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Anna M Rella May 2012
With every day that passes by
the conjouring thoughts of you never leave my mind
The infactuation your spell binds me with
raddles my senses into a saturation

Twisting and Tugging at my every emotion
My heart begins to lurch
My knees begin to weaken

When time comes to make our greeting
When our bodies collide
I plan to be captivated
by your entire entity

Our time will be made of continuous serendipity.
mrp3rs0nality Nov 2010

I've notice u b4 walking my way 
With Plenty attempts 4 me to say hey 
But my reluctance always seems to let u get away
Who r u really -it's a mystery to me 
Ur Beauty and gracefulness is all I c 

I often look in the mirror to practice my conversation
U know a brief introduction a bit of charm and a little persuasion 
 Wht Eva the occasion ur always dress the part
I know a women like u have broken many hearts
Where do I start when I do get ur attention 
Should I voie my good qualities or share my intentions
And that is only to insure u be treated like the goddess u r 
Do I have to possess a significant income jewelry or a fancy car
Well thts just something u would have to c for urself
Come b a part of this voyage me & u no one else
****** Cupid ur a muthafucka got me all tangled in my emotions sounding like a sucka 
But *** it I can't keep this feeling inside 
Got to lay it all out on the table -I got nothing hide 

Wht qualities make u boo -is my question to u 
I mean who r u really and wht r u into
It's like a riddle w/no answers a mystery w/no clue
And at the end of the day I'm gonna be me and ur gonna be you 

But all this information I just keep inside
And it is because of tht reason why I write this scribe 
To gain ur attention I have had many occasions
But when ur near it's like my mind go on vacation 
So with tht being said u keep me in amazement 
And until I build up my courage just consider this an INFATUATION 

                By: @mr_p3rs0nality
Babatunde Raimi Dec 2019
You want a make out
Without a ring on it
You call it attractive
I call it infactuation
They call it seductive spirit
They just want the pudding
Bunch of irresponsibles

This kind goeth not away
But by fasting and prayer
A generation of sadomasochists
Bunch of nymphonaniacs
Do I look like a loose ball?
Even if I wanted to play
"Shoe get size, 'mbok'"

Open your legs at your peril
When it's time to settle down
Men look beyond beauty
Character and intelligence tops the list
Even love is not enough
When he is ready to "ring it"
Don't say I didn't tell

When you advertise your wares
Frontally and from behind
You attract what you represent
Men don't like exposed wares
If you cover it very well
They will pay fire to posses it
Trust me, I speak from experience

Queens of the night
Their office opens at night
Adorned in skimpy gowns, no brassiere
Sometimes, with their nieces knickers
Exposing all exposables
You attract what you are
You get what you desire

Do you have a banging body
With seductive shape
All you get is a one night stand
No one wants to marry an empty barrel
Before you open your legs
Please, open your sense
Do you understand?

Before I drop my pen
Please repeat after me
Lord, Jesus, I come to you today
As my personal Lord and saviour
Deliver me from seductive spirit
That I might be made whole
Write my name in the book of life
Thank you for saving me. Amen!
nosipho Aug 2012
I watch you every time you enter my door,
I pretend not hear you, yes i choose to ignore.
Your perfume lingering in the air,
and your laughter swift by like wind in fall,
i would be lost in your presence, as you enter my door.

I do not capture you much in my mind,
my heart is well when you out of sight,
every time you enter my door,
i forget of all i forgot about you before,
then you steal a piece of me and it
floats with your smile, and
my hearts beats like a pendulum,
as if to live by your oxygen.

I think of long nights of tee-a-tete,
under the  moonlight sky,
then you walk  home,
locking our hands as we part.
O' what joy!
when you look at me...
i see the depths of the ocean,
clear and serene, engulfing me in your tranquility.

Such feebleness i cannot comprehend,
To hope that i can hold your hand and
yet not. To hope...

Every time you enter my door,
Void of my love for you,
I wonder , if my hopes will ever come true.
C A Mar 2012
My man
is made
of armor
pure and strong
his lips are sweet
as sugar cane
to them
I do belong
Z Atari Nov 2013
If your hair ever grows longer than mine
I'll braid it back and listen to you whine  
How everyone ***** and are all the same  
I'll tell you yeah it's pretty lame
Had you done alot of drugs some night I'd wait in the parking lot
Until someone came to pick you up
And if they don't  just ride my handlebars
If we crash we'll share some battle scars
laugh and brush it off like leaves from the porch in the fall  
And yeah I've let you become my main man  
So much taller and lean than I am
But you'll learn in time that I am mean and stealing your heart was part of my scheme
Just don't forget we are a team
love make me write alot worse
Kelly Landis Oct 2012
My palms open up, always.
As your fingers dance across,
and down, down in some kind of
fragmented ballet
sweeping up all I have left
to give to a boy
like you
I know how you are
You're the one
my mother warned me about
You're the
"I should of known better,
Should of learned,
Should of grown"
Everyone else is always right
But me,
I keep spinning the same circles,
until I'm completely dizzy with the thought
of such infactuation,
Always giving too much,
and receiving little to
nothing back
Your world could have been served
to you on a silver platter,
I would have came to you with
so much


"Too much love,"
as you would say.
I had never heard of such a thing,
until I met you.
Monique Dec 2016
Maybe I yearn for something outcast by individuals perspective or maybe I'm just selective.
Selective to be loved and caress in a way abandoned by this generation,
The lies, manipulation, infactuation, it all drives me to fraustration.
I want to be held like the darkness holds the sun to glisten it's beauty,
Held so my brokenness can repair as I cringe to the sensations of your love to my mentality instead of ******.
I lay fully covered while your heart strip me of insecurity and your hands massage the animosity.
The fire inside me ignites but your eyes and actions eases my soul,
You came into my life and made me feel whole.
You put light into me, attacked my demons, changed my pessimism on having feelings.
You hungered for a heart as intuitive and loving as mine,
And I craved for a romance and sincerity but I was so blind.
Your kiss derived me of my endless thoughts,
Your touch put a latch on my esteem,
Your love renew the empty soul that was lost.
You admired me like a work of art.
If only it was real and not a dream I tiresly wish upon,
The love I desire ,the absence made my heart fond.
Maybe I'm too passionate or maybe I need to grow up,
Maybe I was born in the wrong era for love.

mc Jun 2013
I'm tired of only being able to write
about love and heartache

I want to grow
and expand
and mature

I want to learn
about the world
and all that it holds

I want to be my own person
away from the infactuation
and obsession

I want
to be
m o r e
Kaitlyn Psa Jun 2016
One deep breath of you was all it took
One word uttered and I was yours
Your souless eyes took me by surprise
You were my worst addiction....
You took me in your hand and,
molded me with ease
I changed who I was
Becoming someone I did not want to be
You were kind and gentle at the start
It was a joyful infactuation
Until suddenly I crashed and started burning
You were my worst addiction.....
You dragged me across the rocks
Betraying me
Your loyal servant
It was a shock I did not forsee
I was a beautiful flower
Whos petals you took for your own
Leaving me naked and wounded
You were my worst addiction....
You were the monster
I feared would come and take me in the night
Until suddenly I found the will
To stand my ground and fight
I used strength to send you far away
So now you look for a new victim
You'll be there worst addiction.
There is no real rhythem or flow to this story for a purpose. I wanted to make it messy and blotchy in order to portray the discomfort and stress of the relationship displayed through this poem.
shåi Feb 2015
hazy sedated thoughts
trapped in a collapsing world
of overdosed reality

it all begins
as he bring the needle
he injects the happiest lies
to dull my heartaches pain

it runs like morphine
through me
im in a state of
uncontrollable infactuation

he has hurt me
so many times
but yet
i hardly knew it

i ache for it
forgetting the mere fatality
i hate him
for doing this to me

i can hardly see my own thoughts
addicted to the feeling
of the cloud of deceit brings

why does love have to be
so effortless
cause so much great pain?

i miss you
like the way
my dreams miss
being plagued of thought of you
LoveLy Aug 2015
How I feel for you.

My love for you was broken like the shattered mirror I drew on paper with my reflection was etched in its pieces. My love for you is hiding in the corner because my brain knows better than to let my heart back in my chest. My heart is the broken mirror as I draw on paper. My reflection girl who only wants to love when she can't even love herself.

How I feel for you.

My love for you it's like a beautiful meadow of roses yet I only get pricked by your thorns as I run through naively thinking the beauty of my love for you was two sided.

My love with....for you was only reciprocated when it fit you best because I loved you all the time. Every time we talked I let my heart creep back into my chest and let my brain take a break. Silly me? But you love me when you were alone when youneeded someone to be there for you and I have always been that person to be there for you. And I will always be the person who is here for you because I know my love is broken mirrors on paper and though my love is a meadow full of thorns, I know my love for you will always grow like the pretty buds at the top of the stem as it digs deeper into my skin, I know that in love with you I will always get to see a new reflection of me good or bad. Broken but whole.
My love for you warms and breaks my heart and I would go through it a thousand times just see your smile just to be there for you when you needed me just save you from being LONELY.BECAUSE I love you And for  me right now the hope you may be loving me back is enough to get me through the hellish day is all I need.

One day someone will love me the same. Someone will have a love for me so strong so influenced by infactuation and the time spent together but for I will notice because iknow that struggle and for you I'll be gone....
Allan Mzyece Oct 2018
Young age desperation's
leading to exploitation
and wild life experimentation!
Too much infactuation!
Stop lying to the immature innocent ladies!
Sleepwalker Jan 2018
A lonely field with only a tree,
How peaceful could it be?
Stood alone with only the wind,
Then lonely thoughts could be pinned-

The rustle of the leaves,
Hearing everything around you breathe,
Watching the white spread across the grass,
Waiting for another sad lonely winter to pass,

The crunch of a footstep in the snow,
Just waiting for your time to glow;
So close to that feeling of relaxation,
Of the comfort we seek in infactuation.
Silence Screamz Nov 2024
What was that?

Was it...

Compl­aints of misinformation,
Fever from inoculations,
Bully pulpit installations,
Social media revelations,
Orange crush situations,
Closed minded stagnation,
Radical simulations,
or that crazy armed insurrection.

It might be
a division of the population

Then it could be a

an exuberation,
an inauguration?

Complaints of tempation,
Riveted attempts of execution,
Attacks of verbal accusations,
Wall Street inflation,
Crossing the border examinations,
A presidental hibernation,
Constant constipation
or divisive communication?

In the end it was just
a very confused and crossed
democratic election!!!
Chris Hollermann Jun 2011
I can't percisely place wehn I fell in love.
                    I suppose it's rarely that clear when like moves to infactuation moves to love, but
it happened.

I had anticipated a prince, I was conditioned to a frog, and I got a lifeline
                                                        ­                                a reason to wake each morning.
                         A reason to work through the difficult days and the lose-lose fights.
             For you
                        It's give and take.
                                  We bring out the best in one another,
   But you aren't exactly what everyone had picked out for me.
                Perhaps these things truly can't be picked,
                                          It's more of a stumble,
                                                        ­                                             without anticipation
     I don't need a ring to say I'm devoted to  you, devoted for always

                                            Until death do us part.

You make me better than I was the day before
                                  I'm in love with all you offer and all you inspire me to be.

It's 22 years this winter.

                 So far it's been one hell of a ride - here's to fifty more my lovely

Babatunde Raimi Jan 2020
You see that feeling
When we are together
It never goes away
You see the way i look at you
Each time you smile
It makes me feel alright

I tried always to get closer
That I became a monitoring spirit
Checking your whatsapp status makes me high
And i know you know it
I just can't say the words
Just because i am Lady

Just that you know
Until you pick my green light
In my mind, we are already dating
My heart yearns for yours
Why are men so blind!
Truth, I'll live and die for you

You are my only temptation
Now, I am more confused than ever
Your kind, with all that intellectual compostion
And a matching physicality
Very rare to find I tell you
But when I finally find one,
It's a very big "Yes" for me

With my beautiful eyes
I already undressed you
Call it lust or infactuation
But "Na from clap dem dey enter dance"
Like this, many found their soulmates
And changed the narratives
"Sistos", if you like him, say "Hi"

Right now, i am in a prison of your creation
And i do really love the feelings
If I were still in the world
I would have shot a straight bullet
I can't wait no more Sugar
Please come to Mama
Because In me also, is your addiction

— The End —