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having the low down blues and going
into a restraunt to eat.
you sit at a table.
the waitress smiles at you.
she's dumpy. her *** is too big.
she radiates kindess and symphaty.
live with her 3 months and a man would no real agony.
o.k., you'll tip her 15 percent.
you order a turkey sandwich and a
the man at the table across from you
has watery blue eyes and
a head like an elephant.
at a table further down are 3 men
with very tiny heads
and long necks
like ostiches.
they talk loudly of land development.
why, you think, did I ever come
in here when I have the low-down
then the the waitress comes back eith the sandwich
and she asks you if there will be anything
snd you tell her, no no, this will be
then somebody behind you laughs.
it's a cork laugh filled with sand and
broken glass.

you begin eating the sandwhich.

it's something.
it's a minor, difficult,
sensible action
like composing a popular song
to make a 14-year old
you order another beer.
jesus,look at that guy
his hands hang down almost to his knees and he's
well, time to get out.
pivk up the bill.
go to the register.
pick up a toothpick.
go out the door.
your car is still there.
and there are 3 men with heads
and necks
like ostriches all getting into one
they each have a toothpick and now
they are talking about women.
they drive away first
they drive away fast.
they're best i guess.
it's an unberably hot day.
there's a first-stage smog alert.
all the birds and plants are dead
or dying.

you start the engine.
When your daughter is young,
you watch over her so she won't get stung.
You gaze into her sweet baby face,
so full of love and beautiful grace;
a sugarplum fairy, she's extaordinary;
a Joan of Arc, down to the birthmark.
When she turns sweet sixteen,
you see into the eyes of a prom queen;
a change so dramatic,
it drives you psychosomatic;
you practice meditation,
but it's still a complication!
Then comes her own love story,
lovely like a morning glory;
arm in arm eith your baby girl,
who's dressed in white like an ocean pearl.
Step, step , step all the way down the aisle,
you look at her face and see her smile.
Years pass so quickly, next thing you know
you're watching your precious granddaughter grow.
"Good-nught, Grandpa," says your little Snow White;
with tears in your eyes, you're feeling all right
jayeti anand May 2011
A romantic one, a girl wrote for the boy she loved. I am pretending to be one. its hard, its diffitcult, the feelings are just so hard to put in words can give you the biggest joy of the world and also the saddest moments of life. its better we all stay away from it. It just doesn't make any sense to be in love right now.

with every breath I took
I fell in love with you even more
each word you said
love just sprinkled out for me
it made my heart skip a beat
never had I thought
you'd love me so much
its not the way romeo loved juliet
they died wanting to be with each other
we lived for each other, with each other
our happiness, our endless love,
will never let us die

no corner of my heart
is left without your love
no space in my mind
not filled eith your thoughts
never have I felt so beautiful before

you are the jewel of my eye
it shines forever
you are the smell of the roses
I'm always so addicted to
you are the ocean so fresh and clear
my faith lies within you
you the mighty strong mountain
always there to protect me

I wrote your name on the sky
but the wind blew it off
I wrote your name on the samd
the sea erased it
I wrote your name on my heart
and its here to stay forever

I'll love you all day and night
I'll love you till the land meets the sky
I'll love you till my last breath
I'll love you till I won't be dead
I'll love you like the endless ocean
I'll love you to be yours forever

I treasure your love for me
from the very cell of my soul
parting from you
I can't think of
even in my worst nightmares ....
Creep May 2015
It's not when you let go and let the pain rush over,
That's not when you're the strongest.
That's not strength.

Strength is being able to smile
Even when you are overwhelmed eith hardships,
And don't you forget it.
Thinking of my little brother...

By twenty one pilots
Brother Jimmy Feb 2018
And while we are in
Conversation here
So many humans
Have expired, I fear...
Each moment brings
New life and new death
Final words spoken
And baby’s first breath
Life’s currents unbearable
Meand’ring through confluence
The sublime and the terrible
Don’t know their own consequence
The rush and the curve
Create oxbow crescents
The vim and‪ the verve
Ensure each one’s presence
And all we can do
Is react and observe
(Our own bent deeds too)
And endeavor to serve
Either the self
That glutton of grease
Or somebody else
And attain inner peace

Or at least a brief break
From worry and strife
Hold on to the harness, take
Joy in this life!
AS- Nov 2019
I want to be on the sunrise high at the skyline
i want to be comfortable alone in my time
sky time why time
im floating roaming and zoning
fully rowing
my boat down the stream
cbd thc and clonazepam
thoughts quietly racing im silenty pacing
tasteful smoke freestyle on a techniclour kudasai
dont ask my why dont ask me to try
dont ask me' to walk when i can fly
floaty dont want to overdo it or overdosy
just wanna be cosy
we're all void fillers
void killers
lonely poetry
hidden masks on my face i dont divulge or they'll know its me
analyse the dirt and you will find the gems in these lines
the gems i had to go through alot to find
i had to mine
chip away at my old self
and yeah i am not back to my old health
and i got me some more wealth
bandaid on my poor self
money isn't happiness word to marley

nostalgia for things ive never had
it makes me sad
maybe some company by the skyline,
we can be poor we dont need wealth
lets be happy
thats a dream
maybe it doesnt exist
ill give it a hit
or maybe a miss
or maybe a kiss
not stall gear
stalling on the lonely road im on
im in a different space
maybe its trauma maybe its more ah
maybe its coz im a may baby and im way crazy
but i dont believe in the star sign *******
i know theres cosmic energies
i know theres an upper entity
thank you god

have you ever felt things you can describe
cant believe and cant deny
cant trust and cant part with eith-
our souls travel around, i dream when im awake the white tablet spaceship take me away
Kafka Joint Jan 2020
I'll be with you,
You'll be with me,
It's pretty easy, do you see?
Irene M Sep 2019
A strange force awakens within
every chilly night
promises and adventure full.
With needs,you begin a journey
for mountains,
crossing fears and lakes
armed with a paper sword.

Every chilly night when the strange force
monsters lurk
eith your own voice
with faces disfigured and purple
with no offers but regret.

Every one of those nights
you weep
for lives you left,for souls you cumbled,
for choices you,and only you,made.
-or villain-?

One of those nights
-you hear your voice say-
l'll find another adventure.
One without a cost.
One without victims.
Oscar stuta Apr 2020
When i first saw you.
You were lying alone in bed.
I watched you praying in silence.
I asked myself whats happening?
I heard whispers in the corridors that you have limited time.

I stole your numbers from the information desk.
I drove the whole day questioning myself.
How can a beautiful creature like you deal eith that.
I return to drop you flowers .
But you were sleeping.

I gather courage to call you everyday.
To check up on you.
To take you out and travel with you.
Filled my heart with joy.
I knew you were alone in this battle.
Seeing you smile and appreciate my gesture i inew it was never enough.

I should have entered the room that moment you were praying.
I should have cried with you in silent.
I could have hug you and promised everything will be alright.
How stupid of me i did not grab the opportunity.

When you kept on postponing the news you wanted to tell me.
I knew you brain tumour had taken its tall on you.
I did not want to face this alone.
I wanted the chance to be part of you.
When i arrived with two tickets to Paris and flowers.
I saw people crying in the room.
I felt faced down with shock.
I was too late to spend another minute with you.
You were gone too soon my Queen. 😦😦😦💌🙀🙀
Back in 1991 after a few mistakes I wanted to keep quiet, so I tried to be like my friend Patrick
Because I mucked eith the young dudes and got drunk with them, I wanted to change my life, so I put on my screaming jets t-shirt and my blur rugger shorts, which looked like shorty shorts and went to civic to play at happy days, and I spent $15 and I bought a can of coke and chips from chicken gourmet and bought an album from impact records, including a jimmy barnes video then I went home to listen to my brothers music and talk to him when he got played tennis against the kitchen wall and after that I cleaned my house very clean and then I watched the jimmy barnes video and I sang each song as I was imagining pat was jimmy barnes petter was diesel and I was John Farnham and then I worked and air guitared jimmy barnes and guns and roses and John Farnham music to my brother and I also crossed my legs playing a Nintendo game underneath my brother as he was playing music I liked his music, and I am sure he liked my air guitar movements and then I watched the kids game show which was on back in those days and I imagined Patrick as the man who hosted it and then the next day I went to the mall to get my pay out of the bank and I bought a trolley load of groceries where I was pushing them around the mall all day as I wanted something to eat while I partied, that was my best way to party, and Patrick said I need to party more if I want to be like us, kids were running by saying I am cool, you are still like your friend and then I wanted to watch a good movie, so I went into civic and watched mosquito coast, I enjoyed that and I bought popcorn and a cup of coke, I walked very secretly around and on other days I went to glebe park ala carte when it was a food court and had 1 meal and a few cokes at the bar watching the band, as I was tapping my fingers on the table
I can’t explain how I looked Patrick but I did
And I went to *** black pool hall to play video games for a while during the night and I had fun
Doing that, I bought a lot of albums as pat and I spent money at *** black like pat I did everything right like pat, I cleaned my house like pat, but I still fought my family like pat used to argue with his, my brother and dad left and refused to stay down there while mum calmed me down but when I was trying to be like Patrick there were no consequences and when I went to bed early the young people came over to ask me for money or to watch ****** like Patrick and we went to st Matthew’s Catholic school and threw our beer cans on the roof of the school and
Pats friend petter was walking past and looked worried, I was like pat with me but my family were different to his, my friends were more like pats brothers to me, I didn’t like how they mucked around messing my house like Patrick
I was like Patrick
Dad told me to just be myself
And I did

— The End —