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Manauwer Raza May 2014
Identity is not what I promise others
Identity is what I do when I am alone...
Identity is what I think of others
Knowing all the savor they've shown...
Identity is what every wound reminds me
Identity is what I learn and what I pass by...
Identity is what I see in the mirror
It is what make me feel try...

Identity is what I make out of my given chance
Identity is what I accept and what I deny...
No one else has control over me
Life is about me, and what I identify...
Manauwer Raza May 2014
now see, once again I write to you
the sun wasn't shining and the sky wasn't blue...

I met you on the route and feel you shrug
carelessly I handshake where I had to hug...

and walked beside you till you were fine
and all this time, the happiness was all mine...

and the next I did was to sit where you sit
what do you know, intentionally I came close a bit...

and all I did was to sit beside you and think
with you in my head, only about you without a blink...

the day passed and the evening yearn
from all that happened I wish I could learn...

that life isn't always what you desire
it leaves you lost in flames of fire...

you see your day and see it through
knowing what I am writing is all so true...

you ignore the meaning of all of this
thinking I am being childish...

but it is you who wished that way
I’ll grow a ten years late, that’s what you'd say...

I’ve tried to ignore I’ve tried to forget
but all I see is the first time we met...

I don't know why this happened to me
may be its a dream, so pinch me and see...

then when I said, the difference in imagination and reality
you wished I make it real, do what was right in all its vanity...

and I put my arms around you and feel
you made it so easy I needed not to kneel...

you picked me fine and we ended up holding hands
the warmth I felt was beyond all stands...

you rubbed them for me thinking it were numb
I was so happy and I knew you'd do so if I kept dumb...

the journey neared its end in a closing chapter
I wasn't ready leaving you and now I wonder...

all I want is for you to reflect on
whether I lie or is this for fun...

hopefully you will find the answer in no
that for me this isn't a show...

I never will forget the moments we had
after leaving you I really was sad...
Manauwer Raza May 2014
A new friend, I have found in her
In her, I did confide...
And it was from her eyes
Which I tried so hard to hide...

To me, she seemed so special
Almost too good to be true...
And when I told myself
I admitted that all my senses knew...

I knew that she was special,
I knew just how I'd feel...
I knew I wished to talk her
And I wished my pain would heal...

That simple wish came so true
It became unprecedented reality...
But, since she was so special
What could she have ever seen in me?

She started such a beautiful serene
And in friends I tried to write her name...
Whether she meant to or not
She was in her efforts healing all the pain...

All the pain that I had felt
Over these past two year...
Began to disappear slowly,
Simply because she was near...

When she was near I couldn't help
But have a smile on my face...
To me this was all new,
She took me to a special place...

A place where I was happy
I haven't been that for a while...
So I spread my empty happiness
And let through an embarrassed smile...

So, to my spirits I speak and say
If I wish to return to that special place...
I just figured that now I know
That you my friend, I've to chase...
Manauwer Raza May 2014
Alone with my thoughts
Alone in my dreams
Alone in the night
Alone with my screams
Alone in that place
Between sleep and awake
I lay here alone
And wait for the daybreak
Alone in my room
Alone in my bed
But ‘m not alone in my heart
Where the tears for you are shed
For your love will always be in my heart
And your sensation near
Rest at peace wherever you are
For we will sure meet not today but in years
Manauwer Raza May 2014
as fragile as a butterfly wing
as swiftly blown away
my memories take flight at times
sail to some distant bay

yet, now and then they gently light
within my broken head
and with a dust-covered fluttering
they bring me peace, instead

sweet memories and sense of joy
and sorrow or of unhappiness
of all thoughts and colorful wisdom
flutter my butterfly in oneness

and in a moment they're here
and the next, then they're gone again
so if my mind seems so far away
while yours is focused on me, its all in vain

don't make it a moment that spoils your whole day
let it go, set your butterflies free and howl
for I remember Love, Passion and Relish
and it may feed and fuel my breached soul

I feel it in a smiling face, not to lie, in you
a hand in mine sweetness, showing me the way
a caring word, a warm embrace, a touch of happiness
these are the memories of each new day

and even if that memory, should simply flutter by
I'll catch it, maybe, later, talk to it and say
when it comes by you my Butterfly
I so much miss you, and I don't want you to go away

Love has many faces, Love is many things
I am not asking you to keep me as beloved as your love
but help me find the beautiful wings, make me alive
find me the colors of life, the gloss of my throve

and when you see me crying, my butterfly
why don't you come to me, hide me in your wings
say me in my eyes, you are not alone and wipe my tears
hold me close to you and whisper many a things

but instead, you fly away and see me lament
you know, I am not alright, I am so lost in my shell
I always have so much to speak in grief
and you have so many honest things to tell

I wonder my butterfly, if you feel the same
to hold you, caress you and make you feel ease
let you out in the world, help you see the flowers
collect the nectars and with breeze run with the bees
Manauwer Raza May 2014
Never was a thread
so bold and so strong
to let the truth behold
of what is right and wrong

A thread proof of her love and affection
a thread of purest heart to heart connection
it’s a memento of love and of treasure
it is the best of life and reverberation

Of everything beyond this bond is bilk
cause it’s not just a thread of silk

A redeem satisfaction
of having you as the one
a sis, I have which you are
a relationship that has begun

I vow to protect
and love you like the toy
and everything but satisfaction
which yield every joy

'm grateful and 'm overwhelmed
for the caress you shower
a delightful feeling when you're close
the fragrance, the blossoms of the blooming flower

For you're and yes you're the best thing
that ever happened to me
I promise, we'll stay and flourish
as the best friends we'll always be

For you're my sister, my friend and my Ilk
so mind it it’s not just a thread of silk
Manauwer Raza May 2014
What you mean to me,
Is more than I can express…
You see, I had no sister when I was little
To call when I was in distress...

When we first met,
I had no clue…
What was getting ready to happen,
Was not completely out of the blue...

God had a plan,
Through out all the years…
He was making us for each other,
To share life's smiles and tears…

I never could have imagined,
What a sister's love was about…
Until I met you,
And then I really found out…

A sister's love is unconditional,
It's a love that has no end…
A sister's love wants the best for each other,
It's a love that will always defend…

Sometimes we may get mad,
Or we may begin to fight…
But that's the fun part about having a sister,
We both my think we're always right…

I'm so glad that I did not have,
A sister in the past…
It's made me much more thankful,
For the sister I have at last...
Manauwer Raza May 2014
To my loving angel this is all
That I can say
Every day I think of you
Every day I pray
I pray that you are well
I pray that you are okay
I wish you were here
I miss you every day
I never knew you my loving angel
You left so long ago
Your death is the saddest
But I will always love you so
I know that you are fine
I know that you are well
You always will live in my heart
You will never be apart
I love you my lovely angel
If heaven wasn’t so far
I’d hold you in my arms
And shear you with my love
To my loving angel this is all
That I can say
I love you as I do
I miss you everyday…
Manauwer Raza May 2014
she has already begun to like you
the likes of which you can’t get through…
for she can fake it and then just hide
a false gleam of appearance with an elusive pride…

only except she is not ready to say so
for her ways are treacherous, she let them flow…
and its just a prelude to a secret love
a hidden unending feeling of treasured trove…

and then she uses the weapon of devastation
eyes laden with shine and burning sensation…
making even the most powerful men defenseless
men who just laments for and become helpless…

their beauty is something which makes battles aught
even a great hero will fall to lapses in the distraught…
for when THE WOMAN throws her smile at you
you must understand SHE IS THAT INTO YOU…
Manauwer Raza May 2014
You were the one I was trying to know throughout these years
together sharing each other’s dreams, the hopes and the fears…
You were the precious one that could have only come from above
the more that I know you now the more I ask, was this God’s sign of love…

Grand feelings never gone from my heart and not far from my mind
in this journey a path awaits me, apart and I must find…
To my joy I heard that lovely voice and saw your lovely face
I don’t feel a moment has passed since I left that beautiful place…

That feeling of peace and warmth when you were near, truly seconds to none
the one that I knew and the one who knew me, you were the one…
The days were fun when my heart beat fast at the mention of your name
oh! That part of my life, something different, but now our paths are not the same…

The fate again would never bring us together once more
and my heart has changed with feelings, I have not felt before…
I close my eyes and see that perfection in your smile
your presence, your smile, a love not felt in a long while…

Our hearts were forever entwined; the truth has always been there
the love, the heat, the passion as we became one without care…
My heart was yours and I happily gave it to you, without blame
but once again from apart, our paths are now not the same…

I carry you silently in my soul and our love strong and true
no one before has possessed my heart such as you…
All since which has passed in the radiance of your eyes
and I promise, none other will have my heart no matter how she tries…

I pray for that wonderful day when our time finally arrives
our day to dance, our day to love, and our day to truly share our lives…
Our heart would join as one, a union that will sure eternity last
to meet, a day to declare to all our silence a thing of the past…

To proclaim daily this tribute of love that shall end never…
You are my best friend, the love of my life now, then and forever…
Manauwer Raza May 2014
i witnessed her
before the wind
and felt her
with the grassws
on her kness
into the mystics

i believe
i see myself cry
look at the sea
and into the sky
as she just
into the mystic

and when the
rain pours down
i want to
come in home
and when the
pain bring on
i want to
heal within

i don't want to
bear it now
wake back in
the slumbers
when she go away
hiding herself
into the mystic

wilting flowers
withering leaves
dew on the silk
with floating breeze
ah! why she always
have to vanish
into the mystic
Manauwer Raza Jul 2015
people see what's in front of them
but, not all see the same...
all I know is when I see her face
sometimes I can't remember my name...

I find it hard not to stare at her
sweet smile and eyes beautifully true...
I could look at her all day
she once told me that sometimes I do...

the physical part of her beauty
the half you see is one part...
the other half is the greatest
that is the beauty within her heart...

the fascination she gives, without question
is the best gift she could ever bestow...
covered in divine, all white and blue
she's the most beautiful woman I know...

even if she doesn't agree with it
to me, she is wonderful and giving...
and I know deep in my heart
she is the one seraphic angel living...
Manauwer Raza May 2014
It was hard to tell you the truth I hid
But now I’ll not regret that I ever did…

There's nothing wrong that I won't hide or say
I’m glad I get to see you from day to day...

It would hurt to have to see you alone
Now the feelings for me you have shown…

I’ll never leave your side when you are down
Because I never want to have to see you frown...

I'm here for you whenever you are in need
Through life you made me want to proceed…

I just really want you to see
It’s with you I always want to be....
Manauwer Raza Jun 2014
just be here, my sweetness
don't let me go off you
for the angels can wait for a moment
and they all know how all it was true

as you come real close
and make me forget the world pry
let me feel this time we're alone
and it's finally you and I

it wasn't meant to feel like this
not unless without you

cause when I look at my life
I couldn't imagine it without getting blue
and how the pieces fall into place
it just wouldn't rhyme without you

walking along with you when I see how my path
seem to end up before your face
a hand tied to mine all this time
why didn't it happen in the very first place

the state of my heart
the place where we are
apart yet near, being a part of you
so close but yet so far

so don't be afraid
I'll and 'm right by your side
through all the laughter and all pain
together we're bound to fly

I wasn't meant to love like this
not unless without you

I made it so very late
and I am sorry, sometimes I do
been through a lot of heartache
but I made it and finally found you
Manauwer Raza May 2014
Well, I was kind of thinking about THE WOMAN again and suddenly it hit my mind that what if, she admires you secretly, she loves you but you never understand her enigma and she will never says so…

she has already begun to like you
the likes of which you can’t get through…
for she can fake it and then just hide
a false gleam of appearance with an elusive pride…
only except she is not ready to say so
for her ways are treacherous, she let them flow…
and its just a prelude to a secret love
a hidden unending feeling of treasured trove…
and then she uses the weapon of devastation
eyes laden with shine and burning sensation…
making even the most powerful men defenseless
men who just laments for and become helpless…
Their beauty is something which makes battles aught
even a great hero will fall to lapses in the distraught…
for when THE WOMAN throws her smile at you
you must understand SHE IS THAT INTO YOU…
Manauwer Raza Apr 2015
and everyone who sees her, wants her...
to be with her, to feel her...
to cherish her, to love her...
and if not the least, a part of her...
yes, everyone who sees her, wants her...

undoubtedly, she is gifted...
gifted with the best, that words can't explain...
simplicity, beauteous, angelic,
everything, that makes her beautiful...
those eyes, those smiles, the way she shies, everything...

and i am no different, i want her too...
but this want is different,
there is no lust, in it...
its just a simple wish, to be with...
with a friend, because, she is,
a friend, a good one, i had...

and time and passed again...
someday when it will all fade...
the wish, the wants, would die,
but i will still hold it together...
for she, will still be my friend,
i promised, i would never forget...
a friend of mine had his story shared and  i came up with this one...
Manauwer Raza May 2014
It's not about forgetting her,
Or hating her,
Ignoring her,
It's not about not wanting her...

It's not about being rude,
To her or about her,
It's about finding to accept,
That she's not yours...

It's not about the lying,
The crying,
The betrayal,
It's not about your little broken soul...

It's not about how many girls,
You go through to get over her,
Or how it "doesn't matter" 'cause,
They're "just not her"...

It's about accepting that,
It's always going to hurt,
She's never coming back,
And being okay with that...

You learn to be okay with,
Feeling breathless when she talks,
Even though you know,
You've no right to say so...

You learn to be okay with,
Her not sparing a second glance,
Because that way she cannot tell,
How your heart is pounding fast...

You learn to be okay with,
Wanting but not getting,
And hating every soul,
That she allows touching her...

It's not about not wanting her,
Or your broken little soul,
It's all about accepting that,
She's never going to be yours...

Manauwer Raza May 2014
you're the thought that starts each
the conclusion to each day...
I envision you in all that I do,
and everything I say...

you're the smile on my face,
the sparkle in my eye that strife...
the warmth inside my heart,
the fullness in my life...

the only hand that's laced to mine,
the shroud upon my back...
my friend and company you have that soul,
I will never turn your trust back...

you're the lines in my psalm,
the constant tingle in my soul and psyche...
the voice that makes me weak,
you're the serene, my pleasure my hike...

you're all that now I want,
all that I need and of yours I be...
you're all I dream of,
you mean so much to me...
Manauwer Raza May 2014
in the quiet time of evening
when the stars assume their patterns
and the day has made its journey
and we wondered what just happened
to the life we knew
before the world changed
when not a thing i had
was true
but you were kind to me
and you reminded me
that whatsoever its bound to change
there are other things that matter
and what is simple needs protecting
or my illusions all would shatter
but you stayed
in my corner
the only world i know was upside-down
and so were yours
but you stayed
and now the world and me
we know you carry me
'm not as good as i thought i was
'm not the boy i used to be because
you show me something different
you show me something pure
i always seemed so certain
but i was really never sure
but you stayed
and you called me again my name
where did i hide it all these time
when others did walk away on me
but you made me look through
and you stayed
but you stayed
Manauwer Raza May 2014
Often while sleeping people fear the dark. They go into a sudden commotion whenever they hear some noise. Unexpected, though it is true to believe, that NIGHTMARE are and they still perceive…
So, I gave few words to the same feelings that people feel to this poem of mine…

Manauwer Raza May 2014
and when it rained...
I felt you,
close enough me...
to make me comfort,
from the warmth of your love...

and when it rained,
I felt you,
deep within me...
to make me live,
with the best of dreams...

And when it rained,
i felt you,
cuddling my buoyant nature,
and caressing it,
with the magic of your smile...

and when it rained,
i felt you,
right beside me,
every time, everywhere,
all the very while...
Manauwer Raza May 2014
I dreamed a dream of You

Yesterday I dreamed a dream,
that had no end.
You in your white gown, and long, black hair flowing.
You were calling my name.
I heard you, but I couldn't reach you!

And when I say your soul was tainted.
You went out in the night life.
You dressed in your black, evening ball gown.
You danced till the Red Sun came out, over the horizon.

You smiled at me.
A flame in my heart burned red hot!
My knees and hands shook with nerves;
Nerves of love and joy.
I blew you a kiss,
but you turned away!
Oh, please don't turn away from me,
for I would die, if it happened again!

Your beautiful and golden heart showed me the truth.
The truth that every gentleman wants to hear.
I've seen you walk the streets,
in the blue dawn of August.
As I followed you, you stopped and looked at me.
You smiled so beautifully, and my heart fluttered into oblivion!

You walked with your friends and I went my way.
I couldn't find a single trace of you that day.
I cried out "Why did I leave her like this?!"
I looked for you, all over the courtyards and town squares!
Yet no sight of your beauty…
No sight of your golden heart, that I hold so dear to mine.
Where did you go?
Why did you leave?
Why did I leave... that is the question!

I should have stayed by your side,
till the ends of time.

Yet I had left.

One gloomy and parish midnight.
I came along a road,
and soon found myself in front of a wayward cafe.
Smiling faces all around me.
I spotted a beautiful face that outstood all the other faces around me.
It was yours.

Your face brought me to sanity and I went over too you!
You spotted me and tried to run!
I caught you in the ***** hallway and pulled you in.

Our eyes met and I fell in love once again.
Sanity re-entered my mind, body and soul.
I kissed you and you kissed back.
You held my hand, and we left the cafe and walked down the street.

The street was gloomy, yet we together brightened the dark street.
We went back to the lit up city streets, of the lands filled with smiling faces,
and we fell in love and slept together.

You lay there in my restless arms and I gave you a sweet kiss,
upon your sweet and soft head.
Your dark hair was sweet smelling and felt of silk.
I closed my eyes and fell asleep with you,
there in my arms and we dreamed together
till the morning came and woke me up,
and took you away from my weak and weary arms.

I dreamed a dream of you.

Manauwer Raza May 2014
you are gone...
'm barely strong...
not with you by my side anymore...
the world's so unpleasant...
everything is so wrong...

and i wish not now...
to open up my brown eyes...
and see trees...
to loosen my soul now...
and feel the breeze...

i no longer care...
if birds sing within them...
i no longer care...
if the rain makes them grow...

i no longer care...
if people laugh in the pleasant night...
i no longer care...
if they make the lights glow...

i no longer care...
if the world is round and stars above the trove...
i no longer care...
if they glisten and dance with one another in a show...

for you are lost...
from this world in a secret spot...
when my blue eyes open...
and right beside me sees you not...

i am lost in this world...
certainly my heart breaks...
and i miss you a lot...

for my love is gone...
my heart, my soul, my energy...
and 'm not what I should be...
'm just a griever singing...
your loss in the elegy...

never does it feel any right now...
never does it feel so glee...
the world is the same...
but to you, my love...
i always want to flee..

and remains of you...
is the love that remains the same...
and with craving in my tears...
engraved is the name...

but waiting so i am...
to die, and reach your realm...
but in HIS hand's are we...
just the pawn...
so, wait that i do...
to meet you again...
but for now, you are gone...
you are gone…
Manauwer Raza Aug 2014
i know, what it feels like...
but not sure, if you feel it too...
knowing you were somewhere very close...
but yet so away, i couldn't get through...

a moment of happiness wondering if...
we're destined to walk together...
yet, we never did, not in the stars...
not in the moonlit sky, not in the cold weather...

just to see you smile and spend a few solitary moments with you...
walking hand in hand, strolling, keeping you close to me, thats what i wanted...
But nay, this bubble, was just made of expressions...
emotions, feelings, sensations, all but was wrongly chanted...

to feel my butterfly fly, was all i ever wanted...
to rest on her breath as she would pass by me and just linger smile clad...
But the teddy bear hugs were all but a myth, a moment never to come true...
a dream, a boy's dream i never had :'(
Manauwer Raza May 2014
I have heard people grumble
“I wish I had a sister so humble”

With whom I could share everything
My shoes, my clothes and my earning

A sister who would  help me during my projects
A sister whom I would always need for consent

A sister who could fight with me endlessly
Yet who would help me selflessly

A sister with whom I would share all my thoughts
Without thinking I should tell her or not

A sister who would help sharing my chores
A sister who would sometimes act too stubborn

A sister whom I would boss over
A sister who would understand my every fear

A sister who would want me to shop
And when I tease her she begin to hop

Love you dear sister for always being there
I promise for you I'll always be there
Manauwer Raza Oct 2014
when you are all away
on these autumn day
then you might as well
take all my hopes away

all the birds that fly
in these mountains and blue sky
holding so much love for you
and deep within my hopes, rise high

when these days get young
and the nights are turning long
and the moon stares me still
and the breeze lull you my song

wish if you'd have stayed
we'd have made us a day
like no day has ever been
or would be ever again, I pray

we'd have walked in the sun
and soaked in the drenching rain
we'd have talk to the giant trees
and breathe in the green terrain

I’d then ride on you smile
and dive and sail on your touch
I’d gently talk to your eyes
and tell you I love so much

when you are all away
living in your beautiful land
leave me with just enough love
to hold me in and hold my hand

and by the hours I’ll tell
the world to stop turning
the breeze to stop flowing
and the birds to stop chirping

and wait in love till you return again
as I know, you will, you will always do
but what good is love when
its kept alive without loving you

there'll be everything but nothing left
in the world to trust and face
just a small world, an empty room
all alone and full of empty space

stayed without you, fell from your shadow
I am all lost, vague, without pride
and thinking, if I must have been with you
and you had kept me by your side

and I wonder if I can tell you now
as you are away and so away to go
I’ll be searching for you and dying slowly
till I hear you say your next hello
Manauwer Raza May 2014
another night the inevitable prolongs
another day just another dawn…
for all that remains of her memory, i see
her eyes is all that makes me think of thee...

often in the memory of my mind
have not i seen the eyes of her kind..
the way they do appeal to me
i think to spare everything on thee...

the tempt of her eyes' closed beauty
fills my heart with an utter modesty…
like petals of rose which lay numb
it takes my emotions dead and dumb...

the gleam of those sightseeing pearls, sieging all
which can make a man of mirth, creep and fall…
the power so sensual, arising from the thong
that none, but none would stand to it so bold, so strong...

those eyes contain an amazing fay
a lovely pearl of a perfect ray…
certainly, they belong to a lovely fairy
whom i owe all my life and glory...

my only wish is to drop by and drown
in the depth of her eyes, which are dazzling and brown…
only if, i get a chance to stare it close
my God, i know, i will certainly repose...

those invincible eyes do not belong to a lady ordinary
but to her, i delete not from memory…
she is the one, very dearest to me
of whom, i always want to be...

often in the memory of my mind
have not I seen the eyes of her kind…
Manauwer Raza Jul 2017
i've written countless wishes
in the corners of my notebook
but the hopes remains closed
and none, but none of them came true
and i just left things behind
and then words went flying
flying flying flying
wherever i went
flying forever and ever
with wings of wax
Manauwer Raza May 2014
She glanced at me,
I stared at her,
I looked in her eyes,
She ignored my sight

She looked back again,
My eyes weren't there,
She stared at me,
I didn't look at her

I felt I had missed her lovely stare,
So made my mind to keep staring at her,
I continued to gaze her lovely eyes,
She made an attempt to ignore my gazing eyes.

A contact of the eyes was so hard to come by,
The eyes kept playing the game of spies,
We both understood what we were searching for,
Still we didn't get what we were looking for.

The hide n seek was about to end,
the eyes became stable again,
the impatient eyes were calm now,
they made a vow to have a look now.

Suddenly there was a change in the scene,
a selfish obstacle had come in between,
it blocked a pretty viewing,
and the lovely eyes were no more there to be seen.

A smile is what I just was looking for,
her eyes is what my eyes kept searching for.

It started so well,
it ended so sad,
But one thing I still look for
the best time I ever had !!!
Manauwer Raza Feb 2019
Little one, little one
The sky is falling
Your lifeboat of dreams
Is now sailing
In the wake all the way
No rhyme or reason
Your gloomy eyes
Shows your heart rains a rainy season

Little girl, little girl
Why are you sighing?
Inside your restless soul
Your heart is really crying

So, Runaway
From the river to the shore
And find yourself within
You're the reflection of your hopes
There is always places you can go
You only get to live it all, only once

@manauwer raza
Manauwer Raza May 2014
close your heart
and feel the mirth...

a life of sigh
a prisoner of birth...

with you always
in my mind...

where is that feeling
forgetting your kind...

'm not begging you
to love me...

'm not really asking
for this to be...

but to cherish that hope
isn't it alright...

the hope in my heart
blazing so bright...

living a life
just in dreams...

flawless love
filled with screams...

dreaming about
just holding your hand...

with you all the time
wherever you stand...

the feeling of impugn
that will for sure hurt me...

but the truth in my eyes
that you'll always see...

try keeping my eyes
from shining when they see you...

those glittering waters
when my feelings are true...

and I promise, not to smile special
when you say hello...

but will kneel to you
with all soulfulness below...

but please don't ever ask me
not to love you...

for you are just so perfect
and 'm so incomplete without you...
Manauwer Raza May 2014
just a word...
for when thy feelings detest...
when the heart flies...
to a place unknown...
to a life un-tread...

just a haste...
to find my soul...
a perfect place to sleep...
to find my flesh the water...
and food to eat...

just in case...
my shadow disappears...
in the walk of time...
when I feel myself lost...
in the hours of turmoil...

just to wait...
for some strangers to meet...
who bequest my life…
with a hope to love…
and a meaning to live…
Manauwer Raza Jul 2018
Remembrance, a story of trying to put things together
Where the best moments drifts through floating
While I look at my hands and spaces between my fingers...

The sparks of life would make all those darkness fade
Bring light of hopes and wishes to come true
The marks of which are now completely erased...

But these are the memories I already know
Which need no luxury, no expression to show
It's all about the disappointment of just letting go...

It's based on something that can't be saved
All blatant lies, the falsity, the blame
For things have changed and they can't stay the same...

Sometimes I wonder if you're even here
For my mind refrain to speak your name
And the picture I see seems so unclear...

So, I'll just say what needs to be said
The fights are fought and the elegies are read
But for remembrance of you, my memories are all numb and dead...
Manauwer Raza May 2014
Loose sheet is a part of me,
of what I think, what I feel...
its the journey of me,
of how I walk, how I kneel...
its the remembrance of past,
and the reminiscence of grief...
its the time 'm searching for me,
lost and draped in the fallen leaf...
'm broken and 'm lost,
the loose sheets are them which bind me sure...
and for the rest of me is just a body,
and 'm therein complete impure...
soiled with tears of pain stricken love,
a glimpse of words never dared to be told...
and waiting for the time to speak for itself,
loose sheets that carve of nothing but truth that hold...
so cut me open, see my heart,
you will see the legitimacy and the signs apart...
yes, it is all of me and me in pages
and this is all but a form of an art...
Manauwer Raza May 2014
Just want someone to sing to
Someone to write about...
Someone to cling to
Someone I can't live without...
Someone to hold to
Someone who will hold me back...
Someone I can show
All the love I have...
Just want someone to walk with
At midnight on the breach...
Someone to empathize with
When I'm helpless, tired and weak...
Someone to trust with
Someone who will trust me back...
Someone who knows
All the love I have...
Just want someone to talk to
When life just isn't fair...
Someone who'll be there
When less is what I could care...
Someone who'll make
My darkness shave...
Someone who'll say I do
And say its all the love I have...
Manauwer Raza May 2014
I was talking to the moon
Just this very night
Telling him how much
I admired its light

And then without warning
Much to my dismay
The moon got all teary-eyed
And asked me to look away

It said I had no idea
How lonely it gets up there
Watching lovers all over the world
Every night of the year

But it quickly recovered
And apologized in shame
I told him I understood
Loneliness was my middle name

We exchanged our stories
Long into the night
Then the clouds brooded up
And the moon dimmed its light

But I knew we'd meet again
We share an emptiness
And we both hide it well
Under the cover of darkness

Now we meet each night
The moon and I
It seems happier now
From when I first saw it cry

When I look at the sky
It's the first thing I see
And when it looks down '
I know its looking at me

And so it goes
Night after night
I give it my company
And it gives me its light
Manauwer Raza May 2014
We are all human
And apparently equal still
We were not meant
To cause violence or start evil…

But here we are today
Standing all alone
And it’s because we hadn’t the courage
To fight off the stick and stone…

Why couldn’t it is
Like the films we see
Where the hero never gets killed
Never does he…

It’s because we are designed
To make such mistakes
Every time stumbling
When we want something is at stake…

Why can’t we be just
And all be sane
Try not to deceive
And cause so much pain…

Is the world real
And designed to break
Or is this a dream
And we all need a good shake…

It doesn’t matter here
Cause either way
Disaster will find
A way to strike someday…

So why not step up
Why be a coward
Why to think this may be
The last and final hour…

The demons in our head
Taking away our sight
Preventing us from walking
To stand against the fight…

Cause when you look at
The person beside you
You assume they are
Thinking what you want to do…

But they stay where they are
And not take a single step
Not choosing to risk their lives
And pray to heal instead…

Can’t you see that they are also afraid
Now everyone is exchanging glances
And wondering
Who is willing to be the hero today...
Manauwer Raza May 2014
As my emotions run wild...
All I can think of is you...
You are always on my mind...
Whether it be rain or sunshine...
All I can think of is you...
Your laughter...
Your jokes...
Your sensitivity...
Your understanding...
All I can think of is you...
You are compassionate and endearing...
Polite and caring...
Yet mysteriously distancing...
All I can think of is you...
When I'm with you, my heart races...
As I think of something clever to say...
My breathing rapidly increases...
When you sneak a glance my way...
So all I can think of is you...
Yet at these thoughts, my heart cries in pain...
Because I love you, but you don’t feel the same...
I imagine us together, falling in love...
But I become depressed...
Feeling as though I'm plummeting from above...
So again you rescue me as only you can...
I wish you could know...
That this burden on my shoulders...
Has nowhere to go...
I'm carrying the weight of the world above me...
I can't tell you how I feel...
Though my love is real...
Because you don't love me...
I'm preoccupied worrying...
Whether it's worth it, I am worth it...
To get my emotions churning...
Only to realize I'm not perfect...
But in the end...
All I can think of is you...
Manauwer Raza May 2014
Sitting on the last bench of the class…
Adjusting the mirrors of my glass…
Stretching my arms out and loosening the tie…
Straightening my back as I lie…
I looked from the pane and out the window…
Here she comes with her charm and aglow…
A very white shirt and a blue beautiful skirt…
With flaxen hairs curled and color of dirt…
I felt the sensation and my heart start throb…
Seeing a beauty like her who won’t give up a job…
I faked my pen down and rolled up to her desk…
Then sank my head down and looked at her leg…
She bent down slowly and picked up my pen…
I forged a quick grin and stared back then…
She knew what I intended and blurted out stupid…
I though wasn’t stalking acted very timid…
She threw the pen back and her face showed anger…
It was fury but she became more pretty and lovelier…
I hooked up my tie knot and cleaned up my throat…
And at that very moment she started writing a note…
By the time she wrote I leaned back and had a look…
Her body was beautiful and I fantasized her with a book…
Her fingers were slender and her hands smeared ink…
But those delicate beauty had a nail polish of pink…
I started day dreaming and thought her to be there…
Just beside me with hands in hands in the open air…
Sitting with hands folded and she resting her head…
We both remain quiet neither one who cares to have said…
Without hesitating again I said in my coarse voice…
“I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU”, I did say twice…
She blinked her eyes and adjusted her curl…
I saw her smiling and then she hurl…
She threw the paper and asked me to read…
I did it as boldly as it was a bravery deed…
Reading the paper it was then I realize…
It was why that sly smile was in her eye…
Friends circled me and asked what did just happen…
How was I to say it was a complete dead end…
The paper she threw was not to my expectation…
All my body did was movements of sheer frustration…
I sat back my desk and drooped down my collars…
Making my tie back to the first button and looked like SCHOLAR…
Friends did read the paper and started their laugh…
What was written in it was not expected even half…
I thought I would propose and patch up with her…
But it was the thing that now I really fear…
She just wrote down in the paper below…
What if I could be her NEW CLASS BRO…???
Manauwer Raza May 2014
You do what you're suppose to do,
With no frown or fuss...
Not because you want to,
But because you must...

Day after day,
It’s like a routine...
Don’t have too much to say,
You only do the right thing...  

Soon you feel empty,
But you don't know what it could be...
You want no sympathy...

But it's something you can't see
Everything used to make sense,
But now you're lost in a maze...
You feel so tense,
And you pray for better days...

Something just doesn't seem right...
You look for an answer that's not there...
You stay awake all night...

But you feel like no one cares...
It's right in your face
And you think its safe,
Or should you forget?

Things don't seem the same,
But what should you do?
You think you should change,
But change for who?

Understanding means nothing to you now...
Your heart is pronounced deceased...
This should you allow,
Or find what is this missing piece?
Manauwer Raza May 2014
few pages of life, that remained unturned...
belonging to a diary, which was never burnt...

the pages of the diary, which was almost banal...
and with the passage of time, it was left to curl...

words created in past, that is now unclear...
reminiscence of someone, who was then very dear...

few illegible words, which was for someone certain...
but with the sands of time, has been engraved in sultry curtain...

the face of the deity whom, is sure etched in my mind...
but just can't recognize, the shape of her kind...

the pain irresistible, which was en-kindled within...
for it is hard to bear, her loss from my heart therein...

beholding my feelings, which have now turned stagnant...
wish i could ever find out, who that someone was i meant...
Manauwer Raza May 2014
Walking depressed somewhere
In the grim of night
When the lights were gone
And the hopes were quiet.

With sensibility of mind
Taunting cold and numb
The feeling of creeping strength
Which was awfully dumb.

In the darkness so profound
And the stones thronging in the way
There was every chance to fear
For the goal was far far away.

Then coming through some wood ahead
A glowing candle with flickering wick
Showing me a path to follow
Even though the late fog was thick.

The shifting of the breeze
And the gleam of the golden azure haze
Tempting my buoyant nature
And calming me for the waiting bright days.

— The End —