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I, All-Creation, sing my song of praise
To God Who made me and vouchsafes my days,
And sends me forth by multitudinous ways.


I, like my Brethren, burn eternally
With love of Him Who is Love, and loveth me;
The Holy, Holy, Holy Unity.


I, with my Brethren, gaze eternally
On Him Who is Wisdom, and Who knoweth me;
The Holy, Holy, Holy Trinity.

  All Angels.

We rule, we serve, we work, we store His treasure,
Whose vessels are we, brimmed with strength and pleasure;
Our joys fulfil, yea, overfill our measure.


We float before the Presence Infinite,
We cluster round the Throne in our delight,
Revolving and rejoicing in God's sight.


I, blue and beautiful, and framed of air,
At sunrise and at sunset grow most fair;
His glory by my glories I declare.


We Powers are powers because He makes us strong;
Wherefore we roll all rolling orbs along,
We move all moving things, and sing our song.


I blaze to Him in mine engarlanding
Of rays, I flame His whole burnt-offering,
While as a bridegroom I rejoice and sing.


I follow, and am fair, and do His Will;
Through all my changes I am faithful still,
Full-orbed or strait, His mandate to fulfil.


We Star-hosts numerous, innumerous,
Throng space with energy untumultuous,
And work His Will Whose eye beholdeth us.

  Galaxies and Nebulae.

No thing is far or near; and therefore we
Float neither far nor near; but where we be
Weave dances round the Throne perpetually.

  Comets and Meteors.

Our lights dart here and there, whirl to and fro,
We flash and vanish, we die down and glow;
All doing His Will Who bids us do it so.


We give ourselves; and be we great or small,
Thus are we made like Him Who giveth all,
Like Him Whose gracious pleasure bids us fall.


We give ourselves in silent secret ways,
Spending and spent in silence full of grace;
And thus are made like God, and show His praise.


We sift the air and winnow all the earth;
And God Who poised our weights and weighs our worth
Accepts the worship of our solemn mirth.


My power and strength are His Who fashioned me,
Ordained me image of His Jealousy,
Forged me His weapon fierce exceedingly.


I glow unto His glory, and do good:
I glow, and bring to life both bud and brood;
I glow, and ripen harvest-crops for food.

  Winter and Summer.

Our wealth and joys and beauties celebrate
His wealth of beauty Who sustains our state,
Before Whose changelessness we alternate.

  Spring and Autumn.

I hope,--
          And I remember,--

                            We give place
Either to other with contented grace,
Acceptable and lovely all our days.


I make the unstable stable, binding fast
The world of waters prone to ripple past:
Thus praise I God, Whose mercies I forecast.


I rouse and goad the slothful, apt to nod,
I stir and urge the laggards with my rod:
My praise is not of men, yet I praise God.


My whiteness shadoweth Him Who is most fair,
All spotless: yea, my whiteness which I wear
Exalts His Purity beyond compare.


We darken sun and moon, and blot the day,
The good Will of our Maker to obey:
Till to the glory of God we pass away.


Moon and all stars I don for diadem
To make me fair: I cast myself and them
Before His feet, Who knows us gem from gem.


I shout before Him in my plenitude
Of light and warmth, of hope and wealth and food;
Ascribing all good to the Only Good.

  Light and Darkness.

I am God's dwelling-place,--
                              And also I
Make His pavilion,--
                      Lo, we bide and fly
Exulting in the Will of God Most High.

  Lightning and Thunder.

We indivisible flash forth His Fame,
We thunder forth the glory of His Name,
In harmony of resonance and flame.


Sweet is our store, exhaled from sea or river:
We wear a rainbow, praising God the Giver
Because His mercy is for ever and ever.


I rest in Him rejoicing: resting so
And so rejoicing, in that I am low;
Yet known of Him, and following on to know.


Our heights which laud Him, sink abased before
Him higher than the highest evermore:
God higher than the highest we adore.


We green-tops praise Him, and we fruitful heads,
Whereon the sunshine and the dew He sheds:
We green-tops praise Him, rising from out beds.

  Green Things.

We all green things, we blossoms bright or dim,
Trees, bushes, brushwood, corn and grasses slim,
We lift our many-favored lauds to Him.


I praise Him on my thorn which I adorn,--
And I, amid my world of thistle and thorn,--
And I, within my veil where I am born.


We, Apple-blossom, Citron, Pomegranate,
We, clothed of God without our toil and fret,
We offer fatness where His Throne is set.


I proffer Him my sweetness, who am sweet,--
I bow my strength in fragrance at His feet,--
I wave myself before His Judgment Seat.

  Medicinal Herbs.

I bring refreshment,--
                      I bring ease and calm,--
I lavish strength and healing,--
                                I am balm,--
We work His pitiful Will and chant our psalm.

  A Spring.

Clear my pure fountain, clear and pure my rill,
My fountain and mine outflow deep and still,
I set His semblance forth and do His Will.


To-day I praise God with a sparkling face,
My thousand thousand waves all uttering praise:
To-morrow I commit me to His Grace.


We spring and swell meandering to and fro,
From height to depth, from depth to depth we flow,
We fertilize the world, and praise Him so.

  Whales and Sea Mammals.

We Whales and Monsters gambol in His sight
Rejoicing every day and every night,
Safe in the tender keeping of His Might.


Our fashions and our colors and our speeds
Set forth His praise Who framed us and Who feeds,
Who knows our number and regards our needs.


Winged Angels of this visible world, we fly
To sing God's praises in the lofty sky;
We scale the height to praise our Lord most High.

  Eagle and Dove.

I the sun-gazing Eagle,--
                          I the Dove,
With plumes of softness and a note of love,--
We praise by divers gifts One God above.

  Beasts and Cattle.

We forest Beasts,--
                    We Beasts of hill or cave,--
We border-loving Creatures of the wave,--
We praise our King with voices deep and grave.

  Small Animals.

God forms us weak and small, but pours out all
We need, and notes us while we stand or fall:
Wherefore we praise Him, weak and safe and small.


I praise my loving Lord, Who maketh me
His type by harmless sweet simplicity:
Yet He the Lamb of lambs incomparably.


I praise the Lion of the Royal Race,
Strongest in fight and swiftest in the chase:
With all my might I leap and lavish praise.

  All Men.

All creatures sing around us, and we sing:
We bring our own selves as our offering,
Our very selves we render to our King.


Flock of our Shepherd's pasture and His fold,
Purchased and well-beloved from days of old,
We tell His praise which still remains untold.


We free-will Shepherds tend His sheep, and feed;
We follow Him while caring for their need;
We follow praising Him, and them we lead.

  Servants of God.

We love God, for He loves us; we are free
In serving Him, who serve Him willingly:
As kings we reign, and praise His Majesty.

  Holy and Humble Persons.

All humble souls he calls and sanctifies;
All holy souls He calls to make them wise;
Accepting all, His free-will sacrifice.


He maketh me,--
                And me,--
                          And me,--
                                  To be
His blessed little ones around His knee,
Who praise Him by mere love confidingly.


God makes our service love, and makes our wage
Love: so we wend on patient pilgrimage,
Extolling Him by love from age to age.


God gives us power to rule: He gives us power
To rule ourselves, and prune the exuberant flower
Of youth, and worship Him hour after hour.

  Spirits and Souls--

Lo, in the hidden world we chant our chant
To Him Who fills us that we nothing want,
To Him Whose bounty leaves our craving scant.

  of Babes--

With milky mouths we praise God, from the breast
Called home betimes to rest the perfect rest,
By love and joy fufilling His behest.

  of Women--

We praise His Will which made us what He would,
His Will which fashioned us and called us good,
His Will our plenary beatitude.

  of Men.

We praise His Will Who bore with us so long,
Who out of weakness wrought us swift and strong,
Champions of right and putters-down of wrong.


Let everything that hath or hath not breath,
Let days and endless days, let life and death,
Praise God, praise God, praise God, His creature saith.
RaySlev Sep 2012
So there is this pyramid.
We learned about it last week
This guy, his name was Maslow
maybe he is still alive. I'm not sure.
I don't even know his full name....I''ll probably do really well in this class, by the way.
So, Maslow, he came up with this pyramid.
A pyramid of physiological need. Ineresting right?
I think it is pretty interesting.
The bottom of the pyramid, the biggest part, contains the things you need the most.
Air, water, food, get the idea.
The next part says saftey and security.
In order to live a fufilling life you need...
air, water, food, sleep, saftey and security.
Pretty simple
Then, this guy Maslow, he throws this ******* into the mix...
on the next level of the pyramid he puts love and belonging.
Love and belonging?
A necessity?
I have only lived about 19 years of my life
and I think it is safe to say that I have never loved.
Not really loved anyone.
I love my mom, I love my dog.
I hope that is the kind of love that Maslow is talking about or else
....I am not fufilling my physiological needs.
So I'm a little ****** up, yeah I could belive that.
To top this **** off.
Maslow throws Esteem and Self-esteem on the tip top of this pyramid.
Well now Maslow...hes really making my day
I got none of that either.
So here I am taking some notes in class and
Maslow makes me realized that I'm a pretty incomplete person.
Right here, in the middle of my Psychology lecture
surounded by at least 300 other incomplete people.
Just my thoughts, not really a poem.
Jenna Richardson Feb 2013
She has a sadness, and swing
and something else--
like her voice could bring you back from the dead.
She never had a chance, born sick
of the flat Earth she was lain upon.
arms dusted with a film
scrubbed until she was raw,
sins bleeding out in the yellowing shower.
Kim Hines Jan 2016
Children and families living in poverty
Holdin on to the American Dream,
But is that better than reality?
Families starving, stuck in a self-fulfilling prophesy
Societal pressure blinding us, can't see
Creates limitations that promote conformity
Kept in the dark, forever trying to attain clarity.
Forget everyone else and who you used to be
Only you stand in the way of beating the self-fulfilling prophesy.
Samantha Cunha Nov 2018
Self fulfilling prophet
master of none
would you move towards the sun
& far away from
the enticing mystical moon
where lies are told
the angelic mind
innocent eye
gal of the night
does swoon
Oh self fulfilling prophet
master of none
have faith for the morning sun
will rise
& the illusions
of the night
will disperse
Then the encompassing light
will immerse
into your life
so let there be light
betterdays Mar 2017
nothing much happened today
no great calamity, no suprising visitor
the cornflakes dried to a cement like
consistency in the chipped blue bowl
the tuxedo rex vomited on the newly bought
home beautiful magazine..

my heart beat at a lazy 74 beats per minute
when i checked after my nana nap
my bad ankle creaked and twinged
reminding me to get the towels in
before it rained

I made a wonderful chicken cashew curry
for dinner, but fogot to buy naan bread
and yogurt to accompany it..

I kissed the god boy goodnight,
then read two chapters of Harry Potter aloud
as the tuxedo rex, watched me, from the windowsill

marked some essays of dubious quality,
was given a shoulder massage,
by my agong surfer dude,
that led to much greater intimacies

no, nothing much happened today
yet it was fufilling, upon looking back
it had rhythm and purpose
turned the cogs of my world
it was the miles between the milestones
that often go unrecorded

and as I sit in the almost dark of the moon
I do believe it was one of the best days of my life
Danielle Rose Oct 2012
I love you even though we've never met
for sharing these moments with me
and relating to my lines

Even though we've never met
I feel so close sometimes
My fellow reader I cherish you
and I hope all your dreams come true

Because by reading and enjoying
my work
You are fufilling mine
Jared Eli Aug 2013
What good is the truth and the rawness of soul when the deaf one's the one that I'm telling?
I'm speaking now, not for you, not for them, but for me
I want to end the short circuit that has trained my mind to be
Malfunctioning from the start of thoughts, and breaking at the fore
Of every single thing I've thought, as it happens, there's a score
Of thoughts befitting every kind of fiend that walks this earth
And yes, there are those other thoughts, as pure as babe at birth
But negative will always win while stroking little bearded chin he gently breaks the chords within
I can no longer see the light the dark will outshine every bright beginning to tell me what's right
It doesn't matter, nothing matters
Reality, the choice I once had
Now I'm confined with the rest of my thoughts
To battle it out in my skull
Will I win?
Who knows? Who cares?
If I had the answer, I wouldn't be concerned
Who poured all the chocolate syrup on the floor?
There isn't any more
My chocolate syrup, rich and dark
Like blood to my lips, life-fufilling
Never spilling
There isn't any more

Let me smile for one last time
Before I take the fatal climb
Up the side of this house
Twenty stories won't **** a mouse
Says physics, but it's alright 'cause
A mouse I fortunately never was
Michael Parish Oct 2013
Let there be music forever.
Let Handel, the king of kings
love JZ forever.
Let them sing: Love calls us to the things of this world.
Therefore fufilling Richard Wilburrs promise.
Lyn-Purcell Jul 2018
Mindful of the tongue
It's important to speak life
into your own life

There's power in words
As well as in your actions
And now, I will stand

My heart burns with hope
The pain scattered to the winds
I am free of thorns

I walk to the light
I know my work is not done
I need to go on

See sacred treasures
that is not from this dark Earth
And it's fufilling

Keep moving forward
I will keep moving upward
My eyes on the Gates
Keep looking and going up.
Focus solely on the up. Believe and one day, you will achieve.
And reach the heights that surpass your greatest dreams.
I wish this upon everyone here on HP and beyond!
Love you guys, thank you so much!
Lyn ***
Creepstar Feb 2016
Commercial love day
What can I say
If you choose to only show it today
It wasn't real love anyway

What do you get?
A card,a gift?
Do you get your tempory lift?
Before you go back to a lonely life swift

Good luck to you all that choose to bow to corporate greed
Rather than fufilling one another's real need
Showing them love everyday plant a seed
And it'll grow if nurture and feed
Alex McQuate Aug 2018
Eyes closed,
Fillings a'quivering,
As the dull background roar of the wind tearing by.

Eddie Vedder belting out the works of Etwistle, Townsend, Daltrey, Jones, and Moon.
Smoke exiting the windows as both my Father and I smoke.

Both laughing at the schadenfreude,
Seeing a traffic jam forming the other way,
Stretching out for 8 miles ahead,
With miles of more traffic to soon add on.

It's a shared humor at old jokes,
Shared a thousand times,
Like when we went hunting all those years ago.

I suppose it is nearing the time,
When my own path veers me so far away,
From the once small town I had grown,
Before I am to travel west,
In search of fufilling my purpose,
In service of the community as a whole.

The sun slowly setting,
As we reach the outskirts of Cincinnati,
The sky blue to flaring orange,
Lone clouds like embers being flung off the sun.
The In-between
Serenity        hidden within the     in-between, open      to the curious       minds.

The one's who      see    between the     lines, searching for any adventure,       anywhere they can find.

Inspired by the          ideas, hidden through time     and on occasion          rejected by mankind.

Travelling          world's in their spare       time, treasuring these moment's          they find.

Remembering      never to let others fall              behind, exciting them with their

For these        creature's, do not really          unwind.

Searching              all their lives, these moment's              fufilling them, offering              them to truly feel alive.
Love is many things
Its in many different experiences and people you meet throughout your life.  
Love can feel euphoric, but it also brings heartbreak .  
Loving yourself is fufilling, until you are all alone.  
Love is a tricky mind versus heart game.  
Sometimes youre the runner up,
But other times youre on the sidelines.  
Love is like life,
It has its ups and downs.  
Yet every down comes with a tremendous lesson.  
Each time love fails you,
You learn to love yourself.  
And once you learn to love yourself again,
You are finally ready to find REAL love
Alex McQuate Jun 2022
I sit in an ocean of empty Budweiser bottles,
Upon an island of Johnnie Walker Blue,
Mind flittering  through topics,
Whilst Steve Martin rocks the banjo,
Pickin' those old folk tunes.

I'm in a happy spot,
Between buzzed and blitzed,
That place you can only get to on a summer evening,
Or perhaps a bachelor party or two.

But listen to me ramble,
Come and take a seat,
Your dogs must be barking,
Would you like a cig?
Or perhaps a drink?

If it's neither that's no matter,
It's the company that keeps,
Just ignore my rambling when it crops up,
Treat it like a bad **** on a spring breeze.

You remember old cartoons?
What care and expertise.
Every cell hand drawn,
Fufilling every child's entertainment needs.

But what of old television programming?
What the hell happened to MTV?
Just give me my music videos and rock music,
Even if you can only go as far back as 2003.

I'm doing it again,
How embarrassing,
Just a tipsy old fool,
A **** on the spring breeze.

But seriously,
What about Vault?
Saturday morning cartoons?
Products as seen on tv?

Perhaps you don't know what all those are,
Too young to remember the scene,
Of ska, skateboards, roller derbies,
Of Cribs, **** my ride, skating videos, and terrible tv.

Remember it all,
Those strange years,
Young and transitionary.

I remember it all,
Those strange, strange years,
Back in 2003.
Paul Donnell Oct 2018
1, the matter at heart.
• VI of Wands, wands represent our creative desires, our will, and fire.

victory, rising up. from the dark and tangled branches emerges a butterfly. The obstacles have been many but now is not the time to reflect on them, the more pressing question is, where will your new wings take you?

2, Opposing factors, challenges that must be over come, "what crosses you"
• The tower
it is time to brace yourself for change, The well rooted tree that's been growing strong is crashing around you, it may be painful and confusing but it will pass, you'll look back and be grateful that the course was changed.

3, The root cause, why this is happening
• IV of Pentacle, pentacles relate to earthly wealth, this is not always money or material gains, completion of work and Earth.
This card first suggests material gain and stability, yet underneath is a warning.. do not become possessive or controlling. Holding too tightly to the material world will leave you rigid, stagnant, unwilling to change.

4 The Past. How you got here.
• The Fool
The Fool is ready to fly, and ready to take the first steps through the major arkana. It is about new beginnings. it points to the side of you that is spontaneous, excited and naive. Be ready to trip and fumble but no matter what others say, this is your journey and it's already begun.
The Fool, while naive, is unlimited potential personified. Any thing is possible you only need take those first steps. Every person finds themselves back at the Fool, ready to start the cycle through the arkana again.

5 The goal you seek
• Judgement
the word judgement, conjures fear and guilt in many people. This card however concerns another aspect of the word -to seek the truth.
No more blaming yourself or others, no more excuses. It is now time for forgiveness and personal freedom. This card asks you to rise up and let pettiness and fear fall below you. It calls you to rise up, and be reborn.

6 The future, what will come, if this is negative what will you need to change to avoid it? If it is positive, how will you get there?
• III of Wands
the three of Wands show you've had some form of support or have built something sturdy for yourself. With the help, you've formed a sense of self, values and morals. but now it is time to rely on yourself for guidance. Clarify your goals, cast others needs and opinions aside. The future is infinite and it is yours.

7, You, your current state of being.
• Daughter of Swords ,Swords represent action, decisiveness, conflict, logic and Air.  The court cards also represent people, and can sometimes be difficult to decipher. The male and female aspects refer to feminine and masculine energies, and do not also represent physical gender. same for the age of courts, young and old are archetypes in themselves and may not represent actual age.  
The daughter of Swords is a young woman whose honesty and insights take her far in life. People value her frankness. She learns from keen observation, it almost seems she never stops watching. Sometimes this can be a burden for her, as she can't help but notice this or that small detail that could have been done better. There's a potential for her to hold on to those experiences and become spiteful, and judgemental.

8 external infulences. outside events, people or forces that effect you.
• Ace of Pentacle
in the center of giant redwood trees a tiny seedling once stood. such is the energy of the Ace of Pentacle. it's the seed that takes root, grounding you for the future. You're in the beginning phases of a prosperous venture, stay focused. Go and appreciate nature and what she has to give.. An unexpected windfall of wealth may be headed your way.

9 hopes and fears. these are sometimes hard to dechiper as they can be buried deep within the subconciouns, think hard about this card, it may be showing you something that is far from obvious.
• Father of Pentacle

The father of Pentacle is a steady, gentle man. Upon first meeting, he can almost seem dull because of his extremely calm temperament. But underneath is an incredibly passionate man who priortizes the stability of his friends, family and environment. He is entrepreneurial and diligent at work. A pleasure to know.

10 The final outcome.
• IX of Pentacle
Always a welcome card, the nine of Pentacles is a time to enjoy the many results of your loyalty and hardwork. This may be a promotion at work, happiness at home or a fullness in life. A cumulation of your efforts, weather it be material or something else it is welcome and fufilling.

Now for my favorite part, trying to make the cards tell a tale.

The first card shows a butterfly, it rising above and leaving the challenges of the past behind, wings full of new wind. But where is it flying?
The tower, while scary with it's promise of sudden change can be an exciting and wonderful card. Meet these challenges head on and survive and you will be far better off than when you began. Sometimes the foundation must be destroyed to move foward, and build something better.
Your past shows you as a fledgling, the excitable fool, no doubt running into the brambles of the first card. It will be good to remember this, how tough it was to get through but how strong you became as you weaved your way through the brambles.
The roots of this seem to stem from something rigid in form. I think with the other cards it shows a tiredness and need of change, thus the fools recent adventures.

The goal of judgment is a lofty one but surely with your new wings it is attainable, and the future looks bright, once the tower falls and those challenges are met you will have what is needed to soar to new hieghts.

The cards show you as the daughter of Swords. Observant and whimsical but perhaps still too rigid. If there are things in your past that your holding to it is time to cut them loose. Don't let the suit of Swords turn on you.

Ace of Pentacles as the external influences is interesting. Something may need more cultivating. It may also show the need for patience. Something good /is/ coming. But, best not to harvest early..

The father of Pentacles in hopes and fears.. I really can't say. What might it mean to you?  Try to think of how both fears and hopes may relate. Trust your intuition.

Now the final out come. Completion of work, a bountiful harvest, somewhere to rest those wings. Your reward for accepting change, pushing through. With how the cards flow to this one, I would say it's going to be some thing really worth while, worth anything you have to face.

Through out this, always remember the goal. Seeking truth. Inner and outer.
This spread shows you are in the middle of an adventure. The Fool learns, faces challengs, draws the universe in and makes it their own, changes, becomes enlightened and the cycle contiunes.
Tyler Jul 2022






David R May 2021
everyone is the writer
of a masterpiece
written not with typewriter,
pen or quill of geese
rather this work is scribed
with kindness 'n good deeds
the goodness that's been imbibed
in fufilling others' needs,
its pages are the hours
that've been wisely spent
a garden of rare flowers
emitting perfumed scent
this is your magnum opus,
not some dusty tome,
recording your true focus
whilst this world was your home
BLT's Merriam-Webster Word of The Day Challenge
Zane Smith Aug 2024
dissociating to the point where my surroundings
don't feel familiar
scary in a sense but yet grounding
in other moments I feel immensely connected
to the world around me and others
experiencing distance yet such profound
I haven't been in touch with spirits lately
but my own seems to be searching around
more than i know i'm seeing the world around me
falling back into old patterns
working on distancing certain people
I want to explore myself more
create new patterns meet more people
touch more of the earth

this year will be more exciting and fufilling
I'll stretch my arms out
rather than turning them to the other path
accepting more random opportunities i hope
likely to feel fear anxiety and other troubles
but feelings pass like clouds but I'll be the sky

— The End —