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Poetic T Jan 2015
He was lonely, as was his heart, carver
Of wood, he searched upon forest &
Glade till before his eyes laid sight of a masterpiece,
Home he hurried
Not noticing or ignoring the black knot
But unbeknown, this was a deeper
Problem. Rotten, decayed black festered
Within not showing on the outside,
But things are missed in joy,
Things that will haunt, but he was finished
His boy of wood stood before
His so tearful eyes, your only wood
Only inanimate, sitting before my weeping eyes.
Heard where his whispers
Upon a night were they asked back,
"You are of sound heart"
"You are of compassion"
"You will have a son of wood with life in his heart"
As he looked upward,
A sight befell his reddened eyes
Words fell forth unto his ears,
"Did you just speak??
He hugged upon wood given life,
"A boy of my own given life"
"I love you son"
"I love you father"
His nose grew,
leaves sprouted forth,
As Pinocchio snapped what grew forth,
And throw it upon the floor,
In pain he reeled,
"Son be calm"
For lies will be greeted by growth
Shall a lie be told, only good boys
And girls realise that honesty will be rewarded.
With that he cuddled his father, you know
Not love but I will show you unconditionally
Till you understand honesty also love,
Upon those words both bedded
For the night was late and father was old,
But he never slept, upon the floor
Part of him that broke off,
Now tainted black,
As it had succumb to its chosen fate,
As he fashioned upon tools
A living weapon,
"Blackest as night"
He felt connected
They were apart but one.
Into the bedroom he crept,
Startled old eyes widen, I have a gift,
As he plunges it forth,
Son whhhhy I loveeee youuu
"I am but wooden given life"
"Blackness rots inside"
"It must feed"
For without it I will cease,
When I was just cold
It was my end no difference to any one.
And now given life
That is all that matters this night,
And with that he ****** into his
"Fathers heart"
He felt relief inside no more ties
But he cried splintered tears upon his
Blood they mixed upon the floor
He had extinguished his first life.
He needed to stem the flow as
He felt the veins rooting further
Life was his not easily given up,
The town fell silent that night,
As he fed well, he charred his
Finger tips black upon once so tanned,
So to feed with both knife and hand.
He would travel the world, death in his wake
All thought
"How unique"
"How harmless"
"How sweet"
But when the hunger craved,
Life was bled,  life was ceased
All for the rot to not **** this wooden boy
"Rotten core in a boys shell"
Prey his nose does not grow just a little
Because your time in life will be up.
The kinda love everyone yearns for,
No matter how far I move away from you,
Your love just draws me back,
You're so pure,you forgive and forget,
I don't deserve the kinda love you offer me,
But I can't deny it,because its on it that I live,
Gives me hope and strengthens my hopes,
Your love is deeper than the deepest of the deepest ocean floor.
Jaji Jun 2014
I don't want to talk, and I don't want to speak, Everything you have say,  well you could let that be, I'm not blind to see, where this will lead, to save to myself from further pain i have to leave, but before I go, we'll you should know,

I will always loveeee you.
Show me your moves baby ,show me your movessss!
Show me your love baby ,show me your loveeee!
Watching hindi movies in Kenya now.
So good ,the Indians dance.
I will get a Hindi girl,
"Show me your move baby,show me your moves!
Show me your love baby ,show me your loveeee!"
andy fardell Feb 2012
I love my baby doo
love love love out of you
I love my baby doo
love in and out love in you true

I dream of me and you
a love so sweet
a loveeee you ........

I love my baby doo
love love love out of you
I love my baby doo
love in and out love in you true

I need my baby here
to hold and kiss
so sweet my ear

I love my baby doo
love love love out of you
I love my baby doo
love in and out love in you true

one day I know you will
be my baby
be my baby booo ohh ohh!!

I love my baby doo
love love love so into you
I love my sweety pie
love in my heart you are my you  ......
Walker Oct 2015
You slid in and took my place.
I'm happy that you've found another but at the same time I hate it.
I tear myself apart every time I see you together.
I say that should have been me but maybe they needed it more.
It isn't fair though because I didn't ask for this.
I hate this.
I loveeee doing it but I hate the consequences.
I do this because of you and them.
All the times we should have been on the playground remembering, we weren't.
I wish you knew.

— The End —