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While they noticed the stretch of kohl in her eyes,
I could see a pacific of emotions trapped.
While they admired her blushing cheeks,
I could read the paleness she painted red.
While they were going gaga over her smirk,
I could fathom the depth of pain that debarred a hearty gale.
While they were lured by the cascade of her hair when she unscrewed the bun,
I could feel the onus of the tantrums she wanted to turf out.
While they were hypnotized by her mesmeric curves,
I was stunned by the withstanding efficacy of such a fragile body.
While they adored her attire and scarves,
I could trace the bruises she carried with poise.
While they were hung up by the glory of her face,
I could do no help but ride out at the scars she concealed with sprightliness which was the most beautiful thing my eyes could ever have a view of and it left me dazed...
And my mouth wide opened.
-Aparajita Tripathi
Pet was never mourned as you,
Purrer of the spotless hue,
Plumy tail, and wistful gaze
While you humoured our queer ways,
Or outshrilled your morning call
Up the stairs and through the hall—
Foot suspended in its fall—
While, expectant, you would stand
Arched, to meet the stroking hand;
Till your way you chose to wend
Yonder, to your tragic end.

Never another pet for me!
Let your place all vacant be;
Better blankness day by day
Than companion torn away.
Better bid his memory fade,
Better blot each mark he made,
Selfishly escape distress
By contrived forgetfulness,
Than preserve his prints to make
Every morn and eve an ache.

From the chair whereon he sat
Sweep his fur, nor wince thereat;
Rake his little pathways out
Mid the bushes roundabout;
Smooth away his talons’ mark
From the claw-worn pine-tree bark,
Where he climbed as dusk embrowned,
Waiting us who loitered round.

Strange it is this speechless thing,
Subject to our mastering,
Subject for his life and food
To our gift, and time, and mood;
Timid pensioner of us Powers,
His existence ruled by ours,
Should - by crossing at a breath
Into safe and shielded death,
By the merely taking hence
Of his insignificance—
Loom as largened to the sense,
Shape as part, above man’s will,
Of the Imperturbable.

As a prisoner, flight debarred,
Exercising in a yard,
Still retain I, troubled, shaken,
Mean estate, by him forsaken;
And this home, which scarcely took
Impress from his little look,
By his faring to the Dim
Grows all eloquent of him.

Housemate, I can think you still
Bounding to the window-sill,
Over which I vaguely see
Your small mound beneath the tree,
Showing in the autumn shade
That you moulder where you played.
Love is an ocean with boundless limits
At times waves do travel to the shores
Beauty in the eyes of lovers make poets
Love makes similes, beauty metaphors

She is in my heart and I am in her eyes
This is what love takes time to explore
Love takes to heart all the beauty cries
Like a lunatic entity goes door to door

My dreams are just like broken glasses
I have debarred myself from the taste
Sins have taken away all with glances
I have nothing with me she is but chaste

Col Muhammad Khalid Khan
Copyright 2017 Golden Glow
It was all faintly lit gloom
where her silhouette wouldn't betray
if she was sleeping or awake
amid the thick smell of disinfectant
the world debarred from the room.

I trust not one of you, she would say,
moving germs, a tribe of dirt,
that's what all of you are

Countless times she would dress and undress
drenching herself with dettol
changed linen time and again
and her only pursuit of happiness
was denying even the closest an access
to evade disease only she knew.

Others would find in her
a diseased mind.

When she died
men were hired to burn her
and the celsius ensured
she had a germ free passage
to the next world.
when you go to that lane
where the houses are graves
their rooms only pain
shadows' dark waves

where winds pause morose
light is barred
closed doors and windows
keep sunshine debarred

where walls are deadened
reeking of moss
the way is a dead end
weighed with cross

you would meet a hollow face
covered in hood
who would ask *all these days
you did what good.
It all started after two deaths struck the family
The house was devastated it happened so quickly
They were still in mourning coping with the shock
When was heard their presence the eerie nightly knocks!

The sadness was soon replaced by a sense of horror
Footsteps were heard with none on the corridor
The lights went off their own stones pelted from nowhere
Doors banged without a gale lost things weren’t anywhere!

Ashes dumped on food filled jug was soon empty
Wastes lay littered in rooms locked and debarred entry
Nights were spent sleepless each stayed on bed awake
Praying for the knockings to stop arrival of daybreak!

The terrorized house lay numb without a key to the mists
Till they had them enough the pranks of the evil spirits
Too long was going this at their cost the ghostly ruckus
Not deterred by one’s boastful claim we got a gun with us!

When the unwanted visitors showed no signs of retreat
Priests were summoned to drive out the evil spirits
They said not one but the house is playing host
To not one evildoer but a bunch of malevolent ghosts!

They performed for three days got bagful royal treat
Then they were gone but the visitors didn’t retreat
It was by now known they would go on till
Their mission accomplished they could close the deal!

One day it all stopped as suddenly as did start
Quietly they left sprightly souls did depart
But also found were gone with the phantoms’ revelry
Grandpa’s saved gold coins all Grandma’s jewelry!
the incident not entirely fictitious, the characters not entirely imaginary.
How can I then return in happy plight
That am debarred the benefit of rest?
When day’s oppression is not eased by night,
But day by night, and night by day oppressed?
And each, though enemies to either’s reign,
Do in consent shake hands to torture me,
The one by toil, the other to complain
How far I toil, still farther off from thee.
I tell the day, to please him, thou art bright
And dost him grace when clouds do blot the heaven;
So flatter I the swart-complexioned night,
When sparkling stars twire not thou gild’st the even.
    But day doth daily draw my sorrows longer,
    And night doth nightly make grief’s length seem stronger.
On the stage
is the one
he is not

smiles shakes hands
holds close and tight
he is right on spot.

Hides the real face
speaks and shares
like he is a saint

blamelessly white
open in the light
without a taint.

Busy in the act
to keep away the fact
he is on guard

audience gloats
over crisp anecdotes
any dissent debarred.

From a distance
some in silence
read it in bold

the gore in the glory
the gaps in the story
and all that's untold.
In the barren landscape with little to show
The wintry day was about to bow
When with a tingling fear and a little grouse
I stood alone before the haunted house.
It loomed ominously its spires high
That seemed to pierce the evening sky
Its cobwebbed door and dusty panes
Reeked of evil and bode ill omens.
The chilly wind blew down my spine
Trying to stop me with howling whine
‘Don’t step on this long untrodden track,
Before they find you, better go back’.
For a moment I felt like running away
Not stopping there for the nocturnal stay
But my heavy laden feet dragged me on
There was no going back till came dawn.
Soon I was past the evening’s first star
To enter the doorway that was slightly ajar
The darkness inside was so maliciously thick
It would hardly melt with just one matchstick.
As I lit the candle I cried in utter fright
I was knocked down by a dark whirling night
It was sometime before I regained my compose
It was bats on their flight as from slumber they arose.
The place closely resembled my nightmare’s hell
With silence of the grave and a rotten stinking smell
It seemed to say ‘the alive is debarred here,
When you turn to them, you’ll have no fear’!
I tried not to be unnerved and lit up my torch
To see what lay beyond the long dusty porch
Finding the staircase I tried to gather my poise
But it was soon gone at the ghastly creaking noise.
I heard someone above speaking in muffled voice
‘We had to come here, there was no choice,
But I’m sure something is down there,
A ghost must be moving, I heard sounds down stair’!
Crowd of skin flock for tan
with too many feet sands are pressed
a minion before the monstrous plan
the sea recedes waves are depressed.

Chairs are littered tents abound
through walls of flesh the sea is far
the beach is now a carnival ground
where noise holds fort and peace debarred.

I seek that place where the two of us
would hear the voice of deep solitude
walked in dream through melting hours
on a paradise now lost for good.

I tell my children the shades of hue
when the sea mirrored the colors of sky
till greed of men for more revenue
poisoned the beach drove her to die.
Dee Sep 2014
Shimmering golden droplets of morning dew
Infant day’s perambulations, sun’s journey anew
Another dawn, harbinger of life, a chick’s faltering flight
The soft gossamer gilded freshness, a mother’s pride.

Long shadows drawn, screening day’s events to come
Unintelligible gurgles, chuckles, fount of life to some
A teasing bucolic smile, a toothless grin
Paragon of perfection, hubris within.

At the feet, the shadow shrivelled and scarred
Deserted by me, from vision debarred
Frozen for now in time, a short respite
Ticking moments, sun’s traverse ever so bright.

Evanescence, the shadows have lengthened again
I’ve crossed the gullies, deserts and mountains
Left life’s rapids far behind
Gathering dusk, I feel released from the grind.

The onset of darkness is imminent
A grim reminder – nothing is permanent.
The shadow – my alter ego, the mystery shroud
Who stood by my side for eons, even in a crowd.

Has come to bid farewell, au revoir, adieu
A reminder – its time for us both to go
To disembark, to leave all baggage behind
Life’s purpose achieved, with grace exit
Perhaps to commence another journey anew
Discover somewhere else to coexist.

An Afterlife
The nothingness still remains unchanged, all engulfing.
A hollow emptiness, yet the sun’s journey so fulfilling
Passage of time, A lifetime gone by
Suppose you are confined to four walls
Don’t get to see the sky
Live in a space just too small
But aren’t to question why.

The room doesn’t have a window
Only a door to shut you out
Can’t know when it’s tomorrow
What’s today is in doubt.

Imagine for it isn’t that hard
There can be such a place
Where from all else debarred
You’re alive in death’s embrace.

You alone with a fire within
Without a thing to defend
Caged for what’s passed as sin
It’s too late to amend.

*Let’s stop here this imagined doom
For you haven’t preferred to choose
The pitiless hell of a windowless room
With only a hanging noose!
Grown up child,
you don’t love your dad and mom
at least not in the way
they would have liked you to
as you are to them
their entire world
but to you they are now
just a man and a woman
who begot and brought you up
because they had to
which in no way was exceptional
as you deserved to be brought up
in the best way they could
and shaped for a life
as the nicest dream they could dream
for you to grow up
and blossom into a flower
whose fragrance would see them thru
the rest of their life
and would complete the circle
that god designs for mankind.
But they find,
the grown up child doesn’t love them
the way they had dreamed
when they held its hands
for its first steps of life
and they died to hear
its first papa and mamma
and stood beside their child
at each step thence
embracing it
as their best company
and finding in it
their heaven on earth
ever ready to do
whatever it would take
to see their child happy.
Grown up child,
your dad and mom
though feel debarred from your world
still hold onto their world
that’s made just of you!
My Beloved Leader
My beloved leader Imam Hussain my heart's solace
I salute to you and to your small group of seventy two
When he decided not to submit the race of lawless
Being the true soldier of Allah he was determined to do
Whatever was the call of the occasion to establish writ
He and his group was debarred from food and water
But being hungry and thirsty they were fit and not upset
And then enemy attacked and sky saw man slaughter
Imam hussain fell down from horseback in the battle
Imam Hussain was severely injured went to prostation
This was the excellent action of martyrdom as example
His act of valor and wonderful elation was the salvation
Great Hussain will be remebered for sacrifice for times
His stand for the cause of Allah will bring all mercy
Yazeed will be cursed for his ***** designs henious crimes
Imam Hussain will be the symbol of virtue ,liberty
Colonel Muhammad Khalid Khan
Copyright Aug 2020 Love Remains
And then there were none.

They came and they went..

silent joy simple fun

the starry firmament.

While for words this mind craved

the wind blew unheard

While this ink raved

flew away the singing bird!

The stars got weary of twinkling

real moon turned an imagined one

These blind eyes had no inkling
how they debarred the simple fun.

When they turned to behold

this madness was done

times hid in wrapped fold

And then there were none.
Oh dear muse!
my zeal for you is so profuse,
Oh muse! I feel so unused,
Debarred of that lingering gaze,
Debarred of my flesh awake or an avid grin,
Perpetually behoved to stay ashen,
No yearner in sight,
All have left to write in your praise,
Their heart besotted their mind in haze,
For your beauty plummets their craze,
What of my sullen face?,
How ever shall this daunting envy replace?,
To be whispered and not sighed,
To lay in arms while I cried,
For my imperfection to be a myth,
To have not fears within sit,
To not be a thorn while they search for their rose,
I have envy and I am afraid it shows.
Oh to be loved!
Jayanta Mar 2020
Once started with riddle!
Transect through deprivation
drudgery and debarred!      
Experience edifies us!
Learn how to deign
deliver and derive,  
Crafting self
and bring meaning to life!
Dedicated to Ms Kabe Rongpipi of Chandra Sing Rongpi Village located in Kohora River Basin area of Karbi-Anglong ,Assam.
Getting married at the age of 22 years she pursuing Jhum (slash and burn cultivation) in hills. When first child was born she realizes practicing jhum with small child is difficult, so she search for alternative. She started her alternative venture as Vegetable vendor (she was the first women on this trade in the area) gradually started trading of wild edibles and other NTFP. Now she also practices fruit gardening, food processing along with earlier practices. In our last discussion in January, 2020, she shared ‘she love introduce as business women’.
due to speaking out of
it was decided that he'd be
debarred from a periodic

were he to have
stressed his off key views
he'd of filled the regular

a non adherence of policy
always meet with dire consequences
like being placed in an exclusion

on reflection he
what statements are preferred
by the system's said
What is life it is very difficult to understand
For some thorny path for others rosy garland
For some it is luxury for others castle on sand
Idiosyncrasies never vanish but go hand in hand

There are very many who aspire for loaf of bread
Many do not get coffin even if are mercilessly dead
Valiant are debarred and just by jackals they are led
With blood of innocent people grow the roses in red

A revolution is needed to strike balance on the earth
All are equal no one is low or high by status of birth
If one search for real clean hearts there is but no dearth
All are God made with dignity honor style and worth

Col Muhammad Khalid Khan
Copyright 2016 Golden Glow
Saga of Poverity
Looking at the injustice done in this cruel world
At times I feel sick with pain in heart and soul
My inner helpless voice suddenly sound herald
All atrocities are for those who are weak as goal
World is full of rascals who take toll from debarred
Every helpless soul doing nothing plaintively cries
World is dominated but by underground every lord
Due to lack of food medicine and shelter make dies
What is this all is beyond level of comprehension
All humans are equal the why disparity do prevail
Poor comes in chains and remains but in detention
For some this world is a luxury palace for others jail
Col Muhammad Khalid Khan
Copyright 2017 Golden Glow

— The End —