracy's show, is filled with
their gibberish, now a 'moral revolution', since when

did moralizing stop the global oligarchy's class war
against the lower-middle-class to poor?  **** of Utin
cut food-stamps at the start of the coronaing of the poor,
and he gave 100's of billions to the richest of the rich,

food taken straight out the mouths of babes and given
to billionaires, without a care.  Their moral revival
is racist as well, it says "for people of color", be-
have, besides, this ain't the 50's, we don't need moral

hootinanies sans 'shine, "...we(e),..." need real change
now.  Sadly, that bi-polar axi of supposed powers 'use'
of pandemic to subjugate the world to survival instead
of alival, exigency...humanity, has pulled the rug out...,

determining the Winter of extermination to come, will
surpass their class warfare's liquidation of ases, assets
of the masses en masse's increased rate of blitzkreiging
Gaia's kids to their extinction.  When will the coviding

of a million Americans into their graves matter, a large
% people of color, the largest the poor?  It's happening
to you now.  The Resident-in-Chief's not using the NPA
to nationalize the production of verified accurate tests

to lessen the cost and distribution of, increase use of
them, is society's confession of this genocide and it
should be prosecuted as such, now.  Yet, everybody's
'going along to get along with the program's', new speed,

nearly blitzkreiging, of exterminating mankind to it's
end, readying the world for the almost complete replacing
of orga by mecha after the 'singularity', man by machine,
indicates to rich that it's convolution's working, man

will go out with a whimper, instead of determining that
"death (******) shall have no dominion", or, at least,
"rage, rage against the dying of the light" be the day's
order, are they right, or do you have a will that won't

allow it?  Will you, as a people tell the un-powers that
un-be, that science lost it's sense of proportion, it's
perspective, humanity could no more live on Mars than
**** could fit through the eye of a needle.  That it's

"...funny how one insect can damage so much grain...",
One instant can damage so much Grace, yet, abominable
that only 400 years of supposed science has almost
destroyed what it took The Evolution 15 billion years

to create, the Earth's life!  That, as cults aren't religions,
rather anti-religions, sciences that extinct their own
species are anti-science, and must be defunded.
That, extinction is forever and no one will wear it well.

Their corp. structure's convolution need not con anyone,
we let them steer our perceptions, thoughts, acts, ships.
The Cosmos can't stop us from basing global society on
scarcity, instead of nature's abundance, it can't force us

to walk in nature's balance, giving back to her abundance,
to allow life eternal instead of humanity's extinction in
20 years, to leave no carbon footprints which will echo
forever on, in all ways, always, to gain the sanity to

abolish the 'use' of fossil fuels, thereby ending climate
crisis and abolishing global defacto-slavery, realizing
economic parity, but, you and all, illimitable potential,
indivisible as life can, will you?  Will you take bullets

instead of making them?  Remember, if you didn't vote
for Hillary you voted for Utin and his **** to be illegally
installed into the Black House.  Public records tell who
didn't, stop them from doing it again, or die trying.

"The root of all oppression lies in (supposed) science",
Gandhi.  They're going to ****** your family, if not with
this virus than another, unless you protect, occupy, GOTV,
"you can't dismantle the man's house with the man's

tools", Lourdes: classism, notseeism, totalitarianism,
defining power as manipulation through to genocide,
instead of learning through to consciousness raising.   Be
well. Viva la vida, solidaridad, la evolucion   :)   reality
If we don't exercise the astronomically increased responsibility to save life, Earth, placed on our shoulders by our fore-bearers, how can we expect our kids to exercise responsibility or his Siamese twin sister freedom will wither like an unused muscle as well.  La machine's devolving every coming generation exponentially more, they actually believe we can live on Mars; humanity's extinction is nigh.  Thanx for all you do; have a great day   :)   reality
james nordlund Jun 2020
The caucigger that could, they call me with contempt,
as their president that 'can't' calls our country's
covid-19 testing a "badge of honor", when the usa has
4 % of the world's populace, yet 30 % of the world's
deaths from pandemic.  While States like AZ and OH
are "stopping testing" to stop the 'bad news' of
extreme outbreaks of corona in meat packing plants,
nursing homes and prisons, which have been forced to
be defacto concentration camps, because workers aren't
allowed ppe's, social distancing, proper testing and
are threatened with arrest if they don't go to work.

I've never suffered, nor suffered from, normal, the
northern malaise, euro-centrism, nor academia, a blood
disease, yet, the united **** of assassin's populace is
by going along to get along, hoping to not be coronaed.
This while their grandparents are being exterminated
at a higher rate than the lower-middle-class to poor,
40 % of covid deaths, and that could easily be stopped.
The Gov't won't stop it because that's one of the main
reasons that they organically introduced the virus to
wildlife markets in Wuhan.  You see the repubs haven't
been able to "privatize" S.S. for 15 years, so they've
'legal-like' pandemiced them to steal their life, S.S..

As well, the global axi of supposed power, East, West,
headed up by Putin, his puppets, and **** of Utin, are
totally back in charge, dictating that "the world must
return to normalcy, open up too soon", to cement the
permanence of corona as a tool of extermination.  The
global oligarchy will be able to use to modulate their
'final solution', the extermination of all life for $,
ending their humane problems, freedom, voting, rights.
So the replacing of orga, workers with mecha, robots,
automation will be forced to proceed regardless, the
terrorism of tens of millions extra murdered ending
resistance to the climate crisis.  Prosecute, execute
the pigs, frontliners in their swine's flu war on you.
Death be proud, if we're going to be exterminated to extinction by pandemic over-time, why not prosecute and execute the not-see criminals before we're murdered; we've nothing to lose?   :)   reality
Con cresta
o candor niño
o envión varón habría que osar izar un yo flamante en gozo
o autoengendrar hundido en el propio ego pozo
un nimio virgo vicio
un semi tic o trauma o trac o toc novicios
un novococo inédito por poco
un mero medio huevo al menos de algo nuevo
e inmerso en el subyo intimísimo
volver a ver reverdecer la fe de ser
y creer en crear
y croar y croar
ante todo ende o duende visiblemente real o inexistente
o hacer hacer
dentro de un nido umbrío y tibio
un hijo mito
mixto de silbo ido y de hipo divo de ídolo
o en rancia última instancia del cotidiano entreasco
a escoplo y soplo mago
remodelar habría los orificios psíquicos y físicos corrientes
de tanto espectro diario que desnutre la mecha
o un lazariento anhelo que todavía se yerga
como si pudiera
y darle con la proa de la lengua
y darle con las olas de la lengua
y furias y reflujos y mareas
al todo cráter cosmos
sin cráter
de la nada
La venta de Cidones está en la carretera
que va de Soria a Burgos. Leonarda, la ventera,
que llaman la Ruipérez, es una viejecita
que aviva el fuego donde borbolla la marmita.Ruipérez, el ventero, un viejo diminuto
-bajo las cejas grises, dos ojos de hombre astuto-,
contempla silencioso la lumbre del hogar.Se oye la marmita al fuego borbollar.Sentado ante una mesa de pino, un caballero
escribe. Cuando moja la pluma en el tintero,
dos ojos tristes lucen en un semblante enjuto.El caballero es joven, vestido va de luto.El viento frío azota los chopos del camino.
Se ve pasar de polvo un blanco remolino.La tarde se va haciendo sombría. El enlutado,
la mano en la mejilla, medita ensimismado.Cuando el correo llegue, que el caballero aguarda,
la tarde habrá caído sobre la tierra parda
de Soria. Todavía los grises serrijones,
con ruina de encinares y mellas de aluviones,
las lomas azuladas, las agrias barranqueras,
picotas y colinas, ribazos y laderas
del páramo sombrío por donde cruza el Duero,
darán al sol de ocaso su resplandor de acero.La venta se oscurece. El rojo lar humea.
La mecha de un mohoso candil arde y chispea.El enlutado tiene clavado en el fuego
los ojos largo rato; se los enjuga luego
con un pañuelo blanco. ¿Por qué le hará llorar
el son de la marmita, el ascua del hogar?Cerró la noche. Lejos se escucha el traqueteo
y el galopar de un coche que avanza. Es el correo.
Mateuš Conrad Feb 2018
it makes so much sense to imitate being german in england, to find an obscurity of an anglo-pomeranian, or an anglo-slav, like in the army of jarema wiśniowiecki: the germans who served in the artillery core, not having retired from the 30 years war: yarema'h! the pogrom of the men a tier below the cossaks... as was said: the houses you'll burn, and whatever looted goods you find you will take... the women and children you will send into the wilderness, and the peasants (i.e. men)? you'll thank them... and so they hanged.

- the current affair -

but there are: besides the points to be made here...
    i once took it upon myself to drink most
of the nights, but leave at least one night
sober... thanks to the pyeongchang olympics
i took it up myself to inact a program:
one day drunk, a day and & night sober...
  but **** me: it's hard watching the sports
that would get more views in public
space if staged in Europe: than
    over there...
     perhaps if staged by north korea:
or china, the public would be told:
    you don't attend: we'll lock up your family.
if we're already having a second cold war:
you can be assured that a 3rd world war
comes when this "war" comes to an end:
but i like to think of it as a: second cultural
exchange programme...
     9 hours later i'm smoking cigarettes
in the dark watching the olympics that are
apparently "excluding"...
   the coverage is a bit ****, but i still watch it,
because i wonder:
     could that african outrun the
     milky-way on ice skates?
          or rather: is the milky-way not
expected to be: son aquarius?
            some might call them:
  the "para-olympians" in realm aquatic
in the summer...
     or as i like to say: just call them
submarines and we'll get another
        picture of drowning migrants...
        but it breaks the heart watching these
sports like a bleeding-eye Inso -
      then the coverage is a bad as the attending
                 i do need to sleep, though,
so for the next week or so it will end up
with me having the motif of:
   one day drinking and a night asleep,
countered with one day sober and a night
awake and the next day also awake,
   and then a night of drinking...
        because you know what i've learned?
i feel no shame,
        if i feel shame:
      i turn it into a peacock's tail and
parade my metabolism...
   because it really is a case of "alcoholism"
being a form of metabolism...
    give me a litre of whiskey and
a 115kg frame...
   and i'll give you a sober reply
while showing you what 25ml of
the same liquor: does to an anorexic girl.
- a month prior -

it seems that the only reason as to why
I slept so soundly on my hiatus,
was because I slept beneath a blanket
of an entire body of people;
perhaps I found nothing consolidating
to end argument universals contra particulars -

but I did find that the basic unit of
universals is the analogue,
which in the meaning of particulars
is best understood as: anagram.

Who am I to note the frightening obvious *******:
whereby the sophist is the pristine
student of language,
"liberator" of a meagre worded breath,
echoing the rattling chains of fellows
who might follow suite, such slaves of language,
akin to men who keep a pristine kitchen...
But there are limits,
even on these forsaken tiers,
to neither slave under language,
nor leech off it in the most sacriligous
**** titillating dyslexia:

      i never met a dyslexic pole...
    perhaps a pole who did not obey
an orthographic rubric of an "aesthetic" -
a schooling -
   but there are too many clear
syllables in the language:
  the english simply call it:
   if only it had a few more vowels...
vowels are cruxes for the english
when graphemes are not
noticed in siamese of the original
roman graphemes of vowels:
even though: CH is easily
              chirp and cheap...
      i make music from listening
to sport commentators.

    Moldovan wine, past the 7 to 8 annum transition,
pulverizez the "6th sense" that's non-sense, i
   d est thought, in that alcohol numbs
    the pentagram coordination,
in exchange for a concentrated scalpel-like incision,
subsequently alleviates one from
experiencing a barrage of sensual overstraining...  
to claim a magic...

no lysergic acid Pythagorean shortcuts...
thought is a *non
  which means that it cannot be approached
with a penta-coordination allied
          to the body: 5/1 vs. 1/5...
the mind is not a coordinating focal point of man,
perhaps one of woman, hence the pulverising
shortcuts made in psychology coupled with feminism:

the long awaited rat ala femme...
         hence the fractions of coordinating
the senses around a non sense...
thought the precursor of soul,
  soul the precursor of god the extending thing,
   retracted man in posit qua: res extensa...
alcohol, is properly championed sharpens thought,
non sense into five subtle acknowledgements
of protruding assertions
  (linear synonym antonym game
                     via contra cruxverbum) -
with alcohol thought is allowed bloom,
once thought rods itself of a moral conundrum
  of an "ethical" choice -
    no philosophical answer is readied
in a world built upon cyclone and wheel
to imply absolute with nothing more than
the zenith of scythe - and a nadir of hammer...

but thought outside a moral judgement
is both a blessing and a curse:
akin to the Arabs and oil.
Yet what persists in the digressive circumstance
of I unto ?, well...
    thought is a non-analogous "sense":
soliloquy... drinking exfoliates thinking
which cannot be coupled with thinking
per se / the other... since thinking cannot
allow a direct confrontation with all five
senses coordinated: thought is a luxury for
the mind akin to health being a luxury for the body...
a penta sigma coordination of thought is impossible,
as stated by prophets who cannot attest
to a synchro-synchro coordination,
circa consolidation of the thesaurus dichotomy:
uni particular, subjective (1) objective (0.1)...
for those who know how to drink:
aqua igna agitates thinking while sedating
          the senses: ergo?

How many years of ****** and
how many of Communism? if only for
Deutsche fraulein it could have secured
the Slavic worker his babuschka in retirement.

Jedyny grzech martwych jest: vox uber gott.

No one is taking pictures of each othet: ergo?
Whoever takes the medium of photography seriously,
takes the immaculate selfie has narcissus
turning in his grave, shouting:
font forget the clown!
The rest of them are sitting ducks, and yes,
there is an evil twin of the mirror in hell:
it's called: a photograph.

the narrator of photography died,
ergo selfie: ergo an experiment
          in solipsism: gagging narcissus.

i through | ask the mirror:
     past a vanity of pretty -
     curious mirror: i though | see a ? or a ! (i ask)...

and why did i sleep so soundly on my
Spartan holiday?
     minus the drink?
           i slept among my own kin...
even if i did not speak to them beyond
buying milk and a loaf of a bread...
i returned to a hollow filled
with talking shadows of what
would constitute a past, mine disowned
yet theirs owning...
   i a body in transit:
         in england: apparently cheaper
than a chinese toy imported
        the refugee mecha-monkey escaping
Beijing, on a ship-load added
to cheap bicycle locks...
                that: can freely move...
a man is half what he can add to
an economy:
                because what he brings
are apparently refugee trades and things...
instead the refugee:
   who brings of what talk of trade
and of what things?
  shackles of war are a noble burden
i am sure...
           as noble as the sudden sight
of Kosovans in Ilford sitting idle
in cafes...
          seen for a year... soon to disappear.
Mateuš Conrad Aug 2017
i really don't remember buying
ice cubes...
i really don't remember;
there's nothing mysterious
about it,
it's not mysterious...
it's hardly memorable...
         it's hardly the taj mahal worth
of memory sacrifice,
well **** me: with the acid errosion
to boot...
             can i be the lucky one?
what's that, ****, indi or
   what do you call these people?
what's the sanskrit for ******?
i stress:
a fetish for finnnish?
   you know, i don't mind,
not with's coming...
   i can't be bothered with
wind farms and solar panels...
i seriously can't be bothered...
    for some reason people think
i might cry with the dodo scenario....
no, not really...
copper skins? i hope you enjoy you
mecha world...
  i can't be bothered reducing myself
into a jewish affair of
a minority...
        i'm not really bothered...
whoever is bothered about
the tactful retreat of the white race
and is agonised by it:
it probably jewish;
only jews, a minority
with a majority vote or
opinion leverage
might care...
  esp. what they did to spinoza...
i really don't give two squat
quacks' worth of ****
whether it's finnish
or english... no, *******...
take you barmitzva and
sell you kippahs elsewhere!
    anti-semite what?!
      me glorifying the tetragrammaton
better than any jew?
what? anti-semite what?
3 quarters of jews don't know
what i'm talking about in the first place...
so take your quack's worth of a tongue:
and imitate licking mt. sinai.
Michael Marchese Jul 2023
Living in
Transition years
Converting to
Transmission gears
I fear we are
Becoming death
Peacekeeping mess
To save
With content’s
Shallow grave
Mass extinction
Environmental health
Collapsing edifices
Behind the mask
A pall
And after all we’ve built
To last
Somewhere along
The system crashed
So now we either
Or redirect
The tech,
The mecha-
Unto a course-corrected
bennu Jun 2020
no, the sky is not blue
it is gritty,
and tan

now it's black
hard to breathe
but the sun
's on my back.

no, the sky is not blue
and it couldn't spawn you
all your mecha,
and ****
all the ****
that you rock

never practiced guitar
i just noodled around
never wrote out a novel
just sat on the ground
and arranged different leaves
with the things that i found
back when textbooks and teachers
to my life were bound

my head in the sand
i'll die an old man
let down, high and dry
by a lazy, scared boy shaking
like a leaf
oh, that was almost something
let's keep it

*what is litotes again
what is ...paraprosdokion?

— The End —