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Cindy Long Jul 2017
I want to plunge myself into the oceans of your love.
Dive straight down; my hands cutting the edge of oblivion, it blubbles over my body as i shoot further; as i aim to go further; i push my self to go further.
And when i slow and the force feom my jump stalls out i flale my arms and legs.
I dig in your ocean; determined to reach the bottom. The dark water just gets colder and my eara pop from the pressure but i dont stop; i release air slowly from my lungs as they cramp but i dont stop; i clinch my eyes tighter and spring them open in hopes to unblur my vision but i dont stop.
I want to drown myself in this vast sea of your love and let it comsume me.
As i inch closer and closer to the bottom i can feel the life in me tug; i let it keep tugging because i know its not enough to make me stop.
I reach out with my fingers stretched so hard the knuckles are white and finally i palm the sandy floor. The grity ground is miraculous; i cannot fathom its beauty.
To have reached the core of you i no longer feel cold; i no longer feel the pressure ringing in my ears; i no longer feel the throbbing inf my lungs.
Vision tunnels and i sink into the blackness of your love. I let it in. I let it engulf me. I welcome it to. It floods into me and becomes me.
I am your love. I just had to fight to see it.
Love is the theme i guess this week
Elizabeth Hynes Apr 2015
The sky is cleft across
A ragged aniversay of two
Who for three years were in tune
Down the long paths of their vows

Now it, their love, lies, a loss
And Love roars with his patients on a chain,
Feom every real or crater
Carrying cloud, Death mires their house.

Too much spent in wrong rain
Coming together who love parted:
The windows melt into their heart
And the doors melt into their brain.
Daylight 4U2C Aug 2016
neon skies and walk- bys how hard to remember thise faces. forgotten people, and they leave ni traces. How unfair we dont have the ability to carry ourselves and all of them. how cruel we can fall too far buf onlt fly so high. And if we try to hard we are plucked right out the sky. How sad to see someone fight so hard for their wings to simply die. But it wont stop you from trying. You'll still keep others feom dying. You'll wipe their teara when your friends are crying. Youll shine brighter than the sun so when they see the dark they know where to run. How kind you are to be the one, who knows when a smile-chain has begun. If i could be greater and better and grand, Id help you out. Someday- Ill give you a hand.
Sorin L Javerin Apr 2018
To those who look in the mirror
And see a beautiful person
And those that look in the mirror
But see nothing.

It matters not what cold gray world
We all may live on
Or a world of vibrant green and gold
It is our world.

Soak what gray you most in blood.
Whether it be black blood of hate
                       Blue blood of envy
             Green blood of greed
         Purple blood of lust
Or the crimson of life.

Take this world in your hands
And cradle whats here.
There is someone who understands.
Someone with your taste.

Take the leg broken amd trode upon
And pick yourself up.
Prove that the strongest people
See nothing in the mirror.

Show that the empty mirror
Only shows whats important to you.
Those that see a beautiful person...
Show them that hate
                        Hate is the best motivator

The best for success.

The best for a great life.

For hate is a driving force
Behind the bullet that is you.
Fired feom the mouth of that
Beauty seeking mirror looker.

Take beauty from your surroundings
As well as within yourself.
Only then will you finally see
Something in your mirror.

And what you'll see wont be beauty
But success.

Seen or unseen,
It matters not to the strong.
Because the mirror isn't real.
You made it because they did.

Destroy ot like you did their words.
Use that broken leg to stand tall.
Taller than anyone.

But always remember where you come from.
Stay humble no matter where life leads.

For if you don't
Your reflection will change.
And so will your leg.
Trisandry Jun 2017
Minutes of silence eclipse your desire
To argue the necessity
Of stealing her away from her home
But the resentment burns brighter
Each day you can't have her
But it's not like you haven't known
She won't run to you with alacrity
This girl you call your fire.

You brood in silent darkness
With the words she may never say
Holding me closer the more you want her
I can't come close to holding her place
You say with regret writ clear on your face
And then you hide your thoughts in meter
Saving me feom that which you won't say,
The truth is that you want to end this.

Her or you, something has to change.
You're not the only one wasting away.
Charlene Sep 2018
It's alright I'll take the blame.
I'll take the humiliation by showing my face at the very same places you talked about me.
      Time after time that I allowed you to take me for granted.
    As you would find a new toy I was pushed to the back seat. But at the snap of your finger how I hurried kneeled at your feet. Ready to be at your every beck and call until you filled up your character and I'm thrown to the back seat again.
       You may have personality and your looks arnt to bad neither you also have a gift for gab. People like you guys and girls the same
Some leave some stay . To me you were trouble , my free ticket to jail.
You were my ride to the unemployment line you were also my high. I'm to scared to leap and to afraid to jump. Into your world. I'm torn feom the thought whether to
love  You or leave you.
  Idk what to do.

— The End —