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Dustin Holbrook Sep 2012
On whether technology has influenced the seeming rise in mental health issues: The concept of technology as separate than Nature is impossible to pin down, but to say that a lifetime of social pressures, advertising, television, and processed and genetically altered foodstuffs would not affect what the brain is used to, and what is was designed to do, is a non sequitur. Certainly an entirely separate set of influences also had negative consequences in the brains' of pre-man, but these were not of his own making, as he still lived in an organic environment, and therefore wasn't a part of the "feedback loop" we have going on with humans becoming the products of a man-made environment (one of the only things that sets us apart from most the animal kingdom). Either way, whatever you're doing you're getting better at it, so with the increase in time spent on the web and watching TV we are increasingly better at watching other people - being passive, non-accountable, constantly comparative and self-obsessed, impotent in light of the mass of information constantly flooding towards you - which the brain was not originally intended for. This seems obvious. So the fact that some people have things like crippling anxiety and OCD, or develop anti-social disorders and the like, seems like a logical result produced by a system (the brain) presented with new and inorganic conditions. On top of that, being a non-****** is naturally and evolutionarily based because it increases the likelihood that others will want to chilll'n'stuff and help you when you need it, but when transposed onto a crowded, fast-paced modernity it twists into something like flattery and competition to appear the most altruistic.
weinburglar Mar 2015
A six-legged Asian cockroach just washed up on American soil, and it can lay eggs on ice.

Roaches are infamous for the myth that they're one of the few species that could survive an atomic bomb. It's not science, but even Adam Savage and his gang of Myth Buster's say it's beyond myth: a human croaks after ten minutes of exposure to 1,000 units of cobalt 60. But for roaches, 10% of their population survives after exposure to 10,000 rads - hell, it's better than zero.

This new species is the most evolutionarily persistent thing ever - if surviving means anything, it win's life on earth, hands down.

But I'd rather be a monkey.

We **** up and **** ourselves everyday. We slip and **** ourselves with power tools, or smash our fists into soccer referees and manslaughter oops ****.  We shoot ourselves off of propulsion equipment to see what happens.  Bone-crunching splatter ****.

From 100 feet up, we look like ******* mad men.

But the roach shows up carefully and gets **** done with nasty perseverance. The roach with vapid speech and wide eyes, glued to efficiencies and body armor.

To exist plainly - to work, eat. and sleep - is done best by roaches. Success is a cockroach.
Eleete j Muir Jan 2014
The brimstone quorum of
Salvationism a dying paragon :
Jettison of the Holy Cities
Amiable concordance in
Harness of attic faith salving
Creations apostasy,
Sealing Hells predestine fate,
Witnessing Sins forfeitable
Baptismal omni-shambles
Clandestine of punic Earths
Calvalcade beliefs; moving
Adamantine Heaven Godwards
And humanity froward
Evolutionarily bona-fide
Of credo.

kierra Jul 2017
you continue on the outermost experience of stimuli
consuming with poor digestion, your surrounding world
you continue on the premise of emotion and nothing more,
no analysis, no insight, you exist as a simpler species than
those who do analyze, are insightful and it is only negative because
you are inefficient and infectious in your inefficiency, less energy is
required to live as you do but you are not progressive, you do not offer
this human species anything but a vector for dna, an avenue to perpetuate;
and you are this way by choice -- you possess potential to have potential
but you do not engage and in consequence, you are ignorant and malignant
to our human species and perhaps I am a misanthrope or perhaps I am a
realist but you will only hinder the most capable of us unless you cease to
continue on the outermost experience of stimuli; you are inefficient with the
potential, a resounding potential, for efficiency and if only you would wake from
this superficial condition our species would gain advantage in survival but I
suppose it is irrational to wish for such things, as we are inherently flawed and

perhaps our concentrations should not be on perpetuating the human species
but rather giving rise to an organism more evolutionarily advanced -- more efficient;
more perfect.
Philosophy on present day societal norm of functioning without thought.
REL Dec 2012
i crack like a pistachio nut under the pressure
of the shadow you left behind. why?
you're hopelessly mediocre and yet your down calls
to me like a baby bird's silent squawk.

i am evolutionarily compelled for my heart to jump
through my skin to get a better view at you.
? ? ? ?? ?
Matt Dec 2014
On my way down the street
Saw Unbroken ad on bus
Survival, Resilience, Redemption
Yea that's me
Have to survive this cruel place called earth
Must be resilient for many difficult things will happen
Must believe in Jesus to help redeem me

Went to Macy's
To use my gift card
Bought the gold toe socks
And some red earth colored dockers

Poor cashier
Was dealing with a nightmare transaction
They wanted that 25 dollars
Credited to their account
Well, turns out they had used the wrong card
To make the initial purchase
Charge showed up on the wrong card
Or something like that
The guy had to call the manager
Cashier handled it well
Lady said something like,
"So what your saying is you won't give us back our twenty-five dollars"
Ugh relax lady, remember it was your boyfriend or hubby
Or whoever the heck he was
Who initially purchased it with the wrong card
This lead to all the problems
So be more careful next time, okay?
And do not snap please.

Nice asian lady
Handled my transaction
Simple transaction
I bought with gift card
She was pretty
Patient too
I liked her
I dreamed of holding her at night
Usually dreams don't come true in this life
It seems

Then went to hiking store
Overheard the guy explaining
There are sleeping bags made for me
And bags made for women
Evolutionarily speaking
He explained how men's body heat
Is more spread out at their extremities
With women he says it is more in their core
Too many problems with evolution
It's not the be all and end all
Like he thinks it is

Was going to buy some different energy bars and snacks
Put them back
Cashier was kind of annoying
Overly cheery
He was a good guy
Just didn't want deal with overly cheery guy
Maybe he will start long conversation
Don't need those snacks anyway

Life is sad
Life is lonely these days

At least I am going on a hike
With a friend tomorrow
Rachel Keyser Nov 2016
From within the confines
of our narrowly concepted
rituals of the insular good,
we love to love babies
we love to pity children
we love to forget young adults
and we love to blame their parents.

How quickly we forget
or choose to ignore,
from the safety of
acceptance & comfortability & choice
that we once
loved & pitied & forgot
every parent we ever blamed.

How quickly we forget
or never realized
how our sunny dispositions
to judge
blind us so easily
from the facts.

For example, we know
that babies really do prefer the sound of
their mother’s voice
above all others,
that they cry in the accent of their mother’s tongue,
because her voice reverberated
down, so perfectly
into that protected capsule.
That in their glassy-eyed stare,
they see us
in a way no one else ever will.
That fetal brains
are evolutionarily genius
in the way they grow and adapt
to the threats of stress or scarcity
in ways that will shape the
rest of their lives.

We know, for example,
that children are lanterns of consciousness
looking and learning in all directions
at once.
As helpless, dependent beings
they are subconsciously
conducting experiments
and using conditional probability,
reading the complexity of human emotion,
and connecting through language
to piece together their realities.

And so, they exist,
Brilliant and Dependent,
until the impendent time
when we cast them
Worthless and Independent,
ready (or not) to plant
ready (or not) to grow
the next season of seeds.

In spite of our ignorance
and condescension
we will, eventually,
embrace 0-3
only to realize
that it was misadvertised.
That humans do not exist in disparate
They cannot, like legos,
be constructed in an orderly
but, like everything else
on this Earth,
love and grow
with the cycles of the sun
and the universe.

It is not wrong,
but it is not enough
until we decide, instead,
on that infinite loop
from now until death
over and over
Little Wren Mar 2018
Large sacks
of flesh;
****** bags of meat
Encased in a thin, stretched
filmy layer,
Like sausages.
And here I am,
An evolutionarily pre-packed sausage
Stuffed full of blood, bone and fat
Ambling around
Like everyone else
Indignant to deterioration,
Ignorant to the passage of time
Eventual collapse of functions.
Even to love.
james nordlund Oct 2019
On this anniversary of his light being snuffed,
like lady liberty's torch was scorched, bell cracked,
knell snatched decades ago, whilst his heart worx can
never be, support continuing activism for Khashoggi,
freedoms of press, speech, crticism of the oligarchy.  

His meticulous and terrorist assassination
will be an article of RumputiN/vlad-the-impaler's
impeachment, as our king-kong sized terrible-two
gave permission to Saudi's MBS to do it, in advance,
they went to Jared's for the messengering, outrageous.  

This war on freedoms, criticism of global oligarchy,
is just the tip of the global united **** of assassin's
class war against the lower-middle-class to poor,
and just part of the war machine, oiled by the blood of
non: us citizens, rich, caucasians, supposed Christians.

It's carbon bootprint is the largest, worst,
"...we(e),..." must end 'endless war'.  Yet, it's
just half of the bi-headed actual religion of most
in the united **** of assassins, the false god, mollock,
extreme violence, especially against kids, and war.

We once knew the seeds shouldn't be ground up.  The other half,
mammon, false-god of extreme wealth, greed, avarice.  Those two,
As one, are worshipped, studied behind masks of Hinduism,
Atheism, Christianity, Buddhism, etc., neither are separated
from the State as our Constitution dictates, ergo they rule.

Think people, 400 years of supposed science, a millisecond
evolutionarily, has brought humanity to it's extinction,
destroying what it took the Cosmos 18 billion years of evolution
to create, an insect damaging so much grain, an instant destroying
so much grace, please, human race be not the Earth's still birth.

Any scientist who doesn't do a full public mea culpa before posting,
with each post, to youth, communicating anything to youth on
the climate emergency is just a corporate structure convolutionary
and disciple of the religion of scientism, no more than a marketeer.
Cults aren't religions, anti-science that destroys all isn't science.

Yet you, leaving no footprints, that followed none, illimitable potential,
indivisible as life, walking in nature's balance, giving back to it's
abundance, can know "the root of all oppression lies in (supposed) science",
Gandhi, that you, leaving no footprints, no trace, that will echo on in all ways,
always, can be alival instead of survival, yet will you save life, the Earth?
Each one can reach one, teach one to turn 360 degrees around, back to the evolution and the future humanity will only have if we do; will you?   :)   reality
james nordlund Jun 2020
His chiding of those berating, confiding in
peers, pals, kin, from neighbor's din
to seaside inn, with 'backwards', caused chagrin.
My heart did jump in, 'backwardness'
could never extinct humanity,
like the religion of scientism has
in only the latest 400 years
of it's tryst with oligarchy.

'One insect damaging so much grain',
one instant evolutionarily,
destroying so much grace,
that it took the Cosmos 18 billion
years of evolution to create.
"Truer words were n'er spoken",
was his snort, in retort,
as we savaged our insides on
with tonics, nuts, gin.
"Life can only be understood looking backwards, but must be lived forward": The intellect can't lead for the life doesn't follow.  That's as backward projections from the academic supremacy.  So, there's supposedly something fundamentally wrong with people that they can't perceive all of their past and know all of their present to the point where they can completely understand life in the moment; and therefore, not just live life forward without blinders on, but, rather, live it completely in the now and future- I and illimitable potential, indivisible as life, you, think not, no?   :)   reality
james nordlund Nov 2019
His chiding of those berating, confiding in

peers, pals, kin, from neighbors din

to seaside inn, with "backwards", caused chagrin.

My heart did jump in, "backwardness"

could never extinct humanity,

like the religion of scientism has

in only the latest 400 years

of it's tryst with oligarchy.  

"One insect damaging so much grain",

one instant evolutionarily,

destroying so much grace,

that it took the Cosmos 18 billion

years of evolution to create.

Truer words were n'er spoken,

was his snort, in retort,

as we savaged our insides on

with tonics, nuts, gin.
Inspired by a fellow Hello Poet; thanx for all you do- have a great eve'   :)   reality
Graff1980 Apr 2016
It is a miracle of desire
That flesh fits
That evolutionarily
We came together
Lust and pleasure
Temporary companions
In this temporary life
Juliana Apr 2021
small as a mouse
cute as a dog
puppy-sized elephant

evolutionarily adorable
lost to both time and humans
verdant green acres covered the planet of the apes
like a petticoat junction
donning barrel of skinny dipping monkeys.

Once drought stricken vast landscape
far as the eye could see
suddenly flush with promise
of budding new shoots
and ladders for vine companions
harkened prelapsarian Edenic prominence,
when mother nature resplendent
videre licet morning glory of primeval Earth
pregnant with multitudinous color pallette
regaled bipedal forerunners

of humankind with
panoramic pristine kingdom,
where legendary tropical verdure
availed countless plant and animal species
teeming with flora and fauna
offering veritable Smörgåsbord
to plethora of herbivores and omnivores,
where expansive webbed wide world
subtly hinted, negotiated and suggested
horn and hardart of good and plenty.

Lush vegetation adrip with downpour aftermath
tempted all creatures great and small
all things wise and wonderful
to emerge from their respective hideaway
courtesy the palpable pulsation of Gaia
exuding potential power to proliferate
gifting superlatives linkedin to survival of the fittest
blessing natural advantageous propensities
to buzzfeed capital one reproductive traits
redeeming symbiotic qualities
with generations of beneficial mutations
at evolutionarily optimal junctures
though devoid of thinking beings
to witness or record phenomenal events.

Nasty short beasts proliferated
refining technique to do the wild thing
stir (fried) crazy
as concupiscent bison teen in estrus
while shuffling off to Buffalo,
(or where that city
in the United State of America
would take shape)
hashtagging where x marks the spot
made within man/woman caves
that did be hoof anthropologists
even nearly a bajillion years later.

Imagine dragons galumphing
during flintstone age
culture club wielding proto humans
impossible mission their mental acuity to gauge
of **** neanderthalensis
very intelligent and accomplished humans,
Whereby current evidence from both fossils and DNA suggests that Neanderthal and modern human lineages separated at least 500,000 years ago. Some genetic calibrations place their divergence at about 650,000 years ago,
nevertheless amongst the scattered clans
there probably lurked an anonymous sage
smart enough to induce quantum leap
did jump/kick start scattered population
with wits about them to sustain their existence.

Appearance of super duper wiseacre
invariably punctuated **** sapiens
progenitors as an unknown mover and shaker,
who helped fledgling forebears
of contemporary people
to discover trappings to weasel out
from being between a rock and a hard place
and squirrel away linens and things
for anticipated future creature comfort or necessity.

Imponderable and inscrutable poetic philosophical meanderings of mine (expounded upon while I nourished myself on a snicky snack prepared by the missus – graham ******* with Almond butter plus Rhubarb jam) found me most unexpectedly tangentially linkedin with the invaluable scientific knowledged bequeathed to civilization courtesy the greatest thinker for Grecian formula(s).

Noah (way) did Archimedes
(born c. 287 BCE, Syracuse, Sicily
[Italy]—died 212/211 BCE, Syracuse)
discover flood insurance nor prevention,
but hands down he ranked as the most famous
mathematician and inventor in ancient Greece.

He is especially important for his discovery of the relation between the surface and volume of a sphere and its circumscribing cylinder.

He is known for his formulation of a hydrostatic principle (known as Archimedes’ principle) and a device for raising water, still used, known as the Archimedes *****.

There are nine extant treatises by Archimedes in Greek.The principal results in On the Sphere and Cylinder (in two books) are that the surface area of any sphere of radius r is four times that of its greatest circle (in modern notation, S = 4πr2) and that the volume of a sphere is two-thirds that of the cylinder in which it is inscribed (leading immediately to the formula for the volume, V = 4/3πr3). Archimedes was proud enough of the latter discovery to leave instructions for his tomb to be marked with a sphere inscribed in a cylinder.

Measurement of the Circle is a fragment of a longer work in which π (pi), the ratio of the circumference to the diameter of a circle, is shown to lie between the limits of 3 10/71 and 3 1/7. Archimedes’ approach to determining π, which consists of inscribing and circumscribing regular polygons with a large number of sides, was followed by everyone until the development of infinite series expansions in India during the 15th century and in Europe during the 17th century.
John Prophet Dec 2023
John Prophet Jan 2024
slow paced.
waves of
Speeding up.
wiz bang.
Out of
Light speed.
mash up.
once took
in days.
going back.
What was,
was. Gone!
Seat belts

— The End —