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Benji James Dec 2018
So many elements
Make up this man
Let me open up
Show all that I am
Take a little insecurity
Fill these eyes with some tears
Take a little fear
Sew them into this skin
If I'm gonna show it all
I need to let you see everything

Open up this heart
Cut it in half
Let all the love bleed out
Just so they have no doubt
All I've got is yours too hold
Take these hands filled with hope
Come inside my mind
Where you'll see all these
Dreams on display
Sometimes this Imagination
Runs away

There is passion
There is inspiration
There is motivation
There is faith
Stitched into the fabric of my being
Strength and hope, open your eyes
And you will see
All these things make up you and me

Sprinkle some hurt
To fill the drive
There's a little hate hidden inside
Kept in the dark corners of our mind
But I choose love, that is where I side
Opinions could fly out from these lips
But that would be counterproductive
I'm just trying to be me
The best I can be
I'm just trying to see
A world in which I can exist
And be proud of all I've accomplished.

Take a little anxiety
A pinch of crazy
Pour a little jealousy
Over me
All these little things
With some humanization
That adds up to this creation
I'll walk this world
Arms wide open
You'll see every inch of me
Nothing to hide
No disguise
No agenda in my eyes

There is passion
There is inspiration
There is motivation
There is faith
Stitched into the fabric of my being
Strength and hope, open your eyes
And you will see
All these things make up you and me.

Sprinkle some hurt
To fill the drive
There's a little hate hidden inside
Kept in the dark corners of our mind
But I choose love, that is where I side
Opinions could fly out from these lips
But that would be counterproductive
I'm just trying to be me
The best I can be
I'm just trying to see
A world in which I can exist
And be proud of all I've accomplished.

Take a little self-control
Inject some humour into my soul
Drink down some bravery
Fill my warrior spirit
through a dance
Filled with fire
Fill these eyes with starlit skies
Feel power building inside
A determination to be great
Finding a way to new heights
Through freedom, Through flight
This is so raw, This is so real
You're inheriting all that I feel.

There is passion
There is inspiration
There is motivation
There is faith
Stitched into the fabric of my being
Strength and hope, open your eyes
And you will see
All these things make up you and me.

Sprinkle some hurt
To fill the drive
There's a little hate hidden inside
Kept in the dark corners of our mind
But I choose love, that is where I side
Opinions could fly out from these lips
But that would be counterproductive
I'm just trying to be me
The best I can be
I'm just trying to see
A world in which I can exist
And be proud of all I've accomplished.

Honesty soaks into my skin
Revealing truths
Layed out before your sights
And it comes as no surprise
All of these acts that take the stage
Are giving there all
No time for questioning
No time for dismay
Only came to display all it is they can be
With each opportunity that came there way
With belief in their talents shown
Audiences left with their minds blown

There is passion
There is inspiration
There is motivation
There is faith
Stitched into the fabric of my being
Strength and hope, open your eyes
And you will see
All these things make up you and me

Sprinkle some hurt
To fill the drive
There's a little hate hidden inside
Kept in the dark corners of our mind
But I choose love, that is where I side
Opinions could fly out from these lips
But that would be counterproductive
I'm just trying to be me
The best I can be
I'm just trying to see
A world in which I can exist
And be proud of all I've accomplished.

©2018 Written By Benji James
Ochiogu Kevin Feb 2010
Medical preys;
unwanted grasses
on female pasture;
yet over determined to exist.

to pleasurable sins

by we who bekoned them.
To save faces

and intergrity;
To erase footprints
and outcome of our sins.
but you never cease to surface,
at any ****** call;

Never afraid of the death
nor the murderous act.
Brave unborn souls,
sacrificial lambs
of human immorality,
''cleansing off our sins''.
Yet answerable
to any ****** call
wishing it sinless
by matrimony.
Beauty of a marital love,
essence of a matrimonial
of all innocents,
One with God!,

Wisdom of the ancient!
The first measures
of purity.
But; where goes
the astral wisdoms
after the humanization?
where you compelled
to be born,
revoltless of the ******
of your unborn kind?
was it karmic purposed?
Creep Dec 2014
What I'm feeling right now?
I hope I never forget what it feels like,
or better yet,
I hope I don't ever have to feel anything else.

For if I forget what it feels like,
I don't think I can ever love again,
and be
the miracle (of joey ramone)
by u2

(another one to j)
haha sorry j! I'm a poetess, if you're gonna make me feel this way, expect lots and lots of poetry dedicated to you!
galen treger Mar 2010
is it faith or is it life?
is the humanization of god in correlation with my loved ones who watch over me?
is it weird that i believe nanny and poppy and grandpop watch over me but i cant grasp the conceptualization of god?
maybe because it is confirmed that they are concrete beings whom i loved, and loved me.
is that a different believed concept?
when something is bad that is reality.
when something is good, someone is watching out for me.
it is said that god watches over us, protects us, forgives us, and comforts us.
that is what our parents do. and they are concrete beings.
that is also what i have always believed nanny to do.
i always think she is with me. poppy and grandpop too.
like the guy at subway with the stamp
that was poppy.
he always had random little things when anyone needed them.
like pocket tissues in his back pocket or lifesaver breath mints in his shirt pocket, next to a pen.
or when things work out in really good timing. irony.
when i need to be strong, honest, and self abiding,
thats grandpop.
he taught me to be strong willed and that life is what you make it
and all of the things on this earth that are beautiful,
is nanny.
every bit of warmth i feel on my body from the sun
every breeze that doesn’t give me a chill
every perfect summer night with every perfect summer sky
every sip of red wine and every handful of m&ms;
all of these people raised my mom.
so she is here. in their form.
carrying on their traditions and their ways
that must be the circle of life.
Ryan V Jul 2019
It is no blasphemy just a rhapsody, a rap cd, Arab study. Just have some empathy and connect with me please so we can start to understand our fellow man cuz the jurys out so put the judge in the chambers and take the time to get to know your  neighbors  and maybe you’ll find we all are one kind
Correctly speaking...

We do not call an animal "it".

We do not call a baby "it".

We do not call he or she "it."

We do not call ourselves "it."

And what is most strangely odd to me, is that...
"correctly" speaking:

We do not call [G/g]od "it".


We call [G/god] "he".


When we absolutely know what "he" means in the English language;
it means that the object being represented by the word is in fact, a male.

But even to call [G/god] "she" would not satisfy the feminist in me.
For "she" would refer to [G/god] as a female, of course.

How are we to identify someone or something to contain a *** and gender,
when we have no evidence or implications whatsoever of this speculation?

The Bible states He, His, and Him, repeatedly, no doubt,
but this lack of reference was the only known outlet to Scribes.

The capitalization [G], as to give [G/god] a name -- humanization & personalization,
but this is more of a veil to shield our own humane needs,
because in observation, it appears that this given Name
was given to help our immediate understanding of the subject;
an identifier.

Of course, everything should have an identity;
that is what a noun is, after all.

If it has a voice, and words, and advice,
it must be a person.. We say.
If it can teach and listen and punish,
it must be a species, a being.

Well, indeed, it is. But not in the way you and I  
normally think of this notion.

And should [G/god] be a proper noun? Well, of course..
It is almighty!
(Notice the "it".)

So, God.

Just like other proper nouns, it is the name of a name within a name.
Ocelot, for example, is a cat within the noun "cat".


God stands alone... It is no noun within a noun.

Or is IT?

"God is a chariot" -- stated many places. "He flows throughout all, within all."
(There's that "he" again..)

It is true! God is a chariot!
God is in me, and in you;
it is in everything;
it makes everything;
it breaks everything;
it is.

You are,
for it flows in you and is a part of you.
And if you exude this piece of your soul,
it will be obvious that God is no he, nor a she,
but it is something inside, waiting to be shown.

It is something to be seen physically-- through action and care--through art and stare.
Anything imaginable, God is in it,
which if I look back at this text and think correctly, you are in it.

You are everything,
because you are a part of everything,
because you ARE God;
You are the creator of your world,
and the eyes of how you see it;
As am I.
So start acting like it,
because everything is an extension of your inner-self.

This is a thing that should not be looked over,
and should not be considered above you,
although it is a higher power,
it is a power within you, that you can achieve.
Nothing worth achieving is low;
you must rise up.

Be godly.
Often unnoticed the teenagers gathered
aimlessly sitting or roaming.
With cans of drink and mobile phones
few problems as numbers rise!
Their lives dwindling on the benches
creating their own urban trenches.

Out of control in the attitudes to the world
brought up to have it on a plate!
The latest technology and clothes on tap
is the centre of their lives.
Until now as the economy is in a mess
but luxuries they still caress!

Adults today afraid to reprimand them
as the kids know their rights!
Everyone scared to help them in anyway
because of child protection laws!
And possibly of assault or verbal abuse
ways must be found for a truce.

The young are sitting in towns and cities
what are they thinking today?
Is it only boredom and agitation they feel
thinking their misunderstood?
Drawn into the seedy side of a civilisation
that has lost its humanization!

Gangs running amok with their own rules
thinking the police are fools!
Rumblings of unilateral dissatisfaction
a risk of a fatal reaction!

The Foureyed Poet.
Notices how the young gather around our towns and cities. What are they thinking? The Foureyed Poet.
brokenperfection Nov 2014
quantum physicians may not be able to write out an equation
showing proof of our bond,
but the ties that bind reach across the galaxies and beyond
and biology professors at the ivy league schools may not
be able to explain why my heart thrums faster when I think
about you, but my pulse is yours and I guarantee I can feel
you in every measurable thing that I do
it's funny... multiple dimensions couldn't even keep us apart,
and my body has been frayed and fuzzy since I left you--
from the start
of this journey toward self-realization and humanization
but the one thing that no one can deny is that time exists  
a watch is not a thing to keep time;
a watch is proof of the seconds before and now and after
and it certainly isn't ours to keep
but we could borrow some and place our fate in the
hands of that fragile wristband and call it an
insurmountable thing
I would venture to say
that we could call it love,
we can call it you and me
and science cannot create nor destroy us
gotta watch it 100 more times
Yenson Sep 2019
The fraud bourgeoisie
mobsters and hoods contract
chiller cinema screening terror vision
gutter psychology of the henchmen dopes
presenting the locusts and ants thriller invasion

the throngs underfed
issuing permits and warrants
reprobates, thugs and con-artists do apply
at the Bastille on the Victorian embankment
bring your disorders of crimson and singe the blues

The zen mentalist of Zenda dribbles rut
the guillotine feeders sharpen dirges blades
pale cowards party in full swing and checks abound
call the pirates of red sea and the mob to share the spoils
no coronation for a sun king a jealous mandate thus declared

the pepper-less hordes of lames
find El Dorado in a mirage in lies of bandits
Scipio Africanus in great and graceful throes incarnate
made thousands ploys and cuts anthems of craven imbeciles
wayward profligates who mired their obsolesces in parable David  

And he stood a Colossus edified
braving contract of thieves, ghouls, thugs and recreants
apostates of truths, corrupters of the just pilgrims' progress
burn in shame, reveling in asinine boast of personal fallibility
requiem for dregs, requiem for the humanization of the toxic heathens
CJ Sutherland Oct 2023
Higher education a privilege not a right
Financially universities are out of sight
Choose A college, not cloaked in hypocrisy.
The one you can afford is mediocrity
Most try hard to resist Temptation’s sin
However eventually they just want to fit in
A feeble experiment, try something new
College students surrender without a clue
Not quite full grown , a woman or man
They do what they want because they can
Transitioning into, anything, something
They are on a quest to stand out, to shine
Their Grand Adventure to seek, to find
Escaping the rat race, a struggle , The grind
Considering all possibilities what is best
Experiencing the excitement of life’s zest
Contemplating who and what to become
A leader or A follower, success for some

They are Young , gullible, ignorant trusting
Naïve, Unsophisticated , easily deceived
It doesn’t matter if what they are told
Ridiculously implausible Is NOT true.
It’s something For them to believe in
It’s something they need to hang onto,
They drank the College Kool-Aid
Step One

Newbies, full of dreams, leave for college,
Young adults ,barely retaining knowledge
When They come home for thanksgiving.
In a crazed haze, moral confusion, Ensue
Erasing their history, they once  knew.
volatile temper, They jump to conclusion.
Their past reduced to just an allusion,
Monumentally,This is the very first time
They are allowed to have , Boisterous  
opinions of Worth and make it plausible.
Their thoughts, glimpses of intelligence.
A New Affirmation of personal dominion
Acknowledge Pronouns, how they Identify
Parents must; be content, conform, comply
Specifically, Never question, or ask why
College Kool-Aid
Step Two

Ready to argue , On every point
they sneak off to smoke a joint
College Kool-Aid
Step Three

Repeatedly They are taught ,Every parent
has filled their head with a million lies,
and their generation is much more wise
College Kool-Aid
Step Four

Indoctrination overtime Many discussions
Unfold Laced with Drugs, beer and wine.
They were taught to believe what they knew, as they grew,  twice told tales lies,
Which made disillusioned Parents sigh.
Absent minded they started to drink.
Consciously they never stop to think
College Kool-Aid
Step Five

Their tribe no longer Included; family,
Sister and brother, father and mother
Yes even Nana and Papa were deluded
Generations, traditions all up rooted
Drink longer and Stronger
College kool-Aid
Step Six

Taught to Destroy the entire world
Once held high ,our flag unfurled
The American flag now burning
Patriotism, A relic from the past, turning
Historical statues dismantled, pulled down
Americans look around, our foundation
The Rubble, pieces, broken on the ground
What made America special , not found
A College Marxist generation now enlisted.
The young and old, morality, sold twisted
Uncontrolled they no longer can be told.
The fruits of College Kool-Aid
Step Seven

Deception , humanization , foundation laid
Bourgeoisie hidden lurking in the shade
Powers that be ,One World Order parade
College staff, every teachers too, mixed
their evil brew, served, what they made
College Kool-Aid
Step Eight

mind bending manipulators Deployed
All means possible ,Our country destroyed
the Long term effects, fruits of Kool-Aid
America reimagined, A coo  from within
Attack on every front, Revolution begins
They don’t care what, they don’t care why
Contrived motives by the great divides
Parent and child on opposite sides
Our children are now walking away
from their family they once knew.
Those That nurtured and gave love too.
Master control takes hold, kitchen Bare
Congratulations!, Graduated, unaware
Receiving their diploma with a blank stare.
College kool-Aid
Step Nine

Brimming with anger, hatred, deep inside
Gross distain ,They don’t try to hide.
USE their Parents for a Financial ride
for their College Education with pride
Bewildered Parents don’t want to believe
Their youth would practice to deceive
Deception, achieved, Illusion never fade
College Kool-Aid
Step Ten

No more nonsense and No more pretend
Our Traditional education Now at an end
leads to communist Marxist, emancipation,
Marching, Molotov cocktails in the street
Mostly peaceful protest, burning the elite
Generations, bewitched , never knowing
Depravity showing , Take over growing
Illegal immigrants, parents cannot defeat
Inevitably America flounders, at the Brink
Eventually everyone will drink, once made
College Kool-Aid

Morally gone, zombies, walking dead
Education formed what is in their head
Decision time, Take the Red pill or the Blue
Really that’s all they’re taught to do

Easier to Control when empathy is gone. Honestly, How do We Combat this war?
How do We reason with our children
with 1 foot out the door. The erosion of
Families , Morality ***, Marriage, racism,
Transgender ,M/F , giving/killing Birth
Everything is controversy on this Earth.

Relax borders open we’re going for a ride
United States Civil War, treason, spies
Hear the battle cry, How many will die?
Defending America’s right to be free
We are At the precipice, On bended knee
By design ,by those who hide in the shade

well played
After all,
they MADE
the Kool-Aid
This is an example of an epic poem .
As a  college Educator and a college student I see things from both perspectives.! Watching the young adults I know navigate I experienced this firsthand. To hell in a handbasket
American, Or land .10/23
CJ Sutherland Dec 2023
This generation has taught
us new words:
cultural creation,
social justice
Racial injustice
trigger warnings
safe, space
identity politics
cancel culture
white privilege
Black power
culture appropriations
Anti fada
From the mountains to the sea
Exterminate genocide

Have you noticed
things come in
catastrophic waves
something new
risers up, crashing down
like A tsunami
that Slowly dissipates.
******, death, ****,
time to reflect, understand
What it really means
remains to be seen
Then the quiet before
the storm until, the next thing
Something wicked, this Way comes.

What is society preparing us for?
Is it’s by design? If so, whose design?
No doubt, we will have more
slang phrases to follow
It seems as if we were to be kept distracted, so we don’t see what’s going on behind the scenes. If we’re fighting with each other, we can’t see or focus on what the rest of the world is doing. We need to wake up we need to understand, nefarious people want to steal our land.
Dear SafeLink Customer,
(one of the many recipients includes me).

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) announced that the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) is ending, and April 2024 will be the last fully funded month for your benefits if Congress does not provide additional funding.

All ACP customers on all service providers will be affected but we have made it our highest priority to keep you connected. Even if Congress does not provide additional ACP funding after April, and the FCC only authorizes a partial funding in May, SafeLink will fully fund your ACP benefits through May 31st, 2024. This will give Congress more time to fund this program without impacting you.

Aforementioned bulletin elicited following:

SAFELINK TracFone synonymous...

not only as my lifeline,
and connectivity insurance
with family, friends and strangers,
whereby yours truly
experiences virtual safety net
as would be true
for many purple people eaters,
when havoc unexpectedly strikes
triggering an emergency situation,
where life and death

as very uncomfortable truth
teeter in the balance
necessitate immediate intervention,
hence survival
of one mediocre bipedal hominid
within twenty first century,
not only requires
allocated government funding
for unlimited talk and text,
to brook intervention

allowing, enabling, and providing help
while I channel urgent plea
via telephonic wireless portal
or surfing the cyber sea
if in need of an
up to date telephone number
until that one day in the near future,
when logical integrated circuits,
albeit miniscule or near invisible bots
to the naked eye,
of the foreign tiger

said telecommunication trappings
ideally, easily, and admirably
embedded within body electric
batteries not necessary
when capacity to energize lovely bones
emulates, jump/kickstarts,
and powers an uninterrupted
self sustaining feedback loop
courtesy subcutaneous
nearly microscopic solar cells

(similar in principle
to intrauterine devices)
generates ample electricity
with resistance from subjects
to communicate wirelessly,
which means every waking
and sleeping movement
grudgingly monitored,
thus surreptitious antics
possibly flagged for:

accusation of plagiarization,
barbarization of mine mien,
cannibalization of pet peeves,
demonization of politicization,
elation of short lived beneficence,
fictionalization of embedded chip insertion,
glorification qua state of art communication,
humanization of artificial intelligence,
idolization of electronic engineering,
jollification of electrons.

adieu from:
matthew scott harris

— The End —