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Kelly Selvester Nov 2009
If thou could see the monster in me,
then they would run a thousand miles,
they would flee.
But what is the monster, than that of myself,
Of the tired fleating heart that longs for lust,
Nothing like himself.
If thou could see the love i bear thee,
then they would run a thousand miles,
they would flee
But what is love to those who i seek,
of the tires fleating heart that longs for lust,
nothing like himself

But no more shall they run or flee,
for they shall realise their mistake,
and thou will love me
(C) Kelly Selvester
nicole Dec 2015
let beauty never cease
for when the sun expires and
its burning core no longer churns
when the epitaph is inscrutable and
no remnants of words or sounds or love persist
the everlasting emptiness of what
used to be
shows the truth more beautiful than ever
Kaycee Hurt Nov 2011
Fleating words shoot through your mind, teasing you.
You race to find paper and pen but you can't find your fingers.
          (And you can't find Arizona on the map)
As your mind slowly forgets the beauty of those words.
          (You remember that Arizona is a figment of your imagination)
And he was there when it became one.
Erika Leilani Nov 2012
My heart whistles a song complete with glee
When I hear the lovely Sun come risen,
The delicate buzzing of nature’s bee
Flitting through whispering woods a given.
Soaring high above the tops, brushing back
Winds of time and worlds alike chiming flat.
Blasting through peace of mind, the sound of quacks
Do seem to be heard from below the gnats.
    Hinting that there is more to touch and have
The beetles of spots swarm to a log
That rots with an age so old and concave
It hardly holds up the weight of a frog.
Our time with nature is fleating fast so
Give it one last glance and then we must go.
She was a New England winter:
with bouts of freezing temperatures
whirlwind snowfalls,
fleating moments
Drew Dockerty Jan 2013
I while away, I wail alot
to hear out loud the ticking clock

Time aplenty to sit and worry over fleating heart beats sounding  tock

We cut, we save and we waste it away. Time all around us solid as a rock.
Sundowner Nov 2017
Amidst the rancor of the bar the conversation lulled. After the last "remember when?" I watched the puddle of beer foam at the bottom of my glass.
"Ohhhh..." I mutter with a fleating half-grin. As if to say "Good times" but somehow unable to do so.
He sat across from me staring not at the empty Budweisers in front of him, bit past them. He stared into shadows around the edges, the floorboards below the table, and the earth beneath that. To him if he just looked hard enough, he could almost make out the other side of the world.
He clenched the can and it made a subtle pop yet remained uncrushed.
Staring on, just louder than a whisper, with a fleating half-grin, he said "I hate my life."
nicholas redden Mar 2012
Star shot blue eyes
a meatior shower starts to fall in my head my skin tightens
I see a faint flash nothing more then a flicker at first, a galexy was born between sparks of our laughter
I thought I knew but I wasnt sure I loved her at least these fleating moments I could
all the hot new stars started to fad to a deep terqose as our galexy grew old I say good night you shift your eyes and said the same and give me one more meatior shawer with a simple smile
in my dreams you came sailing along the soft light of the moon to steal me away once more
for two weeks I just traced my way through our constolation just finding little remnants of you just star dust now
I sit and wait under the night sky speckled with stars hoping you would deside to fall my way again and bring me back out to space to spin around and around like we did our first night in the sky
Drew Nov 2014
A clearing glance through hooded eyes
Your stained hands, steady.
A nervous step by wobbling feet,
Your quiet attention, unwavering.
A choked word whispered in a hush sound,
Your stoic eyes, unflinching.
And as I turn to leave,
Your fleating smiles emerges,  
Send my mind into a frenzy, my feet into speed,
I know that smile, love
It will be the destruction of me.
Its never truly remains a crush, does it?
Tom Mar 2018
snow blankets the mind
blocks out thoughts new
at peace with myself
as i walk on through

savour this moment
and all its fleating grace
for soon you'll be home
wishing on better days
Tom Mar 2018
snow blankets the mind
blocks out thoughts new
at peace with myself
as i walk on through

savour this moment
and all its fleating grace
for soon you’ll be home
wishing on better days
Belle Jan 2021
What recharges you?
Which font regards to you
Like spineless piles perched slant against
Sturdy walls.
Sturdy drawls.
Sturdy, crawls
Steady Falls.
Steep toles, full loans, grows swift
Amongst the earths souls.
Dirt, cheep, hold on to meet my hand
Cut deep and burried  in sand
Sturdy home slides, security to rejection
Prepaid pensions grasp

It was a pleasure meeting your gaze.
What in the world do i put into the tags

— The End —