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Nico Julleza Sep 2017
Drowsy, as the eyes of mine sleeps
a joyride of fantasies, a jumping of sheep
so, the pages turning mama would red
while my feet are falling and
my arms up my head, hands unsaid

with a gentle rock and a soft abye
I'm off to dream land as I fly
silk of red swooped to the entrance gate
a little slip, a little slide till it fade
and gently I landed at the pearly lake

A boat by Venice caught me alone
with the breeze scented, so cold as snow
and Grims hoisting a whooper
a sure one they'll never throw
passing here and there and off they go

storms of Neptune came up the sea
big waves flung, I swung towards east
clovers led me to an isle and said
"How Lucky you'll always be"
no more thunders but just all reverie

A twirl to the woods, exciting it be
with beams of the moon
and the stars sitting on the tree
lights flashing, a calm of ebb
the spiders glistening, an artistic web

dream land is promising
like vines that whip and crawl
bearing fruit to bless us as we call
with roses of red, daisies blooms at dew
mama's lullaby at once, I knew
#Dream #Land #Mama #Lullaby #Adventure #Nature

Sleepy Poets.. Here's A Masterpiece for You. Enjoy Dream Land

The Boy Hasn't Awaken. And the Journey Continues Soon..

The Boy's Name Was "Drew James Everdream"

(NCJ)POETRYProductions. ©2017
vircapio gale Oct 2015
pejorative memes remade unwise,
the natural artifice of slang;
and the mnemo-linguistic "advantages" of being called a ******...*

arbitrary signs..

chosen  reasoned    signs.

i don't remember history, living it as
predetermined amens sinking blind
profane in sacred incense dogmas polished
                 elemental airs of azure old allure
named aesthetics new and purely false
    unlike a snakeback break
    they realm of fear indulged--
placate artistries of loving touch to numb;
with medieval noose, blade;
          scald of iron pen and human metaphors for *******
    sent to human metaphors for hell before their deaths
to burn as scapegoats for immortal xenophobic herds

this is a word's weight
  for all unhearing yet apologistic legend-churners earthling-bound:
one witchhunt grin and phrase
--legend or not, urban or pagan--
    will burn me here
    to face imaginal apotheosic
   of bigotry complete
in long-yearned laughter, musics
     yet unleased to propagandist aims:
empty prayers undone as selfish grims
  i do without
  as any fairy might
        with dusty wave of hand
my wings are spillful everjoys
    of momentary vasts
          of ancient youths; of loves of
    glittered rainbow in the hush of sunfall snow--
escapes of real dismissed
       fiction-true truths
                                bearing living worlds of love
and labyrinthine strands? and twisted more, ripe!
      for shock and awe filled fuel
      sierra-cut at ranges incomplete as Tolkien Silmarils
                                i brace the let of leavings-be
sever severed links in inner chains of links
    to remake ****** moonbeam skirt
    of spectra cloud and starry breath
---the window opens maths of savor
        (apsaras! tulpas!)
        surveyed in the tones of healing buildings
        shaped of love

huddled shapes of perfect friends
                   all craning necks to common interstellar home

i could be clear and disagreement wright
but i am here to feel ineffables of ******* felt
fall  up    from anger
        into union's many-petaled rifting veils
and in a citrus spray of scattered mists unshared
a stillness swim of happily amused
    awake a zombie-language only Borges knew
        to burn a mark of joy on history's flesh
a hidden question-heart of sensuistic quest whose end is known
    and yet exclaimed unknown
    as glories only moving rainbows know
hang-glide words to shadow-stripe the eyes
                       and dash Mneumosyne another arching voice
"******; *****"

-NORTH AMERICAN informaloffensive
a male homosexual.

-early 20th century: perhaps from the obsolete sense of ***** ‘contemptible woman.’

-a bundle of sticks or twigs bound together as fuel.
a bundle of iron rods bound together for reheating, welding, and hammering into bars.


mnemotechnosophical pejoratives?

Kyra O'Neill Mar 2014
She is not made to be loved. She is made for hand holding, stares that mean more than they should and tentative kisses that taste like sin. He looks at her like he doesn't quite understand everything, but he isn't the least bit worried and that scared her more than anything, because the girl who has "love exists" permanently scrawled on her arm isn't absolutely sure that this is true, not for her anyways. love is a rose and some people forget that there are thorns, although she never could. She's too apprehensive.  But this boy still looks at her like he could love her. She wants to believe that it can exist and she will always have hope, but deep down inside she doesn't think that it can for her. She has seen too many people claim to be in love, but it's rude to say i love you with a mouth filled with lies. And yet she still believes that hope is the most important thing, and maybe that's what she should have gotten tattooed on her, that you must always have hope. because hope gets you through to tomorrow and love is just something that the grims brothers created as a joke and people scrambling to find their soul mate is the punch line, their not so happily ever after. There are people though that give her hope that love can exist and when she is with him, she tends to forget about anything but the way it sounds when he says her name or the way he looks at her like she could give him the world. Green alluring eyes filled with promises of forever, but people have different versions that define the word. what's his? And even though the thought of her opening herself up to another person who has a different definition of the word forever, she can't help but admit that when she thinks of him, which she does often, she's in a trance of smiles and happiness.

audacious (adj.) - extremely bold or daring, recklessly brave, fearless
          - what i want to be with you
Birumi Swati Apr 2019
Hey !
what are you laughing at?
Are you laughing at that girl
With freezey hair,
Baggy, over sized clothes?
You're Giggling meanly from behind
Because of those?

Her ragged dress is all you can see,
Her messy hair is all you notice,
Can't u see the pain in her eyes?

No she's not fortunate like you
To get the love of her mother
Or be pampered by her father

You  laugh at her *****,hardened hands?
Yeah those are the same hands
she puts on her lips
And cry every night silently.
As silent as the moon above her head.

Although just 13,
the little girl  is not fortunate like you
To run & complaint to anyone
When she's mercilessly beaten up
By those, supposed to take care of her.

She waits for the nights
To lay awake under the stars
and remember her past
Her father, her mother
Those happy days.

What happened to life?
Why her world turned upside down?
Why is she so helpless and feeble
In this ever known town?

With a dust storm in her heart
She wakes up.
Yet another day to cope.
But she has her will and her strong hope.

You think she's weird,
cz she doesn't gigle in small jokes?
Oh she doesn't find them funny.
They don't amuse her anymore.
What's more amusing than this life?
What's more laughable
than her will of still going on?
Walking miles after miles
With blisters in her feet,
Along the desserted street.
An worn out, torn out, old muddy sandle.
Yeah go on. Laugh at that too.

You think she didn't hear what you said?
She might be thick skinned
But sister she's not deaf.
And she knows it's ok to be different.

Struck by untimely age
That old soul, although 13
But feels like she has seen a lot
Lived a hundred lives
And left them behind one by one.

Now she has learnt to let go.
She has taught herself to grow.
She's taught herself to live alone.

Not look for a helping hand
Or reside in a castle of sand.
Though she has none to speak to
About her grims
She writes them down
About All her hopes and all her dreams.

One day she'll
stand by her friend
Who was bullided in school for being a boy and still having long hair.
One day She'll stand up for her friend  against unwanted stare.

She'll know,
No one should be subjected to torment.
Cz She knows it's ok to be different.

So go on.
Laugh and gigle at anyone you want.
Throw your hatred and your tont.
A bullie is all you'll ever see
While looking at the mirror.
And it'll make the poor little girl stronger.
Stronger than you can ever be.
blingbrigade May 2013
Times when I can’t find the words so right,
When happiness turns into fright
Times when I want to run away, for I can’t be me
And there isn’t anything that sets me free.

It hurts to be breathing for the pains too deep to be let gone
And no matter how hard I try I can’t seem to go on.

I don’t know till when I’d be on a test.
I don’t know what they say or is it me that I detest.

I can’t shut those eyes for they still seem to cry,
Nothing ever works no matter how hard I try.

Sometimes the light seems too bright,
'cause grims' gray has replaced all that was in sight.

The next day just brings in some more bad luck,
And in the end there’s no happiness to tuck.

The times when I want to sink in and disappear,
For my presence doesn’t count
and existence another arrear
My lyrical ability limits you mental flexbility
Swift as agility hinders there intellectual capacity
Lock  em up in captivity opened like a cavity
Ya chest be split up like an anatomy
Blood plasma
So ya visions become a liability
Who bitter thee
Shatter competition like
Ghengus Khan dynasty hallowed it be
Thy name put many to shame
Critics go to flame burnt to a single grain
Height takes like a snort of *******
Waxing your brain gas em with these floating propane
Light butane flame blows up everything
With no remains we nasty baby
Quick witted and skilled break through weak wills
Fools shootin' at me ****.me.
But I'll still breath through my eye gills
Ascending hills
Like Lauryn nothing even matters
Im crazy shatter your bladder
Make ya walk 8miles Marshal Mathers
You'll be front lined interview
With the death version
of Don Rathers too many taddler
Who running with blabbers back stabbers
Wave one hand with other hand with holding the dagger
**** swagger id rather be the grims bagger
Or better yet a caddy shack with a room full of macks
And beautiful women cooties to ******
Fatal attraction causing halo love TKO
I'm at the top of my game
Chillin' with the Monks meditating my pineal gland with dead sea scrolls in my hand
None could touch me cuz my energy band
To strong none could withinstand
That force held in
I'm a combination of antimatter and sin
With touch a gin but then again
Im just another poetic gem
How many fools say they **** on every track
When they really spit wack and bars that
Don't deserve no airplay make delays once I pay
My lyrics to a vocal erase ya ****** from.the rhymes I lace so
My flows like visions of Indo slow mo see the glow mo
My diamonds even made the sun go
In hibernation changing the stations
Back to the days of real hip hop
****** these days is slop
Makin' songs like lamb chops they gets no props
Lyricism back in effect I wreck mics like car wrecks
But ain't no insurance though but rock all states i dominate pates in the deepest mindstate
I create
A catastrophe worse than Twista did to Treachery
Naughty but bounded to nature I'll cremate ya
Burn your mental with my lyrical pyro mic clenched make em fall like Domino's words subliminal Michael thriller smooth criminal so ya better sit back
Before you be slit through ya abdominal my raps phenomenal far from comical

Got the girls feedin' the bicho like pac-Man I got a war history like all the "stans"
In the arenas I pack stands
From concrete to the sand beaches my mind leeches to
The universe that teaches
Mind over matter the badder I'll shatter any who thinks they're batter
The shot gun flow accuracy I move like currency
With ties to GOV's policy no apology flows encrypt inside ya head
The mic psychology it's tragedy none could get to me instantly
They fall quick to their knees coppin' in pleas
Leave bullets massagin' ya scalp like fleas
Itching n wishin' my metals twistin' now ya finna be reminscin'
To the underworld curled up like a lil girl
These games for grown men my pen
Illustrate the worse murders
Yo I be the grims herder converter none heard of tha
Mic mafiaso like my women of cocoa
Skin let the sin ascend lustful ******' ain't no duckin'
These shots at ya melons four time veteran hang with killas who pending felons
Plot like Skeletor but ain't no failure my team's stay with W's soon to trouble you
And the crews who don't know the rules
Sit back or get dragged like a cargo with a mule
Free America,from the slave descendants of Mommy Africa,
See the before and after, math salts throw, in the blood baths,
Saw graphs, drawn from dust to dawn, tryna rock on,
But my black thought spawn, til I caught the sons,
Of light delight, keep my mind, focused on the plight,
BLM's, dropping in DCs dm's, so much maked from the grims,
I walk around, in my timbs, still gotta watch my limbs,
Slim, off of the dead weight, cant keep my head straight,
A scholar, never chased dollars, cuz it dont make any sense,
Why lose my soul, only to find my self, in the worm hole,
Apples, looking good but it's too much, demons in Hollywood,
And there I stood,
Posted up, like the chi lights on soul train, quarter of butane,
Up the bane, in me bare necessities, avoid the pleasant kitties,
Rolling in different cities, and brothers on the gritty,
Side of homicide, flash of death, pondering everyday, lives,
Only the wise, see the blind sighs, evils no longer disguised,
States in flames, politicians playing the same role games,
No gains, only to put us, in deeper restraints, where the saints?
No where to be found, too busy chasing around, clowns,
Yo it's goingdown, chess boards, checkmate, vocal chords,
Women taking over, last of the ages, rebirth of the pass over,
See the destruction arise, blood in the skies,a  tainted sunrise,
They dont realize, equality just means more bold lies,
For men and women, to divide while they slide in the, sweet ties,
More vaccines, more promises of a clean, life happiness supreme,
The serpents come in the calmest charm, miss the alarms,
Shackled society, cancel culture racism, along with vocabulary,
Cant speak ya mind, think yo, it ain't illegal yet, immigrants,
Crossing in sets, tax breaks for the rich, while the poor stitch,
The quilts, of guilts, tears of the weary souls, heavy vessel,
Catch the boat, of emotions moving through, the mental ocean,
Who do you believing, this is the season, more reasons,
For folks to die, injected needles, of poison, to darkened ya eyes,
They say I'm also crazy, cuz I been, thinking too much lately,
I'm off the ghost, like Swayze, wish truth, could see me,
But apparently, only be made in mockery, charred legacy,
Baby, I only rock the real, no need to pack, a piece of steel,
I'll die, in someone else's blood, this ain't for punks, or thugs,
Combat stats, checked out in Iraq, Saddam launched the attacks,
But they said it was Bin Laden, but that guy, was pinned to Obama,
Coma, see the drama, catch the parenthesis, news victory,
Ya dont need, a eye glass, magnifier to see, the turn in society,
Sitting like chief be, ecstasy my poetry, spirit symmetry,
Form to perfection, imperfect resurrection, correction,
Over the billboard, wars breaking out, but largely ignored,
Venezuela revolution, pistols shooting, citizens grouping,
Taking back the city, media hates the wrath of the people,
Cracking the whips, of evil, see the slips, through the peephole,
Blame trump for every error, welcome to Joe's terror,
Braced more scarier, missiles launched, breaking barriers,
Militaries gone weak, I cant speak, amongst, the demos that creep,
A W Bullen Feb 17
Shouldered cold
bent deep in grims of collar
turns to maddened hash
of blustered sleet

the walk to wear
is work itself,

A solemn
adamantine morning, pleads
me to ignore the well of failing
human kindness,

by this hand I try
to see

predicaments of alder
whip lacuna from the
mindless face

that beauty
is but symmetry

thus ,crudely overrated

and then again
there's Winter Jasmine,

understated, famined stem
emblazoned with the gemstones
of its flower

now the winter sour, sweetens
cracks the lip a timid noise

pouring forth,
some golden ratio,

sulphur trill of banished voice
Since I got a few seconds of breath, I might as well tell what's left,
On my mind, no longer focused on the grind, no longer chasing sunshine,
How when I am the light, the wind pushing air to a kite, taking flights,
Heights, I'm knocking on heavens doorway, be prepared, I'm coming your way,
Along with pain and tears, see the agenda is to exposed all out my fears,
Yo they say I'm crazy, cuz im not a baby, this whole world dont even phase me,
Play me, back times infinite, see my enemies love to see blood shed, out of me,
Me, I play cool as a hustler's groove, I'm on a mission, breaking my intuition,
Lord forgive em, he dont know what he say, but today, I'm gonna make em pay,
See the tears cant bring me back, see hearts is cold cracking stats,
I'm on another level, Tesla purple bezel,
I still get an earful, word to them devils,
They try play like I'm a rebel,
and with that said, big yosef staying ghost,
So I guess myself is dead, and uh....

Since I step in this irony, world debauchery enriched, with dark tragedy,
I'm looking at the majesty, like im right here, see the cold stares, with tears,
Streaming from my eyes, saw myself up in the skies, Zekara my baby,
It's so crazy, ya left me, 14 years and 7 months ago, yo it's to hard grow,
The stash about to blow, times is hard and these are the hard times,
Every place I bet, is towards nickles & dimes, shy away from the street crime,
I found a better way to hustle, for the grind, I found the dark, before the shine,
Knowledge mystics of a shrine, lay away America's manners, before I dine,
Each and every line, is versed from heavenly intertwine, sharpen my mind,
Clocks is ticking, somewhere I can hear, the gun clicking, itching,
For another soul, chilling at the crossroads, with big dark winged angel,
Lining up more, for the final bonded, time on earth,  yo let's go,
Into another place, chase the black space without a race, another body resting in bed,
And with that said, big yosef staying ghost,
So I guess another ego is dead, and uh,

Yo see the ego, was birthed along with evils, tool, made to shave and break rules,
While ya tryna win, I'm still see em loose, draws feels like Howlin Wolf blues,
Cant hit the snooze, when the shots is hot, how many scared to rot,
Living penalties, of humanity this ain't how it's supposed to be, my family,
Ain't been my family, seems like I got emptied, with the clips of guilts,
Set trips, of the grims intervening my slips, I saw the man with the black suit,
With a gang of troops, ready to scoop, faceless apparitions,
Got my suspicion rising, giving my last of my fight, the airs getting tight,
Blur in my sight, im see visions of people, that been long gone, before the flight,
Entering the twlight zone, no pain no gain I'm laying, in the ozone,
Seeing my clones, my bones, laid over a beautiful sights, with writes,
Cards n ****, the flowers ain't ****, im not even hear to feel it, feel it,
So and with that said, still grabbing death, cuz yosef is finally dead and uh,

" They say you can control life and death in the power of the tongue,
Well i stand strong, life ain't long, I'll just let
Death be welcome"

Have no fear once the shadows come near
I'm here to hear
No pain all darkness shall never reign
Again and again
The gig is up the serpent is out,
Lashing his tongue waiting devour
These souls feasting for more control,
And with that said
Another unsatisfied cuz the world is dead

((((Gun shots)))))))
Masterpiece lyrics check the swordfish I dish
Kiss a death wish dismiss wacks off of my list
Check my program holding grams double grands
Millions of followers in the stand high rage demands
Still shooting holding looters with da clan thoughts planned
Carefully maybe it's crazy that I'm off the purple hazey
Royalty like Musa watch for the Medusa choosers
With my lovers undercover mother's scraping utters
Haters stutters but smooth like butter over cakes
Icing mic sounds nice and slicing kills enticing
Riots to melees lyrical savagery ghetto Socrates
Touch the whole nation calmly blaze stationary
500 serie benzie rolling on twinkies  girls badder than Pinky
You can tell I'm stinky from the rza's pores rapin the turntables
You know I'm able once I came with Cain ease no pain
Orange juice see ya girl dancing with me in the rain
No strains sick half brained cut off the freebase lane
Moves Swifty higher bid dynasty who defying me?
Close shop sceneries got more spills than a refinery
Oil blood spoils murders loyal bite the thick pollos
Season off the bicho pendejelos catch bullet holes
Can't shake this cold rhyme scaffolds Sonny goals
Gangsta **** hard to hit so guard ya **** code legits
Too ill to quit once I clock the hammers jammers
Souls in my chambers known as a slammer **** ya
King of the ****** Sam's I am eat green eggs and ham
Off the chain ridges left off the membrane rusty stain
Rogue embraced make ya powerless manifest
The darkest power to shower you can't flex the sour
Patch chrome rachets shooting like rockets pockets
Picked off the fakery bakery cakes to a higher degree
See the big Yosef illmatic linked with the Wu- Family

Cultivate actions black statues chillin' on Staten
Island yo that boy Yosef wilding no gliding patents
Inventist Solomon notary pointed as a bliss crisp
Off of the beat stickiest sweets mellow beats
Let my melanin groove to the heats of the greets
BPM watching for the grims circlin' above the rims
I stay sky high birds eye view guns dipped in cocoa
Chocolate within cursed a win inside of a sin blend
Never sip Henny under any weather how can ya endeavor
The words is clever to connected to sever however
I'm still on top hard not to cop let the head bop crops
Sitting over major land rolling black hands glands
Filling chumps knock out the humps in the page
No slaves here adhere the glowing spear pierce a pier
Boating rhymes an ocean coastin' **** a notion
Negative swayers catch the AK'ers wicked players
Street monopoly capitalize property plus the forty
Acres can't shake us or take us we grave stakers
Stalk ya very walks smooth talks of a iller chiller thriller
Like Jackson mad action Cuban links for satisfaction
**** laced so I can get a stars ******* taste wait
It's too late I'm tripping tipping off braille faith relate
To the reals fake posed for a natural shield mad grills
Looking for ways to rotten ya wills afloat the bill
Capitol Hill cycling shills let's make a deal for real?
Stimulus checks ain't nothing but left over drug bust
Keep it on the hush Hilary still eating the crust
Off of the American lies
see the eagle wings failed must have caught a crimp in its eye
It was the night of Wednesday, my boy met, his doomsday,
Died early morning thursday,
Thats what happens when ya play, in the streets of the grimey,
Now listen to the crazy story,
He was just a teen, when he became addicted like a fiend,
To the street life, mama was cracked out, Daddy's in prison,
Bound to be crime risen, persistent, in robbin hoods,
And there he stood,
In front of the judge,
Dismissed and ignored the grudge,
Everyday thinking of lives to take away,
Too many souls was taken away,
How many got hit by the stray,
Bullet its hard to over pull it,
The weights to heavy,
Drive bys in the chevy, he thinking its all gravy,
But enemies always keeps watch on thee,
Know the ending the story of crime-anology, no apology,
For his wrong doin, bubble gum chewin,
Hes used to death, so hes bound to see the bluin',
Soon in, he was walking away, from his home,
But litte did he know,  thatll be his last time from home,
Only to end up in a funeral homes,
Next to his homes,
Another murderous night gone, shown,
In the slimy streets, replacement of souls, just for another to compete,
To get to the grave, grandmas was prayin', that he'd be saved,
But couldnt be saved, rocked with the crowds of evil,
Monday to Tuesday he was really feelin' d'evil,
Thought he was Deebo, but dont know the 44,
Make em see through you,
I knew, his death was coming soon,
I see it in his eyes, with gloom,
Then Wednesday, we hit up a few *******, and dipped a few hydraulics on the sixes,
What is this?, relentless, restless
Hit up the mall, linked up with the homie Jamal,
Who could ball, we played out until the sun died down,
Then me and my homies smoked a  pound, after that,
Then we left for uptown,
Close to eleven, im seein pictures of em in heaven,
My mind playin' tricks on me, **** Tracey,
Couldnt get right ya see,
After we hit up the club, then we hit up house party,
Right after, before the laughter, see  lightning strikes of rapture,
The grims knocking no answer,
Hes blank to the thought,
Young hustler killer,
Who thought he'd never be caught,
But the rivals ran up on em,
I broke dodge in the garage,
He was there too,
Couldn't break the bullets that flew,
Eight shots hit his body,
Bloods everywhere,
Close family to friends chimed in,
Like are you there?,
Eyes rolling in the back of his head, hes half dead,
Violently shakin', tryna hold his bread,
Im holding pieces of the lead,
No exit wound,
Felt the stiffen soon,
Hes out now, by the time police arrive, hes no longer survived,
Left behind three kids,
With no gig,
Promise ya they probably gonna
Do the same bid,
Drama repeats, another death in the streets,
Tryna play with life, only end up
with the cold sheets,

Rest in peace homie
Its a rap ballad L.T.D love to drop rhymes galore
For sure from the mic in my hand and feet on the floor
Get the crowds hyped as I take snipe
To ya mentality equals a sudden fatality
To negativity that trys to sail at my way ya see
We used to be in the streets pressing for units
But now nobody does it realism shoved it
Back to restore the lost sounds of soul
**** the articles I'm breaking out of hells strangle
I remember sitting at the bottom of the barrel
But since im a heir to a lost Pharoah
Collect my data that was taken from me
Linked up with past ancestries of spirituality
To raise my conscious reality in actuality
So many wish death upon me can't break me
Since I'm free suckas tend to be lurking my legendary

Wear my heart on my sleeve better believe
It's hard to breath around haters intrigued
To the scent of my dangerous melody
Somehow they tell me to stop writing
But I ain't gone stop typing and sniping
These cold *** lyrics it's hard to clear
And resteer the game back into the atmosphere
I'm outta space loosing place givin' chase
To grims hand dealt bad cards understand
We only have each other as the clan
Form an energy band begins ya career in quick sand
Ya sinkin' thinking eyes blinkin' peekin'
At the top of the charts *** I got heart
Words sharp as flowing dart wind parade
Streets serenade to the music I made
Cockroaches get sprayed with raid as I pave
My own pathaways just a ghetto boy like Don Hathaway
Though every is doomsday stay with an AK
No interruptions today makin' my way
Downtown like Julie Brown haters constantly be in a frown
Been rocking with pain since I was in a dame nine months of shame
Out came a beautiful black boy decoy
To the world's but felt no joy flashing Polaroids
Cosby smile commercial interracial
Media spreading lies to feed ya degrade ya
Taste its toxic waste see wickedness pace
Misplaced raced thoughts outta space
On that Preston **** nothing means nothing
Unbutton expose the world's flesh
Mother nature doing her best to manifest
Her happiness but most miss the bliss
Sick of this world we live in lives grieving
Just reaching for the graves creeping
Milestones away feels these words prey
Like a mantis lets voyage back to Atlantis
Got my womens rolling canibus trust
In ya self gained wealth in stealth no welts
Left upon this pain that was dealt felt
Pleasures inside of pain Picasso stains
Picture me living vivid make enemies livid
Dreams I kissed it long goodbye
To the sky im seeing angels drive bys
Riding my thought waves craves the braves
Wish I could save but society to misbehaved leaves mind dismayed

Yo I'm old school like a Rallo see crime fallows
The black youths see me chip the truths
Off the roofs of ya mind shingles blind
Flows sublime once my reign shines
Only the dumbs become asinine see the nines
Put you near a flat line rose fire from a spine
The energy Kundalini word to whodini
Let a ** be a ** from the gitgo ******
Polo my logo black horsmen sippin' Grims gin
Use my mind as a religion sticking pigeons
Stiffins the chickens feathers plucked
See my flawless chocolate dutches breakin' clutches
In the bedroom hold up baby slow down
I ain't tryna bring a kid forth grounds showdown
Welcome to sinister town laying pounds
Either fist or life can't escape from strife
Chaffing scaffolds from my mind holdin' molds
Avoid the fold console your soul take control
Yo this society is just a lotto waiting to cash
Clash see civil wars mash with no gas
People caught up in the brakes of Faith's
Fakes move like snakes in the grass ashes
Left from blunts so my spirit can hunt flaunt
For verses pass the doors of heavens hearses
Mazin' curses dr strange universe reaarange
My brain ready for war battlin' ****** terrains
Faizel Farzee Sep 2020
How, Is the world not saying something? Why, This total disconnect?

They grabbed our ancestors from thier paradise to work on stolen land, no matter what civilization in the process they wreck.
Leader of the free world I lol with discontent.
This whole situation is parallax completely wrecked

Now that they have build you your nation, in return ask for a little respect
Suddenly you forget
There was a entire civalisation living peacefully before you on horse back

You completely wiped them out

Then proceeded to cultivate that blood land on their enslaved ancestors back
Now they suddenly not welcome
Like a reject, you want to send them back
They have no home, you made sure throughout history, made sure of that fact.
That is their home now, equality a notion you intentionally hiding from or is it attempting to forget.

The land you stole it, but it was "slaves" that made the biggest impact, nations stolen from homes knees placed on their neck. Their culture captured in musuems, then as  slaves they were tagged.
From a conscious mind, how messed up is that.

Don't get me wrong, I know it's only a certain sect. Then make your voice heard, don't just disconnect, it's a world problem we need to dissect, let your voice fly united for bigger effect.

It was our ancestors, the retort Then, Why, Is this still happening?

All we want is for everyone to be able to walk down the street without fearing death because of colour of skin.
Something we have no control over, unless made in a dish
I pray for a shooting star so this I can wish
All they hear is gun fire, and they fear the grims scythe
Keep them safe.

By the hand of ignorance

Please not like this, not by someone that spews lies and hatred on a daily basis yet no one even bats a eye or blinks. Money truly equals power, by now you should be sold on this.
A guy that that don't know the meaning of words, it alludes him, yet he's running the "free" world
To us this should be a diss.

What does this say about the state of human consciousness , it's a miss.

This causes dismay..

This world is currently sinking
It's way past a point of decay
If this was the Titanic we would running for the life boat, which they control.

This world is currently dying, I feel its cold.

They have it by the throat, It's life slowly fades
Unless the world United make a tremendous noise
I fear nothing will ever change.
Conscious poetry
Enemies loved to keep you
as if it's a steel knife to your throat
Ready to take a slash then
watch you bleed
Like the hurling highways
traffic passages to
People see people everyday walked all over
Because from jumpstreet we're taught to be bolder
The older i get the
i get the more closer
to death seems more a bit
Becoming one of the grims
finest legends everyday is Armageddon
no words flown from the
Only madness a little spirit that parts
Trying to herd people to become his friend
But deep down he's stuck into a permanent bend
Vexed by ambition commissioned by
cant outweigh these allegations
Because the most
wisest quotes are authors filed above lonely
This is why the world is our harshest crony
Make this song cry fill the skies eyes of millions ol' souls ties
Into my rhythm of blues leave multiple clues glues
The every naysayer players straight hellraiser wings a blazer
Watch for gods taser soon to be shell shocked glaciers
Of ice sitting nice on my crown 72 center central point
Anoint all my enemies feel my soul glow black rock n roll
Gangsta stroll bang harder than Kid Rock check the knocks
From deaths door there I lays on the floor looking for war
Corridor broke the earth's shore my wings flying *******
Linked up with my past spiritual blast gold tilted cask
King tut mask built for early death stage razzmatazz  
Cradle born in the devils manger everyday new dangers
Facts is stranger than fiction break jurisdiction intuition  
Sitting deep than ocean waters watch for sirens daughters
Sing a note burn a smoke **** inhales no chokes locs
Out on every corner new mourner sun glazed skin sauna
Piranha my critics break bad habits with mental tablets
Sixty six commandants worn as a pendant superintendent
Grims next door neighbors been quoted off bad behavior
I'm in need of a savoir tryna get a new styling flavor
But I cant shake the pain that leeches to my brain
Same ol thangs so many still doing the chicken wangs
Since I'm mortal cant double dutch that's why my souls in a crutch
Still feeling the pain off of forty year reign Solomon chains
Demon orings like the rain that stings and let chaos bring
Eye for an eye tooth for tooth let the realness chip my tooth
Son of the dead God why cuz the living god want us to fry
**** the novices I cut the diamonds the freshest golden eye
Let the trigger fly see the needles flow through a cathedral  
Hatred of evil back again sitting on my throne cleansing sins

Ever since I took my first breath cant shake the faces of death
Every step I take every move that I make it's like a heartbreak
Stakes between the real and the fakes jakes to the snakes
Hiding in the grass I mash the gas let my conscious visit the past
I had a vivid dream flashback of beautiful Neshelle dwell
Resting her beautiful body in a shell saw myself as well
Round tables no cables holding up though it may seem like fables
To the average humans that label spiritual Bethlehem  
Covering the bloods of the lambs its slaughter of the ******
Babylon been waiting for the slam cant dodge the mayhem
War spread spears through men's and womens heads bred
A lion's feast leased from the belly of the beast no retreats
See the great kings and queens that seat in the universe
I rewrite the verse that was made inside of a curse whatz worse?
Being born into death? Or the opposite of positive
Negative made to enslave the wages of humans sins
Made amends to the carnal minds and souls of the living
Yo I used to fear death when I take deep breaths now I look left
Right I will still watching for my enemies who **** no deals
Given yo I'm still living life of a hustler mad juggler
Cant play with the joker deaths laughing having a blast
Soon to see a cast newsflash leaking blood on the dash
As the cops flash my photo for the o-btituary it's kind of scary
See the ****** of crows sitting on the poles lights discos
I'm soon to crossover bold let my soul unfold then scold
Mold the world to my ambition suspension once I strengthen
Myself drinking too much gin ain't good for my health
I'm going crazy maybe cuz I gotta visit from the red lady
No tails succubus tryna take me to hell I'm feeling well
Trapped inside of a jail cell physical making miracles imperial
Black dynasty emerald shining like I'm balling but I'm falling
Into another state as I'm calling home to my throne
Ashley baby I know it's crazy still tripping off your eulogy
You was suppose to go through it with me now my destiny
Hitting the walls of suicide there my deepest fears hide slide
Into misery definition of agony feel so much tragedy since
Ya left me bounded on earth scenery tattoo tears for the next years
Pierced my soul with no spear I hope you hear my words clear
Crystal see a casket of myself empty glaring over a pistol
I watch deaths sickle will survive another raunchy nickle
It's hard to let pains of migraine seep you then sweep you
Into an ocean of grief no relief sitting back as I chief
A hundred blunts til its ashes to calm my madness
No gladness on this earth here still feel pressure from my peers
Will I die hopeless hard to stay focus demons plaguing locust
Ready to dim the circuits of my light there I shine bright
Mystery flight to the heights of a  dangerous plight
I will fight die I will at the hands of the grims deal so I chill?
But this madness got me in a human thrill speak from my grill
raws words of wisdom that'll feel the average notary seals
Can you feel what I feel? Ready to die looking at the sky
I see my own image blemish in the clouds that replenished
From sunshine to the gun line still myself I try to fine
But somewhere I'm hiding from me maybe for my own sanctity
My shells in the penitentiary tryna escape the humanity sanity
Over falsehood torch my blackwoods the woods
Meditate over my honor death before dishonor feel Conner
Got terminators after me I'm feeling free so smoke me
I swear to the universe yall ****** dont even know me????
photographs rarely doth me justice boot at least some idea will be available if aye seem appealing enough to kiss. boy george, i will try to maintain a thorough lee good convivial over tone so police pardon moi, who calls out justin timberlake time this hermit tick lee sealed hominid dwelling metallica regular rolling stone sans placid yet poison end herman hermits stung by the scorpion human league this abba ca dabra purported - vee lad putative culture club virtual puddle of mudd digital glop, nor conclude me crud cuz, this olda boy - by george wants 2b yo steve a door miller bud jist hole dejure sly and the family stone horses that wanna prance n let there be dragons, seals and crofts me fair lady gaga cuz u auto let my *** pistol gofundme 2 see eddie money far hay, how duh name of dis swiftly tailored tar nation did ya got a hold - don't be afraid e cat nor slink away like a def leppard, fur mebbe i wrote cha from this utter alias name from zee station here or maybe at my previous abode while sipping tea? enjoy a glass of vintage wine don't let the rush o time induce necessity to reciprocate with one or more lines for your aura, charisma, enigma variations align to evoke an alluring, captivating, enervating charm of a gal, whose electronic presence felt as like an animal farm-ville replete with picture perfect barn, and chicken coop where foxes befriend each hendricks without harm dis here buoy i.e. stanley steamer doth newt goot any piercings and no tat twos any where, boot not bothered by a gal covered froom head to foot, with my name i.e. matthew scott harris 'tho no emerald, ruby sapphire, nor flash gordon in the pan could ever sway me away from living a short span that would allow, enable and offer at least a millennium where we can take a spin in my car a van actually, this bloke drives a 2020 hyundai elantra, which revving engine silenced guns and roses without inducing your stomach 2 turn and skin appear to turn green, when most would agree this mutt spouts a meaningless pro verb whose poe it tree haint superb with no intent to perturb butta sprinkle your monitor with some savory her band...also ye need not worry this schlemiel ***** trained habit upon georgian bush doth politely curb. witness this somewhat inn o 50 cent pennywise thrift, nickelback, dime a dozen face no bias, boot moi christened name, would be matched by equipoise ****, and amazing grace becoming a worthy friend within the milieu of virtual place who could disguise herself as being an alien from the human race perhaps our egress living **** seems light years away in an acme safeway, wholefoods, et cetera and secure distant virtual or real space so if intrigued to learn more send bits o digital feedback in binary code or across the heavens some skywriting message these eyes (e'en though tired like twin led zeppelins) will trace. i wish (as u2 might also desire as belonging to the human league) to feel that palpable poison us scorpion stinging pearl jam metallica making egress viz in living color deep purple reigning village people. this beatle browed (harkens to the black crows of Nazareth) that sound akin 2 rushing train of pleasure that courses thru an entire being (during black sabbath) on account of welcoming frequency to explore journey toward nirvana sans writing as the mental foreplay toward...inxs letting this red hot chile peppered beastie boy playing with one bare naked lady. even if something real and tangible a possibility, you could be disinclined to step up to a closer degree of intimacy, perhaps based on seriously involvement with a significant other since progressing thru the creed dent shul of many emotional/ spiritual trials and tribulations. no need from me to resort with insistence (vis a vis induce any hype or pressure, yet once in a lifetime golden finger red opportunity) to experience one direction of joey vivre enjoyment of me as feigned bad company. police - kanye kim e sump tin faw free swiftly tailored made oh kay tee perry up so i can go gaga over ma dear lady.lettuce both induce glee juiced send n email 2 me 3 doors down with inxs of pearl jam shutters no beginning nor plea cuz ah already rote in ma dire straits pledged yar troth can, yippee contrived virtual toy story qua ratatouille poetic brew could materialize in2a likely chance such an idea prods me 2 shrek out with excitement & dance just in case a glimmer of prospect in the park exists. this self anointed bard dislikes formality, hence i present good humor skills, which hopes to enhance this chap who offers poetic expression uncommon in france. he sets sights on sand fran sis go. take a glance 2 help dis intuitive **** sapiens sharpen mental acuity like a lance bite size bit torrent word play might cause ye 2 soil pants interpreting hodgepodge as rave & rants. even platonic rapport would buoy positive stance intent worth b friend ding, 2 sway au currant series electronic charge affect hypnotic trance 4 consideration 2 advance. I betcha never red an intro duck tory reply like this quacker. i'm an ink blot from bic pentameter typed o'er electric wires boyish looking blood muggle father up in years, (whose nonpareil courage 2 face Voldemort, which exploit does tire), and 2 luv lee young adult girls want him 2 sing miles away from the choir 2 prevent game raw bits of yar self 2 acquire frum a boyish chap dreaming excitedly 4 grandiose ******* interludes joyful kindle bound by pages o love, who lives within perkiomen valley, penna, but, yukon only text. postscript nose one: would you care2 become my bride no joe king nor do i chide please take me away alive or freeze dried or sere this buck hits hide, which lil maximus m butted pill grims pride moon thuntz later whipped mir cull o joy n pure writ tin pride. postscript nose two: i noah nuttin bout witches r warlocks boot feel spellbound with magic dat mockshard science and knocks said solid ******* principles that hocks some basis in astrology n such early learning blocks of humanity - now swept away like chicken pox virus, yet those un-named discoverers of matter allow artificial satellites capable to establish docks far removed from gravitational force when (keep this on the qt), those spacecraft lobbed into cosmos base sic lee from a potion of balled up soiled red socks void where prohibited by sign language or pop yule lye vox. unlike my personality to come across like some forceful chap ling go ring, ******* buster keaton being ****** will buoy us alight if we take to some invisible primal grunting wing from - this average male member egret, who rem members when we first met and consider thee a queen for this rolling stone, who emails (then abduct) me via the net adieu. Bye. chow now, this mwm will await pleasure like when ye text me - if willing, ready, eager and able create r hard woo n intimate ace cee dee cee zip pity doo dsh fable enjoying your cuntry villa mossy two lipped gable ****** sans the medical terminology whispered to thee when voiced per phone where airwaves crackle, snap n pop like mayhem of cars or babble heard at tower of babel via telephonic cable or rsvp tap text message to me a dope gang pull chose er this label the offspring of one great great great...grandmother named Mable who adorned herself in horsehair woven from her thoroughbreds kept in a golden arched stable housing a large equus shaped table.

— The End —