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Najwa Kareem Jan 2021
Hijab is my crown
shaped in a circle
around my head
like that of a full moon
bringing light
from the One
who has commanded me
to wear it
to my face

Hijab is my crown
shaped in a circle
around my head
like a merry-go-round
rotating with a joyful force
in places near and far
illuminating its power
a reflection of my soul
and inner beauty

Hijab is my crown
shaped in a circle
around my head
the way whirling dervishes move
we're so high
aspiring nearness to Allah Masha'Allah
our act of wearing hijab daily
deserving of much respect
and Insha Allah
The Seventh Heaven

Hijab is my crown
shaped in a circle
around my head
like a spinning wheel
many made
in different colors
and in different textures
each brightening the world
and when wearing it
like Khadijah (AS), Fatimah (AS), and Aisha (RA)
attracts attention of the best kind

Hijab is my crown
shaped in a circle
around my head
like Big Ben
I'm so high
a visible ambassador
of Islam
saying no to immodesty
and saying yes to our Majesty

Hijab is my crown
shaped in a circle
around my head
like a halo
starting my day with Bismillah
and looking into the mirror
to carefully donn it
I remember
I'm doing this to help men
married and unmarried
from sinning
and to protect myself
from impurity and immoral acts
Hijab is my crown
for me a Queen

By: Najwa Kareem
World Hijab Day is tomorrow, February 1st! Join the celebration! 🎆
V'aggia spià na cosa Donn'Amà:
vurria sapè pecché quanno ve veco,
la capa mia nun pò cchiù raggiunà.
Si me parlate, 'mpietto 'a voce vosta,
m'arriva comme n'arpa, nu viulino;
quanno rerite sento 'e manduline:
na sinfunia 'e Betove e di Sciopè.
Che v'aggio ditto... niente Donn'Amà!
Quanno cu st'uocchie vuoste me guardate,
me sento tutto 'o sango e friccecà.
'O core fa na sosta, nun cammina;
me dice chiano chiano sottovoce:
- Dincello a Donn'Amalia... è bella, è ddoce!...
i' tengo 'o desiderio 'e ma spusà. -
'O terzo piano, int' 'o palazzo mio,
a pporta a mme sta 'e casa na famiglia,
ggente per bene... timorata 'e Ddio:
marito, moglie, 'o nonno e quatto figlie.
'O capo 'e casa, 'On Ciccio Caccavalle,
tene na putechella int' 'o Cavone:
venne aucielle, scigne e pappavalle,
ma sta sempe arretrato c' 'opesone.

'E chisti tiempe 'a scigna chi s' 'a compra?!
Venne ogni morte 'e papa n'auciello;
o pappavallo è addiventato n'ombra,
nun parla cchiù p' 'a famma, 'o puveriello!

'A moglie 'e Caccavalle, Donn'Aminta,
è una signora con le mani d'oro:
mantene chella casa linda e pinta
ca si 'a vedite è overo nu splendore.

'O nonno, sittant'anne, malandato,
sta segregato dint'a nu stanzino:
'O pover'ommo sta sempe malato,
tene 'e dulure, affanno e nun cammina.

E che bbuò fà! Nce vonno 'e mmedicine,
a fella 'e carne, 'o ppoco 'e muzzarella...
Magnanno nce 'o vuò dà 'o bicchiere 'e vino
e nu tuscano pe na fumatella?

'A figlia, Donn'Aminta, notte e ghiuorno
fa l'assistenza al caro genitore;
trascura 'e figlie e nun se mette scuorno,
e Don Ciccillo sta cu ll'uocchie 'a fora.

Don Ciccio Caccavalle, quanno è 'a sera
ca se ritira, sta sempe ammurbato
pe vvia d' 'o nonno ('o pate d' 'a mugliera),
e fa: - Che ddiece 'e guaio ch'aggio passato. -

Fra medicine, miedece e salasse
'o pover'ommo adda purtà sta croce.
Gli affari vanno male, non s'incassa,
e 'o viecchio nun è carne ca lle coce.

E chesto è overo... 'On Ciccio sta nguaiato!
Porta sul'issso 'o piso 'ncoppa 'e spalle;
'o viecchio nun'è manco penzionato
e s'è appuiato 'ncuollo a Caccavalle.

'O viecchio no... nun vò senti raggione.
Pretenne 'a fella 'e carne, 'a muzzarella...
'A sera po', chello ca cchiù indispone:
- Ciccì, mme l'he purtata 'a sfugliatella? -

Don Ciccio vò convincere 'a mugliera,
ca pure essendo 'a figlia, ragiunasse:
- 'O vicchiariello soffre 'e sta manera...
è meglio ca 'o Signore s' 'o chiammasse! -

E infatti Caccavalle, ch'è credente,
a San Gennaro nuosto ha fatt' 'o vuto:
- Gennà, si 'o faje murì te porto argiento!...
sta grazia me l'he fà... faccia 'ngialluta! -

Ma Caccavalle tene n'attenuante,
se vede ca nun naviga int' a ll'oro...
Invece io saccio 'e ggente benestante
che tene tant' 'e pile 'ncopp' 'o core!
Frieda P Jan 2014
Knee deep in words and nothing to wear
my mind's closeted vault is overrun,
I donn'd a few petty metaphors but they had tears
a simile wrapped around my neck made me choke
wing tip'd  stiletto nouns on my painted toes
and proper paisley poesy adjectives in my hair,
still not ready to go out on the cafe
if I only knew where I left that ****'d silken sonnet
     sigh  oh brother, another night in naked poetry...
V'aggia spià na cosa Donn'Amà:
vurria sapè pecché quanno ve veco,
la capa mia nun pò cchiù raggiunà.
Si me parlate, 'mpietto 'a voce vosta,
m'arriva comme n'arpa, nu viulino;
quanno rerite sento 'e manduline:
na sinfunia 'e Betove e di Sciopè.
Che v'aggio ditto... niente Donn'Amà!
Quanno cu st'uocchie vuoste me guardate,
me sento tutto 'o sango e friccecà.
'O core fa na sosta, nun cammina;
me dice chiano chiano sottovoce:
- Dincello a Donn'Amalia... è bella, è ddoce!...
i' tengo 'o desiderio 'e ma spusà. -
V'aggia spià na cosa Donn'Amà:
vurria sapè pecché quanno ve veco,
la capa mia nun pò cchiù raggiunà.
Si me parlate, 'mpietto 'a voce vosta,
m'arriva comme n'arpa, nu viulino;
quanno rerite sento 'e manduline:
na sinfunia 'e Betove e di Sciopè.
Che v'aggio ditto... niente Donn'Amà!
Quanno cu st'uocchie vuoste me guardate,
me sento tutto 'o sango e friccecà.
'O core fa na sosta, nun cammina;
me dice chiano chiano sottovoce:
- Dincello a Donn'Amalia... è bella, è ddoce!...
i' tengo 'o desiderio 'e ma spusà. -
Trevon Haywood Aug 2016
Resurgent greens and stronger hues
combined within the colours in-between
will spring again, the reddish brown
has nearly gone and all the silver
greys erased in darker shades
that shine with slickly natured stains
after the gentle, gentle rain.

Clouded skies unite and demonize
the dry and dusty plight of days of brutal
beating sun and scathing wind,
the thin veneer is quickly peeled
and puddle-swamped in bloodied muddled
swirls of coloured slushy earth
that tinge the tracks of heavy wheels.

The welcome cold at first conceals its
damp and chilling steel, and in the icy
shades of night the frigid bite ignites
less welcome sentiments until the wrap
of insulation seals the warming heat,
sanctifies the stolid feet and frigid toes
with subtle sweep of warming blood.

And in the morning when the sun returns
to claim the earth the mist surprises, rising
unabashed and clean again to grace the
nascent waiting skies after the rain.

by Ivan Donn Carswell. 8/16/2016.
'O terzo piano, int' 'o palazzo mio,
a pporta a mme sta 'e casa na famiglia,
ggente per bene... timorata 'e Ddio:
marito, moglie, 'o nonno e quatto figlie.
'O capo 'e casa, 'On Ciccio Caccavalle,
tene na putechella int' 'o Cavone:
venne aucielle, scigne e pappavalle,
ma sta sempe arretrato c' 'opesone.

'E chisti tiempe 'a scigna chi s' 'a compra?!
Venne ogni morte 'e papa n'auciello;
o pappavallo è addiventato n'ombra,
nun parla cchiù p' 'a famma, 'o puveriello!

'A moglie 'e Caccavalle, Donn'Aminta,
è una signora con le mani d'oro:
mantene chella casa linda e pinta
ca si 'a vedite è overo nu splendore.

'O nonno, sittant'anne, malandato,
sta segregato dint'a nu stanzino:
'O pover'ommo sta sempe malato,
tene 'e dulure, affanno e nun cammina.

E che bbuò fà! Nce vonno 'e mmedicine,
a fella 'e carne, 'o ppoco 'e muzzarella...
Magnanno nce 'o vuò dà 'o bicchiere 'e vino
e nu tuscano pe na fumatella?

'A figlia, Donn'Aminta, notte e ghiuorno
fa l'assistenza al caro genitore;
trascura 'e figlie e nun se mette scuorno,
e Don Ciccillo sta cu ll'uocchie 'a fora.

Don Ciccio Caccavalle, quanno è 'a sera
ca se ritira, sta sempe ammurbato
pe vvia d' 'o nonno ('o pate d' 'a mugliera),
e fa: - Che ddiece 'e guaio ch'aggio passato. -

Fra medicine, miedece e salasse
'o pover'ommo adda purtà sta croce.
Gli affari vanno male, non s'incassa,
e 'o viecchio nun è carne ca lle coce.

E chesto è overo... 'On Ciccio sta nguaiato!
Porta sul'issso 'o piso 'ncoppa 'e spalle;
'o viecchio nun'è manco penzionato
e s'è appuiato 'ncuollo a Caccavalle.

'O viecchio no... nun vò senti raggione.
Pretenne 'a fella 'e carne, 'a muzzarella...
'A sera po', chello ca cchiù indispone:
- Ciccì, mme l'he purtata 'a sfugliatella? -

Don Ciccio vò convincere 'a mugliera,
ca pure essendo 'a figlia, ragiunasse:
- 'O vicchiariello soffre 'e sta manera...
è meglio ca 'o Signore s' 'o chiammasse! -

E infatti Caccavalle, ch'è credente,
a San Gennaro nuosto ha fatt' 'o vuto:
- Gennà, si 'o faje murì te porto argiento!...
sta grazia me l'he fà... faccia 'ngialluta! -

Ma Caccavalle tene n'attenuante,
se vede ca nun naviga int' a ll'oro...
Invece io saccio 'e ggente benestante
che tene tant' 'e pile 'ncopp' 'o core!
Paul Hardwick Apr 2015
Now I am a man
well you might call me layed back
easy going, soft spoken
but man if I clench my teeth
I am a man you wish you did not know
P@ul means a small brown worror
so your better off trying to make me smile
Don't make me mad
don't bring out my devil
that dewls inside
of what you think
is your heaven
and donn't
make them
put me back
into room 77.
True stoy   P@ul.
'O terzo piano, int' 'o palazzo mio,
a pporta a mme sta 'e casa na famiglia,
ggente per bene... timorata 'e Ddio:
marito, moglie, 'o nonno e quatto figlie.
'O capo 'e casa, 'On Ciccio Caccavalle,
tene na putechella int' 'o Cavone:
venne aucielle, scigne e pappavalle,
ma sta sempe arretrato c' 'opesone.

'E chisti tiempe 'a scigna chi s' 'a compra?!
Venne ogni morte 'e papa n'auciello;
o pappavallo è addiventato n'ombra,
nun parla cchiù p' 'a famma, 'o puveriello!

'A moglie 'e Caccavalle, Donn'Aminta,
è una signora con le mani d'oro:
mantene chella casa linda e pinta
ca si 'a vedite è overo nu splendore.

'O nonno, sittant'anne, malandato,
sta segregato dint'a nu stanzino:
'O pover'ommo sta sempe malato,
tene 'e dulure, affanno e nun cammina.

E che bbuò fà! Nce vonno 'e mmedicine,
a fella 'e carne, 'o ppoco 'e muzzarella...
Magnanno nce 'o vuò dà 'o bicchiere 'e vino
e nu tuscano pe na fumatella?

'A figlia, Donn'Aminta, notte e ghiuorno
fa l'assistenza al caro genitore;
trascura 'e figlie e nun se mette scuorno,
e Don Ciccillo sta cu ll'uocchie 'a fora.

Don Ciccio Caccavalle, quanno è 'a sera
ca se ritira, sta sempe ammurbato
pe vvia d' 'o nonno ('o pate d' 'a mugliera),
e fa: - Che ddiece 'e guaio ch'aggio passato. -

Fra medicine, miedece e salasse
'o pover'ommo adda purtà sta croce.
Gli affari vanno male, non s'incassa,
e 'o viecchio nun è carne ca lle coce.

E chesto è overo... 'On Ciccio sta nguaiato!
Porta sul'issso 'o piso 'ncoppa 'e spalle;
'o viecchio nun'è manco penzionato
e s'è appuiato 'ncuollo a Caccavalle.

'O viecchio no... nun vò senti raggione.
Pretenne 'a fella 'e carne, 'a muzzarella...
'A sera po', chello ca cchiù indispone:
- Ciccì, mme l'he purtata 'a sfugliatella? -

Don Ciccio vò convincere 'a mugliera,
ca pure essendo 'a figlia, ragiunasse:
- 'O vicchiariello soffre 'e sta manera...
è meglio ca 'o Signore s' 'o chiammasse! -

E infatti Caccavalle, ch'è credente,
a San Gennaro nuosto ha fatt' 'o vuto:
- Gennà, si 'o faje murì te porto argiento!...
sta grazia me l'he fà... faccia 'ngialluta! -

Ma Caccavalle tene n'attenuante,
se vede ca nun naviga int' a ll'oro...
Invece io saccio 'e ggente benestante
che tene tant' 'e pile 'ncopp' 'o core!
Poetress2 Jan 2019
There are numerous, wicked men,
who are nothing more than fiends;
And each one of them work,
in a place known as D. C.
Each morning they will donn,
their expensive, silky suits;
To see just how much damage,
these brood of snakes can do.
Then off to work they'll go,
with a smirk upon their face;
They call themselves, "Successful,"
I call them a "Disgrace."
These vile creatures of habit,
will vote on "Do-Nothing Bills;"
That will serve to weaken our Country,
upon that treacherous Hill.
Then home to their cozy Mansions,
they'll return at the days' end;
Daring to call us their, "Leaders,"
daring to call us their, "Friends."
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
At ‘civil’-war with mankind.

Life has been a lesson that I still haven’t learned.
Love still burns
And the way into my heart is not through strawberries and ice cream,
Or any material thing.
You have to have a soul that truly lights up,
Every time you are with me.
So much so, that it can be seen,
Because my smile will be a beamer of light for everybody to see.

My Princess your Prince would like to build you a little mansion,
For the two of us to live.
Maybe raise us some kids,
And if my dreams they never come true
And our family never begins,
Just know my heart will still sing.
A downpour of sounds will be seen flowing out of me.

My hope surfs on a stream of metaphysics and impossible dreams.
It is dancing on metaphor bliss,
Created with my last wish
And now my canary sings,
Like a bird that has been released!

If this love of ours continues,
We will become headline news.
The good news story at the end of the television;
A wave goodbye,
A blinding vision,
To those ‘in love’ who have to pretend,
Because our love will change the world,
By just sitting in a bed…
Me and my girlfriend.

All I need in this world of sin,
Is me and my girlfriend.

To all those in need, we will send peace, love and empathy.
We will have to build a spaceship, just to spread the love.
An army of Shakespeare’s monkeys will write us infinite books,
About human (be) kind…and love.
We will donate them to charity;
Just sharing the love.
Maybe do some good.
When we find a lost soul in damnation,
We will be God’s hand to Adam.  
Raise a kid; choose creation.
Lift their spirits up,
Simply by giving them love.

I think it’s time for a renaissance.
Build a palace of wonder;
Give it to the homeless and younger
And let them bring their pets and family with them, ok!
Communal gatherings will be the order of things.  There is a way.
We will create a society where everybody is free from slavery
And everybody is safe.
If imagination is just a figment and they say there is no way,
Then we will have to make amendments to their thoughts,
And our own thoughts will show them this can be done.
We could build a little hope.  The books are there to be taught.

The world doesn’t have to go to war to make a few bad men some cash.
We could live in utopia,
If only…
If only we gave it a chance…

And so I leave you with this quote I have heard my entire life,
From a man called Donald Mills Pearce.
(He is the one who chose to write.
Thank you Donn Pearce for ‘that song’ throughout all these years…)

“What we’ve got here is,
Failure to communicate.
Some men you just can’t reach,
So you get what we had here last week
Which is the way he wants it…
He gets it…”

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Dom Feb 10
Horus counting hours
As Hermes runs the clock
Jupiter reigning lighting
To shock Morrigan’s ravens
Carrion for Fenrir,
Leaving nothing but bones to pick
Sharpen into tools,
Useful if not forgotten
As the meat spoils,
Rotting by the sycamore.

Into the earth,
Gaia’s nurturing cradle,
Growing me from a seedling
And I return, reborn like perennial
A blossom for Renenutet,
Trained by the grace of Athena,
While blessed by the light of Apollo
Enlightened in the school halls of Ecne,
I am a hammer in Thor’s grasp
To crash upon the enemies of imagination,

Anubis wags his tail and weighs-
The merit of my Indigo soul,
As Hades welcomes me in open arms,
Home here in the underworld,
As Scotus mocks my determination
To be one of the darkest lords,
A Donn of a new age, where the old ones were forgotten
A stud among the Valkyrie

All of their knowledge spilled into me,
From the words of Homer
To the unrelenting philosophies of socrates
I forever burn with the fire of Prometheus
And the determination of Heracles,
I can never waiver,
For I am one with the universe
Solvent of gods and the lost languages,
The soul of a star, brilliant like diamond

one in twain yet marked on a blotted page clearly intact through the surface
crimes of passion stirring inside my brutal egg shelled head summon the dead
each of us goes through things another door bell tends to ring fat lady sings you see
Misery is coming apart at the seams the refrigerator is empty we are living on ample time

Cherish those days we used to frolic in a haze like a mouse stuck in its maze so behave
these are desolate times yet we settle for ill but faded rhymes the casualties are enormous
for a stated cause that's just plain atrocious there's a thrill in us all stand up ten feet all
Give me shelter give me peace stand in its relief head down to my feet stand to repeat

Is it safe to say that their is a way leave this cup of poison learn to rejoice in some dream
Cry me a river stand and deliver yet donn't call me late for dinner I'm still a giver
lines being drawn in the sand when to fully understand you can't keep sticking it to the man
Each human heart there's an opened door willing to be explored awe so much more

Look to the orphans and widows in their affliction go to a soup kitchen stand forgiving
There's so much we can do if we put our mind to it there's nothing to it Pharoah blew it
listen before you speak stand tall and teach grow fondly in the notion of grace
Spread out upon my Peyton Place long for a mistake to seal our fate just have to wait

We have fallen on tough times someone needs to break the mends it all depends
lay hold of your brother give them love to discover set in order fond memories
mix up the human chemistry choose instead to reach toward your dynasty nothing phony
got words that rhyme that words to heal someone said its no big deal but who are they

One day at a time sweet Jesus everybody needs us time is going by faster blaster
Remember the old boom box boogy down with the socks like the famed Scott Lerock
we shall stand on top never the bottom like the lonely days of ***** keep your hats on
like Lynn Swan can't we ever get along and this is the end of this song
Isla Mcgrath Nov 2024
Buaileann gáire m’chluas
Foréigean an maidin.
Le troideanna ‘s Aoire,
Long too forgotten.

An ‘Screech’ gearr pic donn
A itheann an greann.
M’fhocail ach fianaise
That I hadn’t known.

Ach tá fhios ag’m fhírinne
An scéál,  is ár stair.
An gá lenár gaisce.
Why we are how we are.

Ag lorg an rath
Chaill tú d’Aidhm
Is d’fhág tú rud siar
Our reason for triumph

Mar sin, ná stop an gáire,
Coimeád do chuid greann.
Ní stopadh mo chroí
We know who has the crown.

( for Noreen )

even Brigid's statue
protects the little birds
nestling behind her

and as a little garsún
wasn't it to the birds
I would pray

believing that Brigid
was releasing them
to Spring skies


St. Brigid's Garrison Church in the Curragh Camp where I was born...this statue was woven into the fabric of my childhood. Birds used to nest behind her wooden cloak. Her cross is the only cross I can bear and was a staple of every Irish home when my childhood was in full bloom. Great story of her going to ask the King for a bit of land to build a convent on and he laughed and said you can have as much as your cloak can cover. So being the good saint she was....she spread her cloak and it covered miles and miles. Never mess with a saint!

Of course it is also the beginning of Imbolc (pronounced 'im'olk')that good old Pagan festival if you are that way inclined.

An Irish word that was originally thought to mean 'in the belly' although many people translate it as 'ewe's milk' (oi-melc)all associated with the pregnancy of ewe and the giving of milk. The Curragh Plains are of course festooned with many many sheep so that made it all the more real for us.

It is a festival based on seasonal changes associated with the onset of lambing and the blooming of the Blackthorn.

She is the Goddess of among other things....those curious creatures we call....poets.

Indeed wasn't auld Jemmy de Joist born the very next day in the wake of her feast day and the days beginning to lengthend.

An old proverb from Scotland tells us....
Thig an nathair as an toll
Là donn Brìde,
Ged robh trì troighean dhen t-sneachd
Air leac an làir.

The serpent will come from the hole
On the brown Day of Bríde,
Though there should be three feet of snow
On the flat surface of the ground.

Spring has indeed been sprung from the depths of winter.

The Statue of St. Brigid & Children can be seen over the main entrance. The statue is eight feet in height and was carved in teak by the late Oisin Kelly who is best known for his The Children of Lir (1964) in the Garden of Remembrance,, Jim Larkin (1977) O'Connell Street and his Chariot of Life (1982) at the Irish Life Center.

And didn't auld Seamus give him a mention in his second "Glanmore Sonnet."

"'These things are not secrets but mysteries',
Oisin Kelly told me years ago
In Belfast, hankering after stone
That connived with the chisel, as if the grain
Remembered what the mallet tapped to know."

So from the wee buachaill I once was I could join the dots from statue to statue and all the way into a Heaney sonnet Brigid lore of yore.

— The End —