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Karina Apr 2014
My curls are everything you wish you knew about me
But it won’t reveal my inner mystery
My hair means young, it means wild, it means free.

My Latina nature sometimes precedes my personality
People try to tell me who I am and they whisper, “I bet she…”
My curls are everything you wish you knew about me

He says, “I know about you Latin girls…” but the only one who can enlighten me about me, is me.
To them I’m nothing more than another Jenny from the Block, but I’m not here to entertain you, let me educate you
My hair means young, it means wild, it means free.

My curls exude confidence, beauty, and *** appeal; they keep secrets, create dreams, and remind me how bright I expect my future to be
My hair does define me. But not as you define it, as I do. I am everything I believe my hair means
My curls are everything you wish you knew about me

Latinas are fierce, they are fire, and they are dangerous. Maybe we’re that way because you won’t let us be.
Can I just be me? Why do I have to be the person you want me to be?
My hair means young, it means wild, it means free.

I’m tired of society’s shackles, so I ignore what society expects me to be
I love my curls, I love them when they’re frizzy, unkempt, and unruly. My curls are me.
My curls are everything you wish you knew about me
My hair means young, it means wild, it means free.
Marolle May 2015
der sad vi
4 venner om et terrassebord
en tidlig tirsdag morgen
hvor solen var på vej op
småfulde, glade og trætte
efter én mandagsøl
der blev til flere
der blev til en flaske Southern Comfort
og vi skal være stille
for de andre i lejligheden sover
men vi fniser og er fulde
og Karina skal til eksamen i morgen
så det er vigtigt vi er stille
altanen vender ned mod gaden
og udsigten er eventyrlig
vi evaluerer aftenen og fniser igen
vi prøver at fnise stille, Karina jo
4 venner der er enige om
at denne aften har været sjov
4 venner der er enige om
at onklen og nevøen kunne lære det
da de blev smidt ud af dørmanden
4 venner der er enige om
at vi hvert fald skal i skole i morgen
eller det er jo faktisk senere i dag
eller det er jo faktisk om 3 timer vi skal møde
der bliver rullet en og den går på runde
for 2 er det første gang
for 2 er der ikke tal på gangen
den kører rundt og rundt om bordet
vi fniser igen, men dæmpet, Karina
3 tager hjem og 1 bliver tilbage  
vi fniser hele vejen til bussen
hele vejen i bussen og hjem
3 bliver til 2, 2 bliver til 1
jeg er tilbage og når mine 14 kvadratmeter
jeg går i seng smilende
ikke fnisende, det gør 4 venner sammen
bare smilende
og føler mig velsignet over disse 4 venner
og dér er alt udmærket

Bamboo Bean Apr 2013
pretty as a peach
innocent as the trees
always content
and mine
Mateuš Conrad Jul 2016
when i first found about will alexander, i immediately bought three of his books: kaleidoscopic omniscience, compression & purity, the sri lankan loxodrome - i saw the potential, rekindled surrealism - perhaps a second peacock on the stage, as in more peacock of vocabulary, rather than a peacock of historical quanta merging (E. Pound).

i really do distrust this division in what science speaks
and what poverty stricken humanism speaks of -
i distrust it because science sediments itself supposing
humanism the pauper - science and all its immediate solutions,
humanism and all its delayed problems -
the new priests look so innocent - but i'm bothered,
i don't understand their need for awe-on-purpose -
the old priests demanded kneeling and an agonising
penitence - not a concept of predestination, but
this sort of minority report: you've done nothing wrong,
but we'll assume you already have, better than a microchip
implant, the idea, we'll use that, pre everything
limit the pro of everything, and catch you in a fishnet of
omni, it was too much, all in one go, in defence it started
with a mediator impersonal, Cartesian later Spinoza's
substance - partly due to the omni-etc., a shortcut -
the easiest way out - sure, if i went to a progressive school
rather than a catholic school in an Irish neighbourhood of
far-beyond the East End locality, i might have written
you L.S.D. filled poems, instead i start off tipsy working my
way around vocabulary that's adequate - hushing out
all possible onomatopoeia static in crude tongue -
ridicule feeds the beast, ridicule my prime loathing -
criticism well and truly accepted... ridicule feeds the beast -
but i mean, this perpetuated awe of scientists,
modern philosophy anti-Aristotelian does not begin
with awe, but with a ridicule of it, a disgust -
when did humanism ever experience awe? a stranger's
kindness would be a start, but even then there's hardly
any awe in it - it soon fades, scientists have immersed themselves
as prophets of awe's preservation, one picks up
a stone and speaks of a mountain, one draws a circle and
howls out the moon - i don't know how they can fake their
awe with so many certainties - so many facts -
awe reminds me of my first bicycle lesson, attempting
balance, failing, bruising a knee, and awe when
the balance was mastered - very short-lived, then the
drudgery of re-, i distrust scientific awe, primarily because
we're slowly no longer stepping out into the unknown,
we're stopping into knows and denies - not many unknowns
out there - except as in the case of Iraq, and Donald Rumsfeld,
known knows and there are known unknowns -
now... that's awe... i don't know who was keeping check
on this, but that's more mesmerising that explaining
1,000 million years ago... in a nutshell... how long has
this pneumatic drill of Darwinism been pumping custard
into our brain? is this the part where you tell me we're experiencing
the Alaskan day in the summer months or Alaskan night
in the winter months? all this scientific awe-bashing
is no longer vogue, but they keep at it - oh amazing, ah,
stupefying - and all of it just becomes a regurgitation -
someone said in the 16th century that Aristotle was wrong,
the wrong in Aristotle is that he might have been wrong,
but he was still perplexed... we're no longer perplexed creatures,
not so much... well maybe a bit when it comes to social justice,
but it's not like: sigh and a tear in your eye... it's more like:
if a white boy was shot from a private school, the mothers
and fathers would come up to the police officers with guns
in their hands... you can see awe vanishing when the butterfly
feelings flutter away silently... it's now violent awe:
why is this still happening?! huh?! scientific awe is not
a cushion you can fall back on: we have ~100 years to live
(if you're lucky... or unlucky) and we're being told of life
in caves and trees - Darwinism has hijacked history, this is
where science in written form is like an atom bomb, it wipes
away the best part of humanism, that is: to make human
life itemised on the microscopic level - i don't care if you
go to church and **** out alms for the poor and put on
those ruby shoes and walk the yellow-brick road,
you can't relate to Judea 10 a.d. - not to save your life -
in that famous motto *carpe diem
- but strained it's not
so much seize the day, but... relate to the days and those
around you who share them: pertineo diebus - or something
like that, imagine, going to a Catholic school and they
don't even have the manners to teach you a bit of Latin slang,
travesty; but that's how it is, we're no longer awe-stricken
in what the scientists are selling us, fair-dos to
the medicine men, shampoo men, cologne men,
but the awe-invoking men are a bit n'ah-ah to me -
given the timescale for one -  i'm a simple man and i want
to enjoy my beer thinking about last Friday,
my life... not the collective origin of life, and whether
i was too hairy back then - you don't need theology to
argue this point, just a little bit of common sense self-respect,
last Friday, not 1,000 million years ago when there was
no Friday, no Sunday, no March, no human imprint -
no: i can touch it, i can feel it, i can see it... i want it.
just like in my dream today - it's rather strange that i dream,
i rarely do, but sometimes i remember one or two -
and all i can say is that - i had the best *** in my life
last night, asleep
- yeah, i was ******* in it -
but what bothers me is that it wasn't lucid in terms of
images, but sensations - i can thus say it wasn't completely
impotent in terms of colour, but then again it was -
i'm starting to believe that i'm a blind-man in my dreams,
i ~see sensations rather than actual images in reel -
i can remember leaning against a wall and moving my
tongue in her mouth and my middle-and-ring fingers
into the... what? cliche? anatomic? *****? you choose -
a strange parallelism - we can use the tongue for such
eloquent fragments, and yet reduce it to other atrocities
of equal eloquence - then the whole dream-world changed
and i felt sitting at the tipping point where the sea meets
the beach sands, sitting down awash the waves and her sitting
on me. it's what i felt, i didn't see anything vivid -
but the sensations presented themselves as such -
i associate that with delving into writing in my mother tongue -
email / diacritics "crossword" (un-ditto and apply a
non-misnomer, i.e. give it a proper name, cf. Aristotle)
to finish i guess i might as well write a short critique:
the over-burdening of man with nouns -
as in will alexander's index of the sri lankan...
a few examples: proxima centauri (nearest star to our sun),
hemiopia (loss of vision for one half of the binocular field),
dukkha (buddhist term for suffering),
nystagmus (involuntary jerky movements of the eye),
nosophobia (morbid dread of some particular disease),
telesto umbriel larissa (moons of saturn, uranus
and neptune, respectively),
karina (egyptian demonology, a familiar attached
to a child at birth),
pretas (ghosts) -                                  or as some people say
including Christian Guerrero - 'they're just words...'
oh yes, and words are not the cogs in the machine?
just words... just words?! a banker's bonus is just
an array of... just numbers... why is this nonchalance
to these fundamental units? first they teach us to read
and write an escape the sunny harvests of the fields,
the easy mental but demanding physical life -
after the demanding physical life went our supposed
"ease" mental life changed into a demanding mental
life and an easy physical life... that's the problem with
establishing a suitable vocabulary in yourself, you can
sometimes overdo it, meaning not many people will
understand it, globalisation didn't save us from
the babylon ambition rekindled (whether myth or whatever,
it doesn't matter, read a book literally and you'll end
up realising what could have possibly been mere myth)...
all the above cited words from the index, by god, impressive,
but why would i pain myself to use a word that i'd
have to write an index to? globalisation and words from
Iran - southern coastal to be exact home to afro-iranians -
but locally it's just a ******* shish kebab and nothing more -
or central scotoma (area of the retina that's blind) -
all this vocab wall building is amazing, it really is,
a fortress at Acre - admirable... but then a return to the dull
grey reality of everyday speech - the painful art of poetry
reduced to a personal involvement with certain words -
it's heart-breaking, well, not for me, for Will it must be,
but hey, bought three of his books, that must have counted
for a cheeseburger and a portion of fries at some point
in his life.
judy smith Jul 2015
Getting married on a beach, mountaintop, remote villa or rustic rural setting is a romantic ideal for many brides.

But what does that mean for the wedding dress?

Should you go formal or footloose? Will your gown fit in your suitcase?

A bride having a "destination wedding" should think about versatility when choosing a gown. She must be "concerned about being comfortable, more so than your typical bride. She has to contend with weather and terrain, making her gown choice critical to how at-ease she feels on her special day," says Lori Conley, senior buyer for David's Bridal.

Christine Pagulayan of Toronto and her fiancé, Ian McIntyre, jetted to Costa Rica in 2013 for a resort wedding.

"I had a (dress) style in mind: strapless, low back, white with ruching. Initially, I thought about going short, since we were going to get married on a beach, but I then realized that even if it may be heavy or sweaty, I wanted a real wedding dress. So we found one that had a gorgeous train, but it also had a bustle so I could dance," Pagulayan says.

Some dress trends for destination brides:

• LIGHT FABRICS AND SHORT HEMS: Many traveling brides favor lightweight, airy fabrics.

"Chiffon and organza are always favorites. Full trains can be cumbersome if you're navigating sand or grass," says Conley, of David's.

"A lot of brides opt for the ease of a sweep train," which just grazes the floor.

David's destination-friendly dresses include styles in full or tea-length tulle, soft lace or chiffon, Conley says. Fabrics that travel well for brides wanting a more structured gown include silk gazar, georgette and crepe, which are "lighter-weight versions of silk faille and Mikado," says Carrie Goldberg, associate fashion editor for Martha Stewart Weddings.

J. Crew's Karina short dress, for instance, has a flapper-esque fringe, and is covered in corded lace. • SEPARATES: "Tops and bottoms are not only easier to pack, they allow for mixing and matching fabric and fit to get a silhouette that feels unique to your personal style," says Goldberg.

Separates work for any destination, she says: "A full organza skirt may appeal to a bride getting married on the beach; pairing it with a delicate silk camisole suits the location. The same skirt would suit a mountaintop affair when paired with a fur bolero or a fine knit."

J.Crew's Sloane poly-cotton long skirt has a simple, draped profile; a silk cami top embellished with beads, crystals, sequins and paillettes in a floral motif creates a dressy look.

At David's Bridal, there's the crisp Mikado cropped top balanced by a flowing, organza ball-gown skirt, creating a modern silhouette.

• COLOR: Let the venue inform your choice of hue, Goldberg says.

"A sunset wedding in Napa pairs beautifully with a blush gown, while the colors of an Amalfi Coast wedding may inspire the bride to opt for something blue."

• VERSATILITY: For bridesmaids — or perhaps even the bride — White House Black Market has a clever option: a short or long pull-on gown with a customizable top. You can adjust the straps on the "Genius" dress to make a halter, one-shoulder or cap-sleeved version. Easy to pack, affordable and available in a range of colors, these might be a good option for a group of bridesmaids.

• FOOTWEAR: Flats or wedges are ideal for beach or garden: "The more surface area the sole of your shoes have, the easier it will be to walk," says Conley.

Keep in mind that satin or grosgrain might get stained by grass or sand.

Another option for beach brides is "foot jewelry," an accessory that does away with the need for an actual shoe.

devante moore Apr 2015
To love at a distance can be torturous, as you always desire closeness to your beloved.

We lived in two different time zones
When the sun rise for me
The moon illuminate the night for her
When I'm wide awake
She's dreaming of a world unknown
I often urge for a touch
To clutch her in my arms
But each thought gets lost in the distance we share
Loving her is harder then loving her if she was here
Dr Peter Lim Feb 2021
Dear Esteemed Karina,  they are both exquisite. If I say I like this one, I would do injustice to the other.  Each creates its own mood and exudes its own depth and beauty.  If you ask me to compare the beauty of two women, I would have the same problem, so I say--they both have their individual charm.

Haiku on 'the abstract light blue'

Feelings have their moods

sad hearts tend to prefer blue

sort of pain subdued.

Haiku on 'Wintry Evening'

Wintry evening

grey shadows descend on trees

not a soul in sight
* she posted 2 photos and asked readers to choose their favourite
Oops! There I go
Chasing that **** white rabbit
Wouldn't you know it
I tripped and fell down his hole

Arms flailing trying to grasp a hold
Passing by roots and sediment
Seeing places of before
Finally landing in a land unknown

feels like Alice in wonderland...
changed to
Alice in Wonderful.....

The bright flashing lights
Tall skyscrapers touched
the tips of clouds
As automobiles whirred past.

No this was no wonderland
This was wonderful
As I drew breath
On a contaminated scent.

Things have been flipped
What was up now down
What once was sweet
Turned sour on the tongue

I cannot trust a thing
Here my eyes are truly deceived
Right is wrong
Wrong is right

To trust my own heart
That I don't know
This wonderful land
Beats to a different type of band

Left has become right
Every turn taken
Is another chance
To become lost.

My heart sings a tune
calming my soul
this wonderful land
cleanses my mind.

I guess I've been
here long enough
To feel a different
Kind of love.

Pulled from the darkest recesses of my mind
My demons silenced
Here in this wonderful
Upside down world
Thank you Star Gazer for doing a collaboration with me. This was fun!

#colab #stargazer #upside-down
Bamboo Bean Aug 2013
know   god   hard   really   oh   used   heal   heart   look   stumble   substance   free   feel   soul   want   hell   broken   like   compassion   herbs   shy   shiny   peaceful   jim   cigarettes   beam   stumbled   peach   pressure   juice   apathy   jesus   sing   shades   innocent   lift   content   golden   vital   funny   aim   bob   listening   struggling   doubting   bars   humility   chairs   boulevard   coolest    oppressor    hellfire    oppressors    chaining    hom­elessness    macon   doesn't    he'll    satan's    hip-hop    icehouse    baybo    hy­ena-laugh-like    
pit--    thomas    pottery    churning    bus ­  boring    builds    unwilling    marley    insides    captors    ­slaves    element    severed    leaking    survived    *****   kentucky    brothels    karina    sitting    walk    people    wh­ite    hit    mind    help    blessed    night    
hurting    pra­y   courage    reminds    fearful    words    talk    song    self   ­ die    thoughts    notice    just    home    green    make    ge­ts   hands    world    speak    ******    red    fear    fears    stan­d    hearts    lonely    heals    stopped    throat    apple   person    awareness    breaking    black    trees    taught    
y­ellow    fallen    answers    spit    ***    dreads    
heads   gentle    far    pretty    knew    faded    spirit    minds    pr­ide    hurt    yes    feeling    knows    crushed    
tired   tomorrow    save
just as i found them...
wordvango Nov 2016
I am wanting to thank some very incredible people.
I also am hoping others will , also.
With that in mind I would like to list
ten poets here I feel people need to read.
My list consists of poets who are always active and generous ,
have good humor and sense.
I would like others to add their ten to my list.
And hopefully everyone eventually gets a shout out.
In the comments list ten poets you admire and would like to see
others appreciate. I will add  them to this list.
If you would like to list more feel free , the more the merrier, and the more
poets get a shout out and their name shared. I will add as many as you can type!
After all , this is goodwill and spirit and sharing and I feel good .

Mark Cleavenger
Terry Collett
Sally Bayan
Emily Burns
Jules Winerose
Lady RF
Sukanya Sinha Roy
Valsa George
(Bill Hughes contributed the following)
Mary Winslow
Randolph L. Wilson
Elizabeth J
Ezra Warhol
my dearest reno
Jeff Stier
taia iverson
Dave Hewitt
Kristy Renae Dalton
(added by Eric W)
Doug Potter
Lola Park
Inevitably Raised By Ducks
(added by Vicki)
Shawna Michele
Pradip Chattopadhyay
SJR 1000
the seatbelt effect
Sonja Benskin Mesher
Don't Call Me Johnny
WL Winter
K Mae
Liz Balize
patty m
Pamela Rae
Sean Tierney
William Poppen
Michael Kagan
Paul Gaffney
Karina Norris Viers
Brother Jimmy
Phil Roberts
David Ehrgott
Jason Clarke
Jamadhi Verse
Weeping Willow
Terry Jordan
Tonya Maria
CA Guilfoyle
elizabeth j
Grumpy Thumb
David Patrick O'C
(added by Sukanya Sinha Roy)
Eli N
The Dead Sea
Nishu Mathur
James Michael Hail
(Added by Sjr 1000)
My Dystopia
Life's Jump
Nat Lipstad
Ded Poet
Luiz Machado
(added by Jamadhi Verse)
Lora Lee
Wild is the Wind
Akira Chen
R k
Pradip :)
(added by elizabeth j)
Lonely Soldier
Lily Mae
Thomas P Owens Sr
Midnight Rain
Melissa S.
( added by Lori Jones McCaffery?
Kim Johanna Baker
Elizabeth J
Yasaman Johari
Jean Lin
Lawrence Hall
Landon Miller
Chris Neilson
Pagan Paul
Sun Princess
Elizabeth Squires
Keith Wilson
Il Dec 2018
I miss you
I miss you so much
I miss your gentle touch
The caress of your lips
The softness of your hips
All of you
From body to mind and everything in between
I look back as if at a dream
I long for something that is gone
And I don't know why I can't stop
I will always love you
wulfhug27 Sep 2014
Dear friend I'm sorry

the *serpents inside
of me
they crawl all over
throughout my body
egged and born early out of fate
out of destiny
triggered like a batting clock
basking in their there-ness
waiting-- to be used
to be struck alive
just hatch-lings of change

they shiver and squirm
find direction within
and then they get hungry
slurping at everything
till they've tasted the honey
and kissed at my pain
knew their game

they eat it away
all my irritant thoughts
****** dry as they burrowed inside me
all day
all my sighing when sighted
they lick up delighted

my plight unknowing, and innocent then
unaware of, yet
they were my friends

they grew
in length, and in strength, and in appetite.
Hissing and Searching
slithering through every part
a presence unfelt
they found my heart
like a thick sack of milk
what a goldmine
what a find
these two serpents big and old
have grounded me
found my touch
attached onto to my soul and mind
all the pain saved for their glory
and doomed for mine.

And I felt them
against my blood they moved like slime
those serpentine lines rolled up my spine
From my heart
through my stomach
to my right brained side
devouring me
and stealing  my time
and they **** me
they **** me
even today.
Even as I'm reaching for **Goodbye
Medium: My First Sketch Book
Time Written: Btwn June and July 2014
Place: Train ride home.
k y Jan 2016
Nothing has ever felt the way you do.
Your skin, your smile, the loss of color in your
cheeks, the redness around those beautiful,
dark lashes after you've cried.  
The way you make my mind drop all of its
useless content at the sight of your eyes.
The perfect beat of your heart when I lay my head on your chest, your scent.
Your limp skinny fingers, they're more than just flesh,
and bones. They're more than just you, and us.
Your mind and the way it works.
Your lips, your back, your legs, your soul.
I'm so in love with it all.

When I hold you, I feel as if I am lost in a dream,
Nothing feels more unrealistic than you.
Nothing feels worse than the pain, the worry,
the sadness that crawls slow and horrifically,
into my mind, my body, my soul when you hurt.
I wish I could carry it all away from you.

You are the last rose petal, and the saddest sun set.
And goodbyes with you, and 'see you laters'
are more than just phrases to me.
They're gashes, they're ghosts, they are leeches
that **** out your blood, and fire that burns.
And yes, it pains me to watch you go.
'Cause each step, and each mile you take, my heart
goes with you.
And your soul is more than just another metaphor.
Like all of them have been before.
Because nothing can ever, has ever, will ever
compare to you.


© 2015 karina y
Dr Peter Lim Apr 2021
White slender flowers

dancing in light summer breeze

against purple sky
Dr Peter Lim Apr 2021
Desolate bare trees

beneath late evening's sun

heart in nostalgia
Mateuš Conrad Feb 2019
.oh, i can live in a small city, just give me the meat to taste on the tips of my fingers! and, yeah, i'll continue to confirm my base: ******* for the me who based myself in a Faustian lesson... you do the supermarket cashier favors'... i rather die with the ambitions of a beggar on the street... last one i heard? he said: my mother told me to only speak truth... yeah... i have the ambitions of a Diogenes.

x-men apocalypse...
is, so much better
than the marvel
     karina stow...
            i feel like:
i do want to shoot
a gun into a target...
even prostitutes
aren't as this,
overtly nervous...
      eddie izzard
mingles with the early
singles of the corss...
you walk into
a jobcentre?
chances are...
you won't find
an application for a job
in a slaughter-house...
   by the package-worth
of demands...
don't worry...
you're just stupid!
i want to work
in a slaughter-house...
i guess i'm
too dumb...
  too dumb to fish,
too dumb to...
do anything beside...
for the death of the
supermarket cashier role
of: standing still...
waiting for a role...
playing the gyspy
isn't in the jobcentre either...
   you give me
one more take on
the role-play...
i want a job...
akin to
being a street-cleaner...
or working
the slaughter-house...
but those sort of works
are not made advert for
the unemployed...
          marvel: infinity
war *****...
x-men: apocalypse?
              black panther...
  spawn? rules!
                   the end.
ever walk into
a jobcenter...
   being unemployed...
there are no vacancies
positions in
a slaughterhouse?
      lucky you,
lucky me.  
a man...
just wants to ****...
what he's about to eat...
I don't really know how to start this.
It's been exactly a year since I could call you a friend. More than a year since I could call you my best friend. Does it matter to you how I'm doing? Do you care that I'm moving in April? Do you care that it broke my heart when I found out you were in town the day of my wedding and not even that could get you to even send me a message? I care. I care how you're doing. I care that you were in town on my wedding day and didn't even tell me. I care that you call Linda your best friend now. I care about Andrea and Karina and the twins. I care about what you're doing. I care about how things affect you. And I feel stupid because I know you don't care. I know you don't care to tell me when you're in town. I know you don't care to tell me about any life updates. And I know you don't give a **** about how I'm doing. You made that clear the last time we talked. It's been a year since we've had a decent conversation and we were best friends since the sixth grade. That feeling couldn't have just went away because you felt like it. You know, people tell me I should just move on from you and get some new friends. And maybe they're right. But you were a big part in my life. It's hard to just let that go.
I'm not sure if I should send it to her. Comment if I should.
wulfhug27 Sep 2014
serpents inside
struck alive


And I felt them

my heart
devouring me
Hussein Dekmak Mar 2022
It was a gloomy and rainy day outside.
Yet, in my mind the day was a sunny with a light spring breeze.

I thought, “I want to lose myself in the outdoors by taking a walk, kissing the sun on her cheek, listening to the chirping birds and tuning in to nature’s silent songs”. This thought made my heart dance with joy.

My dear friend, what shapes your life and fills it with happiness are the positive thoughts that you feed your mind.

Hussein Dekmak

Photo is courtesy of ‘Karina Sherwin Bloom’
Bird # Dance # Rain # Feed # Whisper # Song # Sunny # Light # Heart# Outdoor # Greet # kissing
Juliana Oct 2019
Feliz Navidad we sing.
The Christmas show. A
Warning is said. "I'm
Leaving. New York."
Then Sydnie left.
Without our glue,
Joanna and I strayed
Away. I was five.

I found a new friend.
Lilly. We played. At the
Park, at school, art class.
She was gone, last day
Of school. "Who will see
Her this summer?" "I will."
Her magnet still hangs on
My fridge. I was six.

Girl Scouts. Bullying.
Hailey and Hannah were
There. We went to the
Zoo, on playdates. Friends
Came and left along the
Way, but they have always
Been there. I was seven.
She came up to me in gym.
A year older than me. I
Was running alone. Playing
A game I called homeless;
Basketball. Erica opened me up.
I talked to her and her friends
before school. Boys. Bagels.
One of them smoked. Last day
of school. She was moving.
I was eleven.

Summertime has ended. School is
Back, as is dance. I'm taking
A new class. Modern. Sophie just
Moved here. Over the year, we
Create Jimmothy Timmons and I
**** her snake, kind of.
I was twelve.

A boy sits next to me in Social
Studies. Ethan. He plays video
Games. I've always wanted to.
Another boy, Cormack looks
Over. He has a crush on me. The
Three of us talk at my locker
Every day. Cormack lies. They both
ask me to the dance. I was thirteen.
A girl runs up to me in gym.
Cindy. I talk to her. We play
Homeless, and talk about boys.
She has anxiety, like me.
I was thirteen.

I look over to my left one day
At lunch. It's Cindy, and...
Sophie? She goes to my school?
And it's Rebecca, and Maren, and
Sophia, and Grace, and Aillyana.
Over the year, I switch from
Facing Hailey and Hannah, to
them. I was thirteen.

Ethan and I text all the time.
We go to two dances. Cormack
Still tries to talk to me, still
Comes to my house, but I don't
Let him in. I was thirteen.

Ethan gives me a letter. It takes
A few days for me to read it. We
Never end up dating. I was thirteen.

I'm still friends with Hailey and
Hannah. With Cindy, Sophie, Rebecca,
Maren, Sophia, Grace, and Aillyana.
We all become friends with Joey,
And hang out all the time. I dance
With some of them. I have another
Family now, my Impulse girls. I
Will be rooming with Cindy next
Year. At school dances, we make
A salsa circle. We had around
Twenty people join us once.
I've made friends along the way.
Jośe, Aíne, Celia, Rose, Ananya,
Erin, Ginny, Abbey, Devon, Bella,
Three Emmas, Angelina, Claire,
Carley, Karina, Naomi, Riley, Oliva,
Abi, Sarah, Rachel, Allison, Tanu,
And many others. I've lost even more
Friends. Kennedy, Sonya, Brooke,
Cristopher, Aisa, Yusuf, Zoey, Emily,
Hallie, Chelsea, Gianna, Autumn, two
Jades, Donovan, Olive, Kaitlin, and
More. But I love the ones I've kept,
and I wouldn't have it any other way.
I am seventeen.
Inspired and In the Style of "Fifteen" by William Stafford

— The End —