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Rahul Luthra Jul 2018
I'm just a simple person, just like the rest
Well, not entirely simple, but nonetheless
It's like society and the media just say what they want
To create new forms of discriminations, that will forever haunt
As if the already existing ones weren't bad enough
They must make sure that you feel flawed,
and make your life tough
I'm just another person; I removed the word simple
People nowadays even get trashed for having a dimple
"HA, it's just a deformity on your face!"
Well, I hope you trip and fall on your own shoelace :)
I'm just another person, with a not-so-great vision
I need glasses, so that I don't squint at the television
It makes my life easier, but the media has made it tough
Their influences and the consequential societal mentality,
has made my childhood rough
Beauty is said to be in the eyes of the beholder
Yet friendship is considered beauty,
when it gives you a shoulder
To cry on, is what I meant
Not literally
I mean it could
Just didn't want to be misunderstood
Why are glasses objectified,
like in The Princess Diaries
Is it not considered dignified
to not want your eyes to get all fiery?
Trust me, I'm just another person;
who needs the help of glasses
Media's interpretation has ruined this too,
to profit their theatrical farces
This is not an appraisal piece
for the object that makes us see well
This is a shoutout to those,
who feel pressurized by this societal shell
To define beauty may be complex,
but it should not be controlled by someone's interest
You're beautiful the way you are,
to have you the world is truly blessed
B Young Feb 2015
The suburban housewives are all prostitutes.
Cuckoo CUCKOO cuckoo
Sings the cuckolded husband
Bury the demons in the backyard,
Decomposing rotting souls
Enriching the soil
Get rich without any toil.


A glance to heavens
From the floors of a forest
Reveals a distant star.
Symbolizing neither here, near or far
A twinkling image destroys the ego
Although in this here woodland
Anything goes.
I am the king.

The truth only goes as far as the rocks thrown
So I asked the reapers which way to go
Take a trip with me down memory lane
my past has no real pain.
And no thank you I would not like any fame
I really have nothing to gain but catharsis
So please don’t call me an artist.  

I learned how to read from Frodo
Potter got me through puberty
Infinite Jest is too long
They say the strong dont read poetry
Naked Lunch ravings from a ***** gone mad
Anything discussed on Oprah during brunch is just bad
Satre and Camus too absurd
Stephen King too frightening
David Sedaris too homosexual
Chucks Palahniuk and Klosterman too hipster
The Electric Kool Aid Acid Test for van wagon hippies
Lao-Tzu is too Zen
James Paterson and John Grisham are a waste of pen
The Perks of Being a Wallflower is too needy
Just begging to be loved
Like stupid Twilight
Ann Rice already got it right
Political books are for crooks
Self Help too pretentious
God Dillusion and God’s Not Great too scary
Romances are all wrong
Farces are all right
The Torah too infallible
The Gospels too life changing
Fear and Loathing, On the Road drugged tales disguised as art
Truth can be found in A Million Little Pieces
Lies found in the truths of our textbooks
Vonnegut is always too short
Woody Allen plays never long enough
Waiting for Godot left me waiting for an ending
The Big Book didnt work
Tweak is a ****** piece of work
Henry Rollins yells Get In the Van with a vein pulsating out his forehead while,
Nikki Sixx makes millions from a marketed selling of his soul
The Hunger Games are over popular children books
Did not stop me from getting hooked
A Brave New World is a reality
Dune a vision
50 Shades a pandering to public lust
The etchings left on my mind by Supertramp McCandless and Hesse will never rust
Edward Albee is everything you could ask a play-write to be
Harmony Korine just makes me envious
Even grand mom has the collected Carlin
Twain is middle school
Hemingway high school
Coleridge is college
Dostoyevsky too daunting
French books are too ****** french
Joyce too Irish
Kafka too German
The great American novels are comic books and tabloids

I get it life is both entirely ****** and perpetually beautiful.
One needn't to read to see
Emanuel Martinez Feb 2013
Raw flesh drenched in alcohol
Burning numbing till paralyzed, keeps me still
                         Power you have over my being, keeps me fearing

             Your presence destroys me, shatters me
Feeling naked, inadequate when my eyes see
My reflection's negation in you
Cannot hide anything when you expose all of me

Wounded animal beaten without avail
Knowing, proprietor of my pain
               You don't understand my whimper, wail?
My blood being diluted by the sweat of your laborious efforts
Precociously tactful, inhumanly strangling my will

Ever-becoming antithesis to facades, fears, farces in me
Facing scalpels and clamps to my insecurities, my tactics, my pride
Leaving me open not caring if I'll die from exposure
                    Caring only that you're exposing the real me

I-nvoluntarily l-acerated, o-n the v-erge of e-nding u-ndone
Somberly Always Unsettling Leaving me bare
February 4, 2013
Grace Jordan Sep 2015
Grace has made it through Wonderland, and has seemed to find peace with it for the time being, so where does she go from here? This would be easy if like in books things just ended, closed up in a neat little bow at the end of the story and there is resolution.

But there is no resolution here. Just a desperate craving for meaning again.

I guess since my Wonderland is stable, the only thing left wrong is me.

Not to say that the baubles and do-dads in my head are still broken, no, Wonderland is at peace, remember? Must get you checked for that memory of yours, good sir.

Regardless, my ducks are trying to row and I must follow their orders as to not rock the boat. Nonetheless, though, who is Grace? I've been working so hard to keep the Jabberwockys at bay and stop the wars from coming and protect the heads from rolling, that it's like some part of me is missing. I feel like a hodge-podge, a hedgehog, speeding around and around in lost wonder trying to find something but never quite sure what.

Is writing truly the only distinctive, certain characteristic I have, with no contradictions and carpenters and changes? Is it the only solid footing I have on the edge of tomorrow? Am I not much else, with as much substance as a sellophone?

Everything seems to cancel, make me some sort of odd creation of jumbled things that don't seem like they would fit right at all, but enough glue was pumped into me that practically anything seems to stick.

I'm covered in glitter and polish, getting thicker each day, making me someone new with each passing coat. I'm not gaining weight, so is my inner soul just melting away?

Can a person just become polish? A person who creates themselves instead of something made, genuine, and real? Am I even Grace anymore, should I adopt a new name as if to show the difference that has taken a hold of me since my name was born years ago? Will I reach the point that when someone wants to know me and starts to chip the paint away, that by the end there is nothing behind the color at all? Will I become nothing but choices and farces to the point they are me?

I have no clue how to get back. Can I? The paths behind are gone, the bread I've been crumbling to save my path was gone years ago, as the Chesire Cat promised I'd find my way if I had nowhere to go. But guess now I have no way and have somewhere to go, and he's not to be found. Typical.

Do I want to get back? Am I too attached to my polish now?

My polish was layered to make others happy, so who am I without others, without the affections and pleasing of others? I don't know. That's terrifying. I can't do alone, and I have led myself here more and more with each passing day. I don't think I can be alone ever again, or the Jabberwocky will certainly **** me. I wish it was a maybe, but for once I can't even rely on those.

Guess I better keep on layering the polish and glitter, trying to find a semblance of who I once was. Maybe a mix of now and who I am? Possibly that could work.

Now only if I knew who I was at all.

That would make choosing polishing colors much easier.
glass can Jan 2014
I forget that my brain does not do __ when it should do __ and I slip under the coat of choking mustard gas that ***** the moisture from my lungs and eyes. A mustard seed of effort, small and yellow, cracked with no seeming dreaming thing of an eye has fallen like Hansel's crumbs from my hand and is buried with all my ambitions and dead dogs in the cold ground.

I hope it grows a kingdom of heaven, but prayers are wasted when they come from the wonton--and wayward kin of sinners who lead false farces and bring gluttony to dinner. I waste and want and cannot speak the language of those around me while we all whine and dine and **** and cackle

oh god
trite *******
******* ******* ******* *******

I am not tired, I am bored, I am bored of lying and trying. Trying is the worst, and there is little reward for the cost of my dismemberment of ego.

Where is a pre-made empire for me when I need it? I should be handed down something, I cannot earn it on my own. I am a ruler, not a conquerer. I am a spectator, not an athlete. My narcissism cannot take the trying effort of building something of my own with feeble rewards and now I will die alone. Maybe. Maybe it's all hyperbolic.

I'm gonna say it. *******, I'll say it.
"**** it, how will I ever get out of this labyrinth?"
Mateuš Conrad Jan 2019
i seem to have discovered what
drives the "average"

     i'm not fan of either:
but the amazing atheist's
critique of jordan peterson's

you pick these "nuances"
up the more you look, closely...

yes, i did go to a catholic
but no, i refrained from
    being confirmed...
   nothing i could have done
about that...


   as i of the people:
and the people just keep hanging
around the Pillars of Samson,
the man made "no sense":

sense as in what?
to see, to hear?
  so he made sense...
     nonsense is a different
variation of:
  what remains of
the post-pentagram
"yoga" session..

   only when an atheist
succumbs to rhetoric
do i see it...

      i thinker would sooner
succumb to etymology
and shut up...
but an atheist?
         upon listening:
do you hear it?

it's like they're craving
an ever-more necessary
expasion of their

i find all atheists
to be word-starved...
they read
a thesaurus like
a bible,
oh you see it when
an author reduces
himself / herself
to the use of a thesaurus:

the word looks like
a mile,
when it should looks
like a centi-
         of a -metre.

i'm not defending
either of the people

      i already gave my
cent flicked into
a fountain for luck:

rule 13: wear pajamas
to bed...

rule 12:
pet a cat when you encounter
one in the street...

yeah... about that...
(scratching of the head:
i.e. Adam implies

imagine: Rodin's
le penseaur via a chirogram:
almost "unnatural":
with an arm
then folding,
   then parts of the hand
scratching the cranium...
like: serious art,
taken to the circus...
but that would be enough
to: forget the chin,
the folded hand
in a pact of non-aggression,
a count of knuckles
like the limbs of
a sleeping spider
lodged in a spider-web...

i think: verb -
              give me a minute
to sieve through
the grammatical
           of the sensing...

i find the majority of atheists
to be starved
          from a:
lingua anti deo...

              i haven't found
a vocal atheist to be
a case for a: silence
associated with an investigation
to amount to an etymology...

atheists, i find,
are always... "riddled"
by "feeling"
concerning their acquisition
of vocab.,
an atheist will always
become intrinsic to the existence
of a thesaurus...
  atheists are prone
to exfoliate their base:
of everyday spreschen
    yes... the casual author
appears terrible:
  having to make use of
a thesaurus:

the ******* word
looks like a sore thumb,
or a trumpet for a worth
of an elephant's trunk
dipping in imitation:
for a flush of water...

that 12nd rule though...
someone should have told
him: cats are not that
gullible to attend to petting
from someone walking
a street at night...
drinking a beer...

      ever have a staring
contest with a fox?

           em... "oops"?!

see... not all cats can be
petted, randomly,
on a street...

      give or take: a P.U.A.'s
fraction of a gullible ****'s
worth to the
  "blessed night's" completion...

no: no random cat will
allow itself to be petted,
but find one:
sure... you'll pet it...

      but... aaah...
find a fox...
          and stand against
it with a touching distance...
now you're into
a serpentine of
at least the 15th rule,
for "life"...

   i don't mind them...
a god, no god,
no vector,
no coordinate,
yet still the "familiar"
of "things"
being fathomed
via the medium of
in situ...

atheists have been prescribed
an ontological "quest"
that demands: of them,
     to "reiterate"...

"new" words need
to be employed...
"new" words need to be
there are those words
used in a framework
of speaking "freely"
that succumb to...
  being looked up, prior...

you can see a punctuation
when there's no
punctuation mark

                    but there's a clarity
of a hunger that can only
be associated with atheism:
in that it's a...
a necessity fabric of / for
a rubric of vocab. -
  in the least: to peacock...
in the most:
   and not appear as some
New Yawn-kipper...

how... ever...
why would the chin be so
incredibly important
to source it, as an artifact
for the proof of thought?

had that statue a beard:
you'd receive an imprint
of a man:
fiddling with a beard,
atuned to resemble
playing a violin...

but no statue:
of a man... in the most
worth of an chirogram attest:
i.e. scratching his head...

yes, Socrates had the questions,
he, an anomaly
of what becomes
                   of old, demented,
age process in a script's worth
of indicators...

and subsequent philosophers?

         as long as the narrative
as long as the narrative
becomes more and more
entrenched, intrinsic:
    then we can labor moving
on the whims of a maxim...

   but sooner or later,
a la rochefoucauld or a nietzsche
comes along...
utters his maxims
and leaves them... adrift:
on the chance of:
by precursor notices of
"said" farces: they become
pirates of wisdom...

the instruments that
are a will: to provision
a humbling...
   a...            knee to tongue

i don't mind atheists...
i just find them
vocab. starved...
   whenever i hear them
speak, i can't but begin
to orientate myself
around their "thinking":
in that,
the precursor is
always a thesaurus...
   and image becomes:
       ein waßerfall von zungen -

me? i have to unlearn
the bogus chirogram of:
in the name of the father,
and of the son,
and of the holy spirit...

   go north / up / it goes to the head,
go crux / center / it goes to the heart,
  go left / your left hand
gets chopped off,
go right / your right hand
gets chopped off...
an atheist is still
someone who seeks to
nibble on the excerpts of
politico sophistry...
not withstanding
the crux of: the short-cut...

            i can see the vanity
of atheists...
   seeking the art of rhetoric...
perfecting it...
  to me... atheists are
very much akin
              to rhetoricians...

        what couldn't
possibly be a desire to expand
on one's vocab.?
in the age where
aesthetic is lesser known
form of knowledge,
and knowledge is
worth just as much
as: trivia...

                 petting a cat
on a street, at night?
not so easy...
                     try freezing
a fox into an exchange
of a stare
   within a framework of:
the pair of you
are made unison
for a moment...
   only a meter apart.
Jere Gallup May 2014
Arses to arses
And farces to farces,
No way of telling
The difference
We make__
Given the boredom
Of sitting around,
And them deciding  
Who's first to punch
And who's first to duck.
Le Juste restait droit sur ses hanches solides :
Un rayon lui dorait l'épaule ; des sueurs
Me prirent : "Tu veux voir rutiler les bolides ?
Et, debout, écouter bourdonner les flueurs
D'astres lactés, et les essaims d'astéroïdes ?

"Par des farces de nuit ton front est épié,
Ô juste ! Il faut gagner un toit. Dis ta prière,
La bouche dans ton drap doucement expié ;
Et si quelque égaré choque ton ostiaire,
Dis : Frère, va plus ****, je suis estropié !"

Et le juste restait debout, dans l'épouvante
Bleuâtre des gazons après le soleil mort :
"Alors, mettrais-tu tes genouillères en vente,
Ô Vieillard ? Pèlerin sacré ! barde d'Armor !
Pleureur des Oliviers ! main que la pitié gante !

"Barbe de la famille et poing de la cité,
Croyant très doux : ô coeur tombé dans les calices,
Majestés et vertus, amour et cécité,
Juste ! plus bête et plus dégoûtant que les lices !
Je suis celui qui souffre et qui s'est révolté !

"Et ça me fait pleurer sur mon ventre, ô stupide,
Et bien rire, l'espoir fameux de ton pardon !
Je suis maudit, tu sais ! je suis soûl, fou, livide,
Ce que tu veux ! Mais va te coucher, voyons donc,
Juste ! je ne veux rien à ton cerveau torpide.

"C'est toi le Juste, enfin, le Juste ! C'est assez !
C'est vrai que ta tendresse et ta raison sereines
Reniflent dans la nuit comme des cétacés,
Que tu te fais proscrire et dégoises des thrènes
Sur d'effroyables becs-de-cane fracassés !

"Et c'est toi l'oeil de Dieu ! le lâche ! Quand les plantes
Froides des pieds divins passeraient sur mon cou,
Tu es lâche ! Ô ton front qui fourmille de lentes !
Socrates et Jésus, Saints et Justes, dégoût !
Respectez le Maudit suprême aux nuits sanglantes !"

J'avais crié cela sur la terre, et la nuit
Calme et blanche occupait les cieux pendant ma fièvre.
Je relevai mon front : le fantôme avait fui,
Emportant l'ironie atroce de ma lèvre...
- Vents nocturnes, venez au Maudit ! Parlez-lui,

Cependant que silencieux sous les pilastres
D'azur, allongeant les comètes et les noeuds
D'univers, remuement énorme sans désastres,
L'ordre, éternel veilleur, rame aux cieux lumineux
Et de sa drague en feu laisse filer les astres !

Ah ! qu'il s'en aille, lui, la gorge cravatée
De honte, ruminant toujours mon ennui, doux
Comme le sucre sur la denture gâtée.
- Tel que la chienne après l'assaut des fiers toutous,
Léchant son flanc d'où pend une entraille emportée.

Qu'il dise charités crasseuses et progrès...
- J'exècre tous ces yeux de Chinois à bedaines,
Puis qui chante : nana, comme un tas d'enfants près
De mourir, idiots doux aux chansons soudaines :
Ô Justes, nous chierons dans vos ventres de grès !
Maham S Jan 2013
I sit down,
Painting faces
Painting farces
Playing pretend.
Filling up the void
With blue sunlight
And green moonlight
I stand up
Yet again, fantasizing
Visualizing, romanticizing
Inch by inch
I depart this world
Bidding farewell to all
Resurrecting in a new dawn
In new hope
In new life
Where all tunes are sung
According to my accord
Where all light shines bright
With my bulb
Things fall into place
But alas, never stay put
They fall out again
And I find myself
I find myself
Plunged into the darkest of nights
Crawling my way to another dawn
Another life
Another fantasy.
Mukti is Freedom, we must be free
We must not be bound to the ground like a tree
We must not be slaves to the Mind and Ego, ME
The goal of life is Mukti, to be free

Most of us are slaves, we follow the herd
We don’t  open our wings  and fly like a bird
Although we human beings are blessed with wings
We crawl on the earth, tied with many strings

Therefore, we suffer the triple suffering on earth
And then we die and return in a rebirth
We suffer the pain of the body, ego, and mind
True happiness and peace, we struggle to find

We are prisoners of the Mind and Ego, ME
Our thoughts make us puppets,they don’t let us be free
Although we have an intellect to tell us what is wrong
We let the mind destroy us with thoughts so strong

Our senses make us slaves of vengefulness and greed
We are prisoners of anger and jealousy, indeed
Puppets we are, of lust and shame
We live in a cage, through the life game

Passions and obsessions rule our life
They make us prisoners and we live with strife
Instead of being free, and living with a smile
We are slaves of emotions that are longer than the Nile

Our own thoughts and habits make us puppets that cry
We live as prisoners right till we die
And though we could from these monsters be free
Instead of Freedom, we choose misery

We are a slave of ignorance and myth
We believe in rituals and superstitions, not the truth
We chase achievement, thinking success is happiness
And run the rat race, ending life in a mess

Haven't you seen people who are prisoners of fear?
They think a little virus will **** them, oh dear
Fear has made the world lock down everything
Shouldn't we be free to start living!

And then, we are prisoners of worry and anxiety
That these emotions can rule us, is a tragedy
We are puppets of revenge and hate
And we tie ourselves behind the misery gate

Freedom must also be got from religion
We must find out our true origin
We must not just believe what people say
We must investigate and  find the right way

Fences, Faces, Farces, Forces, the prison of four
Locks us behind many a door
We live and die, as a miserable slave
And take our sorrow till our grave

It’s not just being Free from  misery on earth
We must also be free from taking rebirth
If we don't realize the truth, who am I
Then we will not be free, even after we die

The body will die, but what about 'me'?
The one who passed away is not yet free
It is the mind and ego that carries its Karma
Until it is liberated and attains Moksha

Therefore, the purpose of our life
Is not just to be free from misery and strife
But to be Enlightened and gain Liberation
And to be free for Divine Unification

Freedom,Freedom,Freedom-that’s our goal
To be free from the body-mind-ego and live as the Soul
We must be free from wishes, wealth, and wine
So that we can become one with the Divine
Ariel Taverner Apr 2015
He really isn't such an extravagant specimen of humanity
The other day he told her that he wasn't a mess
And the funny part is that he believed himself
He believed that he wasn't so pathetic as to deny his masochism whilst depriving himself of sleep
He believed that he didn't send messages to random people on HP because he was lonely and maybe just maybe that other person would live in south africa and get to know him and love him
He believed that he sent those messages because he wanted to help people
His pathos of trying was so painful to watch even he stopped seeing the reality of his metaphorical wrist and literal subconscious
And even though he watches good shows and listens to good music and has valid philosophical opinions that are well structured of both he still second guesses himself
He still doubts his ability to be anything in life but his dreams are real and o so powerful
He has become a farse
A pathetic dismal farce
And the worst part about this farce
Is that this farce somehow still believes that he is different and better farce than all the other farces out there

Yes he hates himself
But he has become so good at lying to himself that he doesn't even believe the words as he types them on this screen
Excuse the sentimental drivle, the vent, and the lack of effort.
Lorsque, par un décret des puissances suprêmes,
Le Poète apparaît en ce monde ennuyé,
Sa mère épouvantée et pleine de blasphèmes
Crispe ses poings vers Dieu, qui la prend en pitié :

- " Ah ! que n'ai-je mis bas tout un noeud de vipères,
Plutôt que de nourrir cette dérision !
Maudite soit la nuit aux plaisirs éphémères
Où mon ventre a conçu mon expiation !

Puisque tu m'as choisie entre toutes les femmes
Pour être le dégoût de mon triste mari,
Et que je ne puis pas rejeter dans les flammes,
Comme un billet d'amour, ce monstre rabougri,

Je ferai rejaillir ta haine qui m'accable
Sur l'instrument maudit de tes méchancetés,
Et je tordrai si bien cet arbre misérable,
Qu'il ne pourra pousser ses boutons empestés ! "

Elle ravale ainsi l'écume de sa haine,
Et, ne comprenant pas les desseins éternels,
Elle-même prépare au fond de la Géhenne
Les bûchers consacrés aux crimes maternels.

Pourtant, sous la tutelle invisible d'un Ange,
L'Enfant déshérité s'enivre de soleil,
Et dans tout ce qu'il boit et dans tout ce qu'il mange
Retrouve l'ambroisie et le nectar vermeil.

Il joue avec le vent, cause avec le nuage,
Et s'enivre en chantant du chemin de la croix ;
Et l'Esprit qui le suit dans son pèlerinage
Pleure de le voir *** comme un oiseau des bois.

Tous ceux qu'il veut aimer l'observent avec crainte,
Ou bien, s'enhardissant de sa tranquillité,
Cherchent à qui saura lui tirer une plainte,
Et font sur lui l'essai de leur férocité.

Dans le pain et le vin destinés à sa bouche
Ils mêlent de la cendre avec d'impurs crachats ;
Avec hypocrisie ils jettent ce qu'il touche,
Et s'accusent d'avoir mis leurs pieds dans ses pas.

Sa femme va criant sur les places publiques :
" Puisqu'il me trouve assez belle pour m'adorer,
Je ferai le métier des idoles antiques,
Et comme elles je veux me faire redorer ;

Et je me soûlerai de nard, d'encens, de myrrhe,
De génuflexions, de viandes et de vins,
Pour savoir si je puis dans un coeur qui m'admire
Usurper en riant les hommages divins !

Et, quand je m'ennuierai de ces farces impies,
Je poserai sur lui ma frêle et forte main ;
Et mes ongles, pareils aux ongles des harpies,
Sauront jusqu'à son coeur se frayer un chemin.

Comme un tout jeune oiseau qui tremble et qui palpite,
J'arracherai ce coeur tout rouge de son sein,
Et, pour rassasier ma bête favorite,
Je le lui jetterai par terre avec dédain ! "

Vers le Ciel, où son oeil voit un trône splendide,
Le Poète serein lève ses bras pieux,
Et les vastes éclairs de son esprit lucide
Lui dérobent l'aspect des peuples furieux :

- " Soyez béni, mon Dieu, qui donnez la souffrance
Comme un divin remède à nos impuretés
Et comme la meilleure et la plus pure essence
Qui prépare les forts aux saintes voluptés !

Je sais que vous gardez une place au Poète
Dans les rangs bienheureux des saintes Légions,
Et que vous l'invitez à l'éternelle fête,
Des Trônes, des Vertus, des Dominations.

Je sais que la douleur est la noblesse unique
Où ne mordront jamais la terre et les enfers,
Et qu'il faut pour tresser ma couronne mystique
Imposer tous les temps et tous les univers.

Mais les bijoux perdus de l'antique Palmyre,
Les métaux inconnus, les perles de la mer,
Par votre main montés, ne pourraient pas suffire
A ce beau diadème éblouissant et clair ;

Car il ne sera fait que de pure lumière,
Puisée au foyer saint des rayons primitifs,
Et dont les yeux mortels, dans leur splendeur entière,
Ne sont que des miroirs obscurcis et plaintifs ! "
Le poète naïf, qui pense avant d'écrire,
S'étonne, en ce temps-ci, des choses qui font rire.
Au théâtre parfois il se tourne, et, voyant
La gaîté des badauds qui va se déployant,

Pour un plat calembour, des loges au parterre,
Il se sent tout à coup tellement solitaire
Parmi ces gros rieurs au ventre épanoui,
Que, le front lourd et l'œil tristement ébloui,

Il s'esquive, s'il peut, sans attendre la toile.
Enfin libre il respire, et, d'étoile en étoile,
Dans l'azur sombre et vaste il laisse errer ses yeux.
Ah ! Quand on sort de là, comme la nuit plaît mieux !

Qu'il fait bon regarder la Seine lente et noire
En silence rouler sous les vieux ponts sa moire,
Et les reflets tremblants des feux traîner sur l'eau
Comme les pleurs d'argent sur le drap d'un tombeau !

Ce deuil fait oublier ces rires qu'on abhorre.
Hélas ! Où donc la joie est-elle saine encore ?
Quel vice a donc en nous gâté le sang gaulois ?
Quand rirons-nous le rire honnête d'autrefois ?

Ce ne sont aujourd'hui qu'absurdes bacchanales ;
Farces au masque impur sur des planches banales ;
Vil patois qui se fraye impudemment accès
Parmi le peuple illustre et cher des mots français ;

Couplets dont les refrains changent la bouche en gueule ;
Romans hideux, miroir de l'abjection seule,
Commérage où le fiel assaisonne des riens :
Feuilletons à voleurs, drames à galériens,

Funestes aux cœurs droits qui battent sous les blouses ;
Vaudevilles qui font, corrupteurs des épouses,
Un ridicule impie à l'affront des maris ;
Spectacles où la chair des femmes, mise à prix,

Comme aux crocs de l'étal exhibée en guirlande,
Allèche savamment la luxure gourmande ;
Parades à décors dont les fables sans art
N'esquivent le sifflet qu'en soûlant le regard ;

Coups d'archets polissons sur la lyre d'Homère,
Et tous les jeux maudits d'un amour éphémère
Qui va se dégradant du caprice au métier :
Voilà ce qui ravit un peuple tout entier !

Bêtise, éternel veau d'or des multitudes,
Toi dont le culte aisé les plie aux servitudes
Et complice du joug les y soumet sans bruit,
Monstre cher à la force et par la ruse instruit

À bafouer la libre et sévère pensée,
Règne ! Mais à ton tour, brute, qu'à la risée,
Au comique mépris tu serves de jouet !
Que sur toi le bon sens fasse claquer son fouet,

Qu'il se lève, implacable à son tour, et qu'il rie,
Et qu'il raille à son tour l'inepte raillerie,
Et qu'il fasse au soleil luire en leur nudité
Ta grotesque laideur et ta stupidité !

Molière, dresse-toi ! Debout, Aristophane !
Allons ! Faites entendre au vulgaire profane
L'hymne de l'idéal au fond du rire amer,
Du grand rire où, pareil au cliquetis du fer,

Sonne le choc rapide et franc des pensers justes,
Du beau rire qui sied aux poitrines robustes,
Vengeur de la sagesse, héroïque moqueur,
Où vibre la jeunesse immortelle du cœur !
Wk kortas Apr 2017
Such children, our playwrights;
They labor under the sad misconception
That, having written their labored little prose,
They shall be presented wholly unfiltered by the performers.
From God’s lips to their ears, they say, ostensibly joking
While their features and inflection bear full witness
To how deeply serious they are in truth.
The poor souls have no idea
(Really, no more than infants, every last one of them)
Just how little their tottering little farces have to say
Concerning the profundity of suffering, the fever of desire,
(How could they know, locked away in their rooms with nothing
But their parchment and quills—truly, from whence will come
The Moreto or de Molina for our age, artists yet men as well?)
And yet the trained performer is able
With no more than the odd inflection,
The certain insouciance  in the crook of an elbow,
The telltale arch of an eyebrow
As another actor declaims his lines,
Provide blood and marrow to the sad scratchings of the purported author, Create meanings never conceived of by the dramatist.  
How many nights have I shot glances
At these poor men of letters, wringing their hands anxiously,
Huddled in the wings on the opening night of their turgid set pieces.
What performances (however involuntary and unconscious)
They would give, faces contorting with surprise and fury,
Fists clenching with rage or grabbing at their tresses
In frustration and stupefaction at what had been made
From their foolish idioms, their labored clichés.
And, after a surfeit of bows had been taken,
They would come before me,
Bowing slowly, stiffly, mechanically in an effort to keep their anger
From virtually surging from their bodies,
Meekly saying Truly, Senora, I did not know
What effect your legerdemain could have
Upon the audience and my humble words
But, for all their politeness, their hatred is palpable,
For I have thrown their cherished natural order on its head,
As I have usurped them as the creator.

Still, one should not be so harsh with these hijos;
The error is a common one:
So many viceroys and kings, so many priests and archbishops
Have tried to fix the yoke of man’s poor misapprehension
Upon the forces of the universe,
Forces which would brush them into the abyss
With no more forethought than they would rend the web
Of the poor, innocent spider.  
I have, on several occasions,
Accompanied many a man of means to the gaming table,
Have seen them win handsome sums
And seen others lose those every bit as spectacular.  
I have found the victors to be men
Who do not try to ascertain the hidden mysteries of the deck,
Nor bemoan the fact that they are denied the deal,
But rather treat the cards as simple things
(No more than mere bits of paper, drabs of colored ink),
Minute stages provided to display one’s craft and wisdom
In the pursuit of pleasure and profit.
Senora Villegas appears courtesy of Thornton Wilder's The Bridge of San Luis Rey.

Aux champs, compagnons et compagnes !
Fils, j'élève à la dignité
De géorgiques les campagnes
Quelconques où flambe l'été !

Flamber, c'est là toute l'histoire
Du cœur, des sens, de la saison,
Et de la pauvre mouche noire
Que nous appelons la raison.

Je te fais molosse, ô mon dogue !
L'acanthe manque ? j'ai le thym.
Je nomme Vaugirard églogue ;
J'installe Amyntas à Pantin.

La nature est indifférente
Aux nuances que nous créons
Entre Gros-Guillaume et Dorante ;
Tout pampre a ses Anacréons.

L'idylle volontiers patoise.
Et je ne vois point que l'oiseau
Préfère Haliarte à Pontoise
Et Coronée à Palaiseau.

Les plus beaux noms de la Sicile
Et de la Grèce ne font pas
Que l'âne au fouet soit plus docile,
Que l'amour fuie à moins grand pas.

Les fleurs sont à Sèvre aussi fraîches
Que sur l'Hybla, cher au sylvain ;
Montreuil mérite avec ses pêches
La garde du dragon divin.

Marton nue est Phyllis sans voiles ;
Fils, le soir n'est pas plus vermeil,
Sous son chapeau d'ombre et d'étoiles,
A Blanduse qu'à Montfermeil.

Bercy pourrait griser sept sages ;
Les Auteuils sont fils des Tempés ;
Si l'Ida sombre a des nuages,
La guinguette a des canapés.

Rien n'est haut ni bas ; les fontaines
Lavent la pourpre et le sayon ;
L'aube d'Ivry, l'aube d'Athènes,
Sont faites du même rayon.

J'ai déjà dit parfois ces choses,
Et toujours je les redirai ;
Car du fond de toutes les proses
Peut s'élancer le vers sacré.

Si Babet a la gorge ronde,
Babet égale Pholoé.
Comme Chypre la Beauce est blonde.
Larifla descend d'Evohé.

Toinon, se baignant sur la grève,
A plus de cheveux sur le dos
Que la Callyrhoé qui rêve
Dans le grand temps d'Abydos.

Ça, que le bourgeois fraternise
Avec les satyres cornus !
Amis, le corset de Denise
Vaut la ceinture de Vénus.


Donc, fuyons Paris ! plus de gêne !
Bergers, plantons là Tortoni !
Allons boire à la coupe pleine
Du printemps, ivre d'infini.

Allons fêter les fleurs exquises,
Partons ! quittons, joyeux et fous,
Pour les dryades, les marquises,
Et pour les faunes, les voyous !

Plus de bouquins, point de gazettes !
Je hais cette submersion.
Nous irons cueillir des noisettes
Dans l'été, fraîche vision.

La banlieue, amis, peut suffire.
La fleur, que Paris souille, y naît.
Flore y vivait avec Zéphire
Avant de vivre avec Brunet.

Aux champs les vers deviennent strophes ;
A Paris, l'étang, c'est l'égout.
Je sais qu'il est des philosophes
Criant très haut : « Lutèce est tout !

« Les champs ne valent pas la ville ! »
Fils, toujours le bon sens hurla
Quand Voltaire à Damilaville
Dit ces calembredaines-là.


Aux champs, la nuit est vénérable,
Le jour rit d'un rire enfantin ;
Le soir berne l'orme et l'érable,
Le soir est beau ; mais le matin,

Le matin, c'est la grande fête ;
C'est l'auréole où la nuit fond,
Où le diplomate a l'air bête,
Où le bouvier a l'air profond.

La fleur d'or du pré d'azur sombre,
L'astre, brille au ciel clair encor ;
En bas, le bleuet luit dans l'ombre,
Etoile bleue en un champ d'or.

L'oiseau court, les taureaux mugissent ;
Les feuillages sont enchantés ;
Les cercles du vent s'élargissent
Dans l'ascension des clartés.

L'air frémit ; l'onde est plus sonore ;
Toute âme entr-ouvre son secret ;
L'univers croit, quand vient l'aurore,
Que sa conscience apparaît.


Quittons Paris et ses casernes.
Plongeons-nous, car les ans sont courts,
Jusqu'au genoux dans les luzernes
Et jusqu'au cœur dans les amours.

Joignons les baisers aux spondées ;
Souvenons-nous que le hautbois
Donnait à Platon des idées
Voluptueuses, dans les bois.

Vanvre a d'indulgentes prairies ;
Ville-d'Avray ferme les yeux
Sur les douces gamineries
Des cupidons mystérieux.

Là, les Jeux, les Ris, et les Farces
Poursuivent, sous les bois flottants,
Les chimères de joie éparses
Dans la lumière du printemps.

L'onde à Triel est bucolique ;
Asnière a des flux et reflux
Où vogue l'adorable clique
De tous ces petits dieux joufflus.

Le sel attique et l'eau de Seine
Se mêlent admirablement.
Il n'est qu'une chose malsaine,
Jeanne, c'est d'être sans amant.

Que notre ivresse se signale !
Allons où Pan nous conduira.
Ressuscitons la bacchanale,
Cette aïeule de l'opéra.

Laissons, et même envoyons paître
Les bœufs, les chèvres, les brebis,
La raison, le garde-champêtre !
Fils, avril chante, crions bis !

Qu'à Gif, grâce à nous, le notaire
Et le marguillier soient émus,
Fils, et qu'on entende à Nanterre
Les vagues flûtes de l'Hémus !

Acclimatons Faune à Vincenne,
Sans pourtant prendre pour conseil
L'immense Aristophane obscène,
Effronté comme le soleil.

Rions du maire, ou de l'édile ;
Et mordons, en gens convaincus,
Dans cette pomme de l'idylle
Où l'on voit les dents de Moschus.
J'ai naguère habité le meilleur des châteaux

Dans le plus fin pays d'eau vive et de coteaux :

Quatre tours s'élevaient sur le front d'autant d'ailes,

Et j'ai longtemps, longtemps habité l'une d'elles.

Le mur, étant de brique extérieurement,

Luisait rouge au soleil de ce site dormant,

Mais un lait de chaux, clair comme une aube qui pleure,

Tendait légèrement la voûte intérieure.

Ô diane des yeux qui vont parler au cœur,

Ô réveil pour les sens éperdus de langueur,

Gloire des fronts d'aïeuls, orgueil jeune des branches,

Innocence et fierté des choses, couleurs blanches !

Parmi des escaliers en vrille, tout aciers

Et cuivres, luxes brefs encore émaciés,

Cette blancheur bleuâtre et si douce, à m'en croire,

Que relevait un peu la longue plinthe noire,

S'emplissait tout le jour de silence et d'air pur

Pour que la nuit y vînt rêver de pâle azur.

Une chambre bien close, une table, une chaise,

Un lit strict où l'on pût dormir juste à son aise,

Du jour suffisamment et de l'espace assez,

Tel fut mon lot durant les longs mois là passés,

Et je n'ai jamais plaint ni les mois ni l'espace,

Ni le reste, et du point de vue où je me place,

Maintenant que voici le monde de retour,

Ah vraiment, j'ai regret aux deux ans dans la tour !

Car c'était bien la paix réelle et respectable,

Ce lit dur, cette chaise unique et cette table,

La paix où l'on aspire alors qu'on est bien soi,

Cette chambre aux murs blancs, ce rayon sobre et coi,

Qui glissait lentement en teintes apaisées,

Au lieu de ce grand jour diffus de vos croisées.

Car à quoi bon le vain appareil et l'ennui

Du plaisir, à la fin, quand le malheur a lui,

(Et le malheur est bien un trésor qu'on déterre)

Et pourquoi cet effroi de rester solitaire

Qui pique le troupeau des hommes d'à présent,

Comme si leur commerce était bien suffisant ?

Questions ! Donc j'étais heureux avec ma vie,

Reconnaissant de biens que nul, certes, n'envie.

(Ô fraîcheur de sentir qu'on n'a pas de jaloux !

Ô bonté d'être cru plus malheureux que tous !)

Je partageais les jours de cette solitude

Entre ces deux bienfaits, la prière et l'étude,

Que délassait un peu de travail manuel.

Ainsi les Saints ! J'avais aussi ma part de ciel,

Surtout quand, revenant au jour, si proche encore,

Où j'étais ce mauvais sans plus qui s'édulcore

En la luxure lâche aux farces sans pardon,

Je pouvais supputer tout le prix de ce don :

N'être plus là, parmi les choses de la foule,

S'y dépensant, plutôt dupe, pierre qui roule,

Mais de fait un complice à tous ces noirs péchés,

N'être plus là, compter au rang des cœurs cachés,

Des cœurs discrets que Dieu fait siens dans le silence,

Sentir qu'on grandit bon et sage, et qu'on s'élance

Du plus bas au plus haut en essors bien réglés,

Humble, prudent, béni, la croissance des blés !

D'ailleurs nuls soins gênants, nulle démarche à faire.

Deux fois le jour ou trois, un serviteur sévère

Apportait mes repas et repartait muet.

Nul bruit. Rien dans la tour jamais ne remuait

Qu'une horloge au cœur clair qui battait à coups larges.

C'était la liberté (la seule !) sans ses charges,

C'était la dignité dans la sécurité !

Ô lieu presque aussitôt regretté que quitté,

Château, château magique où mon âme s'est faite,

Frais séjour où se vint apaiser la tempête

De ma raison allant à vau-l'eau dans mon sang,

Château, château qui luis tout rouge et dors tout blanc,

Comme un bon fruit de qui le goût est sur mes lèvres

Et désaltère encor l'arrière-soif des fièvres,

Ô sois béni, château d'où me voilà sorti

Prêt à la vie, armé de douceur et nanti

De la Foi, pain et sel et manteau pour la route

Si déserte, si rude et si longue, sans doute,

Par laquelle il faut tendre aux innocents sommets.

Et soit aimé l'Auteur de la Grâce, à jamais !
Gary Aug 2016
My eyes hung heavy
Thoughts density,  
fill my mind

Shaking my head rapidly
Like a rabid infestation of mites had migrated to my mind.

I drink heavily to drown the *******!
**** the ******* thoughts
Of killing myself.

These placid thoughts,
From a outside world.
A outside world of farces.
Plastic people with their plastic minds
The heartless and soulless  carbon copied pigs of society.

Pretend your pretty life
Is pretty.
Pretend your petrified smile
Is real.
Infect me with your lies
Through the poisonous food
You graciously say is safe to eat.

Pretend I'm okay
As you strip my life away
Pretend to help
As you infect my veins.

**** all your followers
With ******* and lies
Tell all your children
How ******* hard you tried.
À François Coppée

Don Juan qui fut grand Seigneur en ce monde

Est aux enfers ainsi qu'un pauvre immonde

Pauvre, sans la barbe faite, et pouilleux,

Et si n'étaient la lueur de ses yeux

Et la beauté de sa maigre figure,

En le voyant ainsi quiconque jure

Qu'il est un gueux et non ce héros fier

Aux dames comme au poète si cher

Et dont l'auteur de ces humbles chroniques

Vous va parler sur des faits authentiques.

Il a son front dans ses mains et paraît

Penser beaucoup à quelque grand secret.

Il marche à pas douloureux sur la neige :

Car c'est son châtiment que rien n'allège

D'habiter seul et vêtu de léger

**** de tout lieu où fleurit l'oranger

Et de mener ses tristes promenades

Sous un ciel veuf de toutes sérénades

Et qu'une lune morte éclaire assez

Pour expier tous ses soleils passés.

Il songe. Dieu peut gagner, car le Diable

S'est vu réduire à l'état pitoyable

De tourmenteur et de geôlier gagé

Pour être las trop tôt, et trop âgé.

Du Révolté de jadis il ne reste

Plus qu'un bourreau qu'on paie et qu'on moleste

Si bien qu'enfin la cause de l'Enfer

S'en va tombant comme un fleuve à la mer,

Au sein de l'alliance primitive.

Il ne faut pas que cette honte arrive.

Mais lui, don Juan, n'est pas mort, et se sent

Le coeur vif comme un coeur d'adolescent

Et dans sa tête une jeune pensée

Couve et nourrit une force amassée ;

S'il est damné c'est qu'il le voulut bien,

Il avait tout pour être un bon chrétien,

La foi, l'ardeur au ciel, et le baptême,

Et ce désir de volupté lui-même,

Mais s'étant découvert meilleur que Dieu,

Il résolut de se mettre en son lieu.

À cet effet, pour asservir les âmes

Il rendit siens d'abord les cœurs des femmes.

Toutes pour lui laissèrent là Jésus,

Et son orgueil jaloux monta dessus

Comme un vainqueur foule un champ de bataille.

Seule la mort pouvait être à sa taille.

Il l'insulta, la défit. C'est alors

Qu'il vint à Dieu, lui parla face à face

Sans qu'un instant hésitât son audace.

Le défiant, Lui, son Fils et ses saints !

L'affreux combat ! Très calme et les reins ceints

D'impiété cynique et de blasphème,

Ayant volé son verbe à Jésus même,

Il voyagea, funeste pèlerin,

Prêchant en chaire et chantant au lutrin,

Et le torrent amer de sa doctrine,

Parallèle à la parole divine,

Troublait la paix des simples et noyait

Toute croyance et, grossi, s'enfuyait.

Il enseignait : « Juste, prends patience.

Ton heure est proche. Et mets ta confiance

En ton bon coeur. Sois vigilant pourtant,

Et ton salut en sera sûr d'autant.

Femmes, aimez vos maris et les vôtres

Sans cependant abandonner les autres...

L'amour est un dans tous et tous dans un,

Afin qu'alors que tombe le soir brun

L'ange des nuits n'abrite sous ses ailes

Que cœurs mi-clos dans la paix fraternelle. »

Au mendiant errant dans la forêt

Il ne donnait un sol que s'il jurait.

Il ajoutait : « De ce que l'on invoque

Le nom de Dieu, celui-ci s'en choque,

Bien au contraire, et tout est pour le mieux.

Tiens, prends, et bois à ma santé, bon vieux. »

Puis il disait : « Celui-là prévarique

Qui de sa chair faisant une bourrique

La subordonne au soin de son salut

Et lui désigne un trop servile but.

La chair est sainte ! Il faut qu'on la vénère.

C'est notre fille, enfants, et notre mère,

Et c'est la fleur du jardin d'ici-bas !

Malheur à ceux qui ne l'adorent pas !

Car, non contents de renier leur être,

Ils s'en vont reniant le divin maître,

Jésus fait chair qui mourut sur la croix,

Jésus fait chair qui de sa douce voix

Ouvrait le coeur de la Samaritaine,

Jésus fait chair qu'aima la Madeleine ! »

À ce blasphème effroyable, voilà

Que le ciel de ténèbres se voila.

Et que la mer entrechoqua les îles.

On vit errer des formes dans les villes

Les mains des morts sortirent des cercueils,

Ce ne fut plus que terreurs et que deuils

Et Dieu voulant venger l'injure affreuse

Prit sa foudre en sa droite furieuse

Et maudissant don Juan, lui jeta bas

Son corps mortel, mais son âme, non pas !

Non pas son âme, on l'allait voir ! Et pâle

De male joie et d'audace infernale,

Le grand damné, royal sous ses haillons,

Promène autour son œil plein de rayons,

Et crie : « À moi l'Enfer ! ô vous qui fûtes

Par moi guidés en vos sublimes chutes,

Disciples de don Juan, reconnaissez

Ici la voix qui vous a redressés.-

Satan est mort, Dieu mourra dans la fête,

Aux armes pour la suprême conquête !

Apprêtez-vous, vieillards et nouveau-nés,

C'est le grand jour pour le tour des damnés. »

Il dit. L'écho frémit et va répandre

L'appel altier, et don Juan croit entendre

Un grand frémissement de tous côtés.

Ses ordres sont à coup sûr écoutés :

Le bruit s'accroît des clameurs de victoire,

Disant son nom et racontant sa gloire.

« À nous deux, Dieu stupide, maintenant ! »

Et don Juan a foulé d'un pied tonnant

Le sol qui tremble et la neige glacée

Qui semble fondre au feu de sa pensée...

Mais le voilà qui devient glace aussi

Et dans son coeur horriblement transi

Le sang s'arrête, et son geste se fige.

Il est statue, il est glace. Ô prodige

Vengeur du Commandeur assassiné !

Tout bruit s'éteint et l'Enfer réfréné

Rentre à jamais dans ses mornes cellules.

« Ô les rodomontades ridicules »,

Dit du dehors Quelqu'un qui ricanait,

« Contes prévus ! farces que l'on connaît !

Morgue espagnole et fougue italienne !

Don Juan, faut-il afin qu'il t'en souvienne,

Que ce vieux Diable, encore que radoteur,

Ainsi te prenne en délit de candeur ?

Il est écrit de ne tenter... personne

L'Enfer ni ne se prend ni ne se donne.

Mais avant tout, ami, retiens ce point :

On est le Diable, on ne le devient point. »
Mateuš Conrad Jul 2021
i sometimes smoke a cigarette and: chances are...
i might be drinking some red wine...
strange how the palette works...
sometimes the odd aftertaste of strawberries...
tonight of all nights: spring onions...

i don't like to be right about so trivial
matters as the result of a football match...
minor prophetic jargon...
but once the game finished i wanted
to celebrate being right: neutrally...
i just couldn't stomach the euphoria...
i rode for two bottles of the cheapest
red wine into town...
in the heaviest of rain...
i felt baptised...

         a second time: gladly not confirmed
the first time... for that matter:
there was no second time coming...
schtill nacht...
im diese schtill nacht...
it's almost like surfing...
the sensation you get: having made
a prediction... logically...
with all the required scrutiny...
you stand back: you surf...
or you ride a bicycle in the thickness
of night while it's raining frog spit...
the chains have come off...

i couldn't stomach a collective euphoria
of something associated with
a football match...
back "we" go... to our own personal
reality chequers: and checks...
it's nice to see how easily reality bites back
when we're no longer protected
by a collective cul de sac belief mantra:
hope is the envy of lesser creatures...
esp. when magnified into some...
common purpose...

there's a wasp sting in my tongue at the joy
of... seeing so many people resort to having
to comfort themselves...
to... perhaps tease introspection...
i don't think i could stomach a shared
i probably would: but...
collectively i wouldn't be able to pick
out... the solo reasons why someone
might be happy: because a football match was

but because a football match
was lost... i could almost tell why a sadness couldn't
be shared - apologies for making
a Holocaust metaphorical-analogy...
each to his own sadness...
but over such a trivial: peg... of... pride...

it's like those people who complain about...
"having an existence... but not having a life"...
well... money troubles...
they have existence assured...
they don't have "life"... a lifestyle...
spending habits...
that might elevate a simple fact that
was too problematic for Frankenstein
to begin with...
i find myself glad...
to not have the sort of money that might
elevate this most precious fact
into a spending spree amnesia...
amnesia? memento mori amnesia...

the people who can be cited as wanting "life"
outside the stated fact of existence...
i made "life" from my prediction:
over a stupid game of football:
it's not exactly ballet...
i hanged onto the prediction...
i didn't gamble on it... there was no money
involved: i just wanted to be right
from the very beginning of seeing
Italy vs. Turkey... this was the team...
what would "life" offer me...
beside enough money to spend
to have a seat at Wembley...
become deluded by a collective wave of farces...
sing-along songs...
that would be life: life would only disappoint
this "life" that's supposedly a tier above
being given a FACT that's: i: ex-instance:
i out of every instance...
preserve my will to match that of
the tenacity of weeds... or hyper-sexualised

have a life? hell... be a leaf:
waver with each passing wind...
to doubt is to enjoy as many crushing emotions
as that plethora of them that's love...

i can pledge alliance, otherwise: mostly to the tongue:
that i rather use this acquired tongue:
defend it from this... current... onslaught
of pseudo-communist
but i can't: just... grow to support a football
team: i can't translate this archaic tribalism
into what i require to be more...
sophisticated: that might tie me to this land:
these people...

ha... to convene yourself:
i don't want to exist... i want a life...
the old saying goes:
which translates into:
i want enough spending options
to have a lifestyle...
that's all there is... well sorry if i'm just...
content with what Frankenstein's monster
found so bothersome:
no airs... not an itch of sense & sensibility:
pomp & circumstance...
i would sooner return to the shadowy
enclaves of naked thought:
away from the Freudian schematic scrutiny
of man's secular trinity
of consciousness: sub- + un-...
unlike Frankenstein's monster...

i should most certainly not have the sort
of money that might allow me to
leverage choices that would
necessarily break me into becoming a silly
colt: reinvented...

patriotism: for the language...
why do i write in English and not in ******?
well... the fiddly bits...
i'm not going to ctrl + c / ctrl + p every time
i need to make an "inquiry": make use
of all the necessary diacritical letters...
i need fluidity... if sometimes i buckle:
i'll buckle on something more than
mere diacritical markers:
i'll buckle on some katakana / hangul...

mm-hmm... i think only Brazil has made it
to conquer the concept of a post-racial
society... it dawned on me...
how about all the african-h'americans
are paid their reparations with...
being given their proper ETHNIC identity back?
by now black is too obvious:
how about they get a chance to tell each
other apart: this "one" is of ivory coast descent...
this one is Nigerian... no?
so it's back to just being... "bleak"?
that's it... now i see it...
racism doesn't originate from ethno-centrism...
or ethno-clarification... does it?

ethnicity is so much more custard
when race is all but water...
after all: a southern fairy is not a northern monkey...
a Yorkshire lad is not a Cockney

i pledge my allegiance: otherwise...
it won't be through a simulated football match:
it will be purely through the tongue...
expect more: i'll be a fake...
sooner becoming a home-grown Jihadi...
oh... i'm the failure of the supposed
quest for the integrated foreigner...
point taken: point... proved:
not in favour of the native populace...
if i wanted to be spewing automaton
integration bits & bobs like
some winded-up harmonica monkey:
should have asked for a Sikhs' turabn:
stating the ****** obvious: what success!

all the Scots were jumping joy galore
seeing Italy beat England...
i'm pretty sure they were...
mind you... why can you have an British & Irish Lions
Rugby team...
you can have Cardiff City & Swansea
play in the premier league...
with all the English teams...
but you can't have Rangers or Celtic...
it's team GB at the Olympics:
it's all UK in that chapter of sports...
but when it comes to football...
the united: not so much united...
sport effort...

you can have Welsh teams competing
with the English teams in the same
but you can't have Hibernian being given
a stab at it?
i lived among the Scots for about
3 years...
come to think of it...
i came across more natives "up" there
than i ever came across natives
"down" here...

why do i think England is faking
a multiculturalism... it always faked it...
it begins with an Anglo-Saxon mentality:
we can't allow European foreigners to dilute
the blood of our ******* daughters
with these supposed ******...
feed them black aubergine **** first:
perhaps she''ll become tired of
all that fun... fun... fun...

look at me... i've given up on your future
mother... i went into the avenue of Turkic women...
Romanian women...
i'm not going to die on a hill of her
i'm not even going to **** on it...

i will not join this ******* jump-up piston-whip
all the allegiance to the tongue:
none to the petty spectacles of
the collectivised: rest in peace...
if Cardiff city be incorporated...
if Swansea can be incorporated into
the premier league...
why can't Rangers or Celtic compete?

i will persist in the Welsh being pacified
by the English: even though
the Welsh have a rarefied version of linguistic pride
that allowed them to retain their Cymru...
while the Scots dropped their Gaelic
in favour of writing: with their accent pronounced...
in ****** graffiti English...

i'm still leveraging my attention for the Welsh
with suspicion... leeches...
two-faced leeches...
those awaiting a nationalistic spontaneity:
they have retained their tongue:
the Scots haven't...
ah... the Scots... it's important to still trill the R...
hark: sing-along in English:
it's hardly important to speak a drop of
Gaelic... hell... even the Irish have forgotten
their lust for their tongue!
poker-faced Welsh... curious *******...
the most famous Welsh people not being
Welsh: Judas Brutus...

the rev. r. s. Thomas...
it's not Welsh is a makeshift of ****** that's
Silesian that heavily borrows on ******
since it doesn't have a hard nut of
Hans Sprech to stand on...
under what: union... Jack?

           comes with the Anglo-Slav territory...
sorry... the sort-of-Saxons
have been left licking their wounds
while their women have been
diluting their "sacred" blood..
**** happens: join the circus:
become a clown: live with with...
it's hardly a welcome resort that
might encompass the post-racism of Brazil...
but "we're" getting "there"...

i'm a racist overlord if i **** a black
likewise if i don't...
because i think of her skin as:
conundrum after conundrum...
finally... living on these isles...
there are remnants of the Celts:
if you are readied: will prop their ugly
ginger bearded **** hairs up!
i'd sooner speak some German
than allow myself pacifying then *******
Russian Bolsheviks...
my own: biased scrutiny...

the wooden leg:
dropkick murphys...
if Boston is Irish...
then Chicago is ******...
              because you don't know what:
being... deported feels like...
because you don't know what
being termed "illegal" feels like:
but sure... allow what you currently
allow: because you're all for:
the grand awakening...
self-laceration tryst in the jargon train
of pardon:
now you recede into your...

                    when it's not about being right:
it's not... not right now:
it's about being self-assured...
it's about being: less glassy-eyed and more:
peppering the futures of man made simple
with: guided expectations!
i.e. the peacock verbiage synonym of:
the experience of failure...

of... FAIL...
so many lights became aligned;
i almost forgot to take a snooze with a better
worth of a blink.
Cut your nails and brush your teeth,
Eat your food, and take your seat,
Check your box, and fix those knots,
Clean your shoes, and pull up your socks.

Read your books and play at 4,
Park that parachute of fooleries,
Receive a hug from ye, mother at nine,
Little miss kid, you're doing just fine.

Here and there a mischief or four,
Break your sister's mascara box,
Eat some biscuits and chocolates,
Bless you kid, that's innocence.

Once you grow, and groups and gags,
Farces comedies would relapse,
Tragedy harpers the bazaar of rust,
Bless you kid, never get old!

Young and free and meek and mild,
Cleans my soul and I can smile.
Le Juste restait droit sur ses hanches solides :
Un rayon lui dorait l'épaule ; des sueurs
Me prirent : "Tu veux voir rutiler les bolides ?
Et, debout, écouter bourdonner les flueurs
D'astres lactés, et les essaims d'astéroïdes ?

"Par des farces de nuit ton front est épié,
Ô juste ! Il faut gagner un toit. Dis ta prière,
La bouche dans ton drap doucement expié ;
Et si quelque égaré choque ton ostiaire,
Dis : Frère, va plus ****, je suis estropié !"

Et le juste restait debout, dans l'épouvante
Bleuâtre des gazons après le soleil mort :
"Alors, mettrais-tu tes genouillères en vente,
Ô Vieillard ? Pèlerin sacré ! barde d'Armor !
Pleureur des Oliviers ! main que la pitié gante !

"Barbe de la famille et poing de la cité,
Croyant très doux : ô coeur tombé dans les calices,
Majestés et vertus, amour et cécité,
Juste ! plus bête et plus dégoûtant que les lices !
Je suis celui qui souffre et qui s'est révolté !

"Et ça me fait pleurer sur mon ventre, ô stupide,
Et bien rire, l'espoir fameux de ton pardon !
Je suis maudit, tu sais ! je suis soûl, fou, livide,
Ce que tu veux ! Mais va te coucher, voyons donc,
Juste ! je ne veux rien à ton cerveau torpide.

"C'est toi le Juste, enfin, le Juste ! C'est assez !
C'est vrai que ta tendresse et ta raison sereines
Reniflent dans la nuit comme des cétacés,
Que tu te fais proscrire et dégoises des thrènes
Sur d'effroyables becs-de-cane fracassés !

"Et c'est toi l'oeil de Dieu ! le lâche ! Quand les plantes
Froides des pieds divins passeraient sur mon cou,
Tu es lâche ! Ô ton front qui fourmille de lentes !
Socrates et Jésus, Saints et Justes, dégoût !
Respectez le Maudit suprême aux nuits sanglantes !"

J'avais crié cela sur la terre, et la nuit
Calme et blanche occupait les cieux pendant ma fièvre.
Je relevai mon front : le fantôme avait fui,
Emportant l'ironie atroce de ma lèvre...
- Vents nocturnes, venez au Maudit ! Parlez-lui,

Cependant que silencieux sous les pilastres
D'azur, allongeant les comètes et les noeuds
D'univers, remuement énorme sans désastres,
L'ordre, éternel veilleur, rame aux cieux lumineux
Et de sa drague en feu laisse filer les astres !

Ah ! qu'il s'en aille, lui, la gorge cravatée
De honte, ruminant toujours mon ennui, doux
Comme le sucre sur la denture gâtée.
- Tel que la chienne après l'assaut des fiers toutous,
Léchant son flanc d'où pend une entraille emportée.

Qu'il dise charités crasseuses et progrès...
- J'exècre tous ces yeux de Chinois à bedaines,
Puis qui chante : nana, comme un tas d'enfants près
De mourir, idiots doux aux chansons soudaines :
Ô Justes, nous chierons dans vos ventres de grès !
Pff je n 'aime pas !
Vingt jours que mon ombre
Fait des siennes
Au lieu de me servir
Comme il se doit
Ses farces
De son fou rire
De baryton basse.

Vingt jours que seules me parviennent
Les éclaboussures de ses pas étouffés
Qui divaguent au ralenti
Dans l'océan quantique
En toutes circonstances chic
Des vagues parfumées de bleu nuit.

Reviens mon ombre, reviens !
Oublie un peu la rumba quantique !
Sans toi je boite, mon cavalier,
Telle une lune réfractaire
Dans la nuit rasée d'étoiles !
Mateuš Conrad Oct 2020
such that... life continues... regardless
for concern for / of personal whims,
farces and tiresome tribulations...
i'm doubly drunk with grief -
i don't know whether i'm moruning
or drinking: perhaps both,
perhaps neither...
the children in the nearby school are
persistent in entertaining
a break from corrosion rubric mantra...
the same desolate crow heaves out
a harking a barking an anything
but its original: no substitute...
i'll baptise myself by taking a shower...
i hope to forget taking a ****...
i'll drink enough to **** something out...
the world retains its
objective rigidity and lack
of nuance: death's grip forever "realistic"...
but now i don't care to mind
shadow or bow to concrete
evidence of antithesis telekinetic
stones in an omni- litany of a deity...
the lesser servent is adorned with
its crown - such glorious ruling
of ceremony...
i ought to find relief being a confused
expression of:
hangover mourning -
perhaps i drank too much
to numb the pain:
i drank too much to prevent myself
from tear-kneejerk-reactionary: absentee-,
perhaps chewing on some
hard not to pretend to have not
outmaneuvered death
for a ****** with ol' vanity moi...
in the old saying:
it is, done...
         completely: complete -
ouroboros "tamed"...
               after all: death is nothing new:
no nuance, no glaring need for
comparison: no competitive
subjective strategy -
a barrenness of uniqueness is
this numbing extract -
           if only death were a sentence
unto amnesia -
yes... life continues...
objectively, automated regardless of
what "things" might break...
with its omni- litany:
the deity resounds with
don't tame yourself with
an allowance for
claustrophobic subjectivity -
there are forever echoes of life dasein -
forever new
unfathomable elsewheres...
not here, not now...
     grieve for an hour or two...
but return to something
of life...
and veneer and: do good practicality...
you were not supposed
to express the grace
and pragmatism of a mourning
of a tree:
willow or no willow...
oak, birch or pine...
           far less crooked than
a crucifix to be later adorned
in gold and rattled around with
history like some driftwood
atop plum copulas of arch-nemesis
stone upon stone...
hollowed out by castrato choirs.
here, now... i will listen
to the earth breathe...
as i will call the wind your song
to boot.
Ryan O'Leary Aug 2018
Grand jurys are forced into seclusion
for the duration of some trials. The
reason being that their manipulation
by financial gifts, threats or promises
is prohibited.

In an elected democratic government
where for example we have but twelve
government ministers exposed to this
sort of exploitation at the expense of a
nation, it is a flawed system.

Long standing governments such as
Fianna Fail in the past, was prone to this
sort of ******* by big business and
foreign regimes resulting in national
assets being plundered.

The seduction of Ireland by patronizing
us with a succession of fairytale farces
conjured up in approval of Bord Failte
to curry favour with the US false flag
Presidential roots system has to stop.

The time has long passed for Tír na Nóg,
the Leprechauns, St. Patrick and the snakes.
Wake up Ireland, " The burning of turf and
the smoking of bacon has kept us in a state
of euphoria for centuries ".
Michael Marchese Sep 2024
They take a long march
And recruit
The downtrodden
Enforcing their farces
Then throw the whole lot in
The ring
Where the circus
The animals caged
Labor slaves
Win elections
Politicized weapons
Discounting the vote
And outsourcing
The capsizing boat
To some far-reaching
Not my backyard approach
The buck
To the bucket list
Working classes

— The End —