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Pauline Morris Apr 2016
On the futuristic cartoon the Jetsons
They had phones with projections
I thought it was so grand
That in front of that screen they could stand
And see who they where talking to
What a wonderful thing to be able to do

Now it is common place
Our loved ones face
Can travel through space
It shrinks the miles that separate
And I think that's just great

Now we can Skype
And all of that like
We can take our phone
And bring loved ones along as we roam
It's almost like them being home
And on and on we can drone
Or our imagination we can flex
And even have cyber ***

I hope who created it was inspired
By the thoughts they acquired
By watching that simple cartoon
Because it brought us all a little more attuned
Pauline Morris Jun 2016
On the futuristic cartoon the Jetsons
They had phones with projections
I thought it was so grand
That in front of that screen they could stand
And see who they where talking to
What a wonderful thing to be able to do

Now it is common place
Our loved ones face
Can travel through space
It shrinks the miles that separate
And I think that's just great

Now we can Skype
And all of that like
We can take our phone
And bring loved ones along as we roam
It's almost like them being home
And on and on we can drone
Or our imagination we can flex
And even have cyber ***

I hope who created it was inspired
By the thoughts they acquired
By watching that simple cartoon
Because it brought us all a little more attuned
Pauline Morris Feb 2016
On the futuristic cartoon the Jetsons
They had phones with projections
I thought it was so grand
That in front of that screen they could stand
And see who they where talking to
What a wonderful thing to be able to do

Now it is common place
Our loved ones face
Can travel through space
It shrinks the miles that separate
And I think that's just great

Now we can Skype
And all of that like
We can take our phone
And bring loved ones along as we roam
It's almost like them being home
And on and on we can drone
Or our imagination we can flex
And even have cyber ***

I hope who created it was inspired
By the thoughts they acquired
By watching that simple cartoon
Because it brought us all a little more attuned
Wayne Pritchett Oct 2010
i was chillin one night
sitting in the clouds
talkin **** with the insomniac
when we thought of the question
what if we could transform
i began to figure out
what might actually take form
understand my imagination is crazy
in my mind all is possible
im tryin to look forward
so it might be futuristic
not like the jetsons
its gonna be realistic
some practical that might
help us out in some sort
making the human race more lazy
making our life her not worth it
shortly after nature kicks in
we get fat and wont walk
then great *** we will lack
men and women get restless
and things will get grizzly
not for me at least cause
in my mind im fit and well
with the power to turn
the pretty girls into supermodels
and keep the bitter ones
lookin like a blue whale

as u can see i think pretty awkward
id wanna be gigantic
but i gotta take flying lessons
because i gotta get some wings
to fly over my problems
and fly straight to the meanings
super strength to beat them down
then a lot of marksmanship
to make sure they stay down
my imagination is cautious
so i threw that one in
just to cover my end

but then i begin to think
about those that need help
so i begin to imagine
a being to lend a hand
maybe a super hero
in a 3rd world country
giving children water to drink
so they can have a chance
to grow and develop
maybe have an imagination
and dream just like me
then make that dream
an all too needed reality
you never know about
that kid you call a habeeb
he might discover the death
to that monster we call ***

but who am i to say
my imagination makes sense
Jody Breeze would feel me
he agrees wit it all day
cause my bro and i
we fly in the clouds since
you cats aint think freely
so using my mind
with the function god gave me
ill wonder how we will devise
a shortcut in nature
to alter our appearance
in this market based reality
cause if enough people
step up for to the table
to sign the medical clearance
pigs will fly
madness will multiply
the cosmos would be fried
and half the world might die
that means police would have wings
to catch "criminals" who wouldnt
steal but whose cousin has steel
that gives pigs halos to match
those wings given in police training
but thats my paranoia
in my silly imagination
i might sound crazy to
most close minded fools
so ill stay in my clouds
and contemplate
a perfect transformation
to slap onto the slate
to help us better our state
of mind and put us in the groove
to soothe our stress
refuse to use our heat
and become completely cool

Peace is Love. Love is everything
(c) Wayne Pritchett September 2010
Passius Ashe Jul 2015
nebulous mercury, or old neb as friendly namesome, was a longtime salty marner.

one day he was seasonally easing along with the flotsam and jetsons

when there appeared before his worn and weary orbs a macabre confoundment,

the vastly ghastly countenance of a slithering slimy see servant,

a critter that rose from the sea and had to hunch over so as not to break the sky,

the kind of monstrosity you only see in miffs.

he began to wrap his protuberances and testicles around the clig as to make repast. 

ohh, dreadful tingers draggled forlorn! 

shunned and electrolytical he was, old neb, awash in gloombulches and grovel gullies.

but then old neb snapped to! "Not my chipper clig you don't!" he charged allowed as he fingled forth in fury!

the battle eschewed in the stub of legends. old neb will ever be memorial for what he did that day.

to this very day, indeed up to this very moment right now, even chipper cligs flying scallion bones cut him a big bertha,

such is the perspective they feel for him

no hobo, but a ****** chum.
"Welcome to the future"

reliable rocket ship trade routes, for any rich man.
Flying cars made with science that everyone pretends the myth-busters didn't invent first.
Dead rap stars and anime girls performing,
live on stage with smoke and mirrors
and a government that redefines the word Live,
and operates on smoke and mirrors

"Welcome to the future"

There is a company developing brain chips
so you can watch me climb this mountain,
just synch up with my vision
Also, while you're in my head
check out these commercials I'm hearing from the drone propaganda radios
Feel how this rock feels, synthetic and stamped with advertisements
smell what I'm smelling,
the propane, the soot.

You think this sounds crazy?
There's a little magic rectangle in your pocket.
to Record and send audio, take a photo,
we are halfway
we're just making every science fiction dream a reality

"we're so ******"

What's gonna happen when the world
runs out of dreams to make true?
marty mc-fly got his self strapping shoes, and also we got heelys
and sometimes we got self strapping heelies that glew in the dark
these things are ancient technology now
but we aren't far from the delorian

...or a nuclear apocalypse.

We have flying cars!
when we get flying houses, islands,
when we populate mars
when we umbilicord ourselves to technological advances
hack, splice,
stich in memory chips, nerolinks
Who's gonna come up with the new dreams?

Who's gonna pen the next future
when everyone has seen the jetsons
outside their window.

Bring me the most creative,
innovative minds,
Untouched by the rhetoric
Who will be our new gods?
Will it be the artists?

Bring me the Children.

"Welcome to the playground"

Words of aspiration graffitied on trump tower
Kaiju stuffed bears with saddles transporting business suit toddlers to their desks
where they draw, and draw, and draw
Mechanical dinosuars replacing trains.
Shutes and ladders everywhere
We will put our faith in mommy
and she will be beautiful
just like me.
we will pray to mother
she will rain affection
guide the pint sized diaper academy
while the adults sit in sensory boothes,
occulus rift 99.5.0 on their heads
feeding tube, cathader, an ash tray of tiny blue pills.
a small child hired to wipe their *** once in awhile,
for minimum wage
Which now is $200 an hour,
they still can't get health care
the lowest plan offers crayon insurance
that they can't use until they are promoted to artist

So they pray and pray to their mother religion
but mother doesn't exist here.

only birth robot
only television parasite
only plugged in queens and worker boys

we have the responsibility
to mold these tiny minds
if we **** up, remember
the fate of the world
was never in our hands
it was in very tiny hands
with pencils in them

"Welcome to the future"
"Welcome to the future"
"welcome to the future"
CJ Sutherland Sep 2024
60 years ago September 23, 1962
set in 2022 How is it they knew?
The Jetsons futuristic projections
Every detail pure perfection

George Jetson, father, Jane Jetson’s mother
Judy Jetson teenager, Elroy Jetson, bother
Astro Robo dog and the robot maid
Portrayed a futuristic family cartoon played

A push of a button Instant technology
George’s car folds into a portable briefcase
flying cars orbit city. chatterbox (phone)
Video calls, Smart watch, microwaves

If you look it up today critics would
Insist cultural bias gender stereotype.
Children watching the Jetsons cartoons
Call them a Loving Modern Family

In theory productivity gained from
Technology would mean less work.
A leisure Society by the year 2000.
Approbation to the creative creations

The motivations for this cartoon; our fears
the Soviet union would win the space race
Futuristic, optimistic cartoon influence, hopes popular culture. Shaping the future

How much would Society be shaped by technology, perceptions and expectations
What can be achieved are as important.
as what actually transpires, methodically

All that in Saturday morning cartoons
Glued to the TV kids over the moon
Dreams of possibilities of what if?
Children were taught to invent gadgets  

Inspired song;

Jetsons theme song, YouTube
BLT Webster’s Word of the Day Challenge
Approbation 9-19-24
A formal word refers to praise or approval
CJ Sutherland Sep 2024
60 years ago September 23, 1962
set in 2022 How is it they knew?
The Jetsons futuristic projections
Every detail pure perfection

George Jetson, father, Jane Jetson’s mother
Judy Jetson teenager, Elroy Jetson, bother
Astro Robo dog and the robot maid
Portrayed a futuristic family cartoon played

A push of a button Instant technology
George’s car folds into a portable briefcase
flying cars orbit city. chatterbox (phone)
Video calls, Smart watch, microwaves

If you look it up today critics would
Insist cultural bias gender stereotype.
Children watching the Jetsons cartoons
Call them a Loving Modern Family

In theory productivity gained from electronics would mean less work.
A leisure Society by the year 2000.
Approbation to the creative creations

The motivations for this cartoon; our fears
the Soviet union would win the space race
Futuristic, optimistic cartoon influence, hopes popular culture. Shaping the future

How much would Society be shaped by technology, perceptions and expectations
What can be achieved are as important.
as what actually transpires, methodically

All that in Saturday morning cartoons
Glued to the TV kids over the moon
Dreams of possibilities of what if?
Children were taught to invent gadgets  

Inspired song;

Jetsons theme song, YouTube
BLT Webster’s Word of the Day Challenge
Approbation 9-19-24
A formal word refers to praise or approval
Living in a rotten train$$$$$
The floor boards
Have got some.
Gin and tonic stains$$$$$$$
Hooked on Phonix
was a proper way.*$$$$$
To say I like cds.
More than
My body in drag
Call up doctor dre.....&&&&$$$$$
Side note
For a stalker case$$$$$$$
You like music little loser
Don't be ******* dropping hate.$$$$$$

I could stock your place of residence
Like a Charlie Manson case.
Pull out the hockey tape.$$$$$
And separate your
Body weight.
From all the cancer brains.
That make the jetsons.
Look like copy paste.%%%^^^&*$$$
I'm futuristic.
Beautiful forensic.
Like a movie from elaborate
Candle fans
That gotta play
Director roger k"""%%%$$$
Louder than
Beats tuned from doctor dre$$%%%$/
An obnoxious way
To say
You couldn't stop
The onslaught.
If you had a drop of toddlers blood.
About to be immunized
Oh my God. Nahh wayyyy¥¥¥£¥¥£₩
Joseph S Pete May 2018
The Space Age saucer at LAX,
you know the one,
hovers overhead,
a retro-futuristic Jetsons-like totem,
a shimmering stucco vision of a far-off future
in which an overbearing security state
shuts down a well-regarded restaurant with a view
that landed smack dab in a well-trafficked area.

LAX, and LA generally,
reminds one of how much time
amounts to a buzzsaw shredding everything
into a mist of fine but coarse-grained sawdust.
Stephen Leacock Feb 2023
The future has come to life, with machines supreme,
A world of technology, beyond our wildest dream,
Stories filled with fear, and truth untold,
The picture of the new theme
Reflections of ourselves, all in a code.

A serial bus of simulations, at our command,
Electronic systems, at our hand,
A machine that answers questions faster than Google and more,
Free tickets resolved, forever to soar and the never-more.

Wickets fall to the machine's exhibit, a sight to behold,
Movies, food, actors, all within a click to unfold,
A mother brain with power supreme,
Holographic systems that look like a dream.

Tokens paid for what you desire,
A world of abundance, never to tire.
Digits build stores that never close,
A place to shop, no matter where one goes.

Artificial machines respond with speed,
A digital realm, at lightning pace indeed.
New passports and developments that you need,
A world of convenience, a life of ease indeed.

Change and betterment come at a cost,
Capitalism falls, as the new code is the boss.
A world of innovation, a world so bright,
A new way of living, with endless delight.

Glasses to display what only you know,
A world of information, a constant flow.
No more waiting, no more time to waste,
Instant gratification, a world with taste.

A world of abundance, a world of ease,
Tokens paid for what you desire, with great peace.
A future of abundance, with technology so grand,
A world of betterment, a world so planned.

Medical diagnoses generated in minutes that is the new toss,
Food that cooks itself, a life of no limits,
Packages delivered without people, a sight so surreal,
No more trucks or vans, no more people at the wheel.
No more knocking on doors, no more signatures required,
No more waiting in line, no more to be tired.

The packages arrive with ease, without a single flaw,
From drones that soar the skies, to robots that crawl.
No more human error, no more lost in transit,
No more wasted time, no more of it.

A world of convenience, at our fingertips,
With technology so advanced, the future sure does slip.
Into the present, with each and every package,
Delivered without people, a world that's now so savage.

The packages arrive, with speed and grace,
No more hassle, no more waste of space.
A new era of delivery, with machines so smart,
A future we dreamed of, now a reality, a work of art.
The machine that washes dishes, life like The Jetsons,
A task so tedious, now done with precision.
No more scrubbing and cleaning, no more endless toil,
The machine takes care of it, with grace and oil.

Children taught by machines, a new light to lead,
A world of knowledge, a world they can feed.
No more textbooks, no more lectures long,
Interactive learning, a new way to belong.

Machines with patience, and endless capacity,
Teach with ease, with fun and creativity.
No more boredom, no more dull routines,
Children learn with joy, their future bright and keen.

A world of possibilities, with technology as guide,
Where children learn and grow, with no need to hide.
The future has arrived, a world so bright,
Machines teaching children, a new source of light.
Departments run with efficiency, monetary changes in speed,
Blockchain file systems, all in line,
Humans pay with tokens, all in time.

Interactions with a system anew,
Quantum technologies, a dream come true,
A shift in terminology, myth and lore,
Philosophies and possibilities galore.

An artificial machine that knows it all,
An artificial machine Wins it all,
An artificial machine stands proud and tall
An artificial machine that crowns them all!
Billie Marie Feb 2021
Are we in the future now?
like the Jetsons
trekking stars
or are we only lost in space?

If it were another time and place
a different dimension
I would know this wasn't real

I am here
in this time and space
what's making this pen write?
you can't figure it out
what aches this head?
and bid thoughts come?
what causes this pain in the belly?
and the vibrations humming the ear drum?
what is all this?
seems a miracle I am here
seems a story
feels a dream
what is all this?
no living in the mind
what is all this, Lord?
and why have you brought me here?

to be present
here as one
together would be untrue
as it denotes two
help me to know
the language of ancient souls
to hear the words first spoken
of the God of the Universe
bring me to the temple of knowing and being

we are the ones we have longed for
in the darkness and silence
praying for another to come
and yet
we are the ones
we are here
They are out there
thinking they're
the Jetsons
looking more like
the Simpsons.

yep you know them
the peculiar ones
the out of the
ordinary ones
the ones that are
your grandchildren.

and they're getting degrees
the Master
am I going to fast for ya?

there are
'ologies for everything

in my day
you went down the pit
or off to war
to do your bit
God save the King
had a certain ring to it

and now
which is
on acid.
In an attempt to recount how life came about on planet Earth,
thence subsequently spanning across the webbed wide world
birthed cockamamie idea within mind of then young Matthew
Scott Harris, who knew nothing about Charles Darwin Origin
of Species controversial revolutionary annunciation with much
excitation videre licet painstakingly slow process of evolution,
where over the course of billions of years origin of life became
as told to him tongue in cheek courtesy his kibitzing father and
mother manifest hoodwinked him (said boy gullibly prone to
accept gospel that every object in the sky peopled unwittingly
complement Harris mad scientist, (who spent substantial years
self sequestered - much like writer of these words) fabricating
in retrospect far out and groovy improbable hypotheses about
Norwegian bachelor farmer, who in an attempt to make powder
milk biscuits, put the ingredients in the refrigerator and absent
mindedly forgot about them until unusual noises heard distinctly
linkedin within invention to keep perishables frozen or cold - a
constant almost rhythmic rattle & hum eventually drew curious 
resident of Lake Woebegone, and supposed missing link within
genealogical family tree, which ostracized forebear unwittingly
created perfect magnetic force field environment where steely
sons of ******* outliers from outer limits of the twilight zone
not unlike the Jetsons (a fictional family from animated sitcom
of same name ineluctably pulled (usually against their will) said
television show aired in the1960s, and viewed by none other than
yours truly me as a rather quiet natured keenly observant little boy
ofttimes looking toward the heavens displaying inscrutable mien
dumbfounded look, whose furrowed brow contemplating expanse
undermined with puzzlement where multitudinous pinpoints of
light extended far into dark shadows unbeknownst to me childlike
wonder, & even mind boggling to one sexagenarian regarding deep
space comprising bajillion stars and stripes of various and sundry
animals and plants occupied where according to current scientific
understanding, the cosmos, or universe, is primarily composed of
three main components: normal matter (about 5%), dark matter
(around 27%), and dark energy (approximately 68%); with dark
matter and dark energy (drink) being the dominant constituents,
although their exact nature the stuff of an overactive imagination
such as mine conjured entities (especially more substantial when
edge of night crept across patch of property housed domain with
the address 2701 Lantern Lane, Audubon, Pennsylvania where
curious kid spent approximately the first half dozen years of his
life and hard time, and said residence I espied while returning
back to Schwenksville after the missus underwent minor routine
treatment (liquid nitrogen sprayed atop a dot over each to brow)
to stave off any potential future more serious issue with skin.

— The End —