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Nat Lipstadt Sep 2019
Hosannah (Mombo from Missoura)


Hosannah (Hebrew): an exclamation of joy, adoration

who says Hosannah anymore, I think, recalling
a question reversed,^ one, long ago, that she sent to me,
the answer comes, a puddle splashing grandmother,
Mombo from Missoura

a what?

doesn’t matter

Periodic perusals of the small fine poems here, jewels lost in the kerfuffle,
At once, a signet ringing word jumps into my historical consciousness,
That little place, where the childhood was puzzled, but purified, remembering
That little boy, in synagogue, lost amid a congregation chanting
             Hosannah! to
Yahweh, ghost god, user of intermediaries-whisperers,

Mombo from Missoura (today’s guest voice)

selected by greater forces to make him recall the unity of many voices

his squeaking tone, found among that pure noise
that went to god’s heart direct

exclaiming in joy, adoration of
a majesty unfound on Earth,
sealed with a Selah,
crowned with Hallelujah

that god who never, incapable of forgetting,
still chats with him, that boy, now a boy~poppy,
from time to time,
recalling when together,
they too, puddle jumped,
looking for oil drop rainbow spots
so they could unison shout out loud

Hosannah! A rainbow on Earth

Sabbath Sept. 14, 2019

^ ”who writes poems like this?”
did you think that a poem would not be forthcoming,
Terrifying are the attent sleek thrushes on the lawn,
More coiled steel than living - a poised
Dark deadly eye, those delicate legs
Triggered to stirrings beyond sense - with a start, a bounce,
a stab
Overtake the instant and drag out some writhing thing.
No indolent procrastinations and no yawning states,
No sighs or head-scratchings. Nothing but bounce and stab
And a ravening second.

Is it their single-mind-sized skulls, or a trained
Body, or genius, or a nestful of brats
Gives their days this bullet and automatic
Purpose? Mozart's brain had it, and the shark's mouth
That hungers down the blood-smell even to a leak of its own
Side and devouring of itself: efficiency which
Strikes too streamlined for any doubt to pluck at it
Or obstruction deflect.

With a man it is otherwise. Heroisms on horseback,
Outstripping his desk-diary at a broad desk,
Carving at a tiny ivory ornament
For years: his act worships itself - while for him,
Though he bends to be blent in the prayer, how loud and
above what
Furious spaces of fire do the distracting devils
**** and hosannah, under what wilderness
Of black silent waters weep.
onlylovepoetry Oct 2019
“My love to thee is sound, sans crack or flaw”

Love’s Labor Lost Act V: Scene. Shakespeare
(Hosannah: an exclamation of joy, adoration )


you force-return me to this excerpted, exceptional phrase,
recovered from a prior dialaogos tween myself & the Lord above,^
an original gift from Him to William, and now you, to us, together

though these conversations, soft but hard unyieldingly,
with each verse a play in the J'accuse game,
games theory states, we are not evenly matched,
the outcome noisy, but generally predictable

the cracked light made famous by a departed muse,
who robbed proudly from *****, passing it on to
a millennium of generations, we honor this transference, by

letting us exclaim: Hosannah!

this silence of love is flawless
no interfering words necessary deemed,
sound without sound, no entry crack visible,
a great plain, a continental ocean, no horizon given,
this then the perfect diamond of humankind,
the glance cross a room, the grazing ******* upon a cheek,
the succinct serenity of perfect, this I grant you


Nelize Dec 2016
I searched for God in the sounds of the seas
oscillating butterfly wings
clinging of communion wine glasses
page after page after page in libraries
children laughing
ghastly howls of tornadoes
calls of wild birds

I listened to the rumbling of my inner wars,
I did not hear Adonai's voice there
until I opened the Bible ...

I heard Job loudly grieving his colossal losses
Jonah's boat crushed in a sea creature's mouth
crusty sound of Lot turning into stone
Samson pulling pillars apart
Daniel whimpering among surrounding lion growls
cries of women and children killed
blood dripping from the sword that beheaded John
whiplash echoes, soldiers spitting on Jesus
the rooster's third cry.. then Peter's cry
coins rattling in Judas' pocket
Mary mourning her son's death
warm dry winds blowing in 40 years of desert wastelands

and then I heard

the burning bush and Moses taking off his sandals
roaring thunders turn into calm waters
David singing palms
clapping dove wings, ascending down on Jesus
waters and rejoicing of baptised folks
waving palm leaves and announces "Hosannah!"
the pounding feet of a lame man now leaping
breaking of bread at the feast of the Table
rolling away of the Jesus' tomb stone

and then I know what I will hear one day...
well  done  my  good  and  faithful  servant
until­ then...
be  still  and  know  that  I  am  *God
Mateuš Conrad Jan 2017
home-made wine can sometimes resemble
hoegaarden beer...
   and every time i drink it... i fool myself
into thinking that there's no Dionysian
song at the end of the bottle...
                    and there isn't any laughter,
well... i soon drift into my daydream:
to speak the same broken german as my
father speaks his broken english...
       mein gott... when will my spirit return
to its resting place?
before the flight, i've stocked up on all
  the current, old matters...
                    for example i approach
heidegger's ponderings ii - vi with the following
statement... θoυτ - da... die μενς -
      thought: it's non-sense... preposition that
differently, groß bitte!
      thought is a non-sense... the hyphen is
there for a reason... nonsense ≠ non-sense...
     i mean, like the notion of soul being extinct
these days, i find thought to be as hard to
find as the soul...
          but it's already 1 in the afternoon,
and the maxim: gentlemen only drink in the afternoon
rings true...
     i can't find thought with my senses...
i can't see it, i can't hear it (although i once claimed
to have heard it), i can't touch it,
      all the pentagram magic incantations
don't seem to work...
          thought... is it really a case of the ought i?
you look at the language of the ponderings ii - vi
and you have to come to the conclusion
that thought is the prime non-sense -
          way way beyond the concept of soul -
i just mean to address
  this phenomenon-noumenon -
                   well, given our track record at not
really creating a fairy tale of this world...
             once more: it's not a case of this being nonsense,
this is but an extension of a non-sense -
       this doesn't prove i think, i never know why
writing something proves that i'm thinking -
   great, bravo, bring on more diatribe...
although non-verbal... purely non-sensual...
    because if i use a certain word that doesn't
appeal to you: i simply prove your heart exists...
   i don't prove the idea of you thinking,
       if i use certain words, i prove your heart
exists, i can't prove that you reason with the words,
because such words come from my
perspective... and as elitist as this might sound:
i didn't use jane eyre as a wedge for my door...
    i just didn't spend too much time on a youtube
channel... i felt the need to do a Beethoven...
    never really knowing whether this words would
be read by a saxophone, violin or trombone...
   or perhaps a ******* clarinet! or sung as:
hosannah! by a castrato... and when the other
eunuchs of other cultures watched a lot of *****
in harems, the post-roman eunuchs were told to sing!
hence the hyphen, in non-sense as in not nonsense
(read Beckett's Watt, same logic),
   the same hyphen used in: samo-gwałt -
now, would the real haberdasher please throw in
another accent...
          (for some reason i always thought
that meant: throwing pebbles onto the road
for grit)
                                 ... haber is certainly not
etymologically german... haben on the other hand is...
   beautiful word that, samogwałt -
ref. lying about your libido...
                      we are never really born with
such a libido as to be perfectly synchronised with
the opposite ***...
                there i go, talking about demonic
         because samogwałt means *******,
and to be less confusing, also known as self-****...
the literal translation of the word samo-gwałt
is samo- / self-           -gwałt / -****...
                 but thankfully i don't have the excuse to
use this against someone in my vicinity...
      lucky for me, the Japanese have a vivid
imagination, e.g. Urotsukidōji -
or as i remember it typed into a search engine:
japanese, manga, **** demon /
     japanisch, manga, rhubarb (raub, raps?) dämon.
but only in the context of having read
Beckett's Watt, or heidegger's ii - vi...
   thought, the first proposed non-sense -
      and if the brain could even comprehend
thinking (and not doing the automaton dance
of shooting neurons)... it would simply reply
with a headache...
                                  the brain can't comprehend
thought, given it's perfect penta symmetry
and harmony with the body...
   thought for the brain translates as a headache...
and who said: that we aren't really
standing outside our bodies? if not our own
in a voyeuristic manner... then at least hovering
over others in a narrative manner...
     god forbid in a zeitgeist manner of politics...
    that means ruling the human surf.

Tandis que les crachats rouges de la mitraille
Sifflent tout le jour par l'infini du ciel bleu ;
Qu'écarlates ou verts, près du Roi qui les raille,
Croulent les bataillons en masse dans le feu ;

Tandis qu'une folie épouvantable broie
Et fait de cent milliers d'hommes un tas fumant ;
- Pauvres morts ! dans l'été, dans l'herbe, dans ta joie,
Nature ! ô toi qui fis ces hommes saintement !...

- Il est un Dieu, qui rit aux nappes damassées
Des autels, à l'encens, aux grands calices d'or ;
Qui dans le bercement des hosannah s'endort,

Et se réveille, quand des mères, ramassées
Dans l'angoisse, et pleurant sous leur vieux bonnet noir,
Lui donnent un gros sou lié dans leur mouchoir !
Dave Robertson Jul 2020
Little feet buckled up
in scuffed Clarks,
we ambled down hill

Below, the valley
coloured toasted wheat
smelled of forever

The school hall,
everyday familiar
for singing hosannah
became exotic, foreign

Different games played
and illicit sherbet
in cardboard tubes
to be chewed to a pulp
in carefree mouths

All the term rules fell,
and stayed away
til the apple trees called time
Mateuš Conrad Mar 2017
such is the idea of spreschen...
   that drummer from
the corrs's?
             that drummer *****?
   just reminds me of the year 1998...
and had i the resources to allow
her to reciprocate my "ambitions"...
i'd **** her so hard as to silence
   the bell-tower of westminster;
dog talk... huh?! keeping a tidy and
clean vocab will not make people
behave in the way you might
      consider mirror-image of the
use of words (in counter, via some
morbid staging of etiquette standards
left "in expectation")...
                   i'll talk *****, you do *****;
everyone happy?
                good... come the next genocide;
then i'll be in the choir of castratos:
gloria!         glo-ria!        hosannah in the ebb!
you can't but be sarcastic with these
Parmi l'obscur champ de bataille

Rôdant sans bruit sous le ciel noir

Les loups obliques font ripaille

Et c'est plaisir que de les voir,

Agiles, les yeux verts, aux pattes

Souples sur les cadavres mous,

- Gueules vastes et têtes plates -

Joyeux, hérisser leurs poils roux.

Un rauquement rien moins que tendre

Accompagne les dents mâchant

Et c'est plaisir que de l'entendre,

Cet hosannah vil et méchant.

- « Chair entaillée et sang qui coule

Les héros ont du bon vraiment.

La faim repue et la soif soûle

Leur doivent bien ce compliment.

« Mais aussi, soit dit sans reproche,

Combien de peines et de pas

Nous a coûtés leur seule approche,

On ne l'imaginerait pas.

« Dès que, sans pitié ni relâches,

Sonnèrent leurs pas fanfarons

Nos cœurs de fauves et de lâches,

À la fois gourmands et poltrons,

« Pressentant la guerre et la proie

Pour maintes nuits et pour maints jours

Battirent de crainte et de joie

À l'unisson de leurs tambours.

« Quand ils apparurent ensuite

Tout étincelants de métal,

Oh, quelle peur et quelle fuite

Vers la femelle, au bois natal !

« Ils allaient fiers, les jeunes hommes,

Calmes sous leur drapeau flottant,

Et plus forts que nous ne le sommes

Ils avaient l'air très doux pourtant.

« Le fer terrible de leurs glaives

Luisait moins encor que leurs yeux

Où la candeur d'augustes rêves

Éclatait en regards joyeux.

« Leurs cheveux que le vent fouette

Sous leurs casques battaient, pareils

Aux ailes de quelque mouette,

Pâles avec des tons vermeils.

« Ils chantaient des choses hautaines !

Ça parlait de libres combats,

D'amour, de brisements de chaînes

Et de mauvais dieux mis à bas. -

« Ils passèrent. Quand leur cohorte

Ne fut plus là-bas qu'un point bleu,

Nous nous arrangeâmes en sorte

De les suivre en nous risquant peu.

« Longtemps, longtemps rasant la terre,

Discrets, **** derrière eux, tandis

Qu'ils allaient au pas militaire,

Nous marchâmes par rangs de dix,

« Passant les fleuves à la nage

Quand ils avaient rompu les ponts

Quelques herbes pour tout carnage,

N'avançant que par faibles bonds,

« Perdant à tout moment haleine...

Enfin une nuit ces démons

Campèrent au fond d'une plaine

Entre des forêts et des monts.

« Là nous les guettâmes à l'aise,

Car ils dormaient pour la plupart.

Nos yeux pareils à de la braise

Brillaient autour de leur rempart,

« Et le bruit sec de nos dents blanches

Qu'attendaient des festins si beaux

Faisaient cliqueter dans les branches

Le bec avide des corbeaux.

« L'aurore éclate. Une fanfare

Épouvantable met sur pied

La troupe entière qui s'effare.

Chacun s'équipe comme il sied.

« Derrière les hautes futaies

Nous nous sommes dissimulés

Tandis que les prochaines haies

Cachent les corbeaux affolés.

« Le soleil qui monte commence

À brûler. La terre a frémi.

Soudain une clameur immense

A retenti. C'est l'ennemi !

« C'est lui, c'est lui ! Le sol résonne

Sous les pas durs des conquérants.

Les polémarques en personne

Vont et viennent le long des rangs.

« Et les lances et les épées

Parmi les plis des étendards

Flambent entre les échappées

De lumières et de brouillards.

« Sur ce, dans ses courroux épiques

La jeune bande s'avança,

Gaie et sereine sous les piques,

Et la bataille commença.

« Ah, ce fut une chaude affaire :

Cris confus, choc d'armes, le tout

Pendant une journée entière

Sous l'ardeur rouge d'un ciel d'août.

« Le soir. - Silence et calme. À peine

Un vague moribond tardif

Crachant sa douleur et sa haine

Dans un hoquet définitif ;

« À peine, au lointain gris, le triste

Appel d'un clairon égaré.

Le couchant d'or et d'améthyste

S'éteint et brunit par degré.

« La nuit tombe. Voici la lune !

Elle cache et montre à moitié

Sa face hypocrite comme une

Complice feignant la pitié.

« Nous autres qu'un tel souci laisse

Et laissera toujours très cois,

Nous n'avons pas cette faiblesse,

Car la faim nous chasse du bois,

« Et nous avons de quoi repaître

Cet impérial appétit,

Le champ de bataille sans maître

N'étant ni vide ni petit.

« Or, sans plus perdre en phrases vaines

Dont quelque sot serait jaloux

Cette heure de grasses aubaines,

Buvons et mangeons, nous, les Loups ! »
Having finally climbed the ziggurat
Known as Bank of America
I was able to order checks.

Not the ones I wanted - oh no -
Somehow ‘they’ wouldn’t let me.
‘They’ being a recorded voice
That said I’m allowed four digits.

But my checks always need five
You cannot order those online -
You somehow have to phone it in.
So, resigned to this, I called.

After clicking one through five
Another robot lady’s voice
Then told me I can order those
By only going back on line.

I tried this several different ways.
It always ended up the same.
No matter which I tried they told me
I had to use the other way.

At painful length I gave it up
And ordered checks with just four numbers,
Starting at quadruple seven
So I can tell them from the rest.

Yesterday my order came
I opened it and felt despair
The checks were not the size I’m used to
And useless to me in my work.

Back to the phone’s robotic voice
To stumble on a lucky click
And get Patricia on the line -
A person who could help me out.

Telling her my tale of sorrow,
She promised to replace the checks
With ones in the requested size.
Then as a bonus offered me

Checks that count up in five digits,
Starting where my last ones stopped.
Oh Hosannah in the Highest -
Patricia’s now my Patron Saint.

Banking is a trial by fire
Though they shout convenient
All they’ve done is make it harder
With the loss of human contact.
An entry in BLT's Word-of-the-day challenge.
I've banked at BofA for 42 years. My checks started with 101 and climbed steadily up to my last one at 30975. I have always been able to get continuing numbered checks until now. With all the automated mumbo-jumbo they have installed, you have to practically go to their office - if you can find one-and pound on their desk to get what you need.
Mateuš Conrad Jul 2017
loss?! what loss? only the gain without a prescription of etymology, to succumb to ontology, that provides the currency of the present times.

she's into her *****, her latex, and her strap ons,
but she returns to the playground of
primary school when it comes
to disclosing her pop choices!

**** me... kids don't do class
A drugs,
   don't bother the *******,
don't bother the ******...
what begins with a *nick hornby

    of loss and rejection,
culminating in
the 13th floor elevators'
song: you’re gonna miss me -
what if no other better
                  opener track?

people should really disclose their
pop preferences...
it's the new and also the first taboo...
you can say you're into
***** latex ***,
  but you can't stomach:
  i really like madonna's
    like a prayer competing with
   material girl...

no, not gonna happen,
i'm not budging from this irritation
and point of focus,
you ******* better get your act
together before talking to me
about what's "trash" when
it's pop, addictive, kid A stuff...

you shoot the ******, you
***** the m.d.m.a. and coke...
you do that, and then deal with the strap-on
***** asking for your tongue
to spreschen out yer ****...

i couldn't have imaged this,
but people are really shame-riddled when
it comes to pop songs...
   you can have a gag-mouth-piece
in your face, a ***** up your ***
and forced to sing a ******* old testament
   but you will not tell me your
favourite pop song...

     being kid A, i know this...
and i pry it open with all the joyful glee
with the mainstream retards of journalism
working their post-communist magic
of censor the F's and the U's see grunts...
ah... what a lame comparison
with the pornographic liberty...
  i'm starting to find the down syndrome
kids a ******* reminder: by the grace of god...
thank the almighty!
here's here, commando in retards!
laughing his left ****** and right ******* off!

i'll tell you mine, if you tell me yours...
that's how pop song mentality works...
it's not trash, it's pop, meaning it's
very much: for everyone...
  we all know that we'll return to the songs
of pondering, and "depth",
progressive rock 13+ minutes long...
yeah yeah, that's nice,
  keep it short & sweet honey...
       we all have out music to tune our
capacity to think,
  to allow a depth...
                 but my hands akin to my feet
are fidgeting... they're geetting itchy...
(africanoos para plus!) -
           i need the ****,
i need the filfth, i need the amsterdam!
yes, you can go back to your attempt
at constructing a ulysses in a taste in music,
yes, we know the amibitious artists,
i don't mind them...
              but their ambition has
a concern for 1... once in a while...
          and that's the biggest frustration
artists have... how ambition and intelligence
overpowers popularity...
                   no point invoking
the dichotomy of politics and religion,
materialism and spirituality...
     compare the output of
  the ambitious artist (king crimson) -
   and the artist fed "ambition" (well,
simply reward) -
     the ones lacking all self-gratification -
the ones requiring headphones,
  trainers, whatever contract...
               sure, the latter becomes popes
and aphrodite ***** -
the former become monks...
             there's no trust in either -
as it might be stated:
   there's a (+, -) coordinate either side
of the dynamic of what is achieved;

my main beef is with the infantilism
surrounding pop songs...
      how people rather reveal their kink...
their latex lucy puffer lips -
   and say: oh y'ah y'ah, i'm into serious
music, i only listen to serious music...
i'm all concept, no rhythm, no groove...
  that's ******* infantilism if i ever
spot another variation of the one already stated...

the domain of music is the most
neutrally grounded terrain for
dialectics to exists...
          i have no idea why people haven't
allowed the "trash" to sit
                        on the cranium of pearl & gold...
side by side, and of equal worth...
ok, ok... you tell me why you're *****
over a *****-strap-on donning a latex
****** all over your body....
             tomorrow is bound to make sense;

yeah peevie...
you peevie...
   but at least prostitutes don't really
want to **** under bed-sheets like
these "liberated" western women seem to do;
truth be said,
     ******* after dates seems
like a nightmare from the 19th century...
seriously?! under bed sheets?
  it would seem like a genuine protest
by a woman:
   yes, i pull my ******* back.

Tandis que les crachats rouges de la mitraille
Sifflent tout le jour par l'infini du ciel bleu ;
Qu'écarlates ou verts, près du Roi qui les raille,
Croulent les bataillons en masse dans le feu ;

Tandis qu'une folie épouvantable broie
Et fait de cent milliers d'hommes un tas fumant ;
- Pauvres morts ! dans l'été, dans l'herbe, dans ta joie,
Nature ! ô toi qui fis ces hommes saintement !...

- Il est un Dieu, qui rit aux nappes damassées
Des autels, à l'encens, aux grands calices d'or ;
Qui dans le bercement des hosannah s'endort,

Et se réveille, quand des mères, ramassées
Dans l'angoisse, et pleurant sous leur vieux bonnet noir,
Lui donnent un gros sou lié dans leur mouchoir !
the old world surgers forward
between the three powers
of Russia America and the yawn
of the West the perverts
i see a people already grouped together
in political talk
the Eastern Europeans...
where geographically eastern Europe
and the Urals...
central: axis Europeans...
we are the axis Europeans
from perhaps Estonia but certainly Latvia
most certainly Ukraine
even Romania
Bulgaria is teasing the idea
Russia can have the Balkans...
Serbs are more alligned with
"we" don't need the balkans
that's how the ethnonym was misunderstood
by the English
speakers that the origins of slave
came from the Slavs... yes... the idiots
who ventured down south for
some sea salt and air of Greece...
southern slavs might have been slaves
but i guess there were also the northern slavs
who were once...
Russia can have Crimea and whatever land they
but... all i ask for... is for Ukrainians to return
to their true origin: and write in LATIN
with LATIN letters...
i don't need that cheap *** Cyrillic Greco facade
i'm starting to hallucinate
we will not listen to the Germans
to the English to the French
they have their own Islamic phobias and
love of spiders... and paedophilias and other
circus clowns...
we will covertly suckle
and that will be the end of us
and Scandinavia can have its Union
and we will have ours
and the other parties can go
their own seperate ways
and we will have Independent Benelux
and Independent Germany and France
and no one currency:
so no Cyrillic deaf Greek in Ukraine:
Russia can have Crimea and their inroads
not much lost
unless it's Hunter Biden's laptop...
or what the **** happened
when gwanpwah wash ashleep...
oh indeed: indeed i did indeed see
the full ******* splendour of sunrise
when Muhammad lifted
up his *** in prayer
and i thought for God:
wouldn't that sound nice: ****...
so Hosannah and Allah Akbar resounded
together and i was glad
that the day when God rested
and his ego was born and it was I
and that was funny
when god rested on the seventh?
i forget: i against i:
or the sixth and on the last day of creation
god took a rest: and "i" were born!
ha ha! whoops!
laps in judgement only a silly prank
so god rested and what
comes from a god at rest?
all manner zzzz ssssss ch ch ch ch evil!
clown! on patrol!
bazooka boom boom boom!
what is pure? pure "pure" and also evil?
people say: casually: the good
the ultimate good
the only good
but when evil is inclined to prop
ear and lobe half orbit of brain
and ear...
the purity of evil is invoked:
almost like a prayer
oh god please let this next psychopath
be the purest of all evils
a being with proof:
there is a god
for all of you...
but there is...
no soul... for...                                      moi!
i am in this machinery
of deus in machina as
the diabolos est machina...
          ex                 ex              ex           what?!
did i invite you into the meat grinder
of my consciousness
or did you...
somehow... somewhat silently...
minced yourself and everything about...
no wonder
for the longest of times i thought
my irises were green...
in paintings they are that constipated
but in actuality...
there's only black pupil
the grey mother
and the sclera papa... of pure headache white!
without froth and anger: the serpent became the worm... but the tongue remained and with little confusion: expect in the homosexual community... you really thought you could make claim in this temporal realm where people championed freedom of speech: your **** your sword and my tongue... being... what?! what?! what is my tongue?! at least i dared to come down and live among these creastures pseudonym gods like agent smith in the matrix... you and your old ways of sword is phallus where my tongue is sword... come... come down... face me! you ***** coont! get your other Matthew ordeal... your next Gabriel punishment via a Muhammad... come come! come down!

for all the gross talk of men among men
concerning women
i'd like to revel with you in a reality:
imagine being exclusively tied to the summons
with a woman:
abstinent for a year without touching
and with the year coming to closure
just imagine the state of mind
with so much pornographic exposure
the forbidden now not so forbidden fruit
imagine castrating angels
then imagine clipping their wings
and forcing them into the hierarchy of
halos and saints and popes
and imagine not:
a second rebellion:
but this time from heaven down
and not from hell up!
you can't persuade me: satisfy me...
that Michael wasn't ******* about
being demoted from Archangel to the hierarchical
pawn-ownership of Saint...
Michael my Michael O my Michael...
you will still yield that blunt artefact of
abstracting violence...
that sword your fake ****
against my tongue that's more of a ****
to **** the ****** Mary?
slobber slobber blab blah?
is heaven still authentic?
last time i checked i started power-napping...
became bored from the: paw paw:
per usual... started growing my nails longer
than usual to imitate trans-genderism...
grew a beard, shaved it...
wouldn't it ******* an Archangel
to be demoted as a Saint and relegated
into "manhood"... without having
a foreseeable antagonism incarnation
not even *****-whizz Gabriel attempted
with Muhammad after having electrified
Hosannah my Mary?!
       point that thing you think is a sword
and then... i'll lick your *****... my O my Michael!

i ran with deer! i rummaged with foxes!
come Michael...
show me your **** your supposed sword:
and then... i'll lick your ***
like the best ***** there is... in i heave!
heaven to its proper stature!

— The End —