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I found I was inexperience the very day
I experienced my first experience,
So I decided to do wrong because
I was engaged in over righteousness,

I have sown a particular seed of truth
In the strange garden which I planted,
The seed must be allowed to germinate
And grow until it is ready for harvest,

It shall bear only one fruit,
The fruit shall contain only one seed,
This seed shall be the seed of crime,
Oh, some crimes brings much
Experience in liberty and justice,

We have been liberated in the
Mist of their inhumane crimes against us,
I wonder who really invented the name Africa,
They think we are poor and needy
But we are rich with excess
Untapped human and natural resources,
We are not lost
But have found the Black Star
Which is the compass for all mankind,

We never went to them,
They came to us,
They came to exploit us by cheating,
Deceiving and bringing confusion among us,
Oh, that old serpent, the devil,

They began colonizing us,
But with ***** on our side
None sustained into the twenty-first century,
They claim to be superior to the black man,
But this is just the beginning,

Within forty-years, we were able
To gain our independence
First with the spirit of Ghana
And finally crushed apartheid triumphantly,

We gave them a hospitable atmosphere
When they first arrived on our shores
As orphans and beggars,
Not knowing, they were looters and murderers,

They pride themselves as the introducers of
The Christian faith in the land of the Blacks,
They have no idea about Makeda, the Queen of Sheba,
Who later marriage King Solomon, the wise king,
No idea about the Ethiopian ******
Who was baptized by Philip in the name of Jesus,
No idea about Ras Kabutu Munhunutapa,
Was Jesus Christ not nursed in the Land of Blacks?

They realized the beauty in the
Black woman and had the gut
To propose to mother Africa (Sudan),
Upon refusal, they ***** and brutalized
Some of the daughters of mother Africa,
But the Almighty shall restore the excellence
And pride of Africa,
Like the excellence of the Garden of Eden,

Oh, what a devil with an attitude,
None of them speaks the truth,
They are full of injustice and deception,

Yes, Ethiopia is our home
And the Land of the Pharaohs is our pride,
We do not only boast in our ancient glory,
But we have a future glory of an Africa,
Which a future Mentuhotep II shall unite us with,
Yes, a future glory of black superiority,
Which a future Ras Kabutu will make us behold,

We are all pilgrims walking on the same
Road with different destinations,
Yet they are afraid of a united African force,
They shall surely give an account to Him
Who is ready to judge the living and the dead,

They sold us as slaves in order to
Steal our pride, depopulate and demoralize us,
So that, they can use their secondary
Intelligence to exploit our resources,
But they will not succeed for long,
For we know their ways of deception,
Yes, we are the prisoners of hope,
Very soon, we shall be like Jewels of a crown
Lifted like a banner over the earth and space,

Is it normal to be normal?
Oh, see how the Balance weighs down
The opportunist and the Group of Eight,
Inequalities have taking over the
Impartiality and fairness of man,
Who got away with the last hit?
The answer is always in the naive one
Who has purposed in his heart not to answer,

For they built themselves towers,
Heaped up our silver and diamond like dust,
And our gold and timber
Like the mire of the streets,
Behold, the Almighty will cast them out,
He will destroy their powers in the sea,
And they will be devoured by fire,
For we are the children of Tweaduampon,
The ones made from the richest part of the earth
The cradle of mankind,
The true descendant of Ras Kabutu,

We are the Africans
We are the survivors,
We seek a Heavenly Nation,

We keep our faith in the African Personality,
We keep our eyes on the road of African Unity,
Keep your head up on the Black star,
Keep on keeping on in the Black mentality,
Without defying the establishment!

W.H.O has poisoned the vaccine
against fertility of African girl
African boy mother and father
it his now hovering around
the third world geographies
using its satellite mouths and arms,
ringing alarms over the coming tetanus
only to trap the ignorant one
into its infernal of injections
for nothing but permanent sterility,

WHO has no sympathy
for the folks in the poor world,
Nicaragua, Mexico and Kenya
being already depopulated
by ills in history
it still goes ahead
to inject sterility
into their bodies
while pretending
to be in war on tetanus,

wars, slavery and deliberate castration
of the captured slaves
for fitness to royal gladiator
has already made Latin America
and her sister Africa
to suffer fate of the times
in the curse of underpopulation
then still WHO is insidious
in her racist moves
to depopulate the poor world
through her imperial arsenals
in the name of vaccinations
against imagined tetanus
is a sly ploy in single,

W.H.O is sterilizing daughters
of Africa and the poor world
in the age width of 15 to 50
a sure bracket for fecundity
for no other reason
but global Afro-phobia
or universal racism,
or who knows the whole deal
other than the orchestrator
of the anti-human orchestra,

Ebola is already foot loose
on its deadly mission
to wipe out the Negroes
as the imperial powers that be
are armed to the teeth
to confine it in Africa
the way they have already done
to confine cancer and impish ***
in poor Africa,

W.H.O leave Africa alone
to sire and sire,
to fill their land
for a half of Africa
is under dearth of emptiness,
five million square miles of Mauritania
has less than ten million people
a thousand square miles of Turkana
has a hundred thousand turkanas,
Sahara desert is sparsely populated
Namibia and Botswana are cursed
with the spell of humanilessness,

the ***** has no other work
but to plant the human seed
the womb has no other work
but receive the human seed
while the ******
has a royal duty
to germinate the human seed
and these are Godly duties
as the breast of a woman
feeds the seedling
at no cost,

W.H.O leave us alone
to be lame and crippled
late us be wounded
with gangrenous wounds
Like the ****** ulcers
that opportune on ***,
for Tetanus you are fearing
is not terrible as ***,
we better have wounds
and children
other than being barren
in danger of foreign reign,

W.H.O you are in arms
with your fellow bigots
to legalize and empower
Homosexuality in Africa
this being a strategy enough
to jab the ribs of African humanity
a deadly sucker punch
off the right pedastle
of tyranny of numbers,

W.H.O have you ever seen
an African burial of the barren?
listen I tell you, I am aware
you know not,
burying of the barren and the sterile
is the most black ritual
most pale in the world,

give birth Africa! give birth
give birth to twins
in the prime of your childhood
before you go to cities
give birth, and give birth,
children and only children
are the glory of our poverty,
children pulled China out of poverty
they are pulling India out of poverty
as France is stranded on which way out
as it gambles and gambols in stupidity
with free money for the second child,

W.H.O! I know you are foolish as a stone
but I will leave you with pearls of wisdom
from the Bukusu people of Kenya,
that; even if you are foolish
Foolish and stubborn like a stone
but I am as hungry as a hyena
i am sure you have heard.
Many a green isle needs must be
In the deep wide sea of Misery,
Or the mariner, worn and wan,
Never thus could voyage on—
Day and night, and night and day,
Drifting on his dreary way,
With the solid darkness black
Closing round his vessel’s track:
Whilst above the sunless sky,
Big with clouds, hangs heavily,
And behind the tempest fleet
Hurries on with lightning feet,

He is ever drifted on
O’er the unreposing wave
To the haven of the grave.
What, if there no friends will greet;
What, if there no heart will meet
His with love’s impatient beat;
Wander wheresoe’er he may,
Can he dream before that day
To find refuge from distress
In friendship’s smile, in love’s caress?
Then ’twill wreak him little woe
Whether such there be or no:
Senseless is the breast, and cold,
Which relenting love would fold;
Bloodless are the veins and chill
Which the pulse of pain did fill;
Every little living nerve
That from bitter words did swerve
Round the tortured lips and brow,
Are like sapless leaflets now
Frozen upon December’s bough.

On the beach of a northern sea
Which tempests shake eternally,
As once the wretch there lay to sleep,
Lies a solitary heap,
One white skull and seven dry bones,
On the margin of the stones,
Where a few grey rushes stand,
Boundaries of the sea and land:
Nor is heard one voice of wail
But the sea-mews, as they sail
O’er the billows of the gale;
Or the whirlwind up and down
Howling, like a slaughtered town,
When a king in glory rides
Through the pomp and fratricides:
Those unburied bones around
There is many a mournful sound;
There is no lament for him,
Like a sunless vapour, dim,
Who once clothed with life and thought
What now moves nor murmurs not.

Ay, many flowering islands lie
In the waters of wide Agony:
To such a one this morn was led,
My bark by soft winds piloted:
’Mid the mountains Euganean
I stood listening to the paean
With which the legioned rooks did hail
The sun’s uprise majestical;
Gathering round with wings all ****,
Through the dewy mist they soar
Like gray shades, till the eastern heaven
Bursts, and then, as clouds of even,
Flecked with fire and azure, lie
In the unfathomable sky,
So their plumes of purple grain,
Starred with drops of golden rain,
Gleam above the sunlight woods,
As in silent multitudes
On the morning’s fitful gale
Through the broken mist they sail,
And the vapours cloven and gleaming
Follow, down the dark steep streaming,
Till all is bright, and clear, and still,
Round the solitary hill.

Beneath is spread like a green sea
The waveless plain of Lombardy,
Bounded by the vaporous air,
Islanded by cities fair;
Underneath Day’s azure eyes
Ocean’s nursling, Venice, lies,
A peopled labyrinth of walls,
Amphitrite’s destined halls,
Which her hoary sire now paves
With his blue and beaming waves.
Lo! the sun upsprings behind,
Broad, red, radiant, half-reclined
On the level quivering line
Of the waters crystalline;
And before that chasm of light,
As within a furnace bright,
Column, tower, and dome, and spire,
Shine like obelisks of fire,
Pointing with inconstant motion
From the altar of dark ocean
To the sapphire-tinted skies;
As the flames of sacrifice
From the marble shrines did rise,
As to pierce the dome of gold
Where Apollo spoke of old.

Sea-girt City, thou hast been
Ocean’s child, and then his queen;
Now is come a darker day,
And thou soon must be his prey,
If the power that raised thee here
Hallow so thy watery bier.
A less drear ruin then than now,
With thy conquest-branded brow
Stooping to the slave of slaves
From thy throne, among the waves
Wilt thou be, when the sea-mew
Flies, as once before it flew,
O’er thine isles depopulate,
And all is in its ancient state,
Save where many a palace gate
With green sea-flowers overgrown
Like a rock of Ocean’s own,
Topples o’er the abandoned sea
As the tides change sullenly.
The fisher on his watery way,
Wandering at the close of day,
Will spread his sail and seize his oar
Till he pass the gloomy shore,
Lest thy dead should, from their sleep
Bursting o’er the starlight deep,
Lead a rapid masque of death
O’er the waters of his path.

Those who alone thy towers behold
Quivering through aereal gold,
As I now behold them here,
Would imagine not they were
Sepulchres, where human forms,
Like pollution-nourished worms,
To the corpse of greatness cling,
Murdered, and now mouldering:
But if Freedom should awake
In her omnipotence and shake
From the Celtic Anarch’s hold
All the keys of dungeons cold,
Where a hundred cities lie
Chained like thee, ingloriously,
Thou and all thy sister band
Might adorn this sunny land,
Twining memories of old time
With new virtues more sublime;
If not, perish thou ldering:
But if Freedom should awake
In her omnipotence and shake
From the Celtic Anarch’s hold
All the keys of dungeons cold,
Where a hundred cities lie
Chained like thee, ingloriously,
Thou and all thy sister band
Might adorn this sunny land,
Twining memories of old time
With new virtues more sublime;
If not, perish thou and they!—
Clouds which stain truth’s rising day
By her sun consumed away—
Earth can spare ye; while like flowers,
In the waste of years and hours,
From your dust new nations spring
With more kindly blossoming.

Perish—let there only be
Floating o’er thy heartless sea
As the garment of thy sky
Clothes the world immortally,
One remembrance, more sublime
Than the tattered pall of time,
Which scarce hides thy visage wan;—
That a tempest-cleaving Swan
Of the sons of Albion,
Driven from his ancestral streams
By the might of evil dreams,
Found a nest in thee; and Ocean
Welcomed him with such emotion
That its joy grew his, and sprung
From his lips like music flung
O’er a mighty thunder-fit,
Chastening terror:—what though yet
Poesy’s unfailing River,
Which through Albion winds forever
Lashing with melodious wave
Many a sacred Poet’s grave,
Mourn its latest nursling fled?
What though thou with all thy dead
Scarce can for this fame repay
Aught thine own? oh, rather say
Though thy sins and slaveries foul
Overcloud a sunlike soul?
As the ghost of Homer clings
Round Scamander’s wasting springs;
As divinest Shakespeare’s might
Fills Avon and the world with light
Like omniscient power which he
Imaged ’mid mortality;
As the love from Petrarch’s urn,
Yet amid yon hills doth burn,
A quenchless lamp by which the heart
Sees things unearthly;—so thou art,
Mighty spirit—so shall be
The City that did refuge thee.

Lo, the sun floats up the sky
Like thought-winged Liberty,
Till the universal light
Seems to level plain and height;
From the sea a mist has spread,
And the beams of morn lie dead
On the towers of Venice now,
Like its glory long ago.
By the skirts of that gray cloud
Many-domed Padua proud
Stands, a peopled solitude,
’Mid the harvest-shining plain,
Where the peasant heaps his grain
In the garner of his foe,
And the milk-white oxen slow
With the purple vintage strain,
Heaped upon the creaking wain,
That the brutal Celt may swill
Drunken sleep with savage will;
And the sickle to the sword
Lies unchanged, though many a lord,
Like a **** whose shade is poison,
Overgrows this region’s foison,
Sheaves of whom are ripe to come
To destruction’s harvest-home:
Men must reap the things they sow,
Force from force must ever flow,
Or worse; but ’tis a bitter woe
That love or reason cannot change
The despot’s rage, the slave’s revenge.

Padua, thou within whose walls
Those mute guests at festivals,
Son and Mother, Death and Sin,
Played at dice for Ezzelin,
Till Death cried, “I win, I win!”
And Sin cursed to lose the wager,
But Death promised, to assuage her,
That he would petition for
Her to be made Vice-Emperor,
When the destined years were o’er,
Over all between the Po
And the eastern Alpine snow,
Under the mighty Austrian.
She smiled so as Sin only can,
And since that time, ay, long before,
Both have ruled from shore to shore,—
That incestuous pair, who follow
Tyrants as the sun the swallow,
As Repentance follows Crime,
And as changes follow Time.

In thine halls the lamp of learning,
Padua, now no more is burning;
Like a meteor, whose wild way
Is lost over the grave of day,
It gleams betrayed and to betray:
Once remotest nations came
To adore that sacred flame,
When it lit not many a hearth
On this cold and gloomy earth:
Now new fires from antique light
Spring beneath the wide world’s might;
But their spark lies dead in thee,
Trampled out by Tyranny.
As the Norway woodman quells,
In the depth of piny dells,
One light flame among the brakes,
While the boundless forest shakes,
And its mighty trunks are torn
By the fire thus lowly born:
The spark beneath his feet is dead,
He starts to see the flames it fed
Howling through the darkened sky
With a myriad tongues victoriously,
And sinks down in fear: so thou,
O Tyranny, beholdest now
Light around thee, and thou hearest
The loud flames ascend, and fearest:
Grovel on the earth; ay, hide
In the dust thy purple pride!

Noon descends around me now:
’Tis the noon of autumn’s glow,
When a soft and purple mist
Like a vapourous amethyst,
Or an air-dissolved star
Mingling light and fragrance, far
From the curved horizon’s bound
To the point of Heaven’s profound,
Fills the overflowing sky;
And the plains that silent lie
Underneath the leaves unsodden
Where the infant Frost has trodden
With his morning-winged feet,
Whose bright print is gleaming yet;
And the red and golden vines,
Piercing with their trellised lines
The rough, dark-skirted wilderness;
The dun and bladed grass no less,
Pointing from this hoary tower
In the windless air; the flower
Glimmering at my feet; the line
Of the olive-sandalled Apennine
In the south dimly islanded;
And the Alps, whose snows are spread
High between the clouds and sun;
And of living things each one;
And my spirit which so long
Darkened this swift stream of song,—
Interpenetrated lie
By the glory of the sky:
Be it love, light, harmony,
Odour, or the soul of all
Which from Heaven like dew doth fall,
Or the mind which feeds this verse
Peopling the lone universe.

Noon descends, and after noon
Autumn’s evening meets me soon,
Leading the infantine moon,
And that one star, which to her
Almost seems to minister
Half the crimson light she brings
From the sunset’s radiant springs:
And the soft dreams of the morn
(Which like winged winds had borne
To that silent isle, which lies
Mid remembered agonies,
The frail bark of this lone being)
Pass, to other sufferers fleeing,
And its ancient pilot, Pain,
Sits beside the helm again.

Other flowering isles must be
In the sea of Life and Agony:
Other spirits float and flee
O’er that gulf: even now, perhaps,
On some rock the wild wave wraps,
With folded wings they waiting sit
For my bark, to pilot it
To some calm and blooming cove,
Where for me, and those I love,
May a windless bower be built,
Far from passion, pain, and guilt,
In a dell mid lawny hills,
Which the wild sea-murmur fills,
And soft sunshine, and the sound
Of old forests echoing round,
And the light and smell divine
Of all flowers that breathe and shine:
We may live so happy there,
That the Spirits of the Air,
Envying us, may even entice
To our healing Paradise
The polluting multitude;
But their rage would be subdued
By that clime divine and calm,
And the winds whose wings rain balm
On the uplifted soul, and leaves
Under which the bright sea heaves;
While each breathless interval
In their whisperings musical
The inspired soul supplies
With its own deep melodies;
And the love which heals all strife
Circling, like the breath of life,
All things in that sweet abode
With its own mild brotherhood:
They, not it, would change; and soon
Every sprite beneath the moon
Would repent its envy vain,
And the earth grow young again.
Luna Jay Mar 2019
What’s wrong with the Big Pharma?
Controlling governments
Ruthlessly consolidate
The elite
Who are able to afford
Basic health care.
Severe side effects
Detrimental to our health and wellbeing.
Taking painkillers
Has caused an epidemic
That’s part of a sinister plan
To squeeze yet more profit
Out of a system designed to
Keep human beings chronically unhealthy.
Vaccines too often have had the opposite effect,
Exponentially increasing illness,
Causing irreversible damage,
And even taking lives of our sick brotherhood.
Population suspect that it is now
Being used as a weapon of mass destruction
To effectively depopulate the earth.
Betty Redd Aug 2016
times getting closer listen well
end of times in nearer than one thought

being called home is no lie
soon the horizon will change
life as one knew it will forever change

death camps coming water winding down
by plan not being natural weather
got changed by man chemicals

changing the position of the
coming rain for the west

rain not coming either
trains to the death comp
are in place to depopulate

a large mass of people in these United States.
Graves already dug caskets lined up in rows
guillotines sharpened in place too.

This change is less than a year away
my words are true about Agenda 21 check
yourself on the internet.

By the way the chip is next red 666 on the arm if you refuse
no buying or selling or trading.

If you take the chip you will lose your soul and
never see God.
If you still refuse the other choice is head chopping
with the guillotines
End times
Big Virge Sep 2021
So Are We Seeing The Demise...
of Our Human Kind... ???

Because It Now Seems Like...
What We’ve Done Is Unwise...
When It Comes To Our Lives...
And How We Use Our Minds...

Technological Vibes...
Like Machines Now Rise...
To Provide Intelligence...
And New Age Weapons...
That Can Now Fly...
High Up In The Sky...
With No Humans Inside... !?!

It’s A Crazy Time...
To Now Be Alive... !!!

As Humans Decrease...
Due To Some Disease...
That Some Believe...
Came From A Laboratory... !!!

Our... Human Race... !?!

Mental Health Issues...
Now Becoming The Rage...
Because of Child Rapes...
And The Strain of Fame...
For Playing Games...
And Sports That Court...
Internal Wars...
Due To News Reports...
And Media Hoards...

Who Could CARE LESS...
About The Type of Stress...
That Apparently Begets...
Both Women And Men...
Who Are The Best...
When It Comes To Contests...
That Demand Mental Strength...
And A Strength of Mind...
That Most Can’t Find...
When It Comes To Their Lives...

So There Is A DEMISE...
of Much That Resides...
Inside of The Heads...
Who Compete Against...
THEMSELVES... It Seems...
Which Is... Kind of Crazy... !?!

Like Those Who Believe...
That It’s Okay To Be...
A Woman Who Has No Ovaries... ?!?

Or A Man Who Began...
Life As A WOMAN... ?!?

So Now Natures Design...
of Our Human Kind...
Is Being Refined...
To See A Steady Decline...

That Doesn’t Seem Right...
But Apparently... IS... !?!

And Has Brought The Demise...
of Expression That Enlists...
RESISTING Such Things...

So Now Loose Lips...
Can Sink Your Ship...
If Certain People Think...
That You’re Being Homophobic...

And When It Comes To Gender...
There Are Now Agendas...
That Wage Vendettas...
On Those Who Speak...
Their Minds FREELY... !!!

So There Is A Demise...
In Freedom of Speech...
And Freedom To Think...
To These Cancel Police...
On Internet Feeds...

But There Is NO DEMISE...
In... Racist Police...
Or The Types Who Lead...
Who Do Not Believe...
That Taking A Knee..
Is A Way To Protest...
Against Inequalities...

That Anthems Express...
About Our Histories... !!!!!

These Days It Seems...
That There Is A Demise...
In Basic Decency... !!!

While Hypocrisy...
And Corrupt Regimes...
That Use Devious Deeds...
To STEAL Money...
Are Seeing No Demise... !!!

In Fact Their RISE...
Is Now Making Mandates...
All Over The Place... !!!

To Make People Vaccinate...
And Keep Masks On Their Face... !!!

Which Leaders Claim...
Is To Keep Us SAFE...
And To Help Them Decimate...
All These Corona Strains... !!!

That Have Seen No Demise...
In Fact They MUTATE...
And Return Again... !?!

Like Lies Maintained...
By Political Names...
Who Seem To Have NO Shame...

But Yet See NO DEMISE...
For Letting Truth... DIE... !!!

Which Of Course They’ll Deny...
Like Those Who Live Life...
Behind The Guise...
That Things In The End...
Will Be... ALRIGHT...

Because of Ignorance...
And A State of Denial...

About The Signs...
That Are Now In Sight...

From Gender To Agendas...
That Wage Vendettas...
Against Helping Us Better...
Our Human Kind...

To The Type of Mandates...
That Are Now Making Waves...
Like Corona Strains...
Time And AGAIN... !!!

It’s A Whole NEW AGE...
Where What’s Being ERASED...
Is Being... HUMANE... !!!

WhIch Is Why Poetry...
That Deals In FREE Speech...
Is Being Downsized...
Like Forthright Rhymes...
Because of Insights...
That Are OPENING Eyes...
About The Decline...

of Our Basic Rights...
To Just Live Our Lives...

WITHOUT Protest Lines...
And The Type of Vibes...
That Are FAR From Nice... !!!

Which Is Clearly Why...

When It...
Comes To Where Were Heading...

This Set of Rhymes...
Is Now Asking This Question...
... About Our Human Kind...

Are We Seeing The Beginning...

of Peoples...

....... “ Demise “.... ???
The signs right now, aren't the best for humanity's future.....
Big Virge Sep 2021
Now This Is A Question...
That’s One Worth Addressing...

When It Comes To Their Movements...
How Many Can Say That They...
Know What They’re Doing... ?!?

Cos’ These Days Its Quite Clear...
That Movements Need Improving... !!!

From Things Some Are Choosing...
That Deal In... Delusions...

And Things Quite Confusing...
When They Deal In Looseness... ?1?

Or Choices That Lead...
Has Set As The Flavour...
Defining Their Being... ?!?

You Know What I’m Meaning...
Some Mind States Need Cleaning...
Because of Their Leanings...
And Modern Day Teachings... ?!?

It's Clear Some Are Seeking...

As If Natures Dealings...
Have Not Served Them Well... ?!?

But Will They Be RUING...
The Things That They’re Doing... ?!?

When Wisdom Prevails...
And Starts To Derail...

Their Thinking And Actions...
Like Keeping Folks Captive...
For Slave Masters Lashings...
And Linking With Factions...
Whose Movements Bred Sadness...
And All Sorts of BADNESS...
Like Separatist Clashes... !!!

That Now Lead To Bleeding...
In Protests We’re Seeing... !!!

It Seems That Confusion’s...
Now Causing Contusions...
As Well As Pollution...
of Things Some Are Doing...

It’s CRAZY To See...
The Things People Feel...
That They Currently Need... !?!

That’s Right Like VACCINES...
To Fight Off Disease...
Like This... COVID-19... !?!

Twenty AND......
Twenty One....... !!!!!

Cos It’s Clearly NOT DONE... !!!

So Have New Policies...
Really Proven To Be...
What Will Now Bring Defeat...
To This Viral Infection... ???

That’s Made Us Start Testing...
And Taking Injections...

What Heads Are Stressing...
Has Created TENSIONS... !!!

And Fuelled MANY Questions...
From All Kinds of Sectors... !!!

Except For Those Still Making...
... LOTS of MONEY... !!!

Like... Vaccine Companies...
And These Big Pharma Teams... !!!

Which Seems Funny To Me... ?!?

So What Are They Doing...
Inside of Their Labs... ?!?

Are They Showing Prudence...
Or Is This A... PLAN... ???

To Now Trace And Track...
Almost EVERY Human... !?!

The Earth To Make Space...
For A Depleted Race... ?!?

Cos’ Whatever Their Doing...
Has Fuelled Protest Movements
That Have Caused QUITE A STIR...

But What About THEM... ?!?
Are They Really What’s Best...
To Suppress Governments...
And Agendas They Set... ?!?

What They’re Doing On HILLS...
Seems To Feed BITTER Pills... !!!!

But Have They EFFECTED...
A Change That’s CORRECTED...
What Has Been Selected...

To Be The BEST Way...
To Escape Viral Strains...
That World Governments Claim...
Have Been Quick To Mutate...
And Infect Us Again... !!!

AGAIN And AGAIN... !!!

So What Are People Doing...
When They VACCINATE... ???

Oh Of Course They’re Protecting...
Themselves From A Heading...

Where They End Up Bedded...
And Hospitalised...
Like People Who’ve Died...
Because They Rejected...
World Leaders Guidelines... !!!

That Just Don’t Seem Right... ?!?

I Guess Modern Life...
Has Caused Some To Find...
A NEW Way of Thinking...

That’s Changed How They’re Living...

But Will They Be RUING...
The Things They’re Now Choosing... ?!?

From What We INJECT...
To RELIANCE On Tech...
And The Changing of ***...
To Attempt To Ease Stress...

What On Earth’s Coming Next... ?!?

Will We Keep On POLLUTING...
Our Minds With Confusion... ?!?

That Leads To Delusions...

And Questions Like This...

Do Folks Know...

... “ What They’re Doing ? “...
A very interesting subject, and question, for these days and times.....
Arcassin B Aug 2017
by Arcassin Burnham

You wouldn't talk,
you wouldn't squeal,
now look at you,
you're sitting right in hell,
can't be the truth,
what this world brews,
it's nothing new,
rather be dead than probably sitting in jail,
the problem is,
we take in a lot,
buy from these fakers,
eat your food or it'll be stale,
we're eating twins , i'll tell you later on what all of that means,
by all means its guaranteed,
they thrive off greed,
live in deceit,
give the money, they destroy our peace.

trying to depopulate the earth,
ain't that a *******,
poisons meds and foods,
I'm going vegan , do you think i'm a sucker,
we don't know the products we put in our pots,
automatic disabilities from the flu shots,
this ain't a conspiracy cause its already been bought,
shipments already been stocked,
learning **** that is a lie in every school that we've been taught,
times is of the essence,
only just have seconds,
time to break the silence and debate the tension,
God is always listening,
ain't no time for wishing,
long as you just pay attention.

You wouldn't talk,
you wouldn't squeal,
now look at you,
you're sitting right in hell,
can't be the truth,
what this world brews,
it's nothing new,
rather be dead than probably sitting in jail.
I walked the straight path,
Broad wicked laughs, back draft, got the people's getting autograph,
By the poisoned, my ears picky to the sounds
That lifts me,
Bless the spliffs of a rhyme, it's so heavenly, they see it as a hellish sea,
Cuz I take the santicity, of life seriously, like why everybody wanna pick on me,
Is it because, I peep the world for what, it really bleeds, indeed,
Cant heal the wounds, that been consume, by the evils perfume, that looms,
Over society, specs nervous, like sinners in sunday service, lurkers
Take a good glance, as i romance ya medulla truth to the spiritual shooters,
Though I may be fried, and denied, but im walking like the great leaders,
Assassinated amongst us, say they love us, but I all i see is hate brushed,
Amongst us, cant talk real any more, cancel nation on the verge of a war,
Since I was raised on the battlefield, that Adolf ****** once shield,
Rookie killers tryna get time like Miller, bone chiller, vibe to the thrills of Dilla,
Perform excellence, no embellishment, succeed in all, accomplishments,
Multiple clients, we never repent to the evil that's always sent, I stitch,
Pain long ago, but no matter where I go, i go people still wanna know,
Why I rebel, i sit like jesus inside of a jail cell, i ain't scared to die in Hell,
Feel me, folks be real with me,? Where do you picture your soul eternity?
I picture my self at the mountains, blazing trees, with Panthers round me,
And a big throne, all alone my eyes glaring, bleeding the pain of humanity,
Wish they could see, what I see though the choirs sung, of the angelic family,
Link with the Cosmo portals, along with the mice galaxies, they sent me,
To level the earth, since my birth, cried once I stepped foot, on the mass,
This a new clash of jazz, flashback of the rat pack, dance to this silent track,
But you'll draw tunes, once you get caught, in the verbal booms, super sonic,
No more need for chronic, I saw the light in the dark, and vice versa,
This is an old school circa, zoot suitz witha couple of godly troops,
Still riding high in my lexus coupe, oops, I mean I'm in a daydreams,
Diary and drama of King, diseases still laying tragedy in the families,
I know what they doing, depopulate only to create, clones of humans faith,
Demonized the idea, by the time theyll realize, theyll be already magnetized,
Sights of blue beams, I told yall in the sunbeams, the hardest at dawn,
Time to get it on, one on one, microphone battle, political cypher rattles,
They playing both sides, of war and peace but I see the, death rates increase,
Along with my heartbeat, it beats to the rhythm of nature,
No weapons form against me, shall harm me, I speak from the same imagery,
Of the dead before me, they gave me these skills, to talk so eloquently,
Now Im. Sleepless, hopeless but at the same time, I'm hoping for less,
Never chase success, I just look at the rest, fighting over spare change,
Death of a young man

There is a schooner in the bay flags on half mast
a crew member had fallen from the top of the mast
and since the ship had no freezer he had been
buried at sea. This reminded me of the deckhand
on a boat, I was on he fell down and empty hold
got up insisted he was ok, but the captain called
an ambulance and two hours later he was dead,
At eighteen his passing was senseless. I hoped
his mother had more children to console her which
she wouldn't have had had she been caught up
In the abortion debate believing it was ok only
having one child. Abortion is the quickest way to
depopulate a country; the Israeli knows this and
give black Jews a pill so they can abort, they want
European Jews of the type who becomes good
soldiers and belief in their supremacy.
Edward Schall Feb 2020
Through my own eyes I rush inwards as by verbal plucks you've snapped my last string,
From the sanctity of sanity my spirit falls, smoldering while disintegrating, of tomorrow we can now only dream,
Memories fading and terror realized that this fall ends in rebirth and no more are the feathers of my hope's wings,
What will tomorrow bring with dead birds in my soul that no longer sing?

Vicariously through the nescient words manipulate,
But of consequence they do not calculate,
As the dead cells of in our soul accumulate,
Now a new rendition we will play, with blackened intentions to dismay, now for their spirits what in the coda awaits?

We will annihilate,
Force pain on them to assimilate,
With a rage death can not sate,
In their mind of dreams we will depopulate,
And in Hell together we will immolate,
Never again shall you formulate to isolate and decimate,
Scream and pray, for us both it is too late,
From your tower of schemes your corpse shall occilate,
As from your eyes I watch life dissipate,
Of this ire to you seconds are dire, no escape,
No rest until of your entirety we mutilate,
For our race needs no more vermin to postulate,
That by ****** they can alleviate,
Their jealous need to emulate,
Emotions others have that in them God forgot to activate.

To hurt the innocent for thoughts and feelings you can not make,
May result in things you will not have to fake.

— The End —