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The mythical ethereal tree balancing 9 parallel dimensions uniquely different to our own. In perfection the equilibrium of its natural power gives life to the heavens fruit to the earth and water to the stars. A holy reverent insignia a symbol of justice and order the tree itself is the embodiment of the individual soul of God. The root of the tree is indestructible and immortal. It's branches flourish thru the cosmos and it's splendor can be seen from the most far away star. Deep within a Heavenly Realm the tree has its resting place. Secluded and alone from the rest of the Heavenly host. Alone only God himself is allowed to visit it's hidden location. Three Querubins watch over the tree at all times never allowed to leave their post. This is known as the "Mother Tree" part of the core to God's soul.

The wisdom and freedom the tree itself carries is superior than the one God has. Henceforth, if the tree were to get destroyed somehow Gods immortality will seize to be. For the fruit that the tree carries grants it's consumer immortality and limitless power to control time, space, creation. The power of destruction is only given to those who have earned it thru endless evil delegated from deep within their corrupted soul.

The perfect creation a Querubin made in Grandiose Splendor... Insurmountable power yet inferior to his Creator. Deep within the Chariot Of God Lucifer plotted to take down God and take 4 million Angels from Gods heavenly Army. In total God had 12 million Angels protecting Heaven and its contents. So Lucifer being in the hierarchy bracket of the Angelic Host Beginning with the Master Angel known to be the primordial spirit also known as the Holy Spirit a being that Humans can feel Angels can't see or hear him but they can also feel multirealitic presence for he inhabits all the 9 parallel dimensions. He is the Main Chief Executive Master of All Angels Heavenly Creatures and Heavenly Host including Gods only begotten Son Jesus Christ. From a time when time and matter didnt exist antimatter was the only thing present in the Unique Dimension
That God alone and nothing resided there because is known as the Reflection Master Black Hole it means only God knows the code to enter this dimension separated from all the other 9 Dimensions for this are the 10th and 11th Dimension the 10th being a place so miniature and so undescribably small that his particle alone existed there. The 11th dimension a dimension that only God himself knows what's inside for it is told by an Ancient Rumor that there is something beyond eternity and immortality something beyond the scope of limits and limitations powers and imagination of even knowledge of all heavenly host combined even to Jesus it is not permitted to enter this realm for whatever is being held there puts his life at risk and his immortality at stake. For only Yahweh holds *Ultimatum Immortalis
or known as Ultimate Immortality the unique gift to live anywhere where his imagination and force of power is able to roam and create or destroy. Even it it's made from the massive unexplainable and inexplicable force that a supermassive black hole has. Pressure and Force unknown to man and for us to calculate even the smallest black hole in the universe its size force and power is mysteriously unexplicable and unobtainable now let's take a supermassive one which is out of our rational thinking and yet so much so more mysterious than the ordinary black hole. Knowing God alone all knowing and unknowning in the Multiverse the deepest most illusive and superior knowledge known to man and even God alike is who created the Book of Life there everything containing life has a word a meaning and a unique life attribute and death attribute vibration in the multiverse.  

The Only One containing neither attribute eeriely is God also known as Yahweh or Emmanuel and to some Creator. For eternity has not immortality and immortality supposedly has a destruction point and the final letters which are seven secret letters that unlock and relock dimension 11th to be opened or closed so that destruction won't consume all realms and God himself.

From then on nothing more is known to Angel, Demon, Man or Beast or Ethereal being...

Seven trillion years had passed since the beginning point of creation when God alone had created the dimensions >6.9< being his primordial creation the Son along with the Holy Spirit and in latter time came the Heavenly Beings and even later time extraterrestrial species and mankind. God ruled over all parts of the Heavenly Kingdom which consisted of 8 different parts. The Altar and Courtroom of God's heavenly host located in the North Side of the Heavens. The Majestic Garden placed in the Northeast of heavens. The palace of the Grandiose Predecessor God of the Old and Savior of all existence known to God himself as the Original God speculated to be the creator of the Book of Life who's immortal existence and Ultimatum Immortalis was destroyed by unknown reasons to all except Yahweh. This particular place is located in the Northwest of heavens. In the Southeast part of heaven lies all the heavenly creatures. Including 3 dragons with celestial beauty and tremendous power. The first Dragon had a Dark pigmentation and red smoke emanating from his body his eyes where red like the color of blood. The second one had transparent crystalline like skin and golden eyes. The Final Dragon was a small petite dragon flying I n between the two big dragons small in figure but very radiant in light he had 13 halos on his head and 12 wings... Five mighty beast like where also in the room. The first was a lion head with griffons wings and a rattle snake tail the second beast had a face of an eagle with a body of a cheetah and the tail of a scorpion the third had the face of a elephant with the body of a human being decorated with precious stones and mir. The last creature had the body of a giant with 8 arms and five legs he had a mysterious glowing mask on that revealed 4 faces each with a unique expression on their sculpture. From there there was a long corridor that lead to the southwest side of heaven in this place was a city made out of Gold the floor made out of platinum and it was really bright and shiny everywhere. I could see mansions as far as the eye could take you all prepared for the saved and rescued souls Jesus had gathered on Earth. From there we visited the South side of heaven where 12,000 Querubins 25,000 Seraphim's and 75,000 Messenger Angels gathered listening to Arch-Angel Nathaniel stood giving direct orders to all the Angels gathered. In the middle was a huge rupture on the floor that from what I heard Nathaniel say leads to one of the 8 Circles of Infernus the hellish realm of all condemned Angels who had revealed or betrayed God. It is said that God did not create hell but that it had always been there locked away and kept contained and under surveillance by all Warrior type Angels. The Angels that had been in missions and had taken a trip down to that Dark and Infernal place a place of pain and horror a place of solitude and no presence of God anywhere to be found the majority of them revealed or had turn their faith from God and became a Demon but the ones who had come back victorious and conquered within are a selected few and lived to tell the tale. As this speech was going on Lucifer was preparing to give out a speech in the throne room for him being Speaker Of the House and the the Second Commander of Platoon Squad Army of Angels composed of 1.8 mil Angels with the 2 other Arch Angels known as Jarvan and Krylinn. Arch Angel Jarvan is first in command then comes second in command Lucifer and lastly but not least the beautiful warrior angel known as Krylinn Elite Angel Squad #6 composed of 4 Arch Angels who took down a Legendary Beast in Infernus known as Inrah

Inrah resides in the 7th Circle of Hell...a collosal beast with tremendous power Part Demon and Part Angel it's a hybrid Demon 11 ft tall with 9 wings a small wing emanating from his head and four wings in his right side on his back and another four wings from the left side of his back.  Each wing had a natural element 2 made out of ice another 2 made out of fire another 2 made out of thunder and the last 2 made out of earth. The small wing made out of Shadow. From what the Angels could see Arch Angel Valerye Arch Angel Leona Arch Angel Krylinn and last member Arch Angel Sebastian. Each Arch Angel had a Legendary Equipment on Sebastian he weilded a Heavenly Crossbow with precious stones on it. A light armor to be able to move efficiently and quickly Sebastian is a Master Archer LvI for there being three levels of mastery in total and only 777 Angels made the cut to become a LvI Mastery Archer Angel. In the bracket of the Angelic hierarchy there is Levels of Power, Skill and Tactics. The Levels range from Messenger Angels range from Lv1-Lv150 max 200. Seraphim's range from Lv200 to 450max Lv. Querubin range from Lv400-750 and the unique couple known as Lucifer and Querubin Morrigan who's power ranges from Lv475 to Lv800 and Lucifer from Lv500 to Lv850. Arch Angels range from Lv500 to Lv1000. God's Lv? Lv?. The Son Jesus Christ has a power level of Lv1000 who he himself has Elite gear Legendary gear and lastly Juggernaut gear. His partner Arch Angel Leona she wilded a Heavenly sword shield and Special Heavenly Attributes to use a doppelganger. Her Armor was Legendary. Armor Levels Regular Lv1-150 Rare Lv150-300 Elite Lv300-375 Legendary Lv375-500 Master Lv500-800 and Unique Lv 800-1000.  The Third member of the Group Krylinn was wearing a hybrid armor made out of glass/blue crystals a specially made glass so powerful it's Lv is Unique. She was wearing a Heavenly gun with a Heavenly wip. Lastly the final member of the group Warrior Valerye also known as her nickname Grand Valkerye of the Heavens for her wings are slightly bigger and her body anatomy is muscular. She wore a platinum armor with a large Heavenly Sword. From what it seemed it was a two handed weapon. Each Arch Angel range from 6ft to 8ft rare ones 8 and a half. This Hybrid demon however could talk each of their Angelic Tribe Language...and they where all surprised. Inrah being from the Southwest side of heaven had revealed over 2 years ago and was never seen in Heaven anymore but now he had resurfaced more powerful and a total corrupted Arch Angel who's level was Lv502-747 now he possessed a Lv of 1000. There it floats slowly but directly toward the Angels ... About 400 ft away floating in mid air and slowly depending to the ground of Infernus. To the Left what seems like a Lunatic Army of Lesser demons all decapitated and a Demon Lord killed deep within a crater of Infernus. Telepathically the Hybrid demon Inrah said to them in their native Angelic lenguage "Come form a pact with me and obtain Ultimatum Immortalis by me consuming your delicate feeble and frail immortal link between you and the spirit of God...hahaha you cannot defeat me."

Valerye looks at Sebastian in an instant like .4 seconds Inrah disappears and reappears so quickly that his immediate attack punching Valerye in the face and leaving a small bruise and a cut...As soon as she put her eyes back into focus with Inrah he lays headless in the ground It was Lv4 Cosmic Light Arrow that hit him directly in the forehead...says Sebastian to Valerye who still rubbing her eyes due to the force of the punch...9 seconds later ...
Valerye: -Inside her head...I hear something as they where 366 ft away from Inrah who Sebastian and Krylinn checked his head and it was literally browned to pieces skull and all. Even his power level diminished slowly right after getting killed...or so they thought as much. Then Valerye quickly teleported directly in front of Inrah and suspected the worst his whole head was slowly rebuilding and reviving itself so before she even asked for help from the others they teleported directly to her location in front of Inrah. As his head was slowly yet increasing speed as time moved on from second to second so Krylinn took out her gun and shot him in the head about 100 times...then took out her special weapon the RocketGalacticGun equipped to be a minigun and a rocket launcher. So she used all her attacks on the body of the demon dispersing his body parts was a grotesque scene. The main part of the demon the torso was heavily damaged exposing parts of heart lungs and backbone. The wipp made huge holds with gushy wounds everywhere one lash hit Inrah so hard that it cut off his whole arm. They all looked at the extensive heavy damage they done to the Powerful ArchFiend. They all communicated to each other and agreed that Inrah's power level had hit 0 and they have waited 5 minutes for him to pull a stunt and reform but nothing so as soon as they come to agreement to leave the exact moment they decided that telepathically to each other Inrah pieces of flesh started to move and we're turning a metallic silverish goldish color. They tried to stop it but all of their attacks where somehow ineffective. Then they looked at the pieces all gathered in the ground they slowly started flossing and at first creating a small transparent shield slowly turning the color black till it was pitch black and huge about 25ft tall and 30ft wide. It then all the sudden standing in woe the Angels saw the horribly demonic ugly and ferocious zombie dragon. Green blue and red in color with soars all over the dragon licking fluid from the soars and this transparent white smoke coming from it. It had perfect denture but it was putrid and smelled like sewer waste and water. Yellowish black smudges and smears all over the dragons teeth. It roared and it's powerful battle cry made the Angels be a bit uneasy and scared to some degree...

The dragon with a whopping power level of 1000 yet Valerye a Lv 787 Berserk Warrior Angel couldn't dodge the attack of the monstrous dragon which spat a bubble of toxic liquids with a mixture of awful fumes that hit Valerye and she crashed to the ground...all the others came to her rescue...Sebastian using the Heavenly Crossbow Explosive Holy Rod Shots being the biggest and most heavy arrow with a powerful explosive ability creating a whole in it'd victims. The dragon oddly stood there calm and getting hit by the shots which where 5.  He shook his body as the last rod arrow hit him and wow only 1 stuck his body penetrating his body creating a wound and it gushing green thick with bluish lines liquid from its body. As Krylinn was hitting the dragon in the face causing it a couple lacerations. Trying to shot him in the Eye Krylinn gets smacked by the dragons hand and crashes to the ground cracking part of its armor. They telepathically get communicated by the dragon and he says "You shall not win this battle Angels for I have trained long and hard for 2 and a half years ever since I left heaven to seek for more complete power. Now you shall bear the fruits of my training. Now die...

*In the second part of this sequel we will review what happens to the Angels and with the speech Lucifer will conclude to give in Heaven in the Throne Room.
This is an Epic Poem/Tale similar to the epic poem Beowulf. However with different ending and different mechanics of how it was written. It's a Trilogy so therefore it has 3 parts to the sequel.
Marian Feb 2013
Under the shade of weeping willow trees
The air is filled with birdsong an anthem sweet and beautiful
The soft sweet song of the bubbling creek
The fragrance of honeysuckles drifts from the forgotten garden
Where daffodils, violets, and many other flowers grow
Mountains high and valleys low covered in the cloak of spring
Hunter-green cedars and deep-green firs sway in the dancing breeze
Even the lonesome desert and vast wilderness
With its pretty sunrises and sunsets bears its own beauty
Morning glories in the Enchanted Forest unfurl their soft sweet petals
At Dusk when all are sleep
Sunrays shining through the dew covered leaves of the majestic trees
Waves wash onto the sea of time where lots of creatures live
And where fishes and sea turtles peep up out of the ocean
Where palm trees grow their lacy-green leaves providing shade for all
Where rocky island cliffs hold treasures forgotten a long time ago
When pirates hunted for gold
Where old forgotten battleships are at the bottom of the ocean
And the people on them long since dead. . .
Pearls and treasures hidden from sight at the bottom of the ocean
Where dolphins sleep and play ready to save some swimmer
Sea-green coral and seaweed are pretty ocean plants
Seashells at the very bottom of the ocean
Seagulls sing to one another from the coconut trees and many other birds sing a
Tropical anthem blending with the sweet perfume of hibiscus and a lone tropical girl
Plays a sweet song on the ukulele
And the horse gallops on the sandy shore happily enjoying his freedom
And the world to all is beautiful
Tropical sunsets blazing dark goldish- orange with the silhouettes of palm trees
On the beautiful rocky island
And the world is hushed to sleep with the tropical lullaby of the singing waves
When the world awakes with dew the sweet hibiscus

It is, and is not, I am sane enough,
Since you have come this place has hovered round me,
This fabrication built of autumn roses,
Then there’s a goldish colour, different.

And one gropes in these things as delicate
Algæ reach up and out, beneath
Pale slow green surgings of the underwave,
’Mid these things older than the names they have,
These things that are familiears of the god.
Damaré M Nov 2012
Last night I had a blast
It was just me and her the entire 8 hours
From 1am 'til 9 something this morning
I cannot remember when we exactly departed
Thanks to that stupid muscle car outside I had no chance to say goodbye
I remember a glimpse of me saying hello
Everything seemed to happen so fast
Though the scene grew slow
We were in a setting that I saw before
But it didn't really make sense to me
However I felt every little detail
Our mind is Amazing
One's thoughts can contradict a lot
Do our actions always have to oppose the freedom of our mind?
We were holding hands tighter than we've ever done before
We got the chance to laugh about things that usually would have resulted in bitterness
Never before have we collaborated with such tenderness
Last night was the first time in a long time that we came together w/o domestic belligerence
A few people was present to witness
But they're not gonna remember this like I will
Not even her...
I loved her
I hugged her
I didn't bug her
I didn't shove her
I kissed her
I miss her
Even though she's just up the way in her dorm
Everything changed within an alarm
I may not ever get to see her smile like she did
We weren't irresponsible
Although it wasn't planned
However we had kids
...Little princesses
I'm trying to remember where we lived
We might have been living without sin
Because she had a ring on her finger that had a Rose-goldish blend
Around 10a.m I got up and checked my jeans to see if she gave it back to me
I may go early tonight to see if I can finish with what I've started
Hope I can somehow make her believe
Hope one day I can treat her like my Queen
Just the way I did in my dream
Dania Jun 2014
I like spending time alone
With the right person.

The problem is that
I found the right person.

I know it doesn’t make sense
To enjoy solitude
With someone else.

And I also know
I’m not his right person.
I know he doesn’t think about me.

And I know he won’t think about how my hair glows a goldish-bronze in the sunset.
He won’t dream about my blue eyes peering over his chest after we make love.

And I know he won’t rant about how I don’t love him with the same passion he loves me,
Because it’s the other way around.

I know he likes spending time alone,
Maybe with the right person.

The problem is that
I wasn’t the right person.
Evynne Dec 2013
I see piercing rings like light shows in the goldish brown skies of your eyes and when you speak, a beautifully combined string of sounds creates the most charming melody my ears have ever been graced with
Your lips like the greatest comfort of life, smooth and soft like linen sheets enfolding my freckled flesh
Your tongue sugared and wet, like a piece of hard candy, I love the way it tastes as it turns around in my mouth
Your kiss like the most breathtaking of any and all tangible and transcendental pleasures
A never ending dream flowing softly in the counterparts of my introverted mind
The gentle drone of your heavy sighs
Your breath, heavy and humid, like a dense fog covering the ground on a crisp fall morning
Your black hair resembles a dark and silky shroud like it could absorb all light and still be both blinding and appealing
I watch your fervor as it spreads to every particle of air that it can infiltrate
Your heart seemingly evident though tucked away under the enticing surface of your brawny chest, as if I can feel your heartbeat in my very chest, thumping in perfect synchronization with the quiet beating of my own heart
MJ Henry Jun 2014
First and foremost in everyone's mind
but mine
is the Green of the Crayola crayon.
As Green as factories and skyscrapers, like
and his tendency to take over.

Green looks different through my eyes.

I see the Green of a clover.
Green that is
Bouncing and bobbing and buoyant
as duckweed on the waves.
Promising and purposeful and persistent
as the first shoots of grass.
The Green that shows in the people with
bravery and bright smiles and bursting with
I wish I was
enough to have more of the Green of a

I see the Green of an emerald.
The depth of Green,
the bottomless bottom of the ocean;
Green where I
drown in my thoughts.
The emerald city where my insignificance and significance
crush me all the same and I am
smothered in questions
So many drown in the shallow Green of seaweed.  The Green of
money and makeup and my god have you seen Melissa's haircut?
The dollar bill Green of
envy and greed
that stops so many so many from diving any

I see the Green of ferns and the Green of cacti.
Soft, soothing Green of
enough sleep
tea in the mornings
sharp, sinister Green of
you should have studied.

I see the Green of Christmas trees
that should mean family and giving and light but
means pretend to like her and
smile at the right times and
why are you so
unfriendly I mean shy.
The dark, for everGreen of the most
time of the year.

I see the Green of my eyes.
The bluish goldish brownish color
that everyone sees a little
but that's ok.
Because everyone sees Green a little
Aggie W Nov 2014
The goldish ring color is fading,
The polaroids are old and dusty,
My heart is cold even though it's pacing.
Tell me darling, in my sleep,
*Is our love gone with the ring?
unnamed May 2017
The ancient gods have awaken,
They thirst for a drink of unimaginable power of wisdom...
Two chalices sit beside my throne.

On of pure gold from mighty mines.
Its called The wealth of gods
embeded rubys and emeralds...
broken colorful light bounces from the chalice and fills half of the room,
Slow glimmering blood drops of gods fall into it.
Everytime a drop hits the surface,
A blinding light strikes my eyes,         it releases a powerful magic

And people of pure heart gather around and dwelve on its power and wisdom,
yet dare not touch it.

One made of the darkest obsidian,
It's name lost long ago.
Infused with purest kind of horrors
Hearts of the giant crows bleed in it,
The darkness grows stronger and never seizes to have a closure.

Around the dark all foul creatures gather,
Their houls would not stop,
They terrify the living,
No iternal rest for them.

In the middle I rest,
I will never get possesed.
I wont sleep as the gods fancy their drink.
And i must bring it to them as my punishment from gods themselves, because i serve the Dark Lord.
I enjoy their divinity...
Their wisdom...
And power...

Around my neck a heavy chain dangles,
On it's very tip a marble key,
It's my everything.
The key of destiny.
My dry boney fingers try to clasp it,
But its too far,
Destiny of the souls,
They are piling on me,
I cant shake them.
They are unstoppable.

Black wings on my back,
They feel like stone cold...
hard and heavy,
One swing and this doom is perished,
But i can not move them.
They are embeded onto my throne,
They will swing one more time.

My knuckless are bronze,
My feet goldish feathers,
My chest of platinum,
My blade from pure iron,
Thirsty for some red, red blood.

You can not defeat me.
Though I'm still weak,
Servants of god are powerful.

Once i fought for good,
I was a blood thirsty warrior,
A thing of myths and legends.

I had an old relic of power,
It kept me on the side of gods,
Yet evil always wins.
It took over me like a black cloud.
My soul darkened with every swing i took.
The mirror of fate was broken.
Now I am immortal and a heavy burden lies on my shoulders.

Evil always wins.
My first poem
John Gallagher Mar 2012
you are my star, you are my sun,
you are the hotdog to complete my bun,
you are the joy and the fun in my life,
i hope someday to call you my wife,
you are the breeze in which the ocean once knew,
i wish to stay so very true,
not loving you should be a sin,
you're the very air i take in,
i stay awake to think of you,
i love the way your eyes sparkle with blue,
the way your hair is a goldish blonde,
it feels like a touch from a magic wand,
the clothes you wear make me very aware,
so save me the despair, because i cant even compare,
the natural beauty of your existence,
makes me want to have very little distance,
i wish to take a little stroll,
just to be around your magical soul,
a strong force overcomes me when i see you walk by,
i feel like I'm flying through the sky,
your shape and your amazing structure,
oh my god..i just felt my heart rupture,
your the visions in my mind that sometimes cause me to go blind,
i feel one day we will attach and become entwined,
on that day a new definition of love will be created,
and the funny thing is we've barely dated,
the feeling i have for you can be described as an emotion,
i promise you to have strong devotion,
i guess what im trying to say is,
i want to be together,
and make you happy forever and ever.
Z Apr 2015
You are running through the woods
and the simple act of breathing reminds you
that you alone
are not whole.
You have a gnawing urge
a shaking, painful need
to intake breathe. Your lungs
are hollow and you cannot exist
without the aid of the thundering world that surrounds your body.
Leaves rustle at your feet but there is nothing alive within them;
it is spring, but still early in the season,
all of the branches of the trees hang limp and bare and gray and cold.
Everything is quiet
and only slightly sweet smelling--
you are reminded that your life,
however vaguely synonymous with your soul,
is the fire of a candle
and nestled tightly between your vital organs,
sprouting delicately out of your aorta,
and homed only by your ribcage.
You probably think that it is an overly generic metaphor,
but I am going to use it anyway.
You are reminded that although this earth takes in the carbon dioxide you exhale and in return seeps life into you
at the pace of a heartbeat,
one sudden violent shudder
could take it all away.
And I don't want to be alone.
I am reminded that this poem
is supposed to be about you.
But hey,
who cares,
I'll take everything sweet and powerful and pretty and deep and
spin it into something of a self-portrait.
It doesn't matter how messy or wordy or nonsensical it is, I can just slap an Instagram filter on it and call it good.
Because according to people who aren't us,
that's what my generation does.
But I do not think that technology is shameful.
Maybe the internet gave me Stockholm syndrome,
but hey, I don't care,
I like it.
I do not understand the resent towards everything modern,
social media,
the polio vaccine,
the spread of legal marriage equality,
or the continuous, grappling, and rejuvenated fight against institutionalized racism
(something our predecessors never could quite stomp out).
We are a candlelight
that can never be put out.
God graced me with 20 million nerve endings
(I know because I googled it)
and a whole heap of flickering atoms
running from my fugly toes to the tips of jittery fingers
so that I may feel
and express myself.
I'll be ****** if I take that for granted.
This is the New Romanticism--
penned out with two hammering thumbs on a touch screen.
Hell, maybe I'm the new Nietzsche.
Everything that I can experience
has the potential to be beautiful.
From pointless technological meandering
to the raw and flourishing earth that brushes up against my skin.
It is all worthy of note for it comprises the miraculous euphoria that is human nature and
human life.
Maybe everything that I write
and feel
and think
and experience and
believe in is all petty and for naught
because I am a teenage girl
and nothing but.
the universe at chance collided altogether in a smash to bring about a world that sustains my very individual personal life,
and mankind created laptop computers,
so if even miracles are possible,
I'd like to be a little more optimistic than that.
But this isn't a poem about that.
This is a poem about running
and breathing and living
through the woods
with you.
Not escaping, not fleeing, just running
and believing and being.
I think we're going to make it.
I think we're going to make it just fine.
Paulina S Jun 2014
A whistle in the night
followed by a thousand fireflies
Like compressed goldish dust
flying in the wind

That's how you feel
so real, so free.
You vanish when I stare at you
making me want more
And somehow, more of you hurts
as if you were a heavy burden
locked in your own world

A treasure in the meadow
that has been soaking in mud
You try to cover up
But I want to know more
Discover your science
your precious thoughts

you are a beautiful mindset
you fill my days with joy
and I wouldn't care
to stand the pain
If I'd need to get through.

You're so not careless
And I'm so not too
But if something I know,
is that your love is worth it

Every   single   **word
Smothered Divine Dec 2019
Melted moonlight fills my glass
Foggy nights fill my throat like star gas-
Choke me, make me forget my name.
Drown me, make me forget I'm not okay.
The rain soaks through to my bones.
Heavy, throw some-
broken stones.
Crack my skull, clear my thoughts-
I’m not okay,
I’m swallowing rocks.
Eyes change tones,
Goldish blueish greenish pink
Neon bolded and highlighted winks-
A simple secret’s blood spills onto the screen:
We watch the art: Our hearts, on guard, unseen.
Dedicated to Jacob, my hero and sheep. Baaaah, ******.
I was only fourteen
Delightfully solacing on
My plushy coraled bed Inside
My goldish bedecked room
The muteness inside the house
Relaxed my grip
And the comfort of the muse
Lulled me into the abyss of futurity

An unanticipated door creak snapped me out
I turn drowsed
Reluctant, unmoved
Declining from consciousness again
And halfway I felt a sudden
Transfixed cloud of shadow
Overwhelmed over my enfeebled frame
With instant release of warmed brandy breathe
Floating like a butterfly on my fuzzy face
I rushingly opened my eyes
Behold, his dark eyes, lustfully gazing at mine
I attempt to resist his forceful loof
Shoving on top of the
flesh of my screaming mouth

His eyes of uncle
So strong a father
Zealous like brother
And the fig of his skin, of a stranger
I pleaded as a daughter
I cried like a sister
And wept, with pity, like a stranger

Finally he broke through,
Took away my pride, one that I can never get it back
I was sobbing, in sever pain, bleeding, helpless
He doesn't care anyway
Fastening back his trousers, spermed
I asked him why
Why me
But, "It's all right" he whispered; slamming the door behind

Should I tell Mom about it?, ' There is no need to wreak  havoc in a family' (I thought)
Maybe I was too scared to
Face my perpetrator again
How can I
Confess that I was *****,
Robbed of a treasure, by a familiar stranger

It's hard to believe that
God's existing
If he is, he despised me
Mama used to tell me that he
Loves me unconditional
She said that he cares about me daily
That he knows and watches everything from above
But If that is so, why didn't he stopped it
From happening to me
Why did he not stop it
I was only fourteen when
My innocence is taken
My pride is stolen
Abused by the people I trust
To protect me
To save me from the rampage  
Of wild uncontrolled monsters
Ten years agone like ten seconds ago
The wound still feels afresh
This memory haunts my consciousness
In every portion of my ingression
Everyday is a struggle to live
To live with the irresistible lifetime scar
I'm trying so hard to let it go

— The End —